THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. s ~SHORTS 1I iNRUBBER BOOTS AN [z .MAIN ST Students'- Laundry Association Win. TOUGHT-Wms.01. FOX, agents fur THE GRAND LAUNDRY, of DETROIT The heat high grade laundry in the State. The only machine domestie fdnish in the West. lsvenfinish nice given. All week peompty, neatly and caeefully dcce. Office 1225. State at. Residence 610 Laweence st. New State Phone. 44t. MIGflIORN G[NTRRL "'The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Tacking Effect Aug. 14, t898. Mailtand Express........ .3 47 r. m. N. Y. & Bostots Special . d.......458" Fast Eastern ...............9 43" Atlantic Express............7 St A. M. DetroittNight Express........ 5 5tO Grand Rapids Express . It.......110" Mutt & Express .............9 t8 A. M. Boston. N. Y. & Chicaggs.........813 1 Past Western Express........1538sP. u. G. R. & Itat. tucress..........5 4dO Chicago Night Express ........ dO943 Facifie Express ....t.....1 30 A. M1. 0. W. IgIUGLIES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ag't, Chicago. Ag't Ann Arbor TIME TABLE Tacking Efet, Nov. 20, 1898. Trains lease Ants Arbor by Central Stand- aed Tine. NORTH SOUTH *01:403. . 11s.A.At. 4:56 P. . 8d40 . M. 9:05A. M. 6:25P. M. cRass between Ann Arbor and 'Toledo only. All trains daily except Sunday. E. S. GILMOR.E, Arent. W. H. BENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. (Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter af ter every hour, beginning at 7:15 a. m, and up to 11:15 p. M. For Ypsilanti at a quarter before the hour up to 12:45 a. m. Cara leave corner Hturon and Main Sts. Ticketa ou sale at Brown's Drug Store. FOR G011101;and Speid RIDE ON Wanted=3 Students 'Pa solicit suhscriptions to the Chicago Record A fine opportunity ts earn some mosey. 0. 0M. STEPHENS, '99 L. CORECTAND STYLISH TAILORING.~ We operate the. finest tailoring trade in the city, and equal any in the State. We respectfully solicit your valued patronage. All garments made by us kept pressed and in repair for one year. 106 E. Hauron. New State Phsone 43. CALENDAR. and curiosity to see her become en-~ Friday, Dec. 2.-Freshtman Spread traticed. It is oaid that the noe in Watertman Gymonasium. comnedy is fitily as expensive to run Monay ec.5.Pro. J a big cotmic opera orgatnizatioti, MilonorxdaDec.h5.-rof.tJ.CMubtte compatny being totiexteitoive atnd Sillots"Kora" n te Unty lubexpensive otie atid tlho other expenIses Course. runintg intlioan aggregate of some- Thursday, Dec. 22, (Eveting).- thing like $2,800 per week. The Holiday Vascatiotn begintinit tll do. stage settintgs, costumeis and effecto partmetits of the Utilversity. ore decltired to ho beyond compjari- Fridlay, Dec. 9.-Athletic Ball iu son. the WVatermnan Gymnttasiuitm.- Piquante Della Fox., We are to have with us pretty, piquanste atnd precious little Della Fox. That simphle anniountcemenct is fraught withs palpitating ititerest for the femininte heart for of oil the stars oni the slope today there is notie who is firmtly ititreticlied ito the good grates of her owti sex as the switnsonie comiedieniie. Ini tny sort of a pro. senitationi Della Fox is sure of a wearmi welcotmi, hottwhetn it is repoirted tht "The Little Host,'' her tiest tusical comedy, is the strongest and most iteresting of all thto produetionis in which she has figured, the atixiety Balnd NoiOce. A moeetig ofE the U.. of M. Band still lee ldh this evettitig its the bsanid rooms it 7:15o'cloick. It is liport- atit thtatll the mieitibers of the batns he preseist. IDotiot miss the grettmussical treat, Scailclhi ittd her fiue comspanty, at the Yp'silanti Opers House tottighit. Popular prices. It seemOs stransge that tmatidolins have lowered in price while they have itmproved itt qutality. 'The $12 Waldo at the Mttsic Co., Washintgton St. is atn illuotrationi. " HAVE YOU SEEN IThe New Brunlo Mandolins OF 12 STRI1NGS ?" They are for sale at the SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Down on Liherty Street, hut only three dunes teom Rain St. ANN ARBORt. Ot M. MARTIN,. FUNERAL. DIRECTOR Embalming a specialty. No: 200 Fourth Ave. Ambulance nigltt and day. R~es- idence 302 Fiiftli Avto. MIrm 1OWk Win. AnoldJeweler GET YOUR AT W. W. TUTTLE'S 338 So. State Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berrymain Studio I1I12 West Huron St. State Fione 119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Tieltae the Guarantee, 4FOOT BALL Offictaltitters to all the leading, coliege, school and .atltcctt.dltbeacrts. SpaldinE's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Bull Used exclussvety by Yule, Prtncecton, Harvard P'ensnsylvtatia.Cottecitand all othte teading colleges and usniversittes. Managers shotal write toe peters ant samtples before strdering elsenhere. Spalding's Oonial FooC Ball Guide, edited by Winter Uanp. Reorttds. pttto roapts ttf leadintg iearsts. tOOS rules, with in. dcx and expltatory notes, 10u. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York, Chicage Al Newi Staod, 607 E. William SI. Give me a trial. First class work and prompt service PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 3411 S. State SC., Btnds Bookscfor25. ctdsupward,oand selleA. A Waterinan Founta Cin O'nai for $1.44 land up. All Linen Paper. 4 lbs. for 50c. Fineot Stationery isnitoe city at soweet price w-l4z!v qw3ana - -Te3zyltl% AW-11922r7wrhrlsnhr- vt7s AZZK - ltrlw2rNff Wenbtcblcr, th beIhotogapher. 'LYLS4/ fl' N It PURITAN HOECOO (Incorporated.) MAKERS OF THE For Ien. All Styles. Ann Arbor Store, 110 E4.ast IHuron St., Neatr Cook Hlouse. Detroit Store, 1S Gratiot Ave. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.