'W THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 in our $3 HAT is the best duality hatters T H E F U Rfur that is brought to Aineria-and is worked only by riE ..I - -the roost skilled hat makers-Our three dollar hats are uot built to ll tog~ether only 000 season-they are made to wear a much longer period, and there is a distinguished character and rich appearance possessed by our goods as long as they last. All our fashionable styles are exclusive in shape sod trimmings. Inm fact it is everything that makes the best three dollar hat on earth. TRY IT TO-DAY. MAI STEETPAN AROR ____ .'M1"-CORRECT AND STYLISH TAILORING. TeNaaaFails Riout." CENTRAL 5STANDA.5RD I)TUR TslszngaiEet~s. !,esoperate the fittest tailoring tratle in the city, anti M'and Express ........... 7 P. at.eqsuaan 11thM te N7 Y.. BomstonSpecial ...........any.n4tmesSate ?a:t Eastern..........9543" W~erespectfully solicit yotut valued patr ottane. Atigntth Expres. .......74 5A.X Dearot Rashi Expres .... ..<< All (garuetttesmaade by us kept pressed anasinii repair for BOston. N. Y. &Chicgo 5 ...... 813 FasWsen pres.......134Pify G.. 5.c Kalu. I ncess...........5 45 10{i E. Hnr~on. New State Phone 43. C Sicags NightREpress ..........1)a3 Pay ific Express.............12 30 A. a.__________________________ __________ O.. W &RTGGAEt, 11icag . AAn rse FOUR ELEVENS OUT. Hicko......... e. Stevenson G._P._&T._A,-',___________A_'tAnnrbor 0rm...........q. b...Underwood .Johnson.... . . r. ti.... Slence )Many Nero Candidates Turned Out Anderson .....1. h. ..Richardson f__A__, Yesterday for Practice. Dolphin.......f. b......Sims ° _---- 77- Yesterday afternoon there swcre Edward Nntting '1)0 is teaching at 3abouat sixty football smemnout for prac- Howrell, Mich. - tice, the largest number that have TIME TABLE showrn ts so far this fall. The men Granger's Opening. j Tiaking Effect, May 7, sass, were givenm the hardest work tihey The opening social of Granger's iir gns leasc A nn Arnieriby CentralStand- have had yet, and are rapidly getting School for Dancing sill take place TMe dowvn to business. Most of time prac- mnext Tuesday evening, 8 to 12 NiatiT1i -- SOtTHi tice consisted in having time canii o'clock. Gentlemnse 50Sc. The classes 8.4as .s 57:.3o . I. - dates for full-back taunt dooms timemu dancing will be organized time fol- ii2:01 M 1:5 M. m edt h af-ak nisniglowing Thursday, Friday and Sattmr- :56P~9:0t.r. fedtthhafbcsadsnig+5 A.,;. ,855P. si. the ends dosvn for tackling practice. day. The classes swill be umder time *nn btwenisr P nd Tolduniyc hemnweeal ien a little work mmstrscion of Mrs. Ross Granger, Thceetrainio- in sdsy ontvysad runbeThe ssnien Mwere all givAutin t enTolediic,eii tiRwil. All ther trains with the tacklimng mmacline tinder asstdby M.BmjamiM.Atm. ex ilest lSiinday. Aee lrcim fCahhi.AtaelmgMrs. Tyler has beets engaged as E. 'I. GCL tItRE, Aet ieto fCahHl.Ataeln . WV. nEN NETT. G. P. A. dumimmy has been rigged up on the pianist. Office, grounid floor Gramnger's muachinme anti affords excellenst hrac. Academmy. Bell telephome No. 2413. tice for tacklimmg. All tuitions and remit positively in Captain Benmsett did not lute up advance, nto exceptismntio this rule DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- witim tiemenen butthielped withmtime wil be mmade. 3-4. BOR, RAILWAY. ciaching. Four ehevemissvere forimed For Laboratory Supplies of ammy ammd linedi up, time double gamme mmak- kind, call at Eberbacm & Sonm, who tars leave for IDetroit at a quarter imig tiimgs very interestimig to the carry time mmost ciomplete stock in time aster every hour, beginninig at 7:15 a. spaectators. This work will be kept West. 4-5 m. and up to 11:15 p. m. For Ypsilanti upi right thsroughmtime season. Cap. at a quarter before time hour imp to 12:45 tamn Bemnmett ammd Manager Morris If yotm wish to save yosmr clothes, a. ns. Cars leave cormier Wiliam and are very desirous of having all the buy one of Eberbach c Sons Rubber Main Sts.'t'ickeets on sale at Brown's mmemmwhmo are going to try for class Laboratory aprons. 4-5 Drug Store. teamms come out this aftermmoon ammd Students siould take care to regis. begin practice in order thmat the ciass ter at once at Brown's Drug Srore elevemms many be selected as soon as (doswn towvn) amid Calkin's Drug Store _ possible. For lime 'Varsity practice (State St.) Post office employees . THE -... the miemn sere hined up as followvs: have strict ordems not to give ad- KINDERGARTEN VARlSITY. SCRUBS. dresses, so that telegrams and in- Carr ...... c.......Breown portant nmessages oftemi do not reach CIGAR STORE Aler.g vrsit studients because they aentrgs Kranmer.... I... g.....Fowler te aentrgs .5rrisov75cc brandisiiof Tob'siicco, 550herinids oiSteck, le r . aseitered. Have yourmanse and ash- C ar- ais 30iass ofniCigaretct. A chancec ..........r . as z .- a Pinefe willh eviey iurchase. AWood. ""... "" .1....t.......... Day dress mt both of the above places. No e Snow ..........v...r. e....Beenser echage is attacihed. 102 E. HURON ST. Law ............Is.... Ganshaw _ _ _ _ - ---- -- ---Tslcott. q.. . I.. 1 )......hiids Whitcomb......rh......Widiman Try time PortlmandhCute for board, U. of M.I Shaviag Parlors andI Bath Rooms Malone . t..... h.......Morton first-class, and omniy $3.00 per wteek. a22 SOUTH STATE STREET. Keena .........b.... ... Hoover Meals and lunches at all hosirs. Open Lastc'ar si ir iDrecsing up stires.Od The other two elevemmelhned as day amid night. n. call again. We.iweissmc newions.s: follows: A. R T~iJAN~s~m.Oh! Yes I trade swith thme Music - - --- -- ---___ Hampton ......c..............Cook 11113 D LI +hn I) '..h r. Cr.y.err..Newherry Co. oii Washington St. They have UNI RR G i fiho P.a~hD i~nth ..I. v ... 1t'hte tc amso-., mamc tim price muster-.1 PIANOS TO RENT arid all Musical Supplies at L.OWEST HATES SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE 1.t4 Went Liherty Street, Ann Arhsr. Only 3 doors from M~ain Street. 0, M, MARTIN.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Emhalming a specialty. No. 200 Fourth Ave. Ambulance night antI day. R~es- idence 302 Fifth Ave. "I1cim " P1118 Win._Arnold, Jeweler GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W, W. TUTTLES 33s So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS ..ARE... PERFECT iN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berrymaii Studio 1 1 2 West Huron St. State Phone nns, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. The Name itheGuarantlet. -FOOT BALL Officiasl outftters to sii the ladiing coilege, schoolt anS at shletic cilb teamis. Spalding's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball Used excilmsively byYaie, Princeton, tHarvrd Pemisyivasia. Corneii anid dlnioteieading colleges and universities. Manages shoul wsrite tsr prices and samispies before orering elsewhere. Spaldigs Official Foot BaillGuide, edited by Water Camsp. Recsrds. photo- graspflseadtng Leamns.,5555 ruies, wish in den and expianatory mites, 10o. A. 0. SPALDING A BROS., Now sYork, Chicago At News Stand, 607 E. William St. Give nan a trial. First class work and prompt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. State St., Bindls Bookus toe i5i. indupsarsen, and sells Waterman FountaiPeos for $1.25and up. All1 Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c. Finest Statiotney iln theccity t lxweslturie C a" "iNwiuts e.in the rhomipcsnPa 15i'g Only First-Class Barbers Employed. THE MODEL of State Street ~ UY, Rv' BARBER SHOP If ysiu desire first-class work and cootrteous treatsment try George and Htarry at 332 M Sate ti. ENOCH IL I ELI unL l Drctr tills atndsuit avi or xi ;it. N: a.i 11 E.tibetc iii las 55aItsiecs 53S, Pourth AXi: 55tsiwi 2it White ....r. t ........... hase ttnIhv em levmr.Ay McDonald . I. . t......AndersonthnIaesenlewr.An- Emserson.....r. e....Maynard thing I wvant at lowest Price. 4 Yl1entschler, tbhe1Ipotographer, RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. KOAL. Ever (k~ aTOhER, 119 West Washington Stree WASHINGTON BLOCK. ANN ARBOR, Both Phones, No. 108s. Ann Arbor. 00 -2V2 T sTRi E