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December 01, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-12-01

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T, What They Think. onsin, Illinois and Minnesota, in Additions to the Museum.
j The following clipping is indica- the order named, appears to e the There has beei so much written
tive of the opinion of Michigan's result of the season in the West. aout the museum that one would
team in the West. Northwestern has een outclassed, very reasoaly inagines that there
iT In the West an entirely different She has een unfortunate, ut that is nothing new to tell. But he would
1 state of affairs is met. For the first does not alter the fact of her preseut e mistaken for the museum keeps
H FINE FALL SITING. H time since there has een a Western low estate. Chicago has defeated pace with the otherecanges going on
(i Championship it is possihie to award her, Michigan has, and Minnesota in the other uildings. This year
E E it without dispute. It must go to has. Te score in her game with almost all the old exhiits have een
Michigan and after a game which Wisconsin yesterday was 47-0, Wss- overhauled and rearranged. The
was as hard fought as any ever wit- cousin, of course, winning.-Msinne- cases have een moved closer together
T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T nessed in Chicago. Michigan won aplis Journal,n ntesaetu eue e
Iwith a narrow margin ut her work exhiits have een placed. The
A "STOCKA was all of the kind that enthuses the Last Edition oi U. oi M. Director. Chinese exisiit, in particular, has
IN THE CITY. spectators-good hard straight foot- The DAILY is i receipt of the een rearranged. Now its different
al with a plentiful sprinkling of latest edition of Glein V. Mill's U. of pieces illustrative of the Chinese
end runs. Chicago on the other M. Directory. The ook is nieatly trades are so placed that any partiu-
* hand relied largely on what might e gotten out y the Inland Press, and lar one may e found immediately.
Stermed trick plays. Her departure is the est directory that has yet een The exhiit of irds has een sade
0Ufrom the fundamentals of the game issued. 'The ook contains an alpha- sore attractive and instructive.
R 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. R proved disastrous, for Michigan with betical list of all studets in the U. Small cases have een inserted flush
H Ha pair of the est ends to e found iii of AT., the Normal, School of Music, with te wall. In each one of these
the West, repeatedly downr the runner and junir and senior classes of the a pair or more of irds in their
for losses. Ann Aror High School. The room- natural state surroundedi y tet kind
Michigan did resort to one it of lg place, oarding place, (where it of herage on foliage in which they
W I ~ I~ strategy and it may not e out of could ho ascertained) class, depart- lived. The trimmings, branchles,
___________ -place to refer to it. Widman on a mat aid home address of each st- leaves, and grass are so natural that
f+++++ ++ ++++++ elayed pass rain 65 yads for at dent is given. houses with telel)110i-s it is hard to believe that they were
CHEST PROTECTORS t touchdown. Herschherger who was are marked so far as posil. The all mrade in the museum. The col-
dawny into the play, on theso-~ls volume cotains much valuahle i- letionr of North American mammals
AND sitiomn that it was a mass formation, formation asd should prove indis- is ome of the hot imi the Uinted States
CHAMOI SSS discovered too late tha he had een pesmale to those win) have to look ii regards to size and numerH MofVET
f10 S e deceived. This same play is sne of up students. The next revised edi- specmen. Thi year twou wholly
mrn le odrw wid; For Minne sotas Shepley scored twice lished int January. the museumm. Thee are colectiomms
A tisl potecctr-lorcharam- i ~ clin fcrl 111smls hr nm
ii-ot ia-one of thesbctI o011tyesterday, Mcign scome - fcladsells. Iihrttm
1)1 fur ~ , cn be once, 1and11Pennsylvania once iagainst Uniersitut Y. iAiC. A they iwill all be mioutdl andidon ex-
OFT wr l in r~yar osrnel. lihi asociationmiis 0soo)n1to lollr-1hibititoni. When they sr imise
WILDER'S HARMACY bitterly humiliating toi Stagg, for his n Sackett Hal1and1 give 1m10n of the their kind in the coutry.
OleSocb 5clcslcdt. tel~llicrseutei th ony cti-aimiguniversity 1and11touuwn al chace ti iiar IBesiesthese exibitswichiliare
N+++N+++4+* o+*4 4+*++ gregatious in the Woot. lie,;imiisetftthese men i tieM 1E. church. Tfhey for the pullic, there is ii the isn Ila
tias looked confiueutly forward to te wcibehe lre Deic. 2tiAadcitahg uieo lroic itd
L mj Nih. a talT lmksgivlmlg gillme',illtiw- steale at 7 p ,n., Friay, Satiurday arc accessble oly to std[l ltc in cr-
gaigthis year till'posel--ill)ocithteiand Miuiiii andialsciiSuday t 3 taillinhes 11111 to theiubcmil bIy cur-
iht. Pull lineoii.s pc,ligirs, aidn td Byostieehithest e menu aroImtermaiomal .oeofthiese froakswhch o dmi tli
toblaco. yiongstes at the shrt, Iluist have College Y. A.. C. A. ocremaris, 11111rd-ose iere, are i every respect
R, E . JOLLY & CO0., fiicil his soumi mitim gall. schmo a visit is ira re tret Mois qa to thoeu-u dliihy aivertisedh
308 So Slate Street. AMi hiigmms saisothis yar oui tocmmn~hc ano epsec o ~ era retyofheWrd:runtecuny.Ioecsei
m vri aigay refememie,Imowc- le iiimsItfcatdc, anmiriamvery euimn- imoirdinrt x ui iiifii-. Near hirei
A IKodak eer, to h110 00000,timohl kl pcuu edradoraie.A lngteaali lre aki h
for ciithlwi chherigenm nhaer 1 111te st -iuusloe'miirciie. 1 lliiImi ii saIl mi lti
siiilomi mriofchisi ian itiviylie is ot hadi I i1clliy!citwhienliicit Iws
devledqiilndmiripeed ilitoc hlnii -111 c cuidi ticany)imi tieword, nt evenllalmvem ithave 10i-'Hrcilealls1)10 t
Christm as Shmp cficml, amd seomdlyl, thef achcmevc FatheiIClrkofCisiantlEnmliiail-ilee't hiscmte cimiy 1 o01 moitthim
iemtoswor~kedl ot uider al iorne1 mfa ire Be cur iccohar im. IHis U ioie fit1hmici-o itoibe1mm x-
5Vlc c 0 c ccccb ccCc coacmh. r tiat, matler, loieverca skein of 'ery geat alitlity ii lilO' t Wa rce10tyc sit 1from1
s ,ti, g c - a>c:tc ,cc year1. th im c i nsA r n o lcr
Otti.Ic <t c c c hey cy e b ihmcmm lemm-iiil111111Miby____a__ friend Ili a tr onlfiitie Umi vcr
t1be Ic .ccccccece V.,,y ' ic 1m iiimie coachliis mreciuonsibtle him Nem , si ,eenN Books for the Libraryl site, At omutsciii the res, citheir
ccacclcil ii tat iii cc s hlier victors,.A
It it-;1fre. Tcitreuedi ar omilt h tiico-lcg c i ~ f te Ci i 'h0 us i ue c clfevolutiomiae
ifc1.i gme isiitpoccsible romu etmeuimicu-illrsii as t 0receiveud 16t2 vii1)l -tiucmielpsii c iih
F P1e, II cp emmress cit the pies repiot, bt ml 10011 1101 1 ily areteim llti y wi5timi lIttwfill)1111a persocnl. tic-
1111 -mtobe found ~h ill teMichtigang mmcinhr, iomi 1666ltlie 790 c heom e ads ilor ii cthu'e ivs ciet iii hiooty
Chicago hackhs letermminmedly. Con- $20to cmplie~tme oust areyirul wh1 imeh ihad twociboidiets Ito cieed1and
cmhmmcctmtthsiweicuemum0mstie piisession it theic 1111501cly 1111e1111ead 01ti dit ith11, 'Thei
tile bievist . ttie e s Westhas oer ver mseeouwas'Thie cvoiume swihlIe awul ill icon---tcsk evidenlcty cca115ttcuch mef orthis
do 015rindta tltie average weghtl rani 1uhlducting esearchlwokicon sc)g seic u miiilasheidhimsic11) ~le s iraher
Itudelidto190,mandlithe pertformaceofitthe the tlin. 51maill.
We have a fiw good cconid-lmand Michigani younmgters ecomes pe htm lmeul 11 intis ris 0in ~dcharge
coisf unoumenal. Anoter test lot the e Receipts o the Game. cutf11_I. A. Woouu, w111 is teti li
Huft'citl & Woodufl's Amuerican smts f tie Michsiganm systeom is pre- The foliniivmg are the receipts lnd)1 11 PaMrh.flKSagnadMr
Cases om Contracts, semnted in Cley. It waissd for extenditres of the Chicago-Michi. _11. _____rke.
Clothm Bindlinmg for $2.75ueeks this seasonm that Michiganl cus gans fotbuslh gahie: Attemndance, 7- Aul cuthIle Hamrvard mucus that
Nebahsdly handicapuped ecause shie hash 213; total receipts, $11,17; geerai
Price Ne, unoome who cold kick b ut is andi exulenses, advertisingetc., $1,419 1; 1phayed nither the Yaledr Pemsn-
Cloths Binding ...........$_3 5( ehod, when it camse to a punting cust doftie erectioim of tie hleachers syvtoisiu games cwiii receive thse 'ar-
Full Jaw Sheep............... 4.00 matcisetwveems Caley and Hrsch- and granid stanmds, $4,580.20, of ity . H." Tihere are :14 i l.
Fine woiting lrapero is- se, lOs sd25Iseuco. hergr, the Midway kicker faied lid swlich Michigan's share sas $1,145. The amount ofmoneoff uerd Ill
otcasIis rival, though his sup- trip expenses tll Chicago, $11.24; ltmo studets of the Cichago hiiver-
saaah B ok tor roily uwas evident, net share for Michigams after all e- siy iii prizes for deate reaces $1,-
W a rsBo kMto e higan first, then Chicago, Wis- ductious, $3,70.7. 300 yearly.

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