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September 29, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-09-29

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ofd p±Y M nrvous energy which will move the( Before Bying Your
. ~L I4.whole system, namely increased er-A L U T O O E C A
v*saedaly(seelci secepted) sdlting the thuetasm on the part ot the student
Colegeyea, a body at large. With confidence inFA L S I OR U K QA
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. the ability of those in charge to oe-
ced, the undergrduatewciii feel etho- See (fur s. We -gtarautee the Style, Worknuanshtip anul Mteril.
The tInlad pess, LeiiiiccBlck. sotc ppr c eto n
Both 'Phoe 147 atGantd so110' urtas
increased efforts on the part of the p RCS pE pI fG
MAA DICLnTOR. team and managers will result from a OUR nQ~ ARfIHT,
F. ENELARD~e, 'it L. more general enthusiasm. Now that
BIUSINEISS MANAGER. we have these uen in charge, they
O 1i. tisAs,'00 and lie teams should e supported, Cu ti g '"r & o
EDITnORS. and it swill not e long till we shall 20(1-203 South Mai Street.
A letio Editr, TA. WIi, Me Iims . me ,see our teams much more successfu, -
T)- mAcAN'iL C.1H. Lunn,'00M, c-..
.1). mme51UT, 'em F. The DAttLv is iu receipt of the
sal news of the death of the rother CAMPUS DRUG STORE ... ON THE CORNER
of Duance Wager, iu Chicago, ight NEW STORE ... NEW STOCK
-before last. Mr. Wager has viited In act. eerythig new bt the pepe-they hae simpy
heeseveral times inc the last three stus oaie
bcieptisuepieiof the DAILY io'1efo years and macde manty friends. He.. JAS. . QUARRY.
hicday. Notles sctiictjos a, nd Wsas at ember of the First Illnois J nedd o ubiain utb
in t heDALYt of isfice 8sp m. , rregiment acd idscmdeathc sas tie re.-
o tihe etibee pi. cofItie ctay silt cf expoSure to the feverII-li le ( ALL OP N IJNG
to s ta nw ihte r xetdt nC b. ins m} e ft t the D Io ffcesc.- ___________
50 c cbSllet s tttid, or wthiBusiines~s Tefoj R ebrteWalie cordially extend to you an Invitation to examine our Fall
Sltc csecsibeec wil cnte afavore iy TeB9 eebe h al' acd Winter Shoes. You wilfind all of the swell and newest
dc* b. p2iperi~isseos~sec Yesterday tlte DIY wasttrdered lasts and with popular prices. REMEMIBERITHlE NAME.
n ,iti vtiisicieatserimust.i e in sent to Kndike; tdyth .of
Ic ilte~ Se ii SP~te.M. students iti Co. A, 31st iclelan 218 S. MAIN ST. Wlll&MLE,11 10 61
Votuiteers stationed at Campc~ Poland,
Tiis rear a long-promtised change Knoxville, Tenn., seit word by
elI athletic management hias beeic Capt. Granger, whtt is ithtie city, to Etbauts . a( aa
, s ~matet. Ttwo features distinctly have the DAILY mtailed regularly to
1Wtieoi Miciganc are this year intro the Camp. IOAJ)OU STeEES
* hiessl. PTcc first is putting athletics For LAMPS of all kind.
c:tetderftee generlal directioni of Mrt. Dr. Nancrede Returns. POtRCELAIN CHIAMBER SETS.
KeeneeFitzpatrick and lacimtg hicteIDr. Namerede, who has beenc a di DINNER SETS amd FANGCHCINA.
-al uh faculty. The scoeid is tie visionitsurgeon initie army anti who 115 Suth Main S. Japaiese Groods and Novelities
* lie itmett of Mr. Chats. Baird as (id excellentsork for the Thirty-- -
tialte tt Mamager. Bothe f these tiirilamd Thirty-fourth Michigan MONEY LOANED MAKE A STRIKE
Ine'lc;reeonizied as thtetmost sue- hoyo at Santiago, returned to Aim n ticesi,ODimoncts, weels orie ilier- -as
c essfi iinit capable in their respective Arbr yesterday. He maiy e called citiciPriety. eeiE
the~flat Michigan amlos ad the good atway agai for a short timte, but ex- WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. BOWLING ALLEY.
r,.tzie to have. Bitt their appoint. pros to tale up his swork iere in t' e Office br ic.Mat h esdete, Iess5dm 8Lbet0 aS..,AneurAc 830 S. Main St.
Isiert I..etie mttesthcaica ters recoi-niear future. Dr. Dock, ewho ias ciioc te a. I.adtdl iccedec )in.tT. MAHONEY, - Proprietor.
* i of jeliftheir cability acidsworth. benc doing some splecal swrk gini us isciiiechndwaicebs anceiodsceI P a ~clNg
?Keiie Fitzpatrick is tite best tralnar blood examinintg, etc., lice also re-
cuiaeve n hs aidtre.o~ f this cucst successfuli mana- Dr. Yutzy of tienmedcal faculty ~ COLLEGE STUDENTSni
se -iBit the fcact of greatest icter- speit tiae summer abroad. He
(lit atiletics are nose to be brings back ietic him tics interesting
r ortls recognized amd dignified, ness that Mr. Otto E. Lensing, ilitTEcB
ttiihie samce time restrained amd stitmctor imn Germian last year adnost COUNTRIY
ketwti hi rprshr.on laeoasnehs abandoned OVERI
Attleeties are nose to have the con- tie single state and is happily mar- SMOKE
=tant and watclful care of two en- ried.
ithlusiastic, competent men wio will ( L
th- bring ticem into popularity and Registratiomi in lie Medical De(p
promliaccce, andi repress all harmulm partmccemt points to a substaitiai- S tum its G I W o
teudencies. We are from now on to crease ia the nuimber of students
a a stroieg, thorougehswell direct. thitl year. Tieiumbcer of old tu -___________________
* A, and coctsistent poichinl our ath. dentts returning is greater than ever-_.. _
is management, besides the most befomre._________ If YOU XWant Or Binding, or Ruling, or anything tn ou line, no matter
,cetmiimal and efficient admmmcmtra- Geo XW. Levin, '99 L., who playetd how small or how large,
_tien. Our Managers and Athletic first alto in the Varsity band last a Job of W A O I
1 tAsstoom presidents hacve been spring, died of the fever while oo E C N O I
ttrIiinitotweard thitl endl for a nunt- his cwa home fromctCtuba witlh his Printing for you. Call ad get ccquinted.
eefu years and great credit is due regimemnt.Th ialPrs
fs tr~eieforts sand enterprise. But .- .efhe oniaPrss
et.withl the bst abilities amd must A. B. Eamns, '98 L., is practicing ________ ___________________B__________ k.___
y11ingeffeorts, the concstant change in Detroit.- - --
sf anagemenit must sork to tichotc.el
et imiett of atlhletics. We may Stodtte esiigt. aeGekH EI
c epect to see our whole athletic Stdet dsrig otaeGre 340 S. STATE. q
silir~ ti sigl pupoe.Epigraphy icay coitsult me at , 10, ~ CALLAGHANOiieesl c Cuiidc9
Allepartenits of athletics cilsork 11 or 12 a. ic. on Mon., Tt, Wd iNflI
'rttsniitisly for the coaitdionc pur_ tr eThurs., ini Roomc K, Univ. Hal.
ose of extemnding i sentimntitfor W.II H.WAni.r IWe cnetsupply any i tswbook pueblished.
rhts' in athletics anth fr the ste- -
lit'fee tht aicltic Ise nse o h ii scLEY'S 1BLA CKSTONE TeImD EDITO.
befac tht ahleicsarenowto e I Ii1 itt ca apendx of foregn stone nose ready. Call for
aecognized by placing tleniuciarge 1 ]nest catalogue.
Of a faculmty member, our teams nay
rt~wnlefrgreater success i hn THSTSHERACHO$TE HIAO OUE
IthF mere fact of a permianent -i ____________________.
draia er till tetnthtoseiccure TI-JT E1OUR FALL SHOE SHOW..
A,,es ter fieanial success And a de-(tc ehSe s isicedtts-bcbseesc
nettle poli chimltas chalractrizes 1The exhibiit fnechoscsealydign S orFllt er,suhihiwareeshowitig
who have. le3tui 1 a rndts lokti fbetrthins incFootiwecr. Sis Fltthcw-
' t 'c1111esmtribite largely to s. 10 t rics oe ancwe haeee d Ncdocubt oti tlic-Morec Soe-OcetI.
it ici le s ' n 4c ho.tnw a ve.ccvi iseredb'ifor efoasines es'
1,' e i]ay now thotphe also fer the __L _ _______ W. J. APRILL, 119 E. 1Wchingtn St.

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