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December 06, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-06

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VOL. IX, No. 60. ANN ARBOR, 11ICH., TUESDAY, DECEM11BER 6, 1898. TnitaE CENTS.
WAR ISSUE OF' ALUMNUS. lar. Seime account of the work of agree with the antiti-pan club.
_____ the faculty members who enlisted is Evidently le went to Chicago to see
An Interesting Number With Mich given. Following this is a complete the game and the novel article--a tii
iga's ar ecod. list so far as it is possible to coiipile pan--which was used to cuullect the
igan's Wa Record, it from the inforiiationm collected of free-will oferig iiidei quite so im-i
T Mm~~1.c/miu Alumnumsms for December every Michigan maii who tioc any pressioii upon hmim. It is to be hoped
H FINE FALL SWITINGS H consists iof a slecial issue ini which part ini te ariiy or navy. that le enjedu the iext day the
H eork of Michiganimeiiiini the Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley writes music which le elpe pay for and
Slate Spanish.A mericanii iar is treateid. at lengthi uf life oii the Yosemite, that le was not dsapoited at tie
LInforamationmhabeeii collected from dwelling esecially upon the batte result of the gaiie. It nimmt be that
every possible source to mnake the which that cruiser fought with several lie was disappoiited, for while before
record as nearly comlete as possible. Spanishm gumboats and the fort oft San that times le "Contributed wheever
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T While it is possible close further data Juan ve Porto Rico. called upi" nowr 'collectiomms will
STOCK A mavte receivemiduriig the year, it Cecil Page, who was a mnavmal re- not be tolerated."
A will iot detract froii the interest with serve oin the Oregoi, gives his ex- If le has aiy plasshr which
IN THEiCITY. j which the statistics so fir as it has perience. Dr. H., B. Gammmomi tells aii athletic assciation cii be
Ibeen posibe tim collect tihemminmmtie sometinmg of tie imeical branmchm of kept out of debtmitout iubscriptios
L w Lj presemt nmmber mwiii be received. The tie service. Sylvester Scovil details lemiii confer amiedmless bessimg on
L L epemimg article iii tie umber is some mof tie work which newpaper all colleges y ivlgimg it. No el.
0h leadmed "Mdichiganiniiitie War.' crrespondents performed. Tie naumi- lege atletic assoiationihis ever
roa E. WASHINGTON ST. 0 Frommitie gemeral statistics whiicim it hem- is ilustrtedl with lf-tomes anmd imade moniey cintinuouimsl. lie next
R H ~~~~~~~gives mithtie iarts takenm by Michmigamn etcinimgs mf prominmient officers whoin time lie feels tie refmrminig sp1irit
ien in timwa e mcmim- make tie tollmmm. ecmame tirommitie University, of tie it wrommim be cnsiderte, if le
mg extamts: mmmcmiwime lmmt their lives. Aside womldiimvestigat- beform lie starts
-w- ~~~ 'What Micthigman's plae, as a Unier- fromi tie war minterial, tienumbihers omt. Ome mittieumies of tie mmmi-
W Isit, has been mu this war which as we conitaiis ani ccoumt of tie life f mgememt is tim mansver questionis. If
write tie Psce Commissioners are try- Ci.Aknomaiiasmom ftm i mdimetgtm hstu i
mg to huing to ii close, can best be told Cl tisnadas n ftelehdivsiae hstm i
2..+ .i . i f..f by giving the facts ttemsehves mnd by life of rof. IHigh. Haif-tmme pie. mwoudi ot have urtim such ii ramimi-
--allowing each remader to drums therefren i tres of oths these lately deceamedcinhg and seimiincomherent rticle. le
CHEST PROTECTORS his ownmaconclusion, rather than by at- Michiganm imem are givemn. Tlie umumal haduitie goodmitste imot to vouchm for
4f. temping to stmte it in iny gemnerml terms.
AND+ Somesofithtie more prominent facts amoemmint cscampus, dclassmimid athletic Iis meamimbiy signinimg isi artim-le. If
tCHAMOIS VESTS gatheredh frommiai tabulation of tie i-nmes apers. lie nummber mwiii be le mhavimimone s is i tromuledi midm
* *~ formation received are stated beow ems sale at tie ook stores today ait wouldund mmombtdly have beei set at
*i mmmiiiheime oifmihi yiir We furnished ensemuabinet oler-thetie usual price 10) cemts. rest. As i is, it is to le hopied that
atwceem potcto mot importanmt and fmmos one mit all of livi gaiumhyrcvrrummty
+ A.1 ti iioiectcha cin- aidn ~neysdier~am Answer to Dead Broke. impesoithtlemm memmmi-
* S meemmaives ofiimicldin of this gocernmemt, aniituwo memibers of Eitir U. f 1. Dily. buggei Juxms B. Wool.
mcling trublmme,. anonibe thePemcee tommission. T hte rmy ____
*PAR reeus i-coimeniieiiby pimyicictoa. Protper, ie havse cntibuted ia brigadier Tm mrom1 h oisiutshmmuef New0Gm Apparatus.
*genermal 13 majors, -all but two mit heoe tie represemtative of a feuw studets
WILDER'S PHARMACY; being in this medicaml service--ix assist- amd wrte tie irm-womrs mrticeihihi lirector Fitzpatrik, of tie Water-
sai som utha set ant surgeons, 1tt cahtains, 13 ist lieu- appearedmini yesterday's issume eviment- mmmni gyimmimsimimi, his ordmed sommim
tenants, beve second lieutenants, 2 e paau htwl -avlal
+ *' N* sergeants, 18 corpormals, 80 privates, eight ly explodied prmamture. Itle i h ead pisauumta viitcu umma
- - -- ~~~hospitml stewards, ad24 wuoetunascmuiofiinestigatedil mli Iis alegatioms ormitir t e' ye h
pp - g4 mh4. duty is unkowvn. Of the Michigan eveni thmughtmu little miiitie subject oruer imclues mm hyraui rwuimg
Don HIJ aj t d N . Voluntt er Infantry, the 3ist regiment he soulumhavlmue mdecided tiat le hud macimine that is sritly- mmiitimdiat
Dingmaheaimst iii coiicaenge yeas we had 65 of our en;mtie 32nd had 3tt; the vr itl- as for Cmmplait. Thoe adwl emecmda asbttt
wil ci~velmehat a isn onic. ay or 33dsven; the 34th, l1ii and thte:35tth, veoi-ttiteaierormdibinlvpeiem acm ism his thtu
nimit.imilFaiusc ocimps,,igars, md six, making 1iii in all. Micigan men whlinefire reshposible fr tie cuhe- frti' ouimuy pniymmuiimstu
ri~acc. s-re found in the volunteer regimenst tions deprecate tieir necessity its iav-ouie duty umdeir tie iinmitf
R. E. JOLLY & CO., of 15 otter states, this greatest number mucli as anybody; teuy mre nst taken rwinig umacinies. Tie eder ii-
308 So. State Street- being from Illinois who sent ten. In eue loi pt aefne a
the United States Volnieer Cavalry, we sp for mninuseneutstotin talmtuize chuines ss 1< mplmumi hne ii
________"________________ had seven men, three in tie lt regiment, fu suitu~am. h mcsay vuuemmihamhmhhe.Dreo
- ~~~~the famou"oulmghi Riders' of Rse- expenses of tiis yea, suchi as coac-Mtzp'inatrik reiorts that tie iterst
Kodak( vlt, mnd in the 2nd, known as Torreys ing, traing table, graduamte uuunaums-tkenu im tie gyimnmasiiumi classes r- fur
for IRough Eider, we had four. Twimen e urnesfrgmt.hv hedo ntigleswi h at
out of these seven, one in each regiment, gr urmte o aueechv ha fmsyhiglemdiitm at
lost their imes. Seven of our men uershbeen heavier thamnu ever. Withintie A class of 2t00 is oriay ii Anni
C hristmra~s in the regular army. In the navy, ue exceputionusof thec N. A. C., game all {Arbor, wiemihchOwismslooke uton is i
had 56, all bt ten of them being on the tie gaies this year have beenm withm mmbhg gymunasimumi class mt Yale.
Yoin ie cc ci c s emiein tie Michigan -Naval Be- f on nesth nmabeerof nertimearunar srvicefth Banquethis po g" the ndonTeamf he w
ermasc is ninre Banaquetith rst teshpsupn isveteamsn
iodaksbareianot asoapesivains thiey which two sailed are not knowt each ae lst mnsey. Also tie nual tOnstie 17th of ths motis a bai-
usedi ma be-u5 forc a lie one. viy of the following umen of war ad one; fal cohectionu, mit uviich he approves, iue vl egvna ieCmi os
goocos asrow as .05i and eveni, . ouphiwilNiagaraethus ihasCtoalHouss
be hva licttlemsbkactmiidscibes Harvard, Yankee, Dolhn aa" hsyearhs'talmaerized, a sm umr ~ftm
the. iit' fe. Montgomery, Manitoba, Helena andl ove $ono0rofftiehmssCoampitsnhslof wase
(regon. Including both army and navy, oe$0o h mutwiha West." .\.geueral ivitation is x-
m'aru( te literary departument sent 82 enti subscribed has not yet been paid. medd yte Athmetie Association
Ga ns r] IDtl u. t the engineering departmsent, 34;~ medic- T'hlers have bees no enormosus shoe t imebesofte fclt traiers,
at, 26;t law, t1t1; tharmacy, 12 dental, bills this year simsilar to tim e issensu ani studets. Tickets wiii be
15; and homeopathic, four. This makes vicmhIeiesu-spsdlsyersolfr100anlsnyleobsies
___a grand total of 259, after deducting 15, wiheblevsaspdlstme odfr$30 - a Ieotie
To Law ~~~~~~for names counted twice One hundred Thiis years expense account of tefo .T entiCa.Bid
and thirteen undergraduates went to association is opens toispctonby Jrem H-.P entei , Crr as.oBrd,
To L wthe front, 7 of them being of the cass any member. 'I1~tr ha.Iighsnn nlSu
of '98. Of those whose connection within A hs ueesrIepussh V Millar Ca s.uiebelinof anSu idou
Students. ~~~~~the University was in the past, 104 were AsteencsayxpsshveM rd .nubroalmifm
t lnt.graduates, 42 wee non-graduates, and beenm so heavy tie management has negbrn iis-aepoie o
$ We hv few good seconasdnnnd arhere also to deduct for names tie general funds of the association atsdw ~tetcessl nAs
cpeofcounted tnice. And of those wio gave fo°adepu Arbor must of necessity be limitet
Hnf'ut &Woduf'' niriaa hast mnd greatest gift, their lies, ssuu ouemr.to 60
Htherett mers eight. One was killed at Themse things have been considered - -- --
Casses ona Contracts, San Juan, and the rest succumbed to extras to tie expenses of the football Pro. J. A, C. Hlder, wise is
Cloths Binding for $2.75. disease of camp and transport ship.' season. If tie studenms wanmt them sendmig two years at the Uiversity
Special mention is made of the they cams have them, bst they wiii e mit Ieipsi, Germany, is expected
Price New, University's thnse msuemi prominemt in paid for by popular subscription, not home wnits iis fammily iii May. He
Cloth Binidinug..............$350 civil ofim:e !. i., ;. e: tary Day, Sena. out of tie general funds. If "Dead has recently visited hie relatives of
Fainl Law Sheets............... 4.00 tom Dasvm' -Jftslim eace Commission Broke" thinks tat the players in tieIis parents in Wurtemburg.
Fins, Writingg Psper foc s5c, Wecad 2ceper m. amd Assistant Secretary of War Chicago gains do not deserve sou- The Athletic Dance Friday
Meikeljohn. Tie services of the venirs it would be more creditable to
Wahrs Boksoreeight men who lost their lives im the himn if e wouold nt '"air his views," night will begin promptly at 8
W ~ Bo kstore contest are also mentioned in particu- for the majority of students do nt o'clock.

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