THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 GYM SUITSND OUTFITS. Students' Laundry Association Wnm. VOUGOT-Wm:. R. FOX, agents for THlE GRAND) LAUJNDRY, of D)ETRIOIT The best high grade launsdey in the State. The only nmachine slomestic hfiihin lbs West. Glovo finish als given. All work promptly, neatly anod carefulily done." offie 2020S. Stales. IResidlence 610 Lawrence st. Now State Phosne. 440. MIWIG6,N GENITfIL "Tho Niagarao Falls Route." CENTRIAT, STNIOARI TtME Taking Effoct Aug. 14, 1898. Mall and sExre. .......343 oat. N. Y. & Bsstoin Special ....... 4 585 Fast Eastern ....5 .... . 943" Atlantic Imxpress..:..........7345 A. m. Detroit Night Express........ 5 55 Grand Rapids Expres........110 00 M1al& Express ..........910 A . Bostoen. N. Y. & Chiclags....... 138 Fast Western Expreens........ t 3r.Mn. G.1R. & Kat. Eanress..........5 453 Chieagoe Night lEapres....... 9 43d Pacific Express.............12 30 A. t. O. W. RUGGLES, I. W. BAYED, 43. P. & T. Ag't. Chieago. Ag't Ann Arber TIME TABLE 'raking Effect, Nov. 10, 1808. Trains leare Ann Arbore by Central Stand. ard Tine. NORTH SOUTH 8'43 A. DI. 0:25A.8M. 12d:40 P. M. 11:25 A.M. 4:560P.M. 8:40 P.M. 9:059A. M. _ 6 1:5P. M. *Run between Ann Arhor and Toledo only. All trinsaiuly except Sunday. E. S. GILOR~E, Agent. W. 0. BENNETT. 0. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. (Jars leave for Detroit at s quarter after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. t31. and up to 11:15 p. mn. For Ypsilanti at a quarter before the laour uip to 12:45 .. m. Cars leave corner Huron and Mai11 Stb. 'rickets on sale at Brown's Drug Store. CORRECT AND STYLISH TAILORING. Te New rnoSEnoln ---- OF 12 STRINGS?" We operaste the finest tailoring trthle ill tile city, an~d Thylefortl otto equal any in1 the State. Te r o aea h We respectfully solicit your vailetd patronaoge. SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE, All garmxents moade by u15 keplt pressedl aud ill Stpal for nswts en Lib~ety treset, lbst snly tilee doors leso:: 1MainsSt. one year. ANAIO1. 10(6 E. I[horoon. New Statte P11oeooe 43. CALENDAR. Holidau Rates via the Michigan Cen- Saturday, Dec. 17-BIanqutet to: tral1 Railovsq. tlte fsootball team~l at Cook Hlouse. TeMcia eta ala erllsrsday, Dec. 22, (Eveling).- eli bili~n Ctt~lRiwo Hlolidlay Vacationl begin in lll do. will sell to professors, teachers anld Stutdents on Ipresenltationtlosetcertificalte partmaenlts of thae University. o lelhrlilsgsd b e' Juldge WI. D. Hlarrintan still leasd Waude, round-sltriip holiday tickets at the dssiOObiotite Con~gregationllllOtie ansi tie-thirid limnlitedfare fur chourchl tomosrrowv (Sunday) lmsorninge lhe roundlsltrip. elicketosowill he solsd immlledilately after tse monrinlg ser-on Dec. 22, 23 ansi 24, giod to re- vice, upth~ ie subject, "Are we josh.ti-irns011)tee andin ludinig Janl. 10, ied inl sendinig mlillions of mniey to 189)9. We have beeta able this year tile hIethein~ foreignl counltries fsor tin extendi theoe rates i11tile Eaost tsi the purpisse of consvertinlg then oti New York, Bostoti, Washiington; inl Christianity, whienl Imillionslo f peisple the West ts Alissouri River, Kansas in oar counltry are spiritulally dying City, Omahail, St. ELouis atid Cairo for wanit of tile same care antd teach-lanin ltermlediate territsory. 0 C ? A.... lip1... itsrt.. the.l...,Ccaeri H. W. H1JS~~. thlere wiul be a general discussion of half an hour BuponI this stuject. Thse students of tile Unliverbity are cor- dially inlvited to attenid. Tile Hospital Circle of oKitog's Daughters still mleet at.l Harrib Hail, Saturday, Dec. 10, 2:30 is . Ii.By order of (lie circle. The AnnllAlibir Skatilig Park on South Fifthis 0n1ow01running. FOR RE NT--Chiiepfronlt suit. Bathl, funace lheaot. 331 Packard street. 65 For ton~e thisse Waldo b lanijos are certain~ly wtinners. Thele details of wosrkmoanishiiplare looikedi lfter with care. eTele result tooisfactoery inl- strumenit. 'flipMusicCos. Ionl Wash- ing~ton St. hlave thlem~. 0t Met MARlIN., FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a speeialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Atmbsulance aight and day. Reo- idence 303 Fifth A ve. - - Mumrllclocks! as. .P111 Win. rnol, Jeweler GET YO' JR LUNIHES AT W, W. TUTTLE'S .3.38 So. Sile Street. OUR PHOTOS . . .ARE .; PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio I112 West Huron St. Otate Phone 119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York - Chicago. ATHLETIC GOODS. Official outfitters eso all ehe leading colleges scol niatletic' clubssof tisconry. Te ine sooanBi c ~yclr, riddlen by lhe tntnrcesligiin A. A. A. A.a. mpn~~ions. ind aillnt riinnnog e,-enyride. Finery Ilnqnd- sine fosnr B lnl. Footi Ball, olf, Tennis, Athilenics, tdymnis 1iui1. Spalding'sOfeicial League Ball Isten fic )1:: ial ns f the Naninal League Blandsioln:e Ctlosgue of Athiletic Sports Spunilinics Oifcial Bstse Ball Guide for 1599. Man cii in. 1iscn s,~ A. G. SPALDING & BROS.. Noew York, Chicago Al News Stasd, 607 E2. William S1. Give ine natrisal. Firot elass work and Promlpt service. PA4UL MEYER. -F. J. SCHLEEDE, 040 0. btate St., unil Bdoobs for 25eand nlwaren,uan elIF A. A Watermn ountaooicPns fur$.O00aodaup All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c, Finest Stationery in thne ily atlowest price "- - - f lRetsler, the 11botographer. THE MAJORITY OF HARVARD AND YALE STUDENTS The Wabash 'Continental Limited" fi alV--il a -& sr -q :naves you tisme511nd money. Gioing home W A R THE for Christmas? Look here, then. YOUs $ OI Pev n ro t7 2 .m n ec eru 12:1)5 11001, Logansport 12:26 p. FU m.,'vettie 1:19 p. us, Danviile 2::-4 p. ms., Decatur 4 p. us., .'laylorville Vo p. is., fit. l.ouinal6:.52 p. mn., Chicago 4:211 Puritdan Shoe Co., p. tn., Indianapolis :1 p. ini., l:ouiSville 'Op. us. Clioseecnnections at these stations for M4IAK ERS. all points in ia,1d1inoidfOa5nod ilos aoori. The Continental Limiteil is the fastn luxiarioss train of the %Vabaoh All Line sod Inssnes Milan going Neot at Sizes $. 0 8:07 a. ms. Consult the ticket agent of $n 0 the Ann Arluor Railrnad for rates anod aok bins foe a Wabash folder. ANN AR~BOR STORE, RL . StNewosm, M. P. A. W.anted=3 Students 110 EAST "U RAN ST., IsT solicit subseripios to the Near Cook Mouse. Chicago Record Fe C. TAYLOR, t dni opportuitsy to eaen some. money. (. M. STEPBENS, '99 a. MANAGER. ._NW_ . WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAW'S DRUG STORE.