2 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DA ILIY. Published Daily (Sunday yexcepted) dorn g the Colege year,-a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 'Sees.I. The a lad Pressc enicng Block Blotho Phones 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENGELHARD, 10iL. BUSINESS MANAGER. o. H,. HANS, '00 L. EDITORIS. Athletie Editoe, T. It. Woannoe,'Oil L P. W. JONES, '99, A. H. MaDoonoco, '01 E, . EAMA, s'01 L; C. HLAND, '00M, G. D. Hcnae. '1tE. The subscription peice at thce DAILY is082.50 lee he college yeas, with a regulae delivacy etore noon each day. Notices, commucnications, and nthee mattes intended toe pueblicati on nmut be handed in at the DAILY olice bafoes 9 p. n~o mailed to the editor beoen 3 p. s. at the day prevouso to that on which theyyare expocted to Suscciptions may lee loll at the DAILY office, etyer's, as Stoffet's newstand, 00 with Busines xlanage. Subsceibees will confer a laces by reporting persmptly at this office any failure o carrers so deices payee. All chcanges in advetising smatteosust be in the office by 4 p.mI. on the day previous to that on which thoey are to appear. The election of Steckle as next yeiar's captainl is a very wiso one. He is an old expserienced pliayer alnd captain, aned has tile Ihighest renfi- declle of both players and students. He has tis year priiven himosef tie greatest ground gailning tackle in tie West. He plays a cool, heady gamue, is a good genleral, anld will doulbtiess prove imllsf a wortihy successbor to Captaill Benn~ett, wile hasl just closed sucih it successful season. May ie and ihis tease he as succesbfuli as this year's chamlpions. In the commsunicationl puhiisiied today "lDeadi Broke" certainiy takes a very extremle view of the quesetionl lhe is disculssinlg. It may he that lie was annoyedi hy those takinlg up a, contrihution at tile Illinoeis and Be- loit gamoes, It seems1 very un~fortu-. nate that it stas necessary to take up collectieons durinig tile progress f tiiese games. Bet Mr. "Dead Broke" seems inl ihis 'very julst, thiough very triflinog ann~oyanre, toi ihave entirely over- leciked tile wortioy purpose for swhicli the celiectilo cwas heinog taken. Who will dare gainsay that taken as an' organzatio liehad wsunderserv- ig of thue sulpport, leaving sot of conlsiderationl the immlcediate use to. whiicih the moniley weas to he put. Bt every 11an1 swio saw tile stay the hland respeioded toi tile cali at tile foiitball glame inl Cbicago, anoi the great value of its stork there, sill, say that it deservedl ali it gt twice ever, anod mnure. The objectinig correspeodenot ima- plies ]]is Wtillin~gness to give to the support of atiletics asid to the hanod 010 thois particular occasion, bult is averse to ties manner and time of taking such coliectieons, anod to hav- ing "a till pacn sholved under lis nose five tilmes for thec samoe purpose," i. e. taking thoe hand to Chicagoi. lHe evidently forgets tlat he was not conopelled, and not even expected to contrihute five times if he lad given whlat he could the first time. The hat wtas passed on these occasions to enahle those who had lot con- trihuted hefere, as "Dead Broke" had done, an opportunity to do so. One imuportant considesation over-r looked hy the oft-times contrihutor= is thoat the Athletic Association will defeat its own end withoout his assist- ance, if it asks for collections for an unwtorthy purpose. If it comes too often, witioout good cause, its eel-WEA .. lectiOllS will fall into suchi disrepute 1 thoat no oewsill give any lonoger, and" the hurniiig question cwiii be solved AET per se. p=eaFO As regarele givinog toweards a seuve- - AIAW BAN,, I STER'.*~ nir for the foothall players it imighot . tt JIIUi!I he weell to wsait un~til suhl election IN is asked fill' If theoc casone of F N taking suclo a collectionl slosh prove ... SHOES unseemoly there swill.lie abundcanit imoe to refucsc to gveand state iweSHOlS-0RE 109 N.MMAIN STREET grouiided reasons for such refusal, ,, _ ,,~, ,,,, ~ Northwvestern in Bad Shape, Manoager Hart ocf Nerthowistern - U IUiversity's foethall teamo has clcised 'i _ his hooks fer the year upono a filoall- ""' RI0T cial failure. A depleted treasulry C u ib IN u v i still be the oly legacy handed dew'11lImb fl t o to the manager fer 1899, anld unless diplloacy far superier to that of the past fesw years is uised cext fall, the making the necessary guaranltees tii secore for tihe Purple a feotballF r M n S ze 34 t 44 schoedule switlothoe colleges of the M n ie 4 t 4 West. Perfecrtly elastic, fitting lke a glolve. 'Whoen tile hoard of athletic din- Most conveioient -te put 011 and .off, trol and officers of the College Athi-beciiog enteied at the top and drawen on letic Asseciatisoniiet after thoeTilaneks- like treuses giving day game, the fiinancial staiid- inog of thoe teaoo tas goeoiver andi it $1,0! $1e5, $3.00 AND $4I, 001 seas fouend thoat at least $500 wsold he iecessary to halanlce accounts with G O E Coaclo Baniiard, in addhitioin tee a ii . Mochoa, IReindeer, IKid. Lined and aiuouiot, unniamled ill the itemo, of uiilined. In every fashioonahle shade. Trailler Beutner's traiiiing table. It teas decided to ioake a canvas among the frieiods of footbasll and Nortlowsesterte fer the aicoeunit and ten 14 L 5 J men seere nlamoed as probahle centorit- liters to theo ilunt eif $50 eahi. When Maiiager Hart set otit fo' fiinancial aiud,hoewsever, lie ws e i-1 fused at every tulrn alnd tohelesentl coinditieo of tile treasur'y ei10 1d1bet- o S 0 ter thoan swheiities seasoni clesed isvetr - i. '' a wecek age. The Largest Unioersittj in the World. IPRESADMNFCUESO Tile BerliioUiiver'sity lab tilej CHEMICAL amd PHYSICAL APPARtATUS. largest nlumber ef stsieneits of aiiy MICRtOSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headqsoarters b'r all Labora- universty ill theio erli. There are at presenot 5,921 stueneits, 2,000 of tory Siediesl 1125S. Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. seloim are studyinlg inedicine, 1,291 __________________________________ _____ hats lanel448 theoelogy. :ThoeTho-e. H T CH C LA E logical Departimeiit is oni the decliineTYH T C O O A E and ills thle least tudenets if icny timle Nan likt elsecchera.. ill tileleast five years. Tilere alre 1200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, - over 500 foreigii studeilts, 100 froooeSIG SOUTH STATE STREET. th lielSac.The loscissoeretment of Candicein the city, '{.~~ / a m aodsehourly. Oysieesaseeved in aystyle.-'" F. B. Gowser, '94, evhoeetoeek ll ac-,- tive part ill oratory whsle iii college, ioas beeio elected circuit judge otfleis If You Want Or Binding, or Pouling, or anythiing in our line, no matter district, aind is located lat Kaiikakee,' .-- bow small or how large, Ill. aJob of WE CAN DO IT A r Printing for you. Call and get acquainted. .y'.sn Amnens Ineatre,' WEDNESDAY EVEN'G, DEC. 7. DELLA FOX OPERA CO., 40 People in the Music-al Come~dy, "The Little Host." Prices, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.i50. UNIVERSITY School of Dancing Granger's Academy. Relt Phane a4e. '~YET ANOTHER WEEK, until Dec. 11, &oE. J. LA SEER the Palmist, will se- manin Ann Arhor, 120 Eost Liherty 51 B. He has been very holy, Hlours10 ton12a.om., ltsoandi7 inS9p.mi. _.s= F I 0 00 H~enning Block. Peninsular Engraving Co., Detroit, Mich l -- i- r.- j-- C-- r- r'- r-- - -- _ - r- -- r- r-_ _ -- -- --r- . J ANDAL, QL. ver~~n~EBLER Phone119 Went Wanhington Street State Poe14 Both Phones, No. 108. Ann Arbor. In1 Close Paca'ks With the coming and going ef the sasns ace the faohions ha Shoes. The Stylesofa yesterday see nasa focgetten in the desice foc that sf is-morcow. See oar wiadows toe ihe bcsi up-to-date line of the styles foe to-morrow. j 1j /( IAD 119 R IU HOWTR I Ann hibongtan St,