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VOL. IX, No. 57.
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Goal Kick Ma Be Abolished. Adelphi Preliminaries. Shakespeare Club Formed.
Now that the football season is The first preliminary in the Penn- A number of those interested in
over, crit es and friends of the game sylvania debating series of the Adel- Shakespearian study met in Room 9
phi Society will be held tonight in yesterday afternoon and took steps
are offering suggestions as to changes the society rooms at 8 o'clock. The toward forming a University Shakes-
in the rules of the game. So far how- question for debate is: Resoloed, peare Clob. A. J. Bleazby was
ever the general opinion seets to be That under existing conditions, the elected chairman and those present
that almost no changes will be necess- abolition by all civilized nations of discussed plans as to the nature of
ar, that the game is approaching their armies and navies other than the club and its work. It will prob-
those required for the maintenance ably be conducted alog the lines of
perfection. One change however, of their domestic police is feasable. the course in Shakesperian reading
will be brought to the attention of Those who will speak tonight are offered by Prof. Trueblood. Mem-
the football experts in regard to.the Messrs. Watkins, Dewey, Matthews, hers of the club will be assigned
goal from touchdown, and tie sug Holland, Hyde and Conger on the parts and complete scenes from the
gestion will probably come from the affirmative; Messrs. Nege, Tupper, various plays will be given at each
West. The goal kick following the Johnson, C. D. Hurrey, Slater, Tryoutmeeting, In conectiom, a critical
touchdown has been the source of and Cook on the negative. Satur- study of each play given will be
untold lament this year, especially in day night the same question will be made and instruction as to the play
the West. It has upset calculations discussed. On the affirmative will received as well as dra natic training.
and sometimes relegated superior appear Messrs. Van. Kewren, Sprin- Those present were very enthusiastic
teams to the second class. By moatny get, Bleazby, McCreary, Utley and and it is likely that a strong and
it has come to be regarded in the Moxey; on the negative will be flourishing club will be formed.
nature of a fluke, and some of the Messrs. C. B. Hurrey, Prentis, Mc--- -
prominent football experts in the Elligott, Young, Dudley and Evans. Faculty Concert.
countty will be for its entire aboli- TThe third of the faculty concerts
tiei when the question comes up for Webster Societh. hich occured last night proved
settlement. There will be the regular meeting highly interesting, the large audience
The committee on rules last winter, of the Webster Society tonight in the present showingait sincere and enthu-
both in the East and West, belittled Webster Hall, Law Building. The siastic appreciation of the various
the goal touchdown and cut its pro- program announced is as follows: -artists. The program possessed variety
ductiveness in two. It is hoped by a Music, vocal solo, Miss Campbell; enough to suit the most exacting, and
large numrer of football enthusiasts Canp Life at Chickamauga, Mr. did not contain a single mediocre
that it will be entirely abolished this McKenzie; reading, Mr. Rydaech; number. The piano duots of Mr.
year. It is claimed that Prof. Stagg An Estimate of the French People, Joeas and Miss Von Grave were
of the University of Chicago is in Lyon Leap; debate, "Resolved, That highly effective both being transcrip-
favor of its abolishment. Coach Huff the United States should abandon the tions of descriptive pieces for the
of the University of Illinois looks pension system and build instead orchestra by Saint-Saens. The first,
with disfavor on it, and the same is homes for the soldiers and seamen the Suite Agerieente with its wierd
true with Coach Bannard of North- who are disabled in its services;" Oriental themes and the thrilling
western and Coach King of Wiscon- affirmative, Messrs. Erlick and Has- climax of the French military march
sin. Captain Pixley of the C. A. A. kett; negative, Messrs. Deiches and was very picturesque as was also the
team says it mighot just as well not be Roach. All members who expect tot atost sensational Danse Macabre by
included in the book of rules, take part in the preliminaries for theethe same composer. Mr. Lamson
It is argued that the goal from Pennsylvania debate are asked to be mand Mr. Zeitz appeared and acquitted
touchdown gives no evidence of the present to draw for places. . themselves in their usual successful
ability of a team to score ,ino roll up manner.
points, and that the weakest man on Jeffersonian Society. Bible Chair Classes.
the eleven might be the best goal bs . Jefferso.ian Society will meet
kicker. The man who tries for goal The Bible Chair Classes of the
after a touchdown has been made is tomgt in tieir socie rooms i ti Student's Christian Association have
given all the time he needs, with no Tihe programt twillbe: Current been very successful so far tthis year.
opposition, and the point thus gained Topics, W. L. Gilbert; Reading, N. The average attendance is above 130
shows"othin of the abiity of the W. Cross; Declamation, F. R. each week. A few who enrolled
team. The admittedly weaker teamnStringer; Essay, F. B. Finerty; have dropped out, some because the
might score a touchdown on a fluke Oraio, L. B. Cole Speech L C instruction was not what they wanted
and then kick goal, perhaps tying thee sitt Music, Mr Rydech; Im and others because of pressure of
score.oprohwpt Discussion, aform ve ork. Dr. Coler who had
To Elect Football Captain. L. Mulholland; negative, Mr. Lund; charge of the work last year is again
Debate"Resolved That legislators at the head of the work. Announce-
On Saturday, Dec. 3, at 7 p. m. in ' ents for the work during the second
the Trophy Room of the Gymnasium should carry out the wshes of i semester will be issued after the
there will be held an election for the constituents rather than their private
'Varsity Football Captain of 1899. convictions;" affirmative, J. U. Christnas vacation.
The following men are entitled to Ellerman and J. B.Dandridge; nega- Alpha Nu Society.
vote under the Constitution of the tive, F. D. Hunt and E. B. Powell. In the Alpha Nu Society the fol-
Athletic Association: Avery, Baker, Visitors are always welcome. lowing men will take part in the
Brown, Barabe, Bennett, Caley, Cu- A Job for the Seniors. Pennsylvania debating preliminaries.
ningham, France, Hicks, McDonald, Messrs. Callen, G. F. Paul, H. H.
McLean, Kramer, Day, Dye, Allen, Arrangements have been made by Corwin, Montgomery, Rheinfrnk, V.
Baldwin, Blencoe, Keena, Steckle, the Department of Engineering with D. Wells, BarbierWistrand, Stephens,
Snow, Street, Whitcomb, Widman, the Peninsular Paper Company of Carmody will speak on the affirma-
White, Weeks, Teetzel, Talcott, Ypsilanti whereby the seniors in tive. Messrs. Won. Charles, A. H.
Wood, and Richardson. steam engineering are to make a Rath, G. A. Ohlinger, J. G. Rey-
This list is based on the rule that series of boiler tests of the company's nolds, R. H. Kitely, Wills, R. M.
t any one who has played on th 'Var new plant. Tests will be made to Wood, M. G. Mayo, and Cohen will
sity team in two of the October or determine the most economical kind appear on the negative. Each
one November game shall be entitled of coal to use with the boilers, the speaker will be allowed ten minutes.
to vote for captaim. If the name of nature and temperature of the gases
anyone entitled to vote under this leaving the furnace, the temperature The Athhlectic Association of Har-
rule has been omitted the manage- of the fire, and the horse power of vard Graduates will give a compli..
ment will be pleased to make the the boilers. The work will require mentary dinner to the Harvard eleven
. correction and give the player whose three Saturdays. The first section of and substitutes tonight at which Col.
name has been omitted, the right to the class goes over tomorrow, the Theodore Roosevelt, Governor Wol--
vote. CHARLES BAIRD, remaining sections the following Sat- cott and President Eliott will be
Graduate Director, urdays. among the speakers,