4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS WILL FIND AT OUR STORE THE LARGEST AND CHOICEST STOCK OF . . . . .., . . We also carry a very Complete Line of Calendars, Christmas Cards, Desk Sets, Pocket Books, , Card Cases, etc. A T LOWEST PRICES We would especially call your attention to our Books for children, of which we have made an unusually large and careful assortment. SHEEHAN 330 SOUTH STATE STREET Music Studio Plano, Pipe Orga and Conposition R. H. KkMPF From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. 312 S. Division St. Concert Piano Tuniog M.ILLARD THE PRINTER Ann Arbor, Mich. THE RENOWNED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, Will give lessons on the mandolin and guitar at the University School of Music every Friday. For Terms and hours apply to the Secretary. . . . THE . Corner Candy Store (North of Quarry's Drug Store) Tendero a kind invitation to all wining freoh oods at reasonable pries. Lunches o all our freshPo ConPeantsand Candy. W. S. PARKER'S, 15 S. State St. MONEY LOANED On Watches, Diamonds, Wheels or other Per- sonalProperty. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED, Office at residence, 331 E. Liberty St.. Ann Ar- bor, Mich. All buiness confidntial. Hours, 8 toli1:30s. nu andi o3:0di ~o o op.nm. Joseph C. Watts. Bar&ains in Second-hand Watches and Diamonds MAKE A STRIKE BOWLING ALLEY. 310 S. Main St. T. MAHONEY, - Proprietor. Open Day and Night. IDAYJOS. W. KOLLAUF, E E HENew Neck Wear, _ Bath Robes, '25 k s / B " Night Robes, Pajamas, Suit Cases and Trunks. ' G ADE A Special prices for the Holidays, )TA D. A. TINKER & SON, '?f° "..Y.. 334 S. STATE STREET. interc6oiate Bureau of RGailnIG 6ostumne. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALBANY, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Western Mngr., Haskell Museum, Univ. of Chicago One Horse Sleighs for two people Take 2 Horse 4 or 6 " . Your 4 " " " 24 " Choice TELEPHONE 106 HOLMES' LIVERY 815 E. LIBERTY Canopy for Parties, Etc., Etc. LAMPSFO RSTUDENTS, We call attention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "The New Rochester," "The Yale," " The Royal," "The Berlin Student Lamp," "The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the best Lamp for the Least Money come and see us Old Number: ' 4450.O MAIN ST., E & O N ARBOR.MICH. DEAN. Chicago's Viewm of the Game. usually large number of strong The U. of C. Weekly has the fol teams, while she had to undergo the lowing to say editorially of the strain of an extraordinarily long sea- Thanksgiving day game. son, Michigan concentsated all of her WOE. efforts and bent her every effort Could anything be imagined more toward conquering Chicago. Her disappointing, more heart-rending, scheme was the cleverer and the more soul rasping than our defeat easier; thus it is not surprising that last Thursday? How unexpectedly she won." came the catastrophy. Suddenly a Choral Union Ticets. blue sweated body wriggled from a Tickets for the Choral Union Ser- disorderly pile of players, a live man ls will e placed on sale Friday, Dec. opposite hesitates a second before 9 at the folaowinsaces. W, W. lunging at him; an instant more and ,t theAlowing places. W. W. its too late; the game is lost, the Wetmore's, Ann Arhor Music Co., championship has slipped from our calkinof Dus tore, and Unerity Schol f Msic An Aror:Nor grasp and a whole season's glorious inal Conservatory and C. W. Rogers', record is sullied almost to obliteration.Yians d' But the most melancholic part of it Ypsilanti._ was that although we had the best WANTED.-Students to sell Stu- team, we lost. Yet while our defeat dents Directories. Inquire at 208 N. came like a stinging blow as though 4th ave. 65 of lightning from a clear sky, far be FOR RENT, cheap, front suit. 331 it from Chicago to belittle this re- Packard street. 65 markable game which the Michigan Don't delay your photo sittings at team exhibited. To those who saw Randall's. Come early and avoid the Michiganders play Northwestern, the usual holiday rush. 66 shortly ago at Evanston, their master- holiy h tgah fulness came like a revelation. It is Choice novelties in photographs seldom if better or fiercer tackling for holidays at Randall's. 66 has ever been seen on Marshall Field: WANTED-Every one to buy the latest and disgracemot inereting game ever invented. "noe It is no disgrace to have been beaten ail attioe." It is played by wo person, by such a team while they played as each reprsenting a Baser allmnine and will scoee y in rns, il, and ecrrsemikcame no anyame they did, Thursday. We must re- played on the field. sent prepaid to any adress on rceip of l5. member, too, that while Chicago has r BAS BALL AT HOME Co. used her prowess in defeating an un. 550 ,505. Chamber of Commerce, b Detot Mich. "CLUETT" COLLARS ' MONARCH SHIRTS. A Strong Combination .-''Which you cannot be without. You will always find the latest productions with us Wagner & Co., 123 S. MAIN ST. TAILOR, Sakes aspcilyof Fine Black Suits. Al Workmanship. 214 East Washington St., near 5th Ave. W. J. Hsu~o, Pans. Sf W. ARnose, Dst Vicepres J. V. sEEIAN, 2d Vice-pres Jon.C. WALTZ, Asst. CashierSI NO BWINK Transacts a general Banking Business. El DT A I R i DA hiof Ann Arbor FIRST NATIONAL BANK Organiedls3 Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, 540,000 Transactageneralbankiagbuiness. Foreign echnnge bogt and sold. Furnish leters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOULE, Vice-Pres. S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Cor. Main and Huron Streets. Capital, 550,000. Surplus, $30,000. Transacts a general banking business. R, KEnPF, Pres. C. E. GRENE, Vice-Pres. FRED. H. BELsER.Cashier. The Rnn irhor Savings Bank Capital Stock. 550,50. Surplus, $150,000. iResorces3.100lg,00. Organzed under the Cneal Hnking Laws oc tibsaState Rceive deposis, bys nd sels echange on the principal cities o the United States. Drafts cashed upon proper identification Safcty depooit boes to rent. OenEne: Cbeistian Mnc, Pres.; W. D. Harri. man, Vice-Pres.; Chas. E.Hiscoca, Cashier; M. J.Frit zAssitanCashier. LAMB & SPENCER, THE Fancy Grocers We keep everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery and Bakery. Call and see ue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of M. Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. 3228 . State St RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE ... We GuaranteeO Our work. WARREN THE BARBER THE MODEL of State Street is DUNN & ELYs BARBER SHOP If you desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Harry at 332 S. State St. ENOCH DIETERLE E e 9 Funeral Director. Calls attended Day or Night. No. 161 E. Liorty Sete.Reidence 5338s Fora Ave, Phone 19 :M.W. MILWARD I-( TAT ST .--anHAxo