THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 Hl rRUBBER BOOTS SHORTS AND LONGS. GjOODSPEED'5? 1.1 --,--n.~-,,..~,eeeSeeJ-e~e~e~S ~ ~ ~ Students' Laundry Association Wee. VOUGHIT-Wem. R. FOX, agenst for THE GRAND LAUJNDRY, of DETROIT The best high grade laundtry an the State. The only machine dometic fiishi the West. Glove finobh alsogiven. Aft week promp~tly, neatly and carefully done. office 202 S. Statoet. Rlesidencfe 610 Lawrence t.j New State Phoe. 441. 'The Niagara Fells Route." CENTRAL STANDIARD TIME < Taking Rffect Aueg. 14, 1as8. ; Rail andEpress . ........3 47 P.1hi. N. Y.& BostonSpecial.0..... 0 5 Fast Eastern . ...........9 43" Atlantic Express ....I........ 50A.M. Detroit Night Expressa........51 Grand RapidsEpress ..........110 t Mailt & Epress. ..........9 18 A. M. Boston. N. Y. & Chicago.......581 Fast Western Expreas.t......130 P. 0f. 0.1R. & Etat.REpress..........5 41 Chicago Night Eepress ....... 9 43 Pacific Eapress ....... I.1 30 A. Md. 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Effet, Nov. 10, 1898. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Stand. ard Time. NORTH SOUTH 0:43 A. Md. 7:25 A. SM. 12:40 P. M. 11: 25A. M. 4:56 P.aM. 8:40P. M. 9:051A.M. 6:21P.10. *Ruo betwceen Ann Arbor and Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMORLE, Agent. W. H. BENNETT. 0. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter after every boor, beginning at 7:15 a. nm. and up to 11:15 p. M. For Ypsilanti at a quarter before the bour op to 12:45 a. im. Gara leave corner Huoron and MainiSts. Tickets on sale at lBrowns Drug Store. FOR Golliort aufi sow~ RIDE ON The wYdadhB Wanted=3 Students To solicit subsriptions to the Chicago Record A fios opportunity to earn some money. 0. M. STEPHENS, '99 L. rflT11l~lrll1~1ffl Students ! Students! If dissatsfecdswitha youre lauodry aervice comce to she EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY jA. F. COVERT, Peep., 109 E. Wash. St. (Chocolates aned Boss Bons), Telephone No. 211, 2 Hine. In bolk aiid ill handsome packagea, Rxcellent Wank and Quick Service Guaranteed. fream one-quarter to five pounds, at ALARM1~ CLOCKS, $1.00. 60c PER POUND. B.. OF MI. PINS, 50 Cecnts. Now on oaio at Floe Watch Repairing a Specialty, BROWN'S DRUG STORE., ,J. L. CHAPMAN, COR. MAIN AND HURON STS. 200 Souie Rain Street. " HAVE YOU 7SEEN Tk New Bruno Manldolins OF 12 S'T~IZNGS ?"1 They are Psnr sale at the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Down on Liberty Street, btut only ihee doors fromo Rain St. ANN AIRBORt. 0. Me MARTINI. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Embalming a opecialty. No. 200 Fourtb Ave. Ambulance nigbt and day. R~es- idence 302 Fifth Ave. CALENDAR. Huarrey, McCreary, a1111Younig. Thle six cwi11 debate Inext Saturda yinightl Monday, Dec. 5.-Prof. J. M. B. to decide whbo will represent the Sill on ''Korea'' in thte Uniity Clob society. Intihle Alphla Nu, Messrs. Course. Olilingere IRheinfrankh, Kitely, Car- Thnesan o..00,zi-bsneAP. 9)WVA 105(5)', -SATitrolO,-1A0 oe/La r- Ann5;1 t Holiday Vocation begin ini all do. the two evenlings. Their filial sscietyM r ao s partmienlts of tlicUlniversity. contest is also Saturday nighit. P t1 Friday, Dec. 9.-Athletic Ball in l tile Waterman Gymtnas0i01. At a mneeting of the Wslian's 1hm Pennsylvania Preliminaries. Cucl edrcnl nDtot nW M . Arnold Leading in~teresting report wras mald~e by Miss ! ewle The first prelimiinaries in the series Octavia WV. Bates, of that city, ofJeer which leads to tihe chloice of tlhree the meetinlg of the International GET YOUJR 0100 to mleet Pentisylvanfia in debate Counicil. held last sumomer, to execu- wvas held inl the Adelphli anid Alphla tive commoittee of which Miss Bates Nue societies. Friday anid Satulrday sras a delegate. Slae is a gradluate of LVNPJHES nights. The debates on the whlole the University ill the Literary anid AT were not op to the standard of the Lasw Departmenlts. She obtainied the , U T E' conltests usually held ini thloseaocie- degree of LL. M. after hiavinig cc- W .TUT LE ties. There score, hlowever, some in l. ceived that of A. B. 338 So. State Strest. dividusal exceptionso. Thte feature of In cousideration of thle relport the debate all ill all awas the 90100 10 is ioade by Miss Bates on domestic re- usoally fotnid illtile firot prelimninar- lations und(er the law, as the chair- OUR PHOTOS ies each year, a failture to thoroughly 111311 of a commllittee of several analyzole thesbjeOct and a general lackc womlenl lawryers, and her wcork as - ""ANRE . . of preparationl. inlternlational delegate, she was so- PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH In tile Adelphil the following are lectedl to presenlt a paper at tile 1111- T H E tdio six 11011choseni the two nighlts. quennial on behalf of the Amlerican Messrs. HarrisVo, Watkins, Johnson, national cotuncil. Rerrim an flti Idi l101cntschlcr, the "n~otographcr. THE MAJORITY OF HARVAORD AND YALE STUDENTS WEAR THE PURITAN$HOI Puritan Shoe Co., - MAKERS. All $ Sizes ANARBOR STORE, 110 EAST HlURON ST., r: Near Cook Hlowie.o .. F. C. TAYLOR, MANAGER. 1 1 2 West Huron St. State Phloner119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. ' The Nac s e Oaoranfee. rFOOT BALL SUPPLIES Official outfitters to all the leadisng ccllege, school and athsletic club team:s. Spalding's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball Usedexciaoieelybiy Vle, Princetocn, Harvard Per) sylesanise. Cornell asnd ail other leadise esslegces ad unirersities. Masnageres sould writelfor prices andsamoples before ordering elsewhecrc. Spalding'sOffiialu Foot Ball Guide, edited by Walter Camp. Records, photo ezrapha (of leading teasms, 1408 roles, with in. dcx aod explanlatory notes, Ioa. A. G. 5FALDINs & BROS., New Ynrk, Chicago Mume's [dllry AEollCy At Newsi Stand, 607 E. William St, Give me a trial. First clasn work and prompt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 1340 S. State St., Bindo Boohs for 25e, and upwards, and sells A. A WatermanFnountain Fens for $1.50 and up. All Lines Paper, 4 lbs, for 50c, Fineat Stationery in the ity at lowest price WE PATRONIZE GOODYEARWS DRUG STORE.