THE UN IVERSITY OF M-ICHIGAN DAILY. 3 4t+++*+*ttt4*+++f+4+e++f+4t+++***+t*4t*++++t**4++ ++*4+++44+f++ft+++++4t+t4++*++ 4t+++++* +*M tiII1IDD~L Ilf'You wtait the .t LDERIBY hst itllith World FLE CE LIED 1.0 r $15 00 we *Goodspeed's, 117 S. Main St. .+t+++++++++++++++++.++++++++.++++t+++++++4+4+4+++++4+++4+++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++*+t*+ Students' Laundry Association Wne. FOUGilT-Wmt. R.FOX, agetstaftr THlE GRAND lAUNDRtY, of DEUTROIT The lest higttgraea unedryatte Mtate. The ontyachtinte caet fiiinthe West. Goveeaeinishatso eivena. All week potattly, neatly antd carefulily adone. Office 203 S. State at. Resien'e Its Lawrtence st, New Sate Phone. 41t. CENTIIAiStT5N.tRbtt)TItlE. Taking Effect Atug. 14, 1898. t~tatt tatd Eaptte ...........3 47 P. m. N. Y.&IBton tSpec'ialt.......45" Fast ast eta...............94 ttetroit Nht tat Seee........55" Grandtt RasEess......... ttt1 act t GtOea NY INGNEaS., Pattsiea Etpess......... a1t M Pt'c:t.i T, a stac. ....t.... as'1 O. W. ttttttti's15, 1It. tItAYE- G. 1P. & 'r. A'e, tatatage. Ag't AtArborae TIME TABLE Tatting Effect, Oct. 2, 1898. Tratna teave Ate Aeboe by Centreal Stand- ad late. 6:3Aetta. ll. t:21-) * t:it) P.tM. 11a'Lte. at. t 9:05 A. c1. St'6 . At. Itn taweaet Anta AeboanadatToldttotaty. 1 Ttasat atanstatSuntdayaaoay anf runSat' tween a atect andtaat hwett. Altetteaetat datty ecepatISunday. E. S. GILMOR, Ageatl. II. W. Ott aNIT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter after every hour, beginatig at 7:15 a. tn. anal up to 11:15 pt mn. For Ypsilatnti at a quarter befoarethte hear cap to 12:45 at in. Cars leave corater Hiuron and Mainl St..T'ickets on sale at Brownas Dirug Store. FOR GOMMo tand SpeGd RIDE ON THE Al CI ORIGINAL Students ! Students! If dtteatisfied withbyou a undtraty servciestate legrelliEXCELSIOR LAUNDRY ~~~~~~~~A F. ~e EaCERtaeaaT Prp.,aaEa WashGatetaeSt. ALARUM CLOCKS, II. NOW ON SALE AT (I. Ott1m. PINS,'I() Cents. BROW 'S RUG STO E linetchaleta piring a Spacitatty, BROW'S DUG SORE J. L. CHAPMAN, 'ERY WEEK. 200SaeMain Street. AREi 0. FRESH EV The Tuwo Vagabonds. Oatsofta heia cantasidataes fear tlac aTTla w'ao Vagaboaands"cwaas ire. Washlitontetpoastaafficeis IRufutsoB. setated blolecatil. l't talent ande t Tittayer, of Watslitagtoat, fatrmterly of by1listligaua. Hea is at graduhate oaf tihe auaspices af the Elkss at thae Athaens Lativersily of Michaigtana, wherseitt Thesatre laasttnightl. STse payacwas twas at clatsate oftatCaangressmantt utntder tiae generalaldirectionat f alt5. Bishoandtaa a ratotattaateaof ftrmter WatrrentI'.ELomtbtardl andtasi wats s eceretatry eatStaesDiay. Ilsecwas statgedandata iresentted.gadataa It17,arsfara cr assistatnt libarariata at tias University, Thte rchardl tad soloaaork awerecamtatt atslhitngtnats a lsayter itt sat very light ttrter. Miss Sitassite thasusapervisinag arahiteiact's soice, atat [lots intthtearaall cat thia nneepkier's sittae thatttimes atshasbeet practlicitng dlautghter awitha tar riglht soatgs cwas latheare.Ifs is a parotminenttrtan qatite a tavarite. iThc saalao awtrk ofatnd islabengurged laythosse whio hilas FtrsacssCaspatry cwas also vcry wisha to sec a district ttaan taade entthusiastically receivsal. Washintgtont postmaster. lile Tawo Vagatbonds wecre played by Mr. Wtarrent P. Lotnbaardan td Mr. Mills' U. sat M. Directory-ts Frtank Ryana. Thcey carricslthaeir studsttts $1 iaer yeaar in advatace. t0' arc itl 10Pnn ~rlf;11_A .f -s tessioaels attadscoared a gretat suaccess. SIr. Catrl Foasra othaejolily landaloarad of itan Listad'Or taaei a typical itat- keepaer, atad played thae part as goatai as it could htave beent desiread. its awiatlsepraaductiaant aas strotng anad ccli laresented antd deserves a goaods at. tettanatce at its second ptresettntato tonighat. Foes l;eSN.-$2 uaer aweek, oea sutlls aated rototas at 502 N. Slate St. 55 Tatlk aboatt laargaitas itt banjots. The Atat Arleor Music Co., boutghtt a btakruept stock of a Buffalo ectacerta and ars sellitag tiaem at less titan factory cst. "IIAVE Y OUT SEEN heo New Bruno Mandoins OF 12 SrtUINGS ?" 'Iltey tare fosa ~le at the ALERLE MUSIC STORE ANN Al.I. M. MAIN. FUNERAL DIRECTOR tiaietg a s.psacialty. -Naa 201) Fourth t.Amttbulancetnigit aantlay. tet. aaaep 302 ittl:A m> A nold Leading ET YOUR AT M W. TUTTLEIS X3 So. Stale Street. OUR PHOTOS PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH Berryman Studio 1 12 Wet Huron St. Statecphonae a10, ,G. SPALDING & BROS. atThe Nme t araantee. SFOOT BALL k'SUPPLIES Otiti a et tittes talattthe . traingcolttege, schoaeand athaetacslustt tttt. a Spalding' Ofticial Inter- collegiate Foot Ball caedeactaatytby Yalt' e, ntat .taar actd attytawtaa,tCrnlataiata t all tteeeadaig teoa'. ic atd a paa'a ttetan ea atderiant stat te. Spaldiega.OtiaatFat all Gid, taed ty abte aMtte. tRoots,7phtoec tat ofladnteatms attt. 1891 autae, wtt in. 6. SPALDING & BRO., New hak, Chiag Al NsaSad, 607 E. Wiliam St, [ice tae at trial. Firt clos work and empt service PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. Steen'St. rits Booket 5.alailu ea pwardsat, adtsettsA. A elattertan outat aaipnsfr$.00 and l. All Linen Paper, 4 bs. for 50t. teal Stationaeyinteb city at twet ptce Rentzcbler,. the ilbotogwapher. PRIT"AN $HOI - Co. (Iancorporated.) MAKERS OF THE ruritdn X3.50 W\\anted=3 Students Chicago Record FrMn l tls A teapeeueat t ea ea'.atae. Ann Arbor Store, 110 East Huron St.,NerCo ou. 0.1M1 STLPIIINS, to L. Detroit Store, 18S(Gratiot Ave. . a okhue WE PATRONIZE GOODYE3AR'S DRUG STORE