THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SPECIAL SALE $6.00 -1,.ais., "t.0 (0) " " 4.1 ~PATENTLEAT111 En 5tE 0". .: WEK.) Goodspeed's, 119 S. ~Min St. f+f+++++++++++++±+++++4'+*+4+++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++4+#+++++*+ Students' Laundry Association Wso. TOtJGT-Wm. R. FOX, agents for TILE GRAND LAtUNDRY, of DETROIT The best high grade laundrly io the State. The only omochine domestic finish in thte Wect. Gloeefinish also giveno. All wosh promaptly, neatlyoandlcarefully doses Office2002 S. State t. Residence 6t0 Lawsence st. Nots State Phone. 44t. Piano, Pipe Orgag and Composittion R. H- KKMXTPF Froma Stuttgaret Consesvatory, Germany. 3111S. Dviaion St. Contort Piano Tantos lMHLLARD T IL PRINTERt Annt Arhor, Micth. MIGH-16-RN 6[NIRtIL " The Niagara Polio Route." CENTRAL STANDOARD) TIME. Taking EffeOt Ang. 14, 1898. Mattanad Expressa .......3 47 P. M. N. Y. & Btottt Spectat ....... 4 08 Fast Eacsern................9 3 Atatisc tipresso... .......7 at A. X, tDcettit Nizht tExpress ........... 5 Grastd Rapids Express.t....t to Matt & Express.....t ........9 tS A. 0. Bosto, N.Y. &Ctticagon..... t...81I Past WeseeterExress........ 138 P. sM. G. R. & K~at. Exprss............545 C'hticagtoNigtcExpress ....... It.94 Paciftoinsxpecs............t2 30 A. At. 0. W. RUGGLES, It. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt, Chtcago. Ag't Ann Arbor TIME TABLE Taking Effect, Oct. 2, 1898. Tratns teae3on Arhor by Centrat Stand- ard line. NORTH SOUTH 8:43 A. At. *a1:25A. M. * 16:40r. 9. 1tt25A. M. 4:56 P. . 8:0 .aa . t 9:a5A . _ t__6+:25t'. oM. *Runbteen Ann Aebser and Totedo stnty. t Thtes etasttt Sundayeonly and ran be- tween Totsdo and Hoelet. Alt otheer brains daily eacept Suenday. E. S. GILMORE, Agent. Ht. W. BENNETT. G. P. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter after every hour, begintting at 7:15 a. to. and up to 11:15 p. m. For Ypilanti at a quarter befoire te hour op to 12:45 a. mo. Cars leave corner Hluron and Main Sts. ''ickets on sale at Brown's Drug Store. C omplete Report of Thanksgiving Day Ball (lame, Received by Wire Direct From Field, KIN\DERGARTEN\ 102 E. HURON ST. CORRECT AN0 STYLIHT IL I 0.'kN We operate the finest tliloring trade' iin the city, andi equal any iln tileState. We respectfully solicit youtr vailed Ipitrtlit go. .All garmlen~ts madlte by uts kept poessed thin t repair fosr one year. Huront. New Slate 1"loie 45 106 E. Uniceesittq Musical Societtj. 1 Phil Kingqot Quit. The followittg sceducltle sofetott- It io reported thtat Phil Kitegtrill certs weill be givetnitt the 1898-99 tiot coacteh Wiscontsit intt. He wits Chtoral Utontsecrieo at Utniversity ptidl $1,850 for this seatsostworttk, Jatitary 17, 1899, Chtoral Un tiontt,ttgemntctt otttttattise enoustghe etiotey distintgttiohed soloists, the Chticatgsotittdttcetitt to givIe his serviestfore Festival Orchtestrta, 40 steen; Jatt. 20, antothter seaesott. Sheouelsd Pat O'Deae 1899, Alexander Silsta, piattist; leave necxt year it wouetldlput te Feb. 3, 1899, Willy Burteeister, vise-finishtitng tottclhott the glsoomty ittta- littist; Marcht 24, 1899, Bett Davis, tion atd eelt atthleticsbeatc for sevetal tettor, son3g recital; Marech 31, 1899, yeatrs. ________ Frederic Arciecr, orgateist; sixth aet-; ttaal Moy Festival, five conlcets. Stttetsn Jireetory-1$toet eta nlegotiatiostS are petndittg with artists ett. t.f. osf tite first rankc. The list of aretitts YslniOea os hrdy attd dattes awill be atntouttces l ater. pittl let lste iersty Brahintt's "'Requtiettt'attdlWatgters Doe. 1st, 1898,'Ct thetusiceal eenoti f 'Tattttlauaer" or Verdi's Aldas'iteset'lsotl, thec worlsi rettowed Seael- wit11 he givetn. clii aetdiher ttaletttedl cottpattny i inte ___________________ fouthi act of{tItll Trovovse.' 'Meeg- ilotiec.ttificentt cotsttttteesottdelatleorateosee- The third facttlty conecert trill be cry. 55 given itt Frieze Mlemorial Hatll, Mle' U. of M. Directory-to Thtursday evenling, Dec. 1, at 8 p. ttt. stutdets$1 ieee yoar itt advaett. t.f Foa t RET.-$2 per wreeke, otte Tfle AtnttAeboer Mttsic Coo, lave att stuite heated erooosat 502 N. Slate flte Stock of MatndlolittaeteoGuitare St. 55 Mutsic titat they are sellittgat >- price. "JLA VII YOU SEEN The New 5run oMandolins OF 1,2 STRINGS A i The,,y tar'elos;' sale'at lthe, SH fBrLEt Maio St OR FUNERAL Etohaltiatts ly:i dty. N~o. 200 Fourth Aee. Attiith~tce c,.sl * 'et , - . . 'Yl MYRYVlt'9 V"w7 Fl fflL:TWI'R'T ID -]i A"ryY~' V lRentschlev, the li~botoovapher. VMWdre-k I (Incorporated.) MAKERS OF THE LI ruwritadD Jil ' fu 1At News Stacd, to! E. William St, Give tCt s trial. Firsttdetst work and proetptsreice, PAUL MEYER. F. J.SCUILEE.DE, For Nien . All Styles, 4 .S:te5. y BinOtdstBoeosft: 2,5c;teentepward, eatdtells A.A 4LATEST "I'Vtermat ceFoutanPrens Oar,$1.00 sndup, Ann Arbor Store, 110 East Huro0u St., Neoar Cook House. All Linen Paper:4 lbs, for 50c. Detroit Store, 18 (h'ti~ot Ave. Pinest Slttioeetery in tiht city at loest prie W.E PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE.