4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 TH UNVERSTY F MIHIGN DALY. THE 151a1?ds AND- 6)1Rir peopIe. A record of personal obser- vation and experience, witli a short summary of the more important facts in the history of the archipelago. BYIPROD . Dean C. Worcester. III IA~TE~fflI 106 S. MAIN ST., and W, .II W VVLIYIUI 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St., CARRI ES UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. lntercollefjiate Bureau o1f feademie Costume. GOTRELL & LEONARD, ALsBANY, N. Y. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hlats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Wetersnagr'., H~askeSlltauseaum, Unio. of Chaicago MOLMES' -9LIVERY. Telephone 1 06. 5 15 E. Liberty St. FINE COACHIES AND COUPES FOR PARTIES. JOS. W. KOLLAUF, TrAII.4OR, Makes a specialty of Fine Black Suits, Al Workssanship. 214 Eass Washinsgtoa St., nesr 5th Aee. W. J. Bases, PaEso. T W. AsseesD, let Vice-pest J. V. SEEHAN, 2d Vice-pres JOHN. C.WALTz, Asst.Cashier~IYN~ BRINK Transacts a general Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BAN K O nzAb Capital, 61i0,00. Surpies ad Profits, 940,000 .rasas a eera1l banking businss. Foreign eoxihangebouight ad sold. Furnish letters af credit. Ei. 0. KINNE, Pees. HIARRISON SOULE, Vise-Pres. S. W. CLARK~SON, Coshie. ,nn &trhuniirnk .Paiblisiser's Our Pri'e, Price, - $4.00 - !3.00 UINIVERIT 100BI Piaeos Pipe Orgar) aod R. H. KE Froo ttatiolous Ottol 312 S.OlovisnSt. coos( MHILLARD TILE TSHElRENOWNEDsPOMANDO50 MR. W. EUGEI Will gvlesso0r5°1. on1tlo guitar at the I ni tr music evory 'li6:l t. I hoooro ,riply to the Set-re 015 S. Stale. oil tis Wisiso-, litlionlld, Will WATCHES AND GJiEEU 01uscdat rsiece311E.ib toe, Micihi. All business con1 toi11:30o.sm. anIio3:34 and Jo Sorgains-in Sebondhd lolWotl MAKE A BOWLING 310 S. Main T. MAHONEY, - OpenaIDay ad &604f K SELJ.ERS pry, Germanoy. et Pieaso Toctii LAMPS O STUDENTS taisCor.Mi adHuo Sresat We toll ittention to our complete line of (enter Draft Nickel Plated Lanips, R, ass r, gene. C. 5. uzines'Vie-Fres. ranging to price from 75c to $2.50 each.LTiese Lamps are of the latest and F r D ,BC .csir most improved patterns and makes. Including"TIhle New lloclester""T he 'tsi.soesCsh. Yale," "The Rtoyal," "The Berlin Studenit Lamp, ""The lPerfectioni Student -C Bn Lamp" If yosu want the lest Lanip for the Least Mionety comie and see us. Doe Rnn l Mor savings Bank Old Numbert: Capital.St.c0.1550,1101. Scot rpllus, $150c000. 4450C. SMAIN ST., i'Ai .. rResloures. $1.100005. ANN RBO, MIH. E A N & lOganized 0u11der1theetl Bankling Ltots ANN AR OR. HCHofti ta1to.iRectives o it st, boys oatd sells 011ag o heits cipa11 ities o1111 the it hted iManalgoer Useinoer has sueceedled in Stcudeot- Direcetory-$1 to otui- Soloet depsitot tore itt11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~F lu lt i-l is111 t o.liidcs R1is: Cot iso'la e ii.Pes.;W. ID. lHosi- bilin th D llaFo OpraCo fo dnts tf" a Vi ce-Pr51s. e, asot t E.i. IitsoettOCashier; 14t. 1enedyD c. 7. lilt-Fox l-- - Ja. iti.Assiot-tt i er 111lir ii otls lse lls II Mt-igs -Say, ioys! Have 3'ttii se011thbse rbr.tclosred collars. ii Gutotsieet's u-ic- iils' U. Of'el.lii ireclory--tst beait the U. if Al. glime at ('licags. studleiiis 8 iher1year ini adtvanlce. IU. " _T HlE ,- Tue Ints.r Oca, leadiing (Cbicagot Coo o ysRIN.- Etssoieltotl suite iof daily, 1 istitidleidIby3 .St~lt ltso ritotnite, ltt, fiurnacei e at aid11110 1°ito tos Dpit iit b(ath;r 1blotitifrm oyiibreityWetkoiscs eo tilidaglyionlalyekivetediat Htall. $1.75 1h1erwep. 351 Pck- '-' ek jvrthn sal eti Ilr at. - tlcc ist-lass10 Grocery and Baokery. ('oll - - andsee0tie Notice.I , - A tltu 111acIIo-l vt night. Finde11r isill ptssosse eaveii 318 S. STATE ST.__ All lltuent siteisested it lli-steihy Amican-i.-toII tl il 00rec1151 rew"i.t-l-~ R X As ls isi.liltioomi 9, Uivrsity Ifls , t'lrs- 00.53100 C on tot to a110tueslitest oaod U. oll.. Buil-c-rSlitoip dad- Dee.ISO t~i It.- 1 It 4 p, i., (sir 1 lie iutir- 111ost , t l.. t ilti. 'lle ever1in4 ItitieBas L~t~l VIRTUOSO ,-B itl t ott ne11.". t ,p 0000 w esns ctt sL 1 E1 -s iipns( lo 'trg a izij, to Shaklepear fscst lost-I to-so til aBlll nine 1010'andt 011sill're .1.Ri. 'ltttANO15511I, 10i itt 32 S. ltt N Li~ (liip layo n ts.hefil. Senottlprepaid 1111to ay tloot -- tO otisroctipt Notce 05c 51.3 li 1.it, RAZOR HONING I t in c ; } > i e b 09,-at - b 0111111 nlece IS A SCIENCE.. it St l4 fluteer-oit-10 Och. St~ ito1111 s - 1 7t4e____________ St i rallteOils W5otk. tor 'focr11101101 1.11 t I C i itsI t 111. o it1s li-I .1s is silt1t t i alolt- WAIt :- DARBE 1105. c. 3 a ) ti Ii il its sits 5 :% All !iaitl Is isin -ti 0 Ie itmS prt1 itng-i iltlto -t = ilt-iIliltotnt ittie Is I, i t :)~cl i s iisilod ty I' -ttlltftef 3cras. thu-s. TI-iTT E 1310 L of t' St ate .re( Ngtirtillii l ii to be adttil t o 111 5I Nm Ds tI Gt i tnis bst ilt-- AFE ' is~s~ ~ so Dc.i " lot I tol I li ot tu-itit "t1Illst-chis 5worlk atnd coot-tecous tuet :eA liiietc .oI, I ' {? 's _____________ on Mchips Hoe try Ceorge sindlltirry aci3320,w- Sate l( ~ i~"a Ri '1 -sel~t' or st I troltl Pool (Clotli S323 11 0 101100 Sli',:',1.5 , t- E OiI l 0 l ha E blmer and~ it tusl 007e 1 Iovl ii Tolte 111111t1- lisli lot- I'.l. 11 ILlitit i, D(l 10 or, 01-tstt- -0 t~ y -, l es Dtt pott.ttIEideis, 6 1 So Igills- StN..11 1. osty vSt oest. 11-it- L. ar hiY REPAIRED, 1-1-is So.. AtitiAs- toeph G. Watts. lit-- and Dimstc LLEY. St. Proprietor. Night. ... I _ .. i. vtilt" nvt% ! 11Vtll: 17U. If yttitou i 't }ityp lthiinllilt we wanstti yotur101 repatiring Thlarngest rpi hltwseen Detroit anoicagliog. WMLVA iepair sropr .W' 1Jj11 fRD '