THE' UN'T TE?:SITY OF MICHIG"AN DAILY. 2 f 1 + roed ChaneUSinYOA MIHIGN.DILY L. af " _.a lj4 he AnmaterAtihletic Union istWEARE Pubished Daily (Sunaysc eted drineg te contemplating the advisability o XLSV College yea, at aandoningt the ju ridictioni ver fet .. AETP ball fnIi the plce(tf the iiaiieel THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. orgatnizationi it i expected to found a 4 1 011fll rtc:'he tnlaned Pe-, leeaieg lchoto vrtegm n l l1A ~ fA~~Tl BohemPhone 147. ahfANN'idBAteER itotdetails. hethall ay not e tile M4ANAGICa OGJIITOlt.. oly port affected. It in the ieoleIN F. EaaEIaRDaa, 'e1 L. those behintI the maovemaet to sepat- SHOESry BaUSINEcSS ANAGEI. ate everol tlier lilies of portsrteim01 o.ItBAS, 'e0L. the A A. ~ ad effect naitiona QA ' _-ta N ANSRE aDaTOltS. organizaltiltos ns , biliar s ase-ttR xa Athtetic Editor, T. R. Wennana,'0 L. al anti eir ranclieesciii e P. W. Jett, '110. A. 11. Mt Doe o., 'e. affected. F. D. REMNa,'01 L ( nD, '00 M, The movetaent pronmises to e att C. , T1-n~tiTr. CIB. tpheaval t hat will hare astin e effects oni lltlltettt sports. It twill ~ mallke thedifleffoIlnntprs ill a grat ' -The sealseelptru ei ofnx t 11 i1.1 0 02.510 o measure mtli t Iit at itii l iileave he cllge yeo, with a regular deliverefoenethe AA U.vt il horitly sek noonaeacodey.0Noic1stcitlnuiti, speak-n other matteetendedrtee pbuion mte netg, onit honebraticli itspors. handed ia at itnhenyattce eoe s p ma.,er Tack athlitics wiii e fisteredb mailed itile editoIrbeoe etttee nf toet 1 ay0bdoy previountoi thatono which they ae epected 1o tile iparent orgaiiization atn officers SI appear. sahreeiption may e left atthe DIottycn, of the etlbetiitoi tgaltlopion olttitoritn, izC s 1 / / AA Me nn nsotinenwelond, onwihtniaetiltti Fodve I~ i o '' Aag. henheall rente avno no he eini a posttiotn to iiotie reprting p tttttly 0ati teie ffce oany foiliore of hst cwork. eaneinee to dlicer paer:Cleee.l aen vieih All caesttttin adetiig tmatter tmuts eit Ci oe ciiilv 10ve lttile in 'fet C l asvtic fittig like a glove the Miteheba 4. in. on te dy plevious In that ne tltlerlaitlgbrandtithtere s pits lot ( ttttlflt tt io t oti iid off, an whie t thec ae on Inotttene 11001-- _,pcc of lively titmeswhenttever tttielt, bei 0111nred at-tlto0p antaanott INtnAG aoxao tonet aIteC .projeti tisnchitedti. The fiotballIlikt trotusers. F. D. EAMtAN .aesoiltitttl till teformiedi f-'athletie'$.0 J.loAD I lnhs nthroughtot the eountlry, aldit i /$I t 1 O 3i N '. 0. Nowthtalt the soofitllitfootbattll is likely tlit the Chicagot Athletic is cltised tile supptrs of the gaine A sclttt iiltealaltt111t. GL1O V ES are placeed itta potstioto Itt htttillrt- itite oreo iaittt. It i 'isserted Mott, IRtintdeer , Kid.tinItet td fl ogauaetesle n ethat the qu~estion lan already eeni u.ftt~lnti. Iti etery fashionblethuate congratulted. Thiroulghotth ie0111111.brcdtollt ltitlubcitithrotighti try it tas n od eemttirltted that thec country tittnl tit it haas eeti fotothaleatt e ttatiea clean'ta ganie fatvorably received. Shutld te atnd thtat it is the desire of players to rolizatiott lesucsflyauce" toake it so. Very fete reptrts of tene od stutessftlyhargellni of j' L k.~ dirty playing ilave eentmadte aticithinrtiese hodyerigth taehageo titese awere to littited ittltiteir extenat tewoul ers oeratiientgartyai tt anychtaatges that cwoild e tiade. Inatlycritcdtltheae motuattii- Hose it could reach an agreemtent trul ocddt b h hmin ith the titiverity rlescitoittee S 0(&) 10 T ship gatne of thte East, that ettween i o iel~,htprasacm Harvard and Yale, there tas aso. pr otienoue ratped.rhaeTnps10 aAIUccetee O irtely nto hrutality, to uattecessary prmie _oudberechdIPOTESNDMNUACRRSo roughness and hut oite accident worth Debs Will Speak. CE IA ndPYIA.APRTS mientiottnigaid that tiot of a very seri- CE IA n H SCLAPR TS ous nature. Itn the strtiggle for tile The Goed Govertnaent Cubh ave Western chamtpioniship ht one at. eentinhocorreponidetace withithe MCRS PCF1D GS Ilndartrfo lLbr- tempt at dirty play was made and rmanager of Etigente Dehs lecttre en- tory SuppliesttstennoAn enCl. that was received with such maiifest gagemeants aldave anntitattieet that disfavor hy the supporters of bohtMar. Deitstill speak here Ftidlay teaaas that its repetitioat was ttot nigit, Fe. 3. A letter hailso eeti TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, atteanpted. It is ianteresting to aotte received fromi Win. J. Bryan saying tNne lika i elewheere., an this connectioat that ht 22 play- thtat a definite date could notttbenade 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, -' ers took part han the triole gamae. At for his lectre htere iiitil after he 316 SOUTH STATE STREET titnee metaweere itjured, hut conly asihad received his discharge fromth ie Telnolaintaaa editi h la a naitural consequetace of thin rough. alty. matihnnly. octyctnse ctd naty tl,. nes of thin gamle antd the hard on ___________________ diinoc h ilad hi nuis Ms etrd .Dlshsbe ere not of such nature as to keep chosetn reordiig scretary of thin S. If You 'Want Or Bineing, or Raing, or anything in ur line, no matter them out of thin gamie. So, with C. A. in thin ptace of Miss Magaret - ho1w small or item large, this season, a tecw era iai foothall Carhart resigaed. a Job of WE CAN DO IT may he said to have opeted atid cwe _______________ hopeandloo fo a app cotina. rntnlg fr yo. Call and gt aqanted. tiota along thin haes stt successfully Aten T eatre, Te nadtretstnn folloceed during tite fal of '98. VsĀ®eten~ ok WEDNESDAY EVENG, DEC. 7. Po.-- - paenill Banquets. DELL A FOX Last niglt a iteasattiovety awas / intriiduced in athletic circles whienatE A O.v eninsulsar E g a i g C . Prof. Pattengill atiqueted Capt. OP R O.D triMc.j aeeti Ptoreiont Histeet.Ma- Prof.e n heMuicl.D trit Mch l ager Baird, and Trainer Fitzpatrick Comaedy,DA LQ L. ErkntLR Pattengill like aany other menoers Th itle Uost. of the faculty felt highly elated over Pte,50c, 75, $1, $1.ur. ilO. Eey id the success of Michigan this year on PieA A 1M ''1BEt the gridiron so took this tray of -- -- tt9 West Washingtn Street showing his appreciation of tile UNIVERSITY State Phone 144. Both Phones, No. 10. Ann Aror. record made. School of Dancing There are 128 protestant tlteoittgi- Grant~ge's .cademy. n P cs cal seminaries, or institutions having 11.11 Phone 246. With the enaing and gin at the eanons oe the fasins theological departments, in thte Uni- -.. in Shes. The Styen it yesterday are annoongten in the eire tr tdSae.Ithsintttosthere ALL THtS WEEKI, E. J. LA EER1 that aftotnmrrw. ener widown tee the et up-t-date lee at ted tats. n tese nsttutonsthe Fluit, onnccunt f the nnpeet are 6,634 protestant titeological Stu- ed successn he has m~et witfhwill remeim the styheorteeom-otrrw. asWntge t dlents. Hourse0ton2a.'a., tee ad 7to ypatPnrIF L' T FV L K I hL An Aror,