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October 01, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-10-01

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biE U. of At. WaiIy.
Board of control met Thursday
'Varsity Will Line Up Against Nor- and organized, naming Prof. A. H. The First Issue Will Appear s
mals This Afternoon. Pattengill, chairman and H. B. Pot- Two Weeks.
T T The first football game of the sea- ter, secretary. Prof. V. H. Lane At this time of the year it is fittin
FINE FALL SUITINGS son will be played this afternoon at was elected vice Dean H. B. Hutch- th s the yeara smetinsg
H Regents Field, where the: 'Varsity ins, resigned. The schedule as pub- of one ofis joulisy conem
E . will line up against the eleven of the lished was approved.tJ rpo-
E - 4 Michigan State Normal Institute, of No action was taken on Mr. Bairds' raries, the U. of M. Wrinkle.
Ypsilanti. The game will be called report on the Chicago meeting, But For the benefit of new students it
promptly at 3:30 o'clock, and the it is understood that the sentiment of can be said that Wnkle is Michi-
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T management is especially desirous of the Board is opposed to Michigan's gan's funny paper, published every
having a large attendance at the reentrance into the W. I. A. A. A. two weeks throughout the college-
A STOCK A game in order to encourage the 'Var- until such administrative changes are year. It holds a unique place in
IN THE CITY. sity players in their first effort of the made as to leave the smaller schoos college joirnalism. It brightens
itseason. The game promises to be a a smaller representation on the Grad- college life with its caricatures and
most interesting one. According to uate Council. At present the smaller satires and at the same time gives a
I g L all reports the Normal has the best schools are on equality with the useful training to its stafl of editors
and atist Oneofoissfomeressan
0 eleven it has ever had in the history larger universities, having one vote andartists.e Oneofditsgformerwan-
108 E. WASHINGTON ST. o the institution. They have been each, on the Detroit Free Prss one of work
R R hard at work for the past three Chicago Ma Use Rush Men. former artists is doing splendid pro
some good hard practice. Since Rush Medical College has fessional work in Greater New York,
Ante as studying in Paris the
The 'Varsity did not go out to the become affiliated with the University Anotherwanscom gariso the
field yesterday on account of the wet of Chicago it is now possible to make st year. In comparisosen with the
weather. They lined up on the cam- a union of the football teams. Stagg sities The apers of Eastern uniter-
++++++++++++++ pus by the gymnasium for practice is greatly please at the prospect of none and in many cases is their su t-
with the signals and did some fast having his weak line strengthened by ,ine noeEin anp
You May Have rk. About fifteen men have heen some of the weight now avaible at nor. The Easteri papers are The
y wok Abu ifen eeavnee arad Lampssm, Yle eor,
+ Forgotten + taken to the training tables at Pretty- Rush. The material he has at end Hurcurd Record
Y T Uan's and newt men will he addem and back of the line is better than Crnell Widosa ad Prineeton Tiger.
YOUR TOTH BRan,'s andIhiestillhe timlsixthyeareo
YOUR BLACKiN BRUSH, * just as fast as they show 'Varsity ever hefore, lit a les hundred
or YOUR WHlsK-BROOM, form. pounds of beef in the center will be1Wrnkles existeice. ast year tie
+ In the games this afternoon a large a great help. Cavanaugh took his paper was very successful and prom-
T number of the new men will be old place at center in practice yester- ises to be evei moe so this year,-
The one meyonhae my bewn ouc.it, Iiibro h mwmnsilh l lc tcne nThe first issue will apear in ties.
anda you ay want toreplaceit. We played, and all the men who have day and was a much. needed addition. I
+ our ie., a ne ofrruggist' die if been showing up well in the practice Henry, who played half with Michi- seeks.
$ ompieme. will be given -achance to sein poinis gan last fat, isimosig ip stroigy .alty to Wrinkle can not be exti-
WILDER'S PHARMACY for the 'Varsity. The men will line and will very probably make one of guished, his sent mu some si his
sac south state street up as follows: Chicago's ends. charming drawings. The editorial
330Osmim5imesun. mi asfolos: hiag's ndloardghave t itheir note-ooks bover.-
+++++++_ ++++ ++++4 + C., Carr, Brown, Smith. '99 Football Meeting. fowing ithsctihlations athere
DON'T FORGET L. G., Fance, Overs.ith The candidates for the '99 football during the easy moments of summer.-
the OLD RELIABLE R. R, Steckle, Da team held a meeting Thursday and The freshman will receive a great
House. Hot and cold lunches ' ',teectedkWD. McKee captain and share of the attention-
at all hours. Chocolates and Ice L. T., Wood, McDonald. Wm. Mack tem orarpmana er. Any of those who have made their
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and R. E., Bennett, Capt., Ganshaw. ' p mne
Tobacco, and full line of Smoking Sup- L. E., Snow, Chase, Law. Tuwenty-six candidates presented appearance in college and feel that
plies. R. E. JOLLY & O. Q., Tahcott, Oram themselves and practice will begin they are capable of writing verse or
308 So. State Street.R. ,W i y Monday. '99 intends to make a ingatherg any of the little incon-
L. H., Maisne, Bance, Beynmer. strong bid for the championship and sistencies, sarcasms, exaggerations ou
H H~TL GY. K nWeeHo er 'according to the material they will. incongruities which make up a large
SHISTOLOGY, F., Keena, Weeks , Hoover. All of last year's team are back with part of the joke world are asked to
BACTERIOLOGY, Tennis Affairs. lots of new men. One out-of-town write up their "stuff" and either
Tennis Manager Riegehman reports game will probably be arranged. mail or deliver it to Wrinkle for his
PATHOLOGY. the tennis courts to be in excellent exammation. The writer of this
condition and ready for fall play. A Gym Work to Begin Soon. article is informed that mother-in.-
Complete outfits even to force of men have been at work mark- Director Fitzpatrick assisted by law, bicycle and patriotic jokes are
- a ing and rolling the courts and they Dr. Rabethge has been busy since obsolete and will be discounted tens
were never in better shape. The fall last Wednesday noon with the phys- per cent. All are invited to send in.
Our Price is Bottom tournament will open about Oct. 10th ical examinations which are now in examples of their humorous faculty.
one week from next Monday and all progress. They are desirous of com- A certain skill is sufficient warrant
AK HA Y tennis men are requested to come out pleting the examimations before No- for placing one upon the board. Ad-
CAL.KINSPH AR MA CY andget a little preliminary practice vember, as the regular class work for dress communications to Wrinkle,
before entering the tournament. the freshmen will begin at that day. Ann Arbor, Mich.
ome valuable prizes are offered and All freshmen must report before
E vall s play teupis are urged to come that time. Director Fitzpatrick has About $111,000 has been expene-
out and enter, not decided how long the work will ed on the campus this summer. The
The classes will be first and second continue in the spring. amounts include the following items
ACQU E class singles and first class doublesReconstructing law building, $65,-
There will be no second class doubles. Harry Haddon, tackle on the 94 000; addition to the library building,
The enns mnagr wil mke ur-team, is in the employ of Armour & $20,000; roof and dome on Univer-
Jusi am thisstie we want eey smiiih tenmis manager will make fur- C. tS.JspMsthl
denttsvisit cau rooetos, wheshe; ther announcement through the col- Co., at St. Joseph, Mo. sity hall, $12,000; work ore chemical
aet aewn wi dothown, wandinvic uumns of this paper as to when the A. F. Everett, '98 E., is in the laboratory, $3,000; addition to me-
you tosmake our stores our rendez. entries will be open. employ of the Deep Waterways chanical laboratory, $1,500; sun
UNIRVERITY,dcan ma ee saa eciro o Commission in New York. roomat hospital, $1,500;l aundry.
row pice on second-hand bonks io Those in charge of the football Evans Holbrook, '97, sho gradu- and sterilizer for hospital, $2,400
sitrysseDetend e asp ply ,97mutishearwil
aleyturendnand ate ricesua team this year will try a new plan. ated at Stanford has entered the Law extendingsteam heatingplant,$1,500;
antekdbllozig and sod. gn t has been customary fora person eneral repairs on campus buildings,
anoeed.buhind sld. sd-adI asbe usoayfr esnDepartment. $400. otl,$10,00
W A filling the position of quarter-back to $4,000. Total, $110,900.
bea light and very active man. This
year they will try Steckles, the heavy Varsity vs. Normals, at Re- Volney M. Spaldng, professor of
TWO STORES tackle, in the position to add weight gents Field this afternoon, at botany, after spending a few months'
Up Town Down Down m line bucking and heavy interfer- ,' at his summer home in New-York,
State St. Opp. Court House ene. It is an innovation in football 3:30 o'clock sharp. First game will go abroads on leaveof. absence,
Mlain Street tactics. of the season. because of ill-health.

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