4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.~ THE GREAT REDUCTION SEILE JOS. W. KOLLAUF, -AND- teir people. A record of personal obser- vation and experience, with a sliort summary of the more important facts -ini the history of the archipelago. BY PRO. Dean . Worcester Publisher's Price, - $400 Our Price, - $3.00 Sfi[IfAflM& Go. UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLERS Music Studio Pano, Pipe Organ and Coposition R3. H. KMMPF From Siotgat Coseratory, Germny. 312 S. Division St. Concert Piano Tonig MILLARD THE PRINTER An Arbor, ich. THE RENOWNED MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO MR. W. EUGENE PAGE, Will give leonos on the mndolin snd guitar t the Uiversity SchIool of Music every Friday. For Terms and hours apply to the Secretry. 1ihe Man Who Sells Penuts and Poporoe at te Athletic F id 10 W- S. PARKER, 315 S. State, Call in and'see him. MONEY LOANED 0in Woches, Diamod, Wheel or other Per sons] Propery. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. office t reidene, S31 E. Liety S., Ace Ar- bo, Mich. Aulbosines cofdcntiol. ons,8 toi1l30 . i. maodlto 3:30ad teo9p.m. Joseph C. Wtts. Brgaiosi SecodhdWatciean od Dioncds MAKE A STRIKE BOWLING ALLEY. 310 S. Main St. T. MAHONEY, - Proprietor. Ope Day and Night. /. -ON- ® SWEATERS, To close oul odul sizes. U. A. TINKEIR & SOAN, -334 S. STATE SI REET. "' Agencoy for the Calehrted Losicy E3Slot. _ SeDot One DollsrClove, is the city is tihe LonedndUolind. Inteool6Oiaate Bureau o1f RG oMIG Costume. GOTRELL & LEONARD. ALBAsY, N. Y. Cape, Gowno, and Hoods mode to order and rented. A so 5Close Canes, Claso Hato and Caps, Claes College Pins. Addres W. C. KERtN, Wetorn Mngo-., Haskell Allaseass, Univ. of Chicago M0HLM ES' LIVERY. Telephone 106. 515 E. Liberty St. FINE COACHES AND COUPES FOR PARTIES. LAMPS FORSTUDENTS. We call attentioni to our complete line of Center lDraft Nickel Plated Lamps, ranging in price from 75c to $2.50 each. These Lanips are of the latest and most improved patterns and makes. Including "Tihe New lochester," "1The Tale," "1The Royal," "The Blerlin Student Lamp, ""The Perfection Student Lamp." If you want the host Lamp for the Leasf Moicey come and see us. Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN NT..,E N C AN ARBOR. MICH. D A 0 What Are You Good For? Solid Geometru. This questions will be eisciused at A class in solid geomsetry will be 8 p. lit., Saturday," Dec. 3, at New- foriied for those liavitig eltroilic berry Hall by the Doled gerlitan coniditions in thsat subjec.'rTe fee scielitist Prof. Hatry Phrenlo in 115 will be $2 for the course of ten les- illustrated lectore on "Choice of socs, onle each wceek: The class cwiii Pursuits." Persoou will be chosen mueet for organizationl at 12 Inioioo among thle auldience, adapted for Saturday, Dec. 3, in Rooll H. various occupation and free publieIW. IW. Ba SIAN. delineations of character will be given on the platformo. Colle! You can All canldidates for the Freshanili tiot afford to missO this. Admiission Glee Clutb meet in Rtoiim 24 Uniier- l0c. Now at 301 S. State St. Pri- sity Hall, Friday niiglit, at 7:'6tl vate examlination withl Book Chart o'clock. H. R. KEENc, Mgr. $1 for students. Openi for entertain- mnts. 58 IMills' U. of M. Directory-to students $1 per year ill advance. t. f. Say, Boys! Have you seen those colored collars ill Goodspeed's will- Don't delay your photo sittings at dow? I saw thlerntoday. They Randtall's. Come etarly atiloide beat the U. of M. game at Chicago. the usual holiday rush. O~i FoxREJINT. -Furnishied snite of Mr. Walter McLauchilanltao heeni two rooiis, fronlt, furniace heat alid elected business nianager of the S. bath; 3 blocks fromn University C. A. bulletin. Hall. $1.75 per week. 331 Pack- ard St. LOST. - All opal pin Saturdlay night. Finder will please leave Ial Notice. American Hotel aitd receive rewardl.I Subscriptions to my course illSci. entifictFrenich will openi Saturday, WANTED-Everyeymto ytheioatestmadt Dec. 3, at 9 a. minla iy office. All Dlt at Hoe." Itmis played tby two persons subscriptions must be paid before eh represtingca BasBallcnine andwiillsoe inaus, hitcsod errors the came as ony Tm Cliristnias in order to be adiiitted to played onsthe flid. Scot prepaid to any adlrec the class. Price $2.70.p BASE: HALL AT HOME Co.,. P. R. DEPONT. 55 0, DeroitMich. TAIL.OR, Motes a speeillyof Fine Black Suits, Al'dWorkmsehip. 314 Rant Wasb~ington St., ner 5 ths Ave. %V. J. lloweoo, loec.7s J. V. Sossoss, 2d VicereyS A IG JOHs. C..WALTZ, Aest. Cashier SIIO BAINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ano Arhor Capitoal,e00(0. SuerplusanodSPcofits, 140,000 'rassacsgeeraiank~oigbuess. Foreigo exchangehbought and cold. Furnish letters 01 credit. E. D). KINNE, Pres. HARRISON SOUJLE, Vie.Pres. . W. CLAR SN, Cohiern Cor.SMainsandlsronStreets. Capitai, $50,000. Surplus, $30,000. 0trasactsa R Ep,'Pre. C. E.sREEEc ice-Pres. FR-E.Hon S.Caehoec. Thl Ann11 Alrbor Savings Bank Ca'pitai Stool. 550,000. Surplos, $130,000. Roesoucee.sit,10,00. Organized onder tihe General Bnksing Lows of lhis Stoic. Receives depeosits, loin end nells exehangc onsthepnipaylecities ofthe Uited States. Drafts cooled uoen prouper identifiaon Safety deposit boxesto rnt. OFFrCeR:(: Christioan Moel. Pres.; W.ID. IHarri. man, Vice-Pen; Cason.H.Iicoco. censhien: M. J. Frit, A-ssato'(a hie LAMB &SPENCER, ,THE .. Fancy Grocers We heap or',ytlling usuially kept in a tirst-ciass Grocery and Blakery. Call and se0e. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT UT. of M. T.,Barber Sloop acnd Batho(ms. It R TmocJA'OV~.em 1'r cop. 122 S-. Slate 4 RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE .. . We Guaantsee (OneWork. WARREN THE BARBER. THE MODEL of State Street BARBER o P s N&Ei~y'os BAR ER HOP If y, t desire first-class work and courteous treatment try George and Barmy at 132 S. State St. ENOCH UIETERILE Fneal Director. Colts attended SDay or Sight. No. 161 E. Libercty Street. Reidece53SO Fourth Avn, Phose 1010. " CLUETT" COLLARS I 'I0NRCH HRTS A Strong Combination Which you cannot be Tmitlott. M"W 1MJLsARD You will alkva~s5fin~d the latest productious with us TTS. W'agner& Co., 4 . 123 S. MAIN ST.