2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. .XT l . tii. "THE LITTLE HOST." W R Pubishled Daily (Sndaysexecepted) eduring th The New Musical Comedq in WVhich .XCUIV0 Coltege year at Della Fox Will be Seen. AGENTSt lIn "Tie Little Ho(st," ltlat Fox's1tFO THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, new musical comedy, which itotbeepre- TITI t1ra, h tl~ tes enn tr.enteed at the !tee oih.n~~'mr loittlePruey 147. encedit it taid i likely te tot ttereas ut ue H lANAN' and I BAN'1JISER Frnhfinsmgtsy rn n1 MANAGING IiD)ITOI. "emebarraite tde riche." Th lere ie a,4 IN F'. ~n ee>_' L. seeprabtudlane of everything ually SH E tbeseincumiic opera, faece cedy SeOES lltssiSyS SIANASGERl. and operatic potpourri. The singecare . Ia QL. exceedingly lvltenusi.atchy,iiie SHOIw lN App tR INSE EDlITORcS. F utttumet bright ad beautiflth EA SST R r+ oTNus Atlisis tdlitor,eT.'.1' II ,Wu', L. scenery elgaent, the linc es c ical, te 4 P' W. testls, t, A. 1. MrtDueeA, -Et ,youneg wome etralsing u>nel the stilr___ F. D Itoaate, '01L; C.IH. Les,'sT M, cptivating. eore aptesvating than eve'. G. 1D. llreeses. M E. Theittiiiidual twhitcar en forelert--r _______________________________inan eveetiesaetrtiiaieturcost e' aMoet nle iss lox f ild of pe teutioe ntl0 ffn in 'aih pout n n thh il h usriopttuettlothe teDies tertotit' hlst,"in thlieu eepctt oparesfavort" liec Ciley'yer, ,tlltaeeyittiai e ti'tiseti isij th, it it('titedwith eeany crilie en ite, ron actsdity Nitice c, t iiiiieitii itt, anidiinwichtiele i n eety lietie' l iiy is eve taned n teirIbntl oetettoite t r t l e re 3iii's t of't e ofthe e ic en ti ie teend"misit iecs eaitil a tieitiuett-us t- liceels t lively lctionel ietrtha ieveeti tig i previouls t ilth ttn iht ii ii ae et''scii ite le iI ts u~leceiilty t pd o e ent, a'd tiibtil tiutto itts i et at tri I t e ue.theretes lies o e tih le prini t ha ilrmt zany r's, t o tie 's te t o swtith "i ttis ft hi e i presetmaionet It h e eis eeino ith Jan cr };l i faorlit 1 npro, it aiateof nfnor Menlu intSizesndng oLIF r M toizsL3I o 44'4 e ilr-i i ni iqe toryand c'th e tu ttln italt W er for- Ali1ha~ ~ i " -t, i K',' i r nt tiin o ngle t el thearle intfa ily btsiidrung sit- IPeetly eltstifiing like a 'love n titihitlevr toI ittt.i loi let insaeto -tttlMost conlveniet I eto 011ut eei l d oi, ro.teilr'Letr, antamt itettittt,atelioai moire tantonelegeeredeclatIltle t ttnd drawlealli Msxiss o tltettted tth nitles thn 'ltrousers.tOnnle lProf. JatitbtlittgitalI, woFiC or Te r ~l RI.waliijl t.r 15,$.0ADgaged's1 teUnie i tr ioiIte 'I lo. iire lugoet I rk endItt).$100, 1 b,$38tAD$4V0 1 Itt' gl-l~t il alt e'tst, allnote d perto tnit rt it Sturey it ist aliesthis su t.teun th.stqttittette ce-attes isiiliriti s itt tile',ete-i'll1t1ti1,,i"stiject t ilte ctt i'm Itd lgitimtte. The st isumLcur ool e2.i I ()S11 otrb tsn sa0 hr.VMoh,'eueeKE.LneSn NIs th t it ~ ctaet'i of tt.H twiltt ilItttitthstlil latktssoifti.I unlite. iIn vey Ksioi.l.0letmhladeti it bikes art Ii toi i eiatit pe s-t ies a ate lttit- I iro i he grcl akes le erty- l t ti IPlils gnth l itia suis f.r stime ucricken'tsi If'r t fotit tipttt h is cute- tresItn gritnd l era an d] lil, vtie is etIedrT w 'li t or',tts'e txplaine this; ntelareellomily itiltt ittndpowerful. 'I hej First,Ile nturett o'ftt hit'shtre, wt-ichitotite etitle Ieeiet t ecstottlaty mre- 1 11 - olacutoitshrnsanwatall i is sal ,oeset etlielttaned of tiete4IW of btys, oilers no0oppotrtuntley flt pals ateohlorts, ae lendviduatlly cotemely 1a vegetahb' leothtioemwhiche crostacca hetond the trdl ntarystenar ,and tI e sustlainl life. Secondlt, thet deptht ot ownert of exceeptionally inetevusal thec water loes lit alowv ipeetratonl abilities. -- _ - - - eti light to tilehotulem, aedIthusenITh'ie Novetmbet'numtebe ftthe -7etiii i - - vegeleltite l isosil. lihe pio- Media'u sielr, Ipubllihe all le- I, -,1-,- c Sal.I-z 's o N fessor helieves thlatthec state sholetd trotl, coseinis three trilis by Illilt hlusbacnd limeressouresof tile lakes, bels eefties h ooopatic Lcelt. Dr. Mi'oltl'IRttAD t eASrCPuAO'iCs ltr Sled theat thilscall be doneitmore ad- K. B.Kiety'useilmowritteo "Hin tsil e vantlagcously throteghi fish haitheile Atnatietsit;" IDr. W. A. Dewey, CHEIba CAL asnd PHYSICAL A'ItPAITu. thatn by establishiing a csud seasoen, -M atielia ilice Ntes'' acdlre asthie enemlies of egg existin Itr Oscar LeSetre, "Worek at Smrb~eg R 1ClOCOPaC FINDIINGtS. Hedqurter fo all Laoa- greelter lproportionlithlantltist'f Hopial, CliekmietitletetePark, t.tort' Sujailis lS.Mi ete s e~r ih ee>i 110ai5tre, nnA mo.ih Presientlt ii-wlrewismhlis to Iave ---- - - Choral Union Notice. it ditintly unerlestootdo that the Ahl- TRY HOTF CHOCOLATE, Trealsureer XWies, ofth e Scholeeof let' Ass11citi o pary toe be girc ontieitil aseee. /" Mutsic,antouneils t liee' plant for the Dt'c. 1,9 t istbe':itlt ciirlely ifoml sale of seats for tile May fetival anedi affir. No iei'ittioeie re to be 200 EAST WASHINTON STREET, j' the Choral Uneiona coeterts.,'lThe cost istluedhalit every stiliehit Ill lieClni I- 316 SOUTH STATE STREET for seasonl tickets of 1-0 conecertsinlee acelty is l to tsiderce iiesci ? in- 't lter -tttiltsuot Cumissittencity, ellin ieMay festival, wiii be $3vii.mn st'~t.s'sudtteye 011 lthefirst (lay' of teileichiiii The etoirs f the Jii-etr, thee occulrs Feb , thtere will be $2 emkly iairioii li tl fYuW n Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything in otr line, nt matter charged extra fr reserve sets in- IUniverity receive toiouers credieo ml rhn'lre stead of $l as leretofore. Atler lheu for their newspslaper wovrk. a Job of WE CAN DO IT first day the extra charge till be $1 ony-hspati dpe s st rn ig fryu Call ad gtcquainted. tdu away with thte crowdilswhichl caemps gSTeI~ulPe5 out al the nIight before fle salte Athens Theatre, Henlaning raoe, opens watnglg in tern for choice WEDNESDAY EVEN 0 DEC7"-------- - state,. teliougallotys are ihired listanld 8IA_______________ in place all night for $1 anti $2, alid D L.LL \ the schiool of muiesic thinks they caniC . n n ta h y f poplearewiling PER O, Pe ins lar Engraving Co., h yifpeopl ~-etrilig to pay adt- 40 People in, the clas Mii t vanced price.eia riMc. _ ( 1, Drs. IRibt. S. Ingereoli and Olive aI Thiitl ot1 __1M~~ G. Ingersli, moanl anti wife, and T e LIte Hot - -M. TAELE- graduates of Ann Arbor medical de- Priets, 0, 75c, $1, $1.50. NDA LOA. Every kind. partmtllt, spent Sunday here at tho '' K 119MWe STAshigtoESRe Lom co f Fred W. Nichols, They - -=- - --=---taePhn----Bt-Pons N.10.Ang rbr started today for New York atnd wil UNIVERSITY Itt hn 4. Bt hns o 0.AnAbr sail froml there to London and thence School of Dancing -__ tCalcutta as missionary physicians -T for the Seventh Day Adventists' Granger's Academy. In Close 'PaCC44M4,a faith-Adrian Telegram.,IPont Phone 246. Wilthteming and gig at the seasons are the fashins --- -- --- is Shes. The Styles of yesterday are soos forgotten is the desire for CoyAndewe '0 I., on f Spt.ikYET ANOTHER.1 WEEK, utii De. 11, that of ta-mrrow. See or widaws fr the heal p tdate line of Andrews of Chicago hss returned to masin oAntn Arbor, a20sEst Liberty1 tesae ~etelarw ak~tnW Ollege. tw' m.ltBaste t~m.IlIL'7StOE STORE)An rbr