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November 29, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-29

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iii ir~inn rIo6 S. MAIN ST., and
TV. lYE IIVIEfl 342 S. STATE St., Cor. Willijam St.,
UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New,

Mapea siecialty of
Fine Bak vs
Al Workmansthip.
214 Feast Wasbington S't., nrt50Ave

Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds,
I$Iar9ds Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books,

61 ir people.
A record of personal obser-
vation and experienlce, with a
short smmary of the more
impl1otant facts in the history
of tihe archipelago.
Dean C. Worcester.
Publisleer's Price, - $4.00
Our Price, - $3.00
Wanted=3 Students
Tosoict beripti re to lie
Chicago [Record
A Sine oportunity toerseamoney.
Ann Arbor Railroad Connections.
Via tile Ann Arbor Rilaroad you
can connect for inportat points as
Leave Ann Arbor.
7:5a. ra.... Arrive hleeego.t.. :0 p.ne
725 a. m.... Arrive St. heels-. -:2 p. n1,.
"2 a. at..Arrtie nsa hiy..:i5la.e.
725 .m... A rie('Olunatabt ..: 15 p. .
7.95ao.... Arrie-NiaaratFall.. 6:8 p .
72 a. tn.... ArrieBuffatlo.-7:10 pItr.
725 a. t.... Arrive t color et.I :0p. m.
725 a. n, .Arrive Jrdtaaeolit...:5 p. o.
7 25. re.... Arive Lotivill......7:10p. m
1725a. e.... Ar!rir torttWa ye....l2:3 telton
11:'25a e.... Arrittoatttciati.1..: So.to.
11:25a. m.... Arrive lorcitned..tl . m.
1125 a. r.... Arrieo Ous.iegtan.l 1:5. m
11:25 a.rm.... Arrivet lottiirot . . 2:00 pi.in
11: 2a. am... ArielPhiladelpia... 4:t5 p. t.
112 a.t... Atie tColmbu ......: p.t.1
12 . . ...Arice ay Parlor... :10 p. In.
8:9p.tt.... Arrie Citcittnati.... *;5 i. T.
8:0p.tm.... AriveeColumrbus...... :50a.
8:40p.t.... ArierNiagara V~les..6.:1 i. .E
O:0p.e.... Arrive B j lo ........ 7:0 itnr.1
8:4.e....Ative Laite.. lO 1:50 a.1e
a a. ee.... Atriree tr a d Rpids.. 12:t nootc
4:6p. eni-.Arrve aiar. ScO...8:0p.
4:6p. to.... Arrvee lar City.....:p. m.
e:6p.ean.... Arrive Larsitee ...7:0p. tee
45p. in.... Arrive Oranca lapida...:5 p. m.
e:6p. em.... ArriePilit-.1.. :30p. m.
Burean or taw, Washington, D.
C Information pertiting to the
Laws of the United States, of the
several states and territories of te
United States, of Foreign Contries
furnished pon application.
The Iner Ocean, leading Cicago
daily, is handledl by F. Stoflet,
Opera Hlonse News Depot. Trial
subsription, daily only, delivered at
noon, $1.50 for 3 t10., payable in

WA RistVcrelace SIT
M 0L MES' 5L V E JOSC to

Telephone 106.

5 15 B. Liberty St.

'Trattsacts a general
Jiankiig IBusiness.


________________________________________ FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oratie 16
aintlI, rlO,00 Scrplcstandofi otes,ee,00
L 'A M F S "'T U D[ E Ncelc:'elexaneghtiatnd sold.Icererle citterseo
We call attelnlion to snr complete line of ('enter D~raft Nickel Plated Lamps, E. v. KINNE, Preer. HARRISOIN StOULE,
ranginog in price finns 75c tel. 2.50 each. These Lamps are of the lest andti ice-rese.
most improved patternanad mokes. 1 ncluiditig 11' Tle New lorliester," "T'hle S. W. CLAIRSIN. cae..r.
Yale," "Tt'he IRoyal," "Te BleIerlin Student Lomnp," jI Te Perfectiott Studenti
Lamp." If you want thte best Latmp ftor the Leas on etyopcoiene attd ore or K tyh I i1 a Irth

44 BO. MAIN ST.,


Cor. Maite ad 11uron 0Streets.
Capeital, $50000. Suretlusc,E30,0.10. .'ranscer a

The Two Vagabonds. Notice. R, Ketter, Plee'. C. 0. CecetteE, Vie-rese.
Ficee. 11. BPrceecee. Cashier.
Tlhis beautiful oitera whilieis ttt be All sophomeenore girls mtiotpay their - - --prdcdfrteAn rbr ogeusWdedaatron'NvSy
proue o it leAlti tdedle elisleyalrotl tr (, Ihe Rnn i> rhor ' 1ltlfI Bank
at the Ladies' Waiintg IRoom, be.- 11151)1lO i~ OII
of Elks annnal henefit Tuesday lattteeoenead C3 tek. Capital Sleek. 51o,000. Surlusec, '50,000.
Rlesorcese, 1,10,000.
Wedntesday, .Nov. 29.30 tonder thee -1-re-e--et---',Organie nethe eeaeil Bankinig Lawse
Notice. o hi'sitae. uReec eie eits, buyse eel sells
direetiott of Wlarrenl D. Lomtbard is eseleac: e oncliee principl ietier ot tee tnitedl
littit lattloof etpbl ~ tfAll stttenets interestet inllthe ottdy St ticIes rfc setdr upo'nieceepropeeler idenetificaeto
ithhadofmost'cpbeeol - S rcty eposllecitc leetoletee
ad ttl i S~t i Ieteee ),U tieril hel ltte'. eciv eetuotii Sheakespeacre cre reqetedtto Ineett race et.:. Cirietiie ee.ietPeer.: W. D.llerri-
costuneitgtqual tieaeny prttfessioetal tdy, Dec , 1alt 4 p. te., for thie plr~- - - --
co mnpa ney. Tlie follswieeg is ti er- . o e of org i inlg a Slelke poar fl O C E R
soe ftecs n hrs lb A BWarrele D. Lomubartd,ti 'e'etele Ryree, FnOR ENT.-Futrnlished suliteof rn cnye .G aCr w omfot unc etc d T HE
Ford, H. W. Haryos, D. T. Jaeees, batht; 31 blocksomteeULnivee'sity'
Geo. Fiscer, M. B.2eae, Franes Hal .7.95per sorek. 331 IPck a cy ro er
vigene, L. Wheiteeane, Alice Staebcher,
E. Anderoe, Eemily W\eineeae, Lydliai LOT-tilT 'heersday a lathes Swiss We keep everythieng eoually kept ina
Hollialer, Claera Ttotteeile Clerra watce, eoitet feece silver ctese. Finder tirot-laess Grocery eaed lBokery. Call
Krauss, Mae Clarken, Ante Weimoer, pleiseeve eelStewardsofofice. 5,7ottd see es.
Clara Arnebruster, Ruthe McCotrmeeck, LcOST, Ate toial pieoSaturday 318 S. STATE ST.
Lillian Witiee, Myrtle 'l'ift, Carrie ight. Fitnter trill itieese leeve -etN X
Cheristeane, Bertbea Cheristmearn, Kiteie Aeteerieree littlandetlieie Aoei.Y UR
Birewster, T. F. 'Pallill, CerloMye, - - U. ofi31. Bt baaSliop
Wmeen. Gwieener, J. J. Koce, Siel WANT'ED-Eveyone to cay the lateet ad -t.(itll ]i Eittesas
Mactime, M. Kelley, C(lees. Jtectbs, A. Baell ot tiomte."mIt isplayed by twoepeercos .0. t Tele2ANOStl rorp. 22 4. State St
C.7ele~e, C 1 ileto,r D 'I reeacereen tling Be BaltClt tire teed rillscr- - -
C.'1-l D I eek-eierud, etstaed. earsthpesec a a ya
Jotnes, T- .eyli. Detot, clc-pae nthieldSetpepitoayoaddessrRAZOR HONING
semI aedetliegheboringg ittdges are 1o be pBASE BAL ATKHOMnEnO, IS A SCIENCE
largely reitresetetd. See sectere your 508, 509, Chaeoret of C'~omeece, Or(taeteecrWe.
oeats at 0oncc. Deserve satle ieowe _A_____________ Ilrte
opeme. ___ ___The Michigan Boot;ARE H BRE
Notice. ('lole, 323 peages, psrice $1.50, pelt. THE MDEL of State Street
Subscriptiomes tttey cus i (i ie by . tHeeHumrey, Detroit, BAERBER S i UN iySHOP ycus i1co5al tbo soe n b .H tyendesire
emtiic ,Frenech wilttpeee Satuerday, fllr 3 o ttts111b .H iret-clars work atnd courteous treatment
Dec.- 3, at 9 a.,el., ine mey office. All ___InlsSt try G eoreaird 1Icery atI3382S. Steele SI.
subscriptionsmustest hre1paid before tGeneoral Agee fete' Detrocit,('ll-
Christeeeo int trder to be adleeitted to caegoNoeYttrk andTi'oledo papeeos NO5 FuTELE e al iecor.
Ilee class. Price $2.70. at 121 N. Main St., Opera House galsatedd a o i ,
P. IL DEPONT. Nw D5t.N . 1 L.ZibertyStreeet. Residenc raa ta
If you don't b)u1y'ainytiting, wve waist yonr repai-ing o b or d~ยง j j
'rhoeli-gest repair shop between Detroit atnd Ciricago. Li
SA. C~

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