THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 AND OUTFITS. TY GOOD8IPELD &,50N, Z E-1? I- - . - & -n 1-1 I117 S. MAIN- ST., Students' Laundry Association Wma. VOUGOT-Wia. R. FOX, agIentor THE GRIANI) LAUJNDRY, of DETROIILT The hethigh grade laundry in thceState. The onlymaechine domaetc fteish in the Wert. Gloenfitnish alsoegicen. All woek proniptlty, neatly and carefatly tone. Office 202 S. State tit. tesitenee Mt Lawreence at. New State Phone. 441. MIGIG,,fN 6ENIRAL 'The Nagara. Falls Route. Ita balk 'atd in i i tdsonit..pac agis, f rotii oie-qttiarter to tive poiuids, at 0oc PER POUND. Nowes t e at BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Students ! Students ! EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY A. tF. CiETt, Prop~., 20 E. Waosh. St. Tilephtote Ne. 011,02tRing-. Exellent Work and IQnickaeerc(lGnranteed.: ALARI4I CLOCKS,$1.. I.T. OF 31. PINS, 50 Celits. Flne Welch Rtepiring a Specialty, J. L. CHAPMAN, i;F.NTRAi, STbNIati) TtItE CON. MAIN AND HURON STS. 00 Solte Mail Slreet. Teking Etlert Nttg 514,15898._________ Stl GOING l EAST. .eCALENDAR. A0oeiicltiti if seililellisowitig NY & o seton Spciial ...........t. 58 t P ast Eaistern. . . . 4'3s [Ir i rsiy, Dec.5 (F'enicg) ci.Ileh iiclti t ii'Iliit Atlaiitic tExpress. ........7 )Ai . N-. oli I- 'eiiiio beaa i ii c till Ior it i 1t i libr lies licet reciel Deciili'ht Exps s ... . ....,> - lato1 )e3l 1 alie Grandi apiiI llis Express0. . . ........10o cirtlellis oalthet-Universit. 1it tiii cheiical mtetisc oti f the Utii- tat. Coleano.. .. .9 10 ofo at ln. 1'le clletio 74,n1i. EpN . ... I...-...s1 . &NCliligic. . , Dii.. .- tliletic Bal il a s tilecrift of tie (3ieerieliliitbbW er Bot. N. ( .ai c ...... 81 0. OW. lt1G1iiES, H. W. itAYIA ii . 1. r. Aatt. lla-o. Afte An a ci Ili-iill,,' Iiveitlis a 4 lorse hoh Iati omhie of Iitheitain building ot slci-1g'lih clidils 25 peleii. Ahlsoihe i' I ilpility saillIbe coiiipli-tea liii, , ii iei ythi.., ,,i( of .1 [ni, SiC liext. "IfAVE VOU SEEN The Now Bruno Mandolins OF 12 STRINGS ?" They alle f[hr sale ait the SHAEBERLE MUSIK STORE on on Libierty Staiet, hat oely tirie deots tfriim1Min St. ANN ARltIt)lt. 0.r. M ARTIIL. FUNERAL DIRECTOR l mbalmieg a specialty. No. to0 Fourtho Ave. Amtbulance niigbt anid day. lRes- idene 102 IFiflth Avei. Win. Arnold, Leading GET YOUR [UN AES Ar w. W. T UTTLE'S 338 Se. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE.., PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio 112 West Huron St. State Pbnne 1195, 9o1 k inda. I11 youti 010111 a sleigh tide l)liiy iti the hstiti callion lieni. lois seriocisly retarile Ilk - __= - - __ - -- Vof the Norik thus fop. k~ LIR o ' A YL-A The Wise( sit acuclty has refased - toalwteI.o .bisrltop hS.CclasTIME TABLE ti take a rip this y-ear. Thliso irgauti- have recently giveli a Titking Effect, Nov.2018095. Oill lSgrl in berofv rocietion o f "Bota. Trainsalcave Atn Arbor hy Central Stanat- SaCeSSftIletingeelelile each year taot the directiotn of Prof. Otd tinre.U.oAL'7 ____________________________________ the n t~ieal 111111 inlitrel miettfeelU of 1. 9 Nulsr - _ T1 that they htave betaz very tiarslily 1).iaalaoic Sl: A. 311. *1 50A. tM. adealt awith. T r aacntu 12:40 P1. t. 11:25 . It.Yok nac u toft 4:56 P.M58411 P. a. ftir ohio A. 1101kP. tll RcEr-Chieap, front suit. All tiyne ~yccbrtndoe ny. Btathi farrnace heat. 33 1 Packatrd A. muoic riill ors E. S. GILMIORE, Agent. treet. 6,5 pensable to a musicO W. 11. BENNETT, 0. P. A. have foundla that t - -FOR IZIINT, ceatp, fronttsutit. 331 Wasin~ilgtoni St. haN Packard street. 65 assortmenut. Price frii DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN. AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter l0eutscbtev, the IIphotograV after every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. no . a n d u p t o 1 1: 1 5 p . t o . F o r Y p s i l a n t i a u r e e o e t e h u p t 2 4 -T E i A O I Y .a. to. Cars leave corncer Hturonl and Main Sts. 'P'ickets an sale at Blrown's Drug Store.HARVARD AND YALE SI H FOR " PURITAN SHOE ofiotadsei Puritan lr Shoe Co., RIDE ON MAKERS. The J~f AlSuzes $3w50w lit iif tthae steel -d tihe progtess of Naitre Datie very sucessfitt :Ily Baiy"' 11111r F. X. Cariiodty, 11 -called to Neat lie illitess tof bis satehel is itdis- sttudent, atid I lie M!Iusic Co., cce a Ve-ry line )I 6h0c. teo$4.01). )het. I aA. G. SPAL DING & BROS. Thia Namte the tlsereaee. 'FOOT BA+-LIL SUPPLIES fUDENTS Oiciial outfittenrs t lbsth leadling colilege, schiool and Spalding's Official Inter- scollegiate Foot Ball tUsed excuelatty tie Yate, Pritnceton, Haarrd Ftnnsylania.n-Coirntell and .iiall ot-erleading collegesand nivsia ties. Man agerssheuld write for pric-s amliesamplea befoercderlag elewere. Spalding'sOfficial Fans Ball Outde, 0. edited bye Vaster Canili. Records, phito erphsofa leadinag teamsn. 1850ralan, anh in. dex nd expianatoryanots,10c. A.G. SPALDINO & BROS., New Yark, Chicago W~anted=3 Students Ta iolicit eihscriptions ts the Chicago Record IAneaoportunity toearn someemsney. G. M. STEPJIENS. '99 L. ANN ARBOR STORE, t fn n C! "r L Fi~N^JRhs%&.I r iIV I nul fUN b' 1, Near Cook House. F C. TAYLOR, l: MANAGER. MM'yeS [L~RW A~Oiiy At News Stand, 607 E. William St; Give me a trial. First class work and prompt service. PAUL M EYIER. F. J. SCHLEEDE,_ 340 8. State 8t., Binds HonaefoerO25c, and upwards, and sell. A. A WtatermnanFoantsain Pens for $1.00 a"dup. All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c. Finest StationeyIn the city at lowest peris. s WE PATRONIZ.E' GOODYEAW'S. DRUG STORE....- 4