VOL. 1X, NO.61 ANN ARBOR, MHICJI., WVEDNESDAY, DECE iMBER 7, 1898. THRfEE CENTS. T H E FINE FALL SUITINGS. T WE CARRY THE LARGE; A STOCK I IN THEdCITY. L 0 B 108 E. WASHINGTON S iCHEST PROTECTORI AND CHAMOIS VESTS [ his is the timec of t a e ne r frotm the coldra * Achst protetoroz osovest i neoftl preventatives of co 010 luog trouble,an CETt S wont altunoes. UPARD rcommenoded by php *WILDER'S PHARMA , 336 Sooth Stoate Streel. 0O61n Ddu and No Dnring the reot of the cottet wil ev tec ati al o u tight. Full line of Pipeso, 'bco R. E. JOLLY & CO 308 So. State Street. IAKodak for I Christmas gooooo tes s o *ade, We have a lite book thatd themt.Itos teec. Gallons' Pharmi 3 ~STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. U. of M. Graduate. Through President Angell's Influ- The istict f Clumba W manence. Tntentti-Eigth Annual Meeting Be- Te1itrttfCoubaWoai ing Held Here. Suffraige Associaotion ainnounces ito In ait article itt the Chicago Timoes- purpose of secutrinig unilveroal ottf- Ilerald of yesterdaiy. W. F. Stead T It wsinearly 11 o'clotck flits tittit- frage withinit its boundaliries, tiedcle- cotmmntts ait lentigiiupontt cordial re- ig whten PresidlenttRI. Morrill, of clares itself itt lite for a ctitiljaign. lationis betwveetn Great Britaein andI the B~entoni IHarbocr, cailled the twentty- D~r. Clara MN. McNatottltut, vice- United States.Ilie sties this feeling e ighit annutal mteetinig of the M clii presidetit of the organizattinandhonie is especially fostered at some o f the E ga tafitte Hortict-iitrat Sotciety tti if its miost title workcers, is at gradi.e-tebassies. Attd in proof oif this urdter in ?Neweberry Bll. tihe lalt- ate of the Unilversity of Michigani.tmtakes a statemenit which is interest- fuortiipresented qutite antemiblemiatic For twvo yeiirs shte heldl the positionintg ot acciont o1fIPresidlent Atigell's ST T exhibit of fite fruits, grapes andli of vice-president of thte Michigati late ministry. LIe was to doubt Iflowser. They wcete very fresh tutd state Detatl Society, anti tas chotsen largely respotnsible for the good A intvitinlg, atid will certainuly deserve bty that body as delegaite to the initer- understanding btetweeni the represen- the preiumtotssffered by tesolciety. natitonal dental convsetioni heldl in tatives of the potwers at hins post. T1he P residhenttMoirrill itnntuntced thatt Ptaris. Her ontly daughter Miss M4'arie zaticle saiys: oweinig to'ihe stnts storttttitaty ttiltt McNaitghtoti, is the 14reticlinittet'- 'The reltiions tbetiweetn the etut- b ers swere delayed. Therefore thte preter to the Amtericant peace coto- lbassies of riti~tia adAmtterica t n regular program woutld ntfbe taketi tmissiott. Dr.- McNauighiton is oiie of Constantiniople eoutlidharsdly be closer IT u up untill the afternoontiscei thcie first those womteniwostknowise sistehitsg andmittotreroridial if there hadl been - sesitnswouililbe tieldin ithe tmutseumii tbout the early struggles tadliardl- iahard anti.]fatst,(cttaiiiidied, signed. R1 o the Uniivcersity, schere the bienefit sth fip somnwosemi abarked otn the sealelid nd ielivereid treaty cit alli- of a clark roomi could itesecuired oti sea of uttiversal suffrage. Like atice, otfeitsive attdl defeinsive-, te- exltibit lantterni viewes. mtantycthers, site cait tell tales of the ticeeti the twco poseers." Death of a Brilliant Alumnus. timtes wheti there seere attythting bti -- roises strewnitaltong the phitts theyr Shakespeare Club Meeting. --- uJuge -JamtesG. Ilaissex-, of Ow- nsil, yagaut o h a otehited; astbut ethe e sold vftrailshad ave "he Sha-kespetare (lubswillhl t S +Detpartmntof the 1U. of M., tirulhieti tre recalledt only 5scld soldtieis live firticti i hti itht7 ii itetad of hieatidoisease in the tabove tvrOtItter oigstshttesverstsity Hall, tton:t i n ' o 7Seveoral prtt- S iyrcutl.Tetceist et hoverai in thirfag-ast bathis. fessors hatve-ctnsenitedht adhdress the of te brightest stutdentts if which itpeoiatsfrg.sti het~~a ii hr thiheuvrstycairiti . t.bu lt-aized itt the IDistrict tif heolumbieaIalglcb hy eioei tttiir. Age seodh. dttore frieitds thittitanyyotg tersoelh ayCtimii thurtlgood titmeseihhlibeih a d dall seton y ytd Tt y oI ug ithestss-illbufaiiisy, alluotlhei wid. Ya ntecity T ettdiredehimeho tire itt tiny way ititeresteud in te x ht- ndtattittiinthe fllitie. slsthof the cluth tre etot-dially bs itivit-ty i ray i ndhsrv~ hrn eO tfrejiensehtfhity, hisnre uy , r. --tith tic citoted cooho* i-teseus i hsui ur tih huty Ae.New Scheme of Athletic Manage- t titd heytns ee ltuse c0tihutieu 'teoti-en.Vesper Sercices elin.~ ernt genutlemanou,"andulthe appuelationseet koy appeasredh ihto lese jini. His maniuy The foloswinug schee totuadvaonce trot. Statihey huehed thue first moeet- frienuds seilh he painsel to hetaruuf Clue athletics at Alhbionu(oulhege theserves mug prelimtinuary to v-eshter services ***+4 hdeauthi ot the itul- Ramtsay. T'tey suriosus conusiederationt, uandu its results yesterdty afterntooni. There wee hadinat rkeed oiut a greait poitical seihlmutidotubtheecllotIselwtceth: toboutt30 htresenut lit the mteetinug. c areer fsr tutu,)h cut the untcertaitnties A cuttmtittee comtposedh of thte atht. The services sill nt uthitgintutil oflife hatve interferedh sitht their letic cosmmtitteu of Chitfaulity timd after Christtmao,swhten t 111sill l- geyar we fcond topes tont exhsectiltits of otte tseo studtenuts fruumtueach of the ettihege nuncetemut of te prougram illeImihu ". digray or- Chic)rrestiectedh and uadmireut so mutuh.-ulasses is usn o tswork o o atese tethi-tmacte. cutfor the controlh to thuetthetics The Banquet of the Team. tutnutectedt sith the insitution. It is Mr. D1. I3. iRichaurdtsonu, the ssrestlers -Oti thie l7tht of thus mnthtti anou- ikely thuat us hilatttsutggestedi ty Pres- swhoctrecently muet seitht tot aocidetit at. - =___ qu ~setsvilhltie givent it te Cuut:sho use icdentAshley, sill hceswurkeed ut the gymntuasiutm, is ussw out ofudaniger. in hotuor oftfhue "Champitoh of u thet whuic-ht provides tor tibout $1,300 pecr Whtile performuitug utt the htorizontal West." A genteural ituvitahiiut is cx- yeaor. Thus sutmt is to cover gymuta. btor lie tell strikinug suton hiasta. lie tendeed by the Athtletic Assosciaotiont siunseork as welh is outteotor sosrts. seas takent to his homitn t a seuii- to mtemuhers ot thue factulty, hbusituess It is expecedu that abiouttune-thtirtd of consciussttote and at phtysician sum- mnandh stuets. Tickets scill be this amounmt canobe ahpprotpriatedt byttoned. For ato tutu'it seas thouglit sold for $3 tnma tiy be ubtatinteel fromth tIrtustees, atumttatt an adhtitisonal tthat a bloodt clot hatt:formietd oil his uCauun- H".J Weinstein, Chuas. Btairod, tas. fee of 50) cents per termt cant le brain. Efvidtently this teas not the e te H. Prentiss, Harry Pottcr, 1". NW. athded to thue regular incidental fees case hsIslhe is ntose muuch imtproved, we ees. Pottyr, Chaos. Reigeltutant, W. 11. of all stattetuts for thus purpose. It thiough it wihl be sotitie efeore tie decie Day, C. F. Mehulhop, and Sid Mihlardl. is probable that sonue Efasterninan wihl he able to attetid classes. A numbtuer of altumnti fromi neighbhor- can bc secured as coach for btoth hut ig cities have promised tuo attendt so hasebalh anue fouotbalh. All sttudentso (reatt preparationtstire being muade that the tickets sold int AttntArhoor will tie admuitted free tt games. tot thue Museum for receivintg time m--ustut of necessity he litmited to 60. ---------Frederick Steamn's collectiont ot mu- _ 'T'hose intending t attendo are ttrged A muost enjoyable receptioni sas sical hitstrumuents sehicti sas piresenitedt to secoure their tickets attosnce. givent by thie Kitng's Daughters f the to the Uttiversity a fesw days ago- k s t ID iawIncome of State Universities. !The followinig report prepared Ity S WuO~lIS.President Jemukhmson of Indianua Uni- versity shuoses the rehative inucomlie of We hose a few good seecond-huad i3t1ith1e out Westernt staft-etmtiver- copies ofsiu. Huflk-utt &Woodruffs Aniei-icti n Is1896-7 thle tuotal ituctomte oftthte Cases on Contracts, Univeroity of Michtigant was $421,- Cloth Binding for $2.75. 635; of the Untiversity of Wiscon- sin, $398,207; of the University ott Price New, Illinois, $399,429; of the University Cloth Binding------------......$3 50 of' Ohio, $349,370; of the 'Univer- Punll Law Sheep-----------......4.00 sity of Mintnesota, $284,091; of the Fine Writing Paper tar 15e, 20cad 25Cper IS. University of Missouri, $183,777; of the University of Iowa, $14$,377; W ah 's ooksore of the University of Nebraska, $202,- Unitaritan church ona Saturdhay evcn- hug, Dec. 3, at thue parsontage, to the yong people of the congregatioti. Mr. anto Mrs. Crookcer assisted by the Misses Cthilds, lPettee, Genre Vaughan amid Mrs. Jordan, received thue gouests, whlo ntmmhereot absout 100. hietreshmemlts were daintily servedt hu thue dininug rotom by Miss Ada Saffordt, Miss Florence Greenie, Miss Kath- erine Georg anth Mrs. GItunther. This is the second social evening givent this ysar by the King's Daughters, the first being a receptiosn to all of the new girls in the congregation. They expect to- give several other entertainments during the year, a play being one of the number. The ntorth side of the thsird floor hat, beeui clearest of its cases of shells ansI fish, amid thue entire room swill be givent up toi disphayinig the curious noise machines that Mr. Stearns has gathm- ered fruomll hhlandls. A recent number of the Mozicat Cossrie)°, of Newv York city, devotes its trout page tso a handsome photo- gravisre of Alberto Jonas, and aim article wehich speaks in the very htighest, bout not exaggerated. ternms of this noted pianist. The Athletic Dance -.$Friday night will begin promptly at 8 o'clock.