4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 HiNVRST FMCHGNDIY ob S M A N S . anST D N S W WWould you nave m oney ? Then buy W li m S . your Books at the CARRIES BTU DBNT& UNIVERSIITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, DUUOSTORE Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, SHEEHifl & GO$) State Jtreet. For First Year Law Students We have Cooley's Blackotone, Anson on Contracts, Cooley 'Torte, Huffeutt's Caseo on Contracts, Buordick Sales, Murdick Casoeo on Sales. For First Year Medical Stidents Gray's Anatomy, Sternberg's Bacteriology, Freer's Chemistry, (Goultd's Medical D~ictionary, Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books. AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. L We Save deidedt to atisfy' a long felt wanat for %s up-to date turs out, ad o L iav vsddcd to oar stack of finsharss asd carriages, arALLY-150,schick soeas L fourteea persons. Coaching parties wiltlsnosbeis order. Secate a date tor the j'L Y Tally-He. Call op y H HOLMES LIVERY H 0 Telephone 106, 515 EAST LIBERTY ST- 0 LAIMPS FORSTUDENTS JOS. W. KOLLAUF, DEALERINOR Fine I)oinesstic ansd ForeignJ WOOLENS, h.a removed to 204 East Watsingten 5t., near 5th sAre. Will bko Fsa'ssl tosseeold ad eas~ om1 WV. J. nOOTHs PRSv. W Asses c~sst.sie r BlINK 't'ransacts a general Bian~kin~g ustness FIRST NATIONAL BANK ( Capisal, '$1005'50. SssplssansssPr"osits, H14,00 'romasts sa sssssslssssl~iigss.ssinss.I "T eoclsssss og hts nal ss'sld. ssrnishs ctss _,sof S4'. It. (INN'. Pls. IHARIOsN 555L. S. W C LIZ~SONC'a~ic P R T'.spsssF'sPr(s" s CslslssI. 5'55505 *'"k 11 .,ss Tssllsss _ fssabssiss Vauglan end Novy's Ptoosains. WAe call sttention to our complete line of (enter Draft Nickel lated Lamsps For First Yenr Dental Students' rangitig in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of tite latest and Gray's Anatomy, most improved patterns and makes. Including "The Ness'Nochsester," "The Freer's Chemistry, Yale," " The Royal,""'The Bierlin Studenst Lamp," 11 The IPerfection Student Gould's -Medical IDictionary, Lamp." If you want the heat Lamp for the Least Moneyc ~coms'atid see us Essig Prosthetic Dentistry. ForI~iera > e artnen Str-Old Numbers Fo Lte r L44rnsaSOS.t ~ ~MAIN ST..,E AN (ents ANN ARBOR, MICH. D E N We have all the Greek and Latin--- - - 'c'sr tron n", me' ,ssss,.esa-, TreAreinsaergitrdl is aoiseMry C stIe sal and Engineering Books. TheAreinarreitrdi MisCrleBry19ofD-- DHAN D ROOKS, the Medical Departmiett of (lie sui troitlisntheltc ioelumiatiigh school. The fAinn Arbor Savi1ngs Banl SECOND-ADROS versity. James Gastonian is asnior, H. Barsootnian is a sophtomore attd S. Exchange }ss 'om, sitdc-ltand books It i""1 alSt cl s,S0.Surptlsss, 150,Ol(}l DRAW~'ING INSTRUMENIS, P. Jamgotchteian itas just entered. at Wahir's Bosil, 'sss. oaized so l's'the lenesal Bankinl.w,s Waena akrsFit-Barsootnian holds ani A. B. slegr MseryeAsotolo Lpeof this tate. IsieIvso s is, buNI~snd-el- fronteleCentral 'urkeycolee ndI t t is Drfis cshed uponsproper l esslm s fls~si it taia P ells.utyciaets is teachiitg in thte White Pigeon igh Safety dsiotos orentcs. Jatngotcheian tosok his Pit. B. degree school. ___ Orm,5c.P: hlis.ian cs;W.DCa'i_M at '__,___ - J.Frsi, Assistashi er SHLEMA & 0' UTORING.-Malke ttp condition Sre.Daily Free This Week. itt Greek, Latin, Algebra isr Geome- _ thse DAILY is beitsg circulated try. 'terms loss. Call osr adesL Saethoroughly this wteek in boarding SENIORn 712 Chiurchlt . 4-9 sLA B SPENC R Ihouses, main hsall, etc. Telephone sbscriptiotn to office. Both photnes BOARD-Rate, $3.00 tier wveek. . r. lIIE 147. FREE DELIVERY ST'OI'S First claos service for ladies and gen- SI..1SATURDAY, OCT. 1. tletsssn. At 520'F. FancyiGrocer LU Reception for Women. sr.6Hoaw is (isis? Cover glaossst L i A.Tile Women's League antd S. C. $30 per doz. at Eberbachls4, Son. We keep everthing usloly kepst.,t s Aill gi's a receptioss sit Friday 4-5 first-class Grocery aod loakery.Cl afternoon, from 4 to 6, at the and see ue. Women's Building. All college Fusrnishted House to rent, 6 rooms5, 318 S. STATE ST, women05 cordially invited. no ftsrnace or halls, $15 per ins. for - - -- - Students weho are slot siready sup 9 soniths, 1211 Willard St. STUDENTS' LAUNDRY plied awith fountaisa pens will fi a 45Mae. BLUNT. A S CA IN (Students' Lecture ms opeeasrmn tSe-A S CA IN roos coplet asormsstat See- Thtos. J. Flounsay wrill remain at h I an's. For a fews days Mr. Dennisa- Iis hsome in Clinton, Ia., this year. WVN. VO CTGIIT-WM. 11. FOX, Association.) j ton, represening the Parker Pen Co., AET O will he in the city. Now is your LosT.-Heart-shaped locket with THE GRAND LAUNDRY, chance to obtain the serviceable up- chain attached. Leaf work on one OFDTOT to-date "Jointless Pen." 4-7. aide. Address "T," DAILY ofie.Q The Seat highisrads landey is the State. T'l Watch for the S. L. A., 4-6 osly mechins domesticsfalashisnltse We' Miss Eliza E. Fyan, '98 has a Gloveofinish als given. All wosk promptl., aroneets Yo canopsition in the high schsool, at her Notice to Band Men Il naaly and carsfully doss. home, in Port Huron. There are a few vacancies to he The Excelsior Laundry Co,.. afford to miss a single number. 'aseBo saeishaquresfilied in the positions of 1et and 2nd NAA r'u TicketsWill bsonrsaeiearlyforustdents.Clarinets, 1et and 2nd Comnets, let Collars......."""........" ......1 Cent Ticketswill b on saeearlforsudents and 2nd Altos. These positions wili Cuffs ........................ nxElcin Notice. be filied by those having most ability Shirts....... .. ................° next 'eelk. The first number Eeto blanks moat be deposited to read at sight anid execute. Apply ns atrial ~~~ sifcingsate.Os will be October 21. For fuller in the Register's box on or before at once to E. P. dePont, Ooe 02 S. StatelSt. Residence 610 Lawrenesta. priuas athteD Saturday, Oct. 1, 1898. 509 E. Jefferson St. New lSte Phoe. 441. patclr vthteDAILY -____ _ College Pins and the Bulletin boards. a of Fine Buy Dsian",i l pALARMJICLOC'K -, M .W. MILWARD MAIN STREET-