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December 07, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-07

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P -ON-
SWE3ATEjRS, T asaeialtof~
- To close out odd sizes.
Fn Bac uD A. TINKER & SUN, FieBakSis'
3.34 S. STATE STREET. Al Workntship.
/ . . ,214 East Wasohingtton St.,nar 5th An,._

Aencesy fr h Cletoe Lonly ot.
Best (tOe oliar Gloet, in the city sis the
Lined and Unlined.

61'?ir people. IntGPoIIcotiate Bureau 01ftlcadeuie (ostumeo.
ALBNYue, N. Y.
Caps, Gtowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class
A redo slSl~ be' Cane,(less Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address
1 rcordof prsonl obE~rw. C. KERN, Western lnngr.,
vation andi experienlce, with a Il eli.sao San f hng
shrl umr ftemr 9iportan~t facts illtile histoly
of the are'hips'htgo. Telephone 106. 5 15 E. Liberty St.
By PR1OF> ---___ __________ -__ _____
Den . oreser L P ~STUDENTS.
DeanC. orcste. L M PSWe call attenttions to our complete line of (tenter Draft Nickel Plated Lamops,
rangisng in price frost 75c tot s$2.50 each. Th'lese Lamps are of the latest and
most impsroved patterns and snakes. Incluidingt "Thse New Rochster" 1"The

JWN AC ,t5' Asee sssh
'Transacts a genseral
Bankin g Business.
Capital,$,00tttl .tSss nts rot'sfits, tE40,000
ehetstouoghtns old t. Persistslettets of
N. 5). KSNNCs, Prs. ttIttSON St)il)5,
S. W.I CLARKcSON, Cas-is it
Cor. Mass sod 51eren ts 5t-
Capistals, $5s,000. Surpltss, $30,0,0. 'rtosates:.
sI, Ksp's, tres. C.. c tIl:oos, Vice-Pr's
Fism)s. 51 Byss-Eu. Csoiser.

Price, $4.00Yale"'"lse Royal," "The B3erlinvStodessi Lsamp,"' "Tlhe Perfections Studenst I I~e leeH Arbor Savings Ban~
Puiblisher's Pie -$.0Lamp" If yost wanst these sot Lamp fsor the least .3'ons come ansee05us. tsptl5se. ~tO sssse 515
Our Price, - . 3.00) Old Numbers:ttResrc.sess .e00.
44 SO. MAIN ST.., orgasteed undsste sGientesal Booking sets
- -ANN ARBOR, MICH. D A N0 0 0efthi tatset. Rtecivesdetssits, bus as e st
___ _______________ escehaels te priipasl citiet of the Slotted
Stats . Drafts cesheti supsss prssper id~entifieations
A Piano at a Nominal Price. CosinelissFP Kelly, '918 L., was Ossreciats etritia Ie. V. It. 51anei.
smats iee-t'tet.; Chasse. N. HisesocK, Coottist
Sfi0f41f G Ch(Iicago' stagest music Isouse, Lyon & eletdto teuseatur f)otaaa t. sitntCsir
I e slyIshsve boiught fo afractitsn of ito fromtsBite cousnty fsy aarsgnesnajor --- - NVRIYiOKSLES {csteetr tc fLoPte t.M.Klyi n ftemst
Co thsslendidlpiasnes aelferesd sltic&ieesEtsNCttER,9
wes'S~I ishu eev ni l r od npplrpbi fiesi Bte A Bts stotk art unsher stow Steinwsay lDon't delay yousr 1p110( sittisngs at
PinPpra)adCaorostnion planses:, stosdIunsdreds of now sond second- Ratssl'll'S. Csome early andss avosid 1T' II IE
P~a~a, ins Ona~ andhang Iianost55including instruments itf
T( thse folloin g wellnotn masssle: Stes- tusuassl soliday russh. f
]RH i \2I l'ln. Iaitssgen .B. Chase, doots [eo er
FromSa tttigaritCotsratory,Germany li sr 1Weber, (Isicherin , (x.11 W. Lyon, Ll.Os-Opn5facesisd arlC n y r
312S. ivsio S, Cncet ian Tni~ ietc.,ott. Irs squasre piano-,thsere are C. S. ost case. Returtn to Alpsia
asa. Dsttosan. Cooen P505Too~gfine-toneostrulemensslot t$25 $ 40- $60, Ieis'i ttstasiircie; esrl
aod suissar-Os In Upright Pissnos nest gf . .5'SS5 We keep everytiisgustuoally kepst ;55a
instrumesnts at Slt),'-,140, S8150,$165,$190t, ________________ H. Ifirst-elsssGrocory and Ilakery. ('al
0LA 2110 insd upwarels. InIBaby Brando (liicenovelties is otsogrss oanseot
Mom niceRDI specimnist 42511 intensded to fro-, *.t ~ndl's i
TITE fseloi oo at teast doubhle those 'leasing, lslisysa _sdals t 318 S. STATE ST.
El\ '1 T 1 sate5rit'es. A gsed llan would he to
order a pianio, leasvinsg the selection of it StuesisDirectory 1--$I lo t c, O 'R N X
Ass ArsbrSMich. -to Lyon &.eaoly. However they vwill dentis.YOU'E.NEX
sensd a listandsifusll particolassrupnon up- WANTED-Every ote to tssy ohslatstanod ' U. Oftl. 1. )l silto ioj
THERENWNE MADOLN VRTUSO plit-ation. Any piano not proving en- 00m ostnesing etoss e ent'vseoted. "Bacse tatllutlt R~i it)2ttts
T5 CO~OC MNOINVRSJ5O tirety osatisfactory stiay he retnrned at Bsait at Hlome."'5 it i~sd by twa pecos -a*TIoiooss P' ,7G .Sia
MR.XV EUGENE PAGEHeira pns drs sspy ynIoly, Chieago. Distance is no ohstacle plad o t ht feld. Sents prepaid tsotny sddrens RAZOR HONING
Willgiv lesonssen he stndlinandin taking advantage of this remoarksable'ssonreceipt of s5t.
l~il iv lssnsonth mndli adehsance to obtain a piano, for in propor- BASE BALL AT HOME Co. IS A SCI ENCE
guitar at the lUnive1'sity SC-litiftflion to the saving to be msade the freight 508,_5___CaberofComceiS eOtrnteUs ah
IMsssic every Friday. For Torssand charges are insignsificant. Write today TeDooyertru oCi wiheGurnteto or-
hours apply to thse Secretary. WoAaRtoEvoiddisapoinment
--- ---- -- sipress upon every studenst thse fact
-e-ls-S ttrse o (eo- that they carry the largest line of THE MODEL of State Street
Sels tlyscll ast.itilotinHis-o ttostudents Supplies ansd also thsat thsey BARBER SHOP Buss&dir
1 eM nW o'6on hursday,Dec.n8, wor tefrtsare NEVER UNDERSOLD. frs laswokan outou detreamn
Peasuto andtsopeorn atlthe Athletic recitatiors. ''lbioobk nt t iet ft aswrkadcureu retet
tField to Plain ssnd Solid Gemty' esn Bureau or tasw, Washino-ton, D.try eorge and Ilarry at 332 S. State St.
C.relInfpgesmntioniilpertaining to the ---_ _--et' an-d
W. S" PARKER, frt ae nSldGeometry. CUsso ntOC IEEL
JAMEIS \V. GLOVEaR. Laws of the Unitded States, of the EOHDTRL,i-uneal D[reetor..
a1 5 S. State. Csall in andgsee him. -________ several states stud territories of the tlls atteoded Day or Night.
Mills' U. ott M. Directory tot United States, of Foreign Cousntries' No. tots N. Ltiserty Stieet. Besidese-53N3
IVO E L A E tudents $1 per year in advance. t.f. furnished upon apislication. Foaurth Ave,. Phase 129,
oSi Wstcese.Dimonds-,Wheelsr osher Per-_________
soalol'pserty. " L E T O L R
ofieat tresidonce, 531 EN Liberty St., Ass Ar-MONARCH S IR T.
bot'. Mtioh:.A11-bisneso confidential. Hsors-SA 8.rc.,
Jsseph C. Watts.A.... i
Bargainsois Secosd-hand Watches and Daosds
MAKE A STRIKE p Whicls you cannot be without. MWMIWR
MAKE A ST IKEYou will always find the latest
BOW IN A LEY 4 s- productions with us ANRO
310 S. Main St. . . . .. . ," .<
T. MAHONEY, - Proprietor. 'RON '31N.BAC - lN
Open Day and Night. 123 . MAIN ST.


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