AiN jXbr _ i' o , , ',I - ow4 VOL. IX, No. 55. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1898. THREE CENTS. i 'WIZLL !1 T H E T I 0 Q FINE FALL SUITINGS. T H E WE CARRY THE LARGESLT1 aSTOCK A IN THE CITY. p 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. _NTIt IIl CHEST PROTECTORS AN D2 CHAMOIS VEST S This is the timeeci the year that we need protection from the cold cow winds.+ Achetotcectt or hmt prjeventaives of cold cod 40 uni trtibe. nc eh YCENTS worn at ail times. They aree UPWARD reccomended hyphyscins. IWILDER'S PHARMIAOY:a 0Opw DaU anl NiOR* During the ret of the colhege yearcw wiloere unhs ttoil hours. day cc no -ht Foil hine of Pipeso Cigaceaod Tohacco. R. E. JOLLY & CO.. 308 So. State Street. A NEW ORGANIZATION. The U. oil M. Teachers Association Organized. At a citing heldini Tapptan Hall a tietv orgfanizaition, called the8 Uni- versity of Michigan Tleacliers Attic- ciationt was organized. The object of the associittioin at set forth in its con- stituctioni is focur fold. First, ite pro. itotioic of close acqcuainitance amtong its meettiers; seconid, the mnuttial as- sistanice and benefit of its niemtbero duritig their concnectiotn witho the Unilversity acid soubse~quenitly in the practice of their professiont; third, the thcorocugih investigation of pedta- gcgicasl probclemts; acid fiorthi,lice pcromtiocn of interest in the teachinig professiont. Te followinig officers were elected for the seicester: President, W. T. Bishoip, P. G.; first vice-pcresidentt, Kathierinie M. Kelhis, special; seconid vice-president, Geoc. E. Rogers, special; recordicng secretary, Mis Ida C. liarheck '99: corresponidinig secretory acid tretisurer, P. S. Hal- leek '99. The assocciaition wiii niect every tither Mondcay. 'Ihe next mneetinig cwi e hldlinccxiticMoniday eventing ini Tappanti ail. Ptrof. B. A. Hiccsdale ciii addrcsthe meieticig ncci ece topic of iciterest. Accidents in Football. Accordicng to te statistics givencinic Suniday's T'iiicc-Uerahd the list of ftattlities,,hbrikeci skulls acid licmbs for the footbcall seasio just cloed tao beect ciever before equoaled coi the gridiroci. 'Tie snucmcary of te list is as followcs: Deaths, 5; frtacturecl sknlls, 6; broken limtbs, 13; broken collar hocnes, 11. A close perucsal of the list, htowever, reveals the fact that it is greatly exacecerated.PFour iT f Tribute to Michigan's Proflessors. The followvicig is act abstract frcim te surgeon-cgeneral's reptirt, beicig senit in to him by Maj. La Garde, icn charge oif the Siboniey division licis- pital, Cnha. It Into especial intereAt litre, cost tidy hecaseocthe cnen cocc- pclimcented tirecmembhers of te factulty buct because octe is a graducate itf the U. of M., and one an hotnotrairy grad- uate, the first-being V. C. Vaughant, A. M. M. D., Phc. D., acid C. B. Natterede, A. M., M. D., LL. D.: "Icc cloitcg icy report of the evecnts cchiich icave cstcectedi coo withi the reserve division hospital of te Fiftic crps, it is fitticig that I shcouldl testi- fy to the lierocic deeds acid faithflfii services of somcce of the officers: Mlaij. Victior C. Vcaugihan,. surgeoni, 1U. S. V., profetsor of icygiecce at the U. oit Al., Attn Arbor, did gocid work in the operaticig rosin, and later, lilt tug- gestiscis and advice piertaicning to sanitacry moatters, wvere of greaot value. He conticnued on duty until July 12, whlen lie wvas stricken with yeilowv fever. "Maj. C. B. Nancrede, chief surgeon of divisioci, U. S. V., protfessor oif snrgery in te U. of M., Acn arbor, wvas niatucrally a Iproincent figure icc the operating roocc. His advice was socigict oct every side inc cases reqnir- log the opiniocn of aci expert ourgeoci. He and Maj. Vaughan brouglht us our first ccases fromo the ecigagecmicct at Aguadores bridge, where they were subijected to a sharp fire fromc te Spancishc batteries. Mect citprom-i niecice, like tihese, who wvould cahacndcn their icnterests in civil life thcrought pcatriotic motives to ecigage ini the ihazards of war wvithiout sticit, deserve richly the ticaciks of their country- cmecn, and I amc pleased to be able to call te attecition of te var diecart- mcenit to their conduct in this in- stance.' Maj. LaGarde alto refers iccte "bodyci of the rencits'' to "Mi.tNanc- F Cl q a t i t t i f t t t } e 9 1 x 1 1 } 1 c j IOUR EASTERN GAMES. Brief Record ofl the Various Games Placied byi Michigan in the East. Ini Che plst Ct'e eaoscnciitrips hatve beeci ctice by Michigani farther stt than Dtroiu, acnt as a cnse iqecce the ictirist int ittr recrs gaicnst Easterncolutleges htsccaced so hat cioc it maiiy Ce stddCto rest etiire ly icc the rciieiti ltrtori the last tiip east, wvheni 'Pa'' Hennciger witht his ciamtpioucshipc tamiof '95 gacve Harvard such it sare. Anth tien witht crowcu, ciumire acd referee it their favor te catter, scoricg oct a fluke, wooc by 4 Cio 0. Ftarthier batck initote history of our cacts, hoever, te etstcrcgscmes acre cittre citmerouts, ciiefly because lure oere ciiitetms ic inte west for Li to comcphete iwit, for Michigan ws he first colege oticvitiersity icc Ce vest ticply ruglby footba tll. Our fitst elevecn wats orgtanizd ini '760acciic 78, otr first gamec ciii aothtier col- lege wcts pltyed ictCicago, te o- honects represecnticng Iacicic College. Miciigant ccon. So icmpossible was it to gt gaimes wiihl westerntctllegee that ini 1879, or first Detroit pgoto was pltyed cithc te Univerity cf Torocto, neither ide scoritig. The cnext year oe seat a teaccitCocTrocto acd there plctyedlte sticoiunciversty, this timce iinccg by soctricp Ctiiotuchdowntcs acid a gotal Co o dirntoscnothiing. This owts stir first trip ccit. Ini 1881 Ctpt. lDo Puy chalclecied Harcvrd, Yale aciiiPritucetoic cacndall acccccitcd. So ciiiStuttrdaty, Oct. 29, cf thact ycear, '"outr rugbytem"i' left for a series of conctcsts thcct it wuold towc ie cocnsidered tbsouteic i- pocssible to paty. Oci hicfollowuo- tg Mondatlty tey cwrt defeted by Hfarvard by te exceicgly loy score cf 2 Cc 0. At occ imeChcin te seconcdchaltof of Cis gamcce iich- igan iadl Cliibll cithinitCociyards f Harvtard's goal bit faici Cs sccre. Oct Wedntesdaty ate irnoon of the sttrnie weekle t wa cts payed acd hic scre ristlted 11 tcc 0 iii their favoir. Twou days later tlii smecte Ian played Princeton, hic resulicg scre beicng Pricetonci13, Muichigancc0. Wheire hicse soures cceiiecmtde the pitcamectinasttfolluos: Goatl obaicd by touchdlcovn, 6; gocal fromc field kick, 5; toucchownci, faiig goal, 2; safety by opiphoetts, 1. Toucyears laer acsc ocdcinicvasion of Ciiieatowoas madeui. 0 chMonday, hic 19th f Novemiber, 1-883, Wes- lcyantiwtas victocriucs uover te owctern teamc by a score of 14 Ccc 6. 0cc WVteesday, of hic stmeO oeek, Yae scorecd 7 goacls ancd tstuccih- dicons, icc poinits, 46 Cc Michi ganc 0. The cnextdacy JHarctard cas pliayed, atut eicfical scoristod 4 to o aginscittuci. Ini this gamcce Michigan cmtice ato uiicdowcncochichite ucmupire failed Cs see ic inte ark, acciithe httailoas douned fr scrimmccage at te cencter f hiefiel.''Octte fol loicg Tu'esday, Stevens Iccstitute was platyed, but thicumnirclacged his decisioncs soc oftect that the score was in doubht Both teams claicnedte victory by a scre of 5 [Continuedonatg 2.1 htall seasonc retaihy comtmienced and Clue crede's imcphortant work." A Kodak for unfortiunate octet did clot belong Co acny college or university. Tlue fifth Eastern Football Season. Christm as deauthicoeuld be onuhy remcotely traced Althuoughc Cle eastern fooctbaull lto agamce o football, as it ovas chamupionuship this year it heft uttle- Whiy notThciumbcwh cse cCei-cc aused icy hlockjaow follcoing a cidech hetoweei Harvard acid Price- ersidetticgeterceeyyear. scratched linger received in a gamue.toyeitscruitthtCceiis usedito-i ieoroa tineone. Very oill be .unanuimus hut awardinug thue godesd cc toweas C5acid even less, aq RohI oilthe Unicersitq. hecuctCcHruid rcetcids Weidave aite okthadesciheoenn oHrar.Pictnds choco cct's fce'.ice pay rolil of Clue University of dotes thus claii and demcandcs event M Aiehuiguin for Clue yeasr 1897-98 ccitthoortsoithc Harvard. BuC Pricce- 6 dikMS' PhdFldGU. cut followso: Gecueral play roll, $159,- Ccciiscoredh conly sne tioucchoocnton 295.11; Ssuunoer Schocol, $4,8160.32. Yale, anud tat cute ccc a flukie, initi -- -- Enginecerinug Departmtecut, $37,897.- game n-hi-re Yale ocuplayed Princee- 04; Lawy, $37,522.5t2; Medical, $41,- Conc, wheureas Haurvard scocred thre 11La 06.76; Pliarmcacy, $24,845.42x; touchdicowcusccc Yale acid outp~layedh To Law ~ Dntal, $12,849.90; Hooueopiatthic, her cat every poinut of Clue gamte. $33011; Uciversity hosptiiah, 86,789.- Harvard had Clue struccugest elevent 1a p 75; Houmuoipathtic hospital, $2,701.08. this yeaur that she ever htad it her hilt- S e have9aIfewgooad cn-and for Clue tame period ocat $177,373.62. ler er cits. 1Hcr backs have easily outcasseotf back filid of accy elevenc Hcffeutt & Woodruff's ueia Mr. George Klhigler, '95, seas cite has met Ctcis year. Dihbble's Cases ontConctracets, drownced sit Friday, at Ithaca, N. Y. payintgovas te hcost brillianut seen hut Cloh indngfo $27li e owas dint statinug acid. broke thin east this year. 11cr enuds, Coelt, Cloth indicg for$2 totiurcugh Cle ice. Mr. Klngler cwat rance acid Hollowlove utuplayed Yale's Price New, pucrsuing special wourk there, prepara- ends itscwell as Pennsylvania's ends Clothc Biaadiaa.............. $3 50 tory Cs accepting a professorshuip icc ho Chat game. Full Law Sheep............... 4.00 te State University of Missouri. Pennutylvania defeated Cornell 12 Fine Writitng Parer foe t5c, its andcidotpec us. He cad been studying icc Germuacny to 6. Outing Co te fact that Pencnsy te past year acid received hilt doe- coatsot of the chamcpiocuship race, Cr's degree at Leipsic last sumnicer. the gamce did not attract much at W auiis Bookstore His hcocme was in Manhattan) Iil. tentiou.