THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 +++++++o$#o++oo+++++++++o~fofo# #+++++++ ++++++0++++++++++#4+0~ooooof SCO LORED CO0L LA R S WHILE THEY LAST.*1 3 FOR25c.N FW SHAPES... Goodspeed's, 117 S. Main St. f++0+++0++0+++01++0+04 444444400+ 44400000 40+0+00 4+0000 444®0 44 oa 4444so4444ooooo® f ....... Students' Laundry Association Wm. VOUGHT-Wem. . FOX, agents tor THE GRAND LAUNDRY, of DETROIT The best high grade laundry an the State. The only amachine dmestcefinih ia the Ws. Gloveefhist soeegiven. Alt wek peenapty, neatly and caeally dee. Office 22 S. State t. Reidenee610 Laweneet.- New State Phae. 441. MIGIGR~fN ,[NTRHL The Niagara Falls Rute." CENTRAL, STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Amg. 14, 1898. Maltand Fxpress ........... 4 P.. N. Y. & BotonSpecia....... 4 50 Fast Eastern ............ ....943" AtlanticREpress ........ 5 A. Detrit NihtEpress ...e....H55 Grand RapidsEpress .....l1it 1 Ma] & Express-............51A. Botan, N. Y. & Chicaga . 0........ 1 Pat Wesern Expres.5.....13 P.tM. . R. & Ea. Rares.........5 41 Chicago Night Rxprese ..S...a..x4 Pacific Epres.........12 30 A. . . W. RUGGLES, 11. W. HAYE, G. P. & T. Agt, Chicag. A't Ann Arbr TIME TABLE Taking Effrct, Nov.. 20, 198. Trainsetace Ann Arbr y Central Stand ard Tine. NORITH _ SOUTH 6:43A. l. *1:25 A. At. ;t2:40 .llr.a. t:2 A. M. 4:6P. M. 8:40 P. 9:05A. idlt. aRn etween Ann Arhr and Tleda nly. All trains daily ecept Snday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. W. H. BENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave fr Detrit at a quarter after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. in. and up to 11:15 p. m. For Ypsilanti at a quarter befrc tie hur up to 12:45 a. m. Cars leave corner Hurn and Main St. Tickets on ale at Brown' Drug Store. FOR 6oinMo-tand SOW~ RIDE ON '\anted=8 Students Ta sliit sahscipina to the Chicago Record A fneaopportunity toearn somaesmoney . M. STEPHENS,'93 L. Studets ! Students ! If dissatisfied with yaae laandry service came bowicy ~Studntsto the OWD61 C q EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY A. F. COVERT, Prep., 209 E. Wash. St. (Chaocolates cad Boss BOIL), Telephone Ne. 211,2 Rings. In bulk and in handsomne packages, Rxeenet Wark and Qaick Service Guareanteed. from one-quarter to five paunda, at ALARMIVICLOCKS, $1 .00. 60c PER POUND.- U. OF M. PINS, 50O Cents. Now on aile at Fine Watch Repairing a Specialiy, BROWN'S DRUG STORE., J. L. CHAPMAN, COR. MAIN AND HURON STS. , 206 Soate Rain Streers. CALENDAR. Holidaty Rates via the Michigan Cen- Friday, Dec. 9.-Atlitic Ball in tral Railwatl. tihe Waerman Gylnnaoitita. The Michtigian Ceitiral Railsvay Saturday, Dec. 17.-Banquet to wiii sell to professors, teaclicrsanatd the football team at Cook Hoitsc. studcnts on presenstation of cecrtificate Thusday, Dec. 22, (Eveaning).- of amembershtip signted by Secy Holiday Vacation begin in all de- Wade, round-trips holiday tickets at partments of the Unaiversity. one and onie-thirdl liiiitedi fare for --- ---- the rouiid trip. Tpickets swill be sold Dr. Novu Will Lecture. 011 Dec. 22, 23 and 24, gosod to re- Dr. F. G. Novy has ctossented to turn Up to asnd includitig Jan. 10, give a talk upon lhio trip to Rtissia, 189)9. We have beeti able thtis year dwelling particularly upon htis visit to extenid thtese rates in the East to is the Fair at NigniiNovgorod, at Newv York, Bostoti, Wasinigtotn; in the Ladies' Library Biidiiig on the West to Missonri Rliver, Ktatsos Hutron street, Monday afteritoon, City, Otmahta, St. Lisuis atnd Cairo Dec. 12, at 4 o'clock. Admtission, 25 anid interatediate territosry. cenits. Dr. Novv's renittatioinaso a H. Wi. HAYRS. rT .. . TrT ....mss. twr lecturer, together switht hio pecultiarly interestitig sttbject, inostres atn in- structive atnd delightful houir. A cordial iinvitatisit is extentded to all. The Hospital Circle of King's Daughters will nmeet at Harris Hail, Satutrdaiv, Dec. 10, 2:30 p. tn. By order of the circle. PFiotball has been abolishted at Miami University, Ohio. For, DENT-Chteap, frsntsiiuait. Bath, furnace heat. 331 Packcard street. 65 Senior rates at titc Berrymnst ou- dio, 112 W. Huron. Here you st kitngwereouyitcoitlid obtain a Martini guitar? Why, thte Ann Arbor Music Co., W~asingstn St. liave thtem, anid have just received a ntew stock. 11 HAVE YOU SEEN The Now Bruno Mandolins OF 12 STRINGS ?" They are for sale at the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Down an Liberty Street, hat anly three doors froain1amSt. ANN ARBORt. 03 M, MARTIN,. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Ambulance night and day. lRes. tdence 302 Fifth Are. Win. Arn-old 1 Jeweler GET YOUR LUN11HES AT W. W. -TUTTLE'S 338 So. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS . . .ARE . . PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 1 12 West Huron St. Statr Phsone 119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. r The Fame the Gaarantee. FOOT BALL SUPPLIES ofiil tfit lters ttt alt the leaditngtcollege,nsch~oland athltic tbtca s. R Spalding's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball Used exclusively lt Yale, Princeto,,aHIarvard lennyvasza. C::vs: 1and ait ether leadia, oolleges and anivesities. ISteageras sald ewere. Spaldisg'a Official Foot Ball Ouide, d bes y WtlierCam,,p. Rtecords. phovto e-pl:.:ftlead~s.ingtas. 189,4ruleswth in tes an~d expilanatory totes, 100a. A. G. SP'ALDING & BROS., Noe York, Chicago MoersL~ll~yAmulc Al News Stand, 607 E. Willijam St. Give me a trili. First class work and prompt dervice. PAUL M EYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE,. 340 S. State St., Binds osafoae25c. an~d tipwards, asdseltrA. A W~atrmansFounsstain JYens lear $1.00 and op All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c, Finest Stationery in the city at lowest peace lr 'entschtev, the Plhotographer. THE MAJORITY OF HARVARD AND YALE STUDENTS WEAR THE PURITAN $HOEI Puritan Shoe Co.,MA RSAlt Sizes AN RO TR,110 EAST HURON ST, Near-Cook House. F. CR TAYLOR Jf MANAGER. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG, STORE.