be ¢' ' , r VOL. IX, No. 59. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1898. THREE CENTS. r f WVILLI T H E T A I l 0 FINE FALL SUITINGS. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A I 0 'o ]E4, SCH EST PR OT ECTORS ! AND CH AMOIS VESTS This is the time of the year that we need protection fsrnm tiessaid saw winds. Achestprotectorasorcham- osest ijoeansofthe best preventatives of cld and 40 lung trouble, and can be SCEETS wocnaall times They are UPWARD recommaneded hy physcians. WILDER'S PHARMACY: t336 SouthState Street. 0061 Da ad Ni h . During the rest at the cllege yeas we wiltsserveluncaesa at aln oursday" a night. Fuelltine of Pipes, Cigars, and R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So. State Street. A Kodak for Christmas Whyynot? The number who use Cam- eras is geting greater every year. Ksdakts are cot a spensve as they ased to he- Z tar a hasneons. Very good ones alas la5 and even less. We havea little book that describes these Its ftee. 6alkins' PlldaiiGfl. To Law Students, We have a few good second-hand copies of Huffeutt & Woodruff's American Cases on Contracts, Cloth Binding for $2.75. Price New, Cloth Binding.......................$350 Full Law Sheep.................... 4.00 Fine Writing Paper for 15c, 20c and 25cper lb. Whrs Bookstore SENIOR LITS CHAMPIONS. Defeat the Senior Las 12 to 0 in a Houh Contest. The senior lits defeated the senior laws on Saturday by the decisive score of 12 to 0, thus winning the class championship for 1898-99. The game was played on a slippery, mud. dy field, making fast playing and end runs almost an impossibility. But in spite of the unfavorable con- dition of the field Richardson, lit, made several very pretty end runs. The game was extremely rough throughout, and several players were injured. Dr. Rabethge said, "It was one of the roughest games I ever witnessed." The fact that the field was so slip- pery probably contributed largely to the injuries, because the players could not get a good foothold. Egan, Goodbread, Anderson and Allen, of the laws, and Jones and Beath, of the lits, were injured. Jones and Beath had their shoulders wrenched, but are not seriously hurt. Allen had his knee injured. The feature of the game was line bucking by the fast lit backs and the good work of their line, enabling them to make repeated gains of from five to tet yards. The laws were unable to stop the swift rushes of their opponents. Richardson played a star gase, making several long runs. The laws were out of condition and their work was at times very ragged. The laws had the kick-off, the lits securing the ball on their 25-yard line. They started line bucking for a steady gain of-30 yards when they lost the ball on downs. The laws were unahle to gain and punted to the lit 4yard line. Fro this point the lits carried the ball clear across the gridiron by steady line-bucking from three to 10 yards at a time, for a touchdown after 15 minutes play and kicked goal. The laws kicked off again and the lits had carried the leather to the laws 40-yard line when time was called. The lits kicked off the second half to the laws' 30-yard line. Laws punted back 35 yards. The lits then plowed through the line to the laws' 20-yard line. On the 20-yard line Cooper and Tryon opened up a big hole through tackle letting Richard- son through for a beautiful 20 yard run for a touchdown. Goal was kicked making the score 12 to 0. Time was called with the ball in the center of the field in the lits' posses- sion. The line-up was as follows: LrTs. LAws. Carmody....c....Hampton Cooper .......1. g...... Egan Tryon ............1. t.....Wittenmeyer Neal...........1. e..........Runnels Jones..............r. g.........Anderson Tupper............r. t........Goodbread Ayre ..............r......... shurch Beath...........q. Marhall Richardson........ h..R. N. Anderson McKee .........:..r. h.........Sherman Forward............f..............Allen 'Time of halves 20 land 15 minutes. Umpire, Greenleaf. Referee, Captain Bennett. WALTER CAMP ROASTED. The Eastern Critics Opinion of Western Football Censured. Walter Canp, writing for the Chi-s cago Times-Herald of a recent date,t said: "In the season's football one1 team stands out prominently above the rest and that team is Harvard. Undefeated, but more than unde- feated. The team whose advance has been steady, whose play in all de-1 partments has been uniformly good,£ a team relying on no one style of1 play, but able to shift their game as, circumstances indicated, and finally, a team with no discovered or discernible wsskness." He then proceeded to1 criticise the work of Princeton, Pennsylvania, Yale, and Cornell while he passed over the work of the Western teams with few words evi- detly considering them unworthy toj be compared with the teams of the East. No sooner had the article of Mr.1 Camp appeared than the football men of the West, especially the coaches and trainers of the various college teams took up the cudgel and gave expression to some vigorous opinions. Camp's statement is regarded as covering only a section, and he is considered mistaken in trying to pass judgment on or even mentioning any other part of the country besides the Rust. Prof. A. A. Stagg: "The Western game as played this year was as fast as the Eastern and had more variety. I am satisfied that either Michigan or Chicago would have played Har- vard to a standstill." Keene Fitzpatrick says: e'Chiti cago or Michigan could give any of the Eastern teams all they wanted to handle in acontest." Ferbert says: "I think tiat the material in the West is better than in the East. Oberlin this year held Cornell 0 to 0, and Oberlin is a second rater in the West." Coach Banard of Northwestern says: "I think that the West has football material which Mr. Camp did not give due credit to, that will compare favorably with Eastern ag- gregations. Ihave played against Houghton Harvard's fullback, to whom Mr. Camp awards the honor, but I have never seen hisi equal it any way the work of ODea at Evanston. F. H. Clausen, prsidest of the Western Inter-collegiate Association thinks that Mr. Camp like many other easternerspays little attention to the West and then shows his ignor- ance in trying to pass judgment upon them. On the whole it is thought by experts in the West that Mr. Camp, not having see ta single Western game, knows little of te merits of those teams and his opinion concerning them is therefore of small account. J. M. Schaeberle, late acting di-. rector of the Lick Observatory, and who is a graduate of this University and at one time Assistant Professor of Astronomy here is in Paris at present on a year's leave of absence. Communication. Editor U. of M Daily. I would like to trouble you for space to air the views of myself and a "few' other students who are get- ting decidedly tired of tin-pan col- lections. In the first place I want to state that I am a member of the Athletic Association, and also have contributed whenever called upon to do so this fall, but I am one of a large number who are asking them- selves whether it costs more to sup- port tin-pan collections or pay fees and be a student at the University. By actual count the hat has been placed under my nose five times this fall for support of the University Band-that is to take the band to Chicago, and the most tantalizing part of the whole thing is that the tin pan is shoved under my nose at a football game at the most inoppor- tune time, when some exciting play is on. For Heaven's sake, when we pay our money freely and patronize every game and take in every excur- sion, allow us to rest in peace and enjoy what we have come to see. The Athletic Association will per. sist in begging and begging to scrape together $50 or $100 to pay for some- thing which is a legitimate expense, such as taking a band to Chicago, while they will pay without question, I understand, a bill of "$1,000 for shoes' which one of its managers is said to have tned in last year. This is rotten iatte extreme if so, and I for one demand that a change be made in this constant begging policy. We are all willing to give our share, but we are ntt all willing to be hum- bugged by the whining cry of "in the hole." We are not in the hole sow and I for one amelooking to see whtere swe will be next fall when school opens. I see by your paper that nosepwesare toIshaveya e'collec- tion" to get some souvenirs for the players in the Chicago game. What next? 1Iocppiose I sill be sesigated a e 'knocker" but I ame oe of a large number tien, for tte "tinpan" col- lections will not be tolerated, if the students have good sense. Had the batd sot gone to Cicago te man- agemeettco ei have ired a bans as last year and paid more for three hours work at the game than the whole trip cost for the student band. Give us an annual fall collection, then in the name of good sense give us a rest. DEAD BROKE. Steckle Elected Captain. Allen Chubb Steckle, '01 M., was unaninously elected football captain for next year, at a meeting of the players held Saturday afternoon. Caley declined to be a candidate as lie does not expect to return next year. Steckle is from Freeport, Mich. Last year he played on his class team being ineligible to the 'Varsity. Be- fore coming here he captained the Olivette team during one of its most successful seasons. This season he has played a great game at tackle, especially distinguishing himself in the Chicago game.}