THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. TI PIiliPI HEIN~ i S T., and II JOS. W. KOLL.AUF, >ieCARRIES TAIlOR,1 UNIVERSITY JEXI BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Makesano pociaiY of 151 ds Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, Fine Black Suits. Fountain Pons and Miscellaneous Books Al Wokanshtip. AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 214 East Washisgte.. St., nar5t01Ave, IntercOIleqiato Bureau 01ftlcadulmic OStUni. J o, . Sa oeN, 2d V1C taisla fVI fol(( 6~ r poI.GOTRELL & LEONARD*.1 ALtANY, N. Y. BRNK Capt, Gowns, and Hoodt made to order and rented. Alan Clats transects a general LCenee, Clase Hate end Capt, Class College Pine. Address Banking IBusinoess. A ('cold Of 'I'.i~ll f obSt',- W. .C. KERN, Wetetrn Mntgr., 1'' * ~~H-aketl Museume, Uiv. of Chicago rAt t yatils aatiCXIII'i~lC(, wih aFIRST NATIONAL BANK ) OAlned Capital, Boresf0. SurplstFand Profita, Ea00 f.-t ilryol11 tile O ~ t; - , , Tasegtrl akigrscs or#ahistory exchange bought and sold. Foral-h letter. a imlpolrtatCt 1a 1 t ax . .KINNE, Pres. IIAnIa SON SOUIL. of tle' Arclip~no.Telephone 106, 51 E. Liberty St.S.W IAsONCaierVcPr. ______ FINE COACHES AND COUPES FOR P ARIEi1IS. J X' P-P"V ~i~nni~rann16n L A M PS FO STUDENTS, Co.Man and ibororasta,-. P~lUCapital e nC ocseital (0,000. Surplo'-, bank o3,aof0a.onat 1/.gnra' ainYklsics We cell attentinateonr complete line of ('enter ])raft 'nickel Plated Laisps, R, Kosoeap, e. C. 10.GEN, Vir,-Pr" . ' ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lanmps are ef the latest and ' Fn~ sH.BatL-an. Cahier moat itnpreved patterns end nmakes. Inclnding "Thea New Rborheter" "The Yale" "The Royal, '"The lenlin Studet Lamp, ""The Perfection Student 1"i ilier's Price, - 84.00 Lam~p" If you went thetbasat Lanmp for the Loast Moey come and see ns. TDe Run1H rlor savings Bank Ol010Number: Cialtoc, 5teo tOO baplusa.$iaO0 Our Price, .- 0 4 SO. MAIN ST..sources.~i ANN ARBOR, NICR. D E A C O N Oanitnoa adetrttthe Gnara~l tankintg Tao ____________of thts State. lteceives rtop~o ttbuasantiselis exhneon teprinciait it of the I te Sataats rafts ashuonnlpr per ion tfe tif-, IIEEL~flMCi~ (George Wahr htas receivedl a flte 'Ihe weekly expeitses of thti DellaS atydt boestoaraent. 25 cenft edition of the plaiy (Crn o pr opnwihwlpe De .Begerac," aitha wvichRlihatrudsenit ''ThteLittle Hit" t'' tVeries . 0ritz, Antisttnt Casir S~IzItxzBOSLLE n Mansfied is scoring such a phenoi day night, are $t2,700 per week, no it NOER - - ]IIII d Saboulndsii uta ndiis wel worth plafifty one-nilht ostands.ItisLAMBD&SPEeS u~i reaidiing. Saitno lit aeinqiriiined pie-emtineintly 1, city enterpritse and plane, Pine orgneand Carpoaitian lneetacaipy oarthCie 111 p~layibepitt- goes intitteti Yonk Jany1 ~1for a. '1' H E F ateainagst otnotataa artitat cured thatt this mtetiis is takes if in- riiii of 20 iweeks.iei vncC From.StH.gartKC nIsPrvatorryiilGarmheiy.Lossr-Opeii fcdgold wth .F ncv Gro(ers 355atnnt. CnaPicTeinPhilological Society Meets Fridau C. S. on case. lsetiiriitohAlpha X2S iiins.CnetpaoTnn h etmeigo tePioi et h os n eev ead -- 2-C- -C- -- y.b yWe keep everythingusally keptt it M L A Dical Soiciety willlie lieldl on lirliclti 6 . .E .JIfirst-ceans Grocery intdlllaefy.Ca1 eeigof thiso aeek tiid unot ous Nticeto ShomreGirls. end nee on. THE'Tiiuirsdaiy, ta Piof. D'Ooge awill lae PRNEIout of (lie ily in hat htiy.T'eitophtilomore girls awho have lilt 318 S. STATE ST. Iliei-los ii tittafce ~ o-paid thoi' dues atill liaveao. nppor. O AnAttMiTt. cas netrnesoi nl uic3ty to do soITlesa y a fternoonlYOURE N EXT aiery will mseat illRoomiTIIfi'oi to lifrofato Ci) p. in.i iiine Ladies' U. ot IM 111BarbersShop 'HRuNWNEcaMANDOLIN VIRTOSO .6 011 Thiursuday,JDec. 8 faor the ftrat Waitlig [oom t-idad Mit]tohs. recitatlin. t'ext hiiaik, Wentorth's _ _____ _J__ 2 . TeOJAnOwSi, Prnia 22 s. tite S: MR. WN. EUGENE PAE, P11i1 and Solid Geometry'. Leason, Chienvliti iioorlleRZRH NN Will give lessons on the mandolin end frt6pg i SldGoueuy for liolidaiys at Ranall's. 61 I CE C goiter at the Uisda ereety Schosol of JAMES IW. GLOVER. IS__A__SCIENCE____ XLtseic every Friday. For 'Teriisaa nd ( Mandolin Rehearsal. I Students Directory--$1 to st1i- a1'iGuaateur tnWo1trka. haoure apiply to the Secretary. 'here will he a rehearsal of tie denlts. t.f.I WARREN THE BARBER, Manidoline Cluih today, Dec. 6, at 7 p. i Mills' Q.. of 1>. Directory-to' THE MODEL of State Street The an ho S llsIli Iloln 4. ll cme. 1 stdens $ peryea Down& ra Li I he Mn WhRSIEsR______ llon2.AlC~O idel 1prya navne ~.BRE HPIf youtdenire President Agl on'ltdelivers a w -tt atu n li noiedfirst-elate work and courteous treatins - P Fnta Cid ~Agl elgi ydb Sa try George and Haerry at 352 S. StateS. isY slat.Btill atHBe." It in aedb toptrtonst ___ ~~atN ormltalloarh repreentine a BateVnltitadwIntr ( al nine nd wilHalleENYpsilantiL _____"P RK R9it runs,,bitsaerrorsaware same at anygameEmibalmer' and Don't delay yeur photo sittings at played an therfteld. tint prepaid tonanty address .LIII Funaeral Director, 1l5 S. State. Call in andesee him. Iadl.Coearynd voan receipt of AL AT15c.C.. Calie attended Day at Night. the usual holiday rush. 66 Daeaa Ciutbroi mst Mch. Ii Fo.uirtyAraS.honetd29 .3 MONEY LOANED_______AtIhi . k nal Proerty. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. Officr at residence, 331 E. Liberty tt., Aan Ar- bsor, Rich. All bsinesanintial. Hours, a t e.:30a. .anditoa3:30end ;toe9p. m. Joseph G. Watts. Bargainsain Scoind-handWatcrhesatid Diamons MAKE A STRIKE' BOWLING ALLEY. 310 S. Main St. T. MAHONEY, - Proprietor. Open Day aned Night. i ( . .:r18 8 If you don't lanuy anlytlling, we N-ant yourl repairing Trho largest irepair sahopl between Detroit and Chicago. Mw.MILsWARD TTSANNARBOR a t