THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ow 0, Books Recently Received GREATr REDUCTION SEILE JOS. W. KOLLAUF, SWEATERS, To close out odd sizes. U A. TINKER& SON, The Philippine Islands, .33S. STATE STREE+T. by BeOn CWosters sil sob55 iIy-1c Hope the Hermit,jGcyfrteClbaeLogy$3H . The Castle Inn,° Afterwards, The Day's Work, C 1sF Iis ~ j*JtLdj 5 IE E RU Y , RdnConITattle Tales of Cspid, b-Mria Telephone 1i6. 5 15 E.Liet St. byPaul LieceFterberty Buccaneers and Pirates of or Coaststn1 . 1C.r 11.AD(,U SFRPRIS Second Thosghts of an Idle Fellow, by Cieroe K. Jerie The Californians, by (Girtrudi' Atherton Cyrano De Bergerac, by idmn d Clis'ieo' The Gospel of Freedom, by Rlobet-eick-s The Loves of the Lady Arabella, Cby0M. ElliotSewel1 Long Drawn, bC .iwin Pugh'C Poor Human Nature, C)Y l~iabeth CGodfrey Ave Ronma Immortalis, Cby F. Clrioe Cawfiord The Battle of the Strong, Cby ,CGilt are IANUEN PAPER by Cheip'und i cI A20c 1 d2r",. Viiig(, Cd enrvd.NStylei Sai CCoery. SHEfiflMA N& 60.f Celebration Tonight. It is i'riimiredihati hie calpijCl'siil ibe CIIe'BeeCIe o) a litge celebirationi tonligiht iiiCCC th icCCIIloinCg (CCur 'ictCory oCCC C(ornieli fouri'eai.rago. NotliiigICasCbe15n11ffiia'lly aCICCtCCCCCI'CC bu iCC ( 1111iCI'i'iiiIrtioil'thtiihave O('' iC goin~g 011 it CCIII e illf'erCrl'CC'C ti soOCfithiliig is ill the wsind.''re w~i C(C~~~ilpoa l' eC nireC nea11r11till gymniumoOCC.coachiCCCand memberCCIscif' theC teamCI siiliCsieak aCnidCCur vxictoriy overCC 'liicCgo ce'lebrI'ted'illiitrite 151icliiganllstle. Ititf CCCC ccI"5I)' CC urge every oCCnIItCo turniouCCCIr CCI' CII1 loCa studenit lis certa~ill CCti)CCCCoiliani. 11'liC in w5ill 'starthat1 CSo01'hereabIoiuCt. mondsI iOof iisizeHCs fo)I'salie, cheap~i. J. A.H. erveI'y, 608 E. WiiiiiamiiStI 52 LOST. --AnIopati iilSatCuday frigiht. Findeir 5wiil please lave atj AmesricanC HIoteliandCce iCvCeI'ewarId. WANTE very C CCCC one CCoIbuylthelatest ond moCst COintr,,. OCn C iCme ever Cinv Cnted. "Baise Ball tCiCIit om."It led byCC twoCC eon 0CeacIpeCi CCCCCC'Bae Bal' inC al0111 sor insn h~itCC'iiierrCrCsCthC CameCCaCi'any game play~ed oni tlii'ield. Sin epaCCCidI toiiiy iddios BASE BALI. AC' ROME CO., 3 508, 01, Chiamiies of ComerOces Detroit,.Mich. The Michigan Book Cliotih, 323 pagCeC, picC $1.50, 11011' lispledi iy E. IH. HICICICI'C, Detroit, CCC sale at 0book sorCIsCandil iy '.IH. Eihiors, 63hi SI. Inllis St. TIhe o iiodiyear Druo(l. wishe'st impiressuo eysOIlCI' tudein~t tiie tact that they - crry the ilargest liCne of stusdenis Supliies and11als11tiiat tihey are NEVER UNDERISOLD. 20 ini.-6 5w. LAMP ~'TUDENTS. We cll itte1111011to oir Coll ,,ete iine of ('enter lDraft Nickel 1'lated Lanmps, raig1ng1in prceifromCI3(,7 :.i.50 S)eeh.'T'iese Lamps are of the latest and 11Cot im~proved paitoCCIs Cliikiaes. Inclulding lihe New Rtochester,' The Yale, '"'The itoyls,"'11is itsrlin Studenlt Lamp, ""'The IPerfection Student LamCp'" It you scaA tuey101 ,Lamop for theeaostf 1110115c00015and see us. 010 Number. 44 ANSO.HAIN ST., DE N CO ANNARBOR. HMICH. D A0 8 Elegant Srno_. Michigan Men Celebrate. his 1jul1uicktrip iotICeliiea1Ct g11mC After tile gatmCe tilesttudenits carried Ca t'iCCiC 110'asClipriCC id'llby tile tile vii'toiousplayCers onithe fielid 11n tuO tICC IroinI'CCACim AriC, Cillin C Cvery thirI'shlouliders (to the caria'ige's. CCII' C isICiC I 0in is ' i th1fiClul' they theniuntiCiiched thli res COOandl I'Ilricii ofi tiii5 iciIi IC l C'CiailtplildIIthemIto the Iiei PradoiO n h VeilCi' j(CCnownICotICeCii' yIIIervIi'cCC till'Cway tiiey sanlg, yelledi, and daiiced wsC 11111hCCCIId till'journeyl')becameCCin serpeine o nvemienits anid gener- C IIIc'ICiiItCC pasime tltho'eitakiiig theliiy'shoIwCed the~ir alprec'iationCCoolthe trip.wokothplyr.Oeicdn Thel'first Cr1111ainiiui'-fiiiqof a'Ig-lI retp o bs'eI rerette iaicindi gaecr diig cCII, ilCpar Slor pread tiy b egeteliulfh six coache'sO 'tartedIICICioilpti)' at h9a. IhowIever'. Soise irresollsibie yoCuIg CCC.CII I'idIl C arrived iCigol IprompIti) ly an golt some mar15i0IoncolorIs anid t 3:301 I. Iim. a' sciIheule. ''Iis trallheditiheniin the ilust. 'this wsO tralinlles C coraCCCte'd 11.1 iiiamICCers of no part of the genleral jolli~icaition and theC ''T of. A. Foo~tballii'l'eaCI." Alsoull notihav'e been ico~unteniancedI by 'Iho s1'cCCII rin111s tarted'iilCCCI' iourItill majority' of tie boys. it is to be lairandIIIarr ivCed prolICilili1'CCCI Olied. ihoped lthat it swiill t hi' con~sidered lt'e titheC'3:45 Ip. ii. ill ('hliCigil. his thait tile greater nuImber of Michliganl traini 11111Ia seI'ci~i'11iIiay lidd lchl Clei lhl1 lany palrt in this perform- cCII attacIhed'C, ShilllICCcI prove iget alnce. Later hitile eveninig the stu- conCveCnieceiCCCnCIiw11CCwelii patronCIized. denlts separIated intol smallI crowds and G CeaCcedColisdueChIC o fiils ohI f malle theme~leves kn'ownCC Cswherever' thi' roaCCd 1511ho Ih this!!atter in they scent usithisonig~s and )'ells. j hagefo 'te ereti Ct ,eiensAbou~lt 2[)0 Cattend~edl the perforiiaiice forI the trills of til' 1t1o CIII sialrii nsICC of Bride Elect at tihe Columibia, wer II'd' w0111 oithouit C' 'Sig' le ishap. whiere tile comnliy intr'oduced some Gen~tiIlem in'y atteICdantC s caltered to special featuires for thleil. Unitil late 15CCr'y want CCion boird. 1CC tuden~its after Cmidnighlt oiie coulid mleet osmal apciatI' uchICIIer'v1i. bodies of three to ix os illost every cornier fromil down town to the south M~is's Mabel i MCCCCCIi.CI Ig formel~y side, tellin~g Cihicagoanis iiwhat they sihl theilase~s of''1)98(hit)ais been bad done to thiem." spenlding tile ColidaysI) oithi frieuuds ____________ aCCII relatives 1i Aiii ArborI. Miss Miss Mogford, '97, anid Miss Fuln- ~I oiCC riig 1isCa gCiII'iCal5 (f tileg lary I iCC'1Cn 1 ir~uh"Traningtecuiain, 98, are teaching iii the Ishu- MCCCI I~iCCeetingChigh'Cschool. sihol ifoll' Nurses1's ChticaCCgoI, classpeliginIiolo. of '97, anCd~ is at pCIeent superinltend- Mr. Morehouse, '90, is teaciig Cit iof nutises il tile West Chlicago scienc'e, anld Miss Bosworth,'97, SaCnitalriuiaC. Latin, ini the MlarquettielihihCCschoCl. Make.s aepecisltCC if 'Fine Black Suits, AC WerkmCanshi,. 27.4 )as Washingon St., near 5th Ave. W. J: Boe, Fils ~l '. Aux~ sViclCeepssC JY. Siiseoa, 2d VICeIoscSiC BfNK Transacta a general Blanking lBusiness. FIRST NATIONAL BA K osnzd16 Cpitl, C,000SS ur cp1us a115PrfCits, E400 'I'oiasata geer] anking busCinss.Frein xch~angboughit ld old. Furish 1i CresI E. . uINleMEPres. IHARRISON SOULSM ViesPrs. S. W CLARKISOCN, Cchie. Cc. Mole ad lHsos SiCeis. Ca'pial850,0.00. SurlCsI, $30,000.'TransactsR RiKttPr es . C:'Gur 'Oice-ies.i' FCC CC11. Br i. 5.Csier.I The finn RFDrOF savins Bank Cita~il Sok. 55,000. Srp~u,$70,0.00. Reouie." 8. 100,000I Of tiis State. Receies'dsCis, bys iid ells 05 Cg o hepinipa itie Is oilheCit~ied Staes. racm i un poplrli~iC~5u15Ieriiictin Sillly deplsiC' Co scs.- - OrsseeIsChr 'isstinMcetPresss.W. D. Hai J Criz,AsistCahir LAMB & SPENCER, .THE.. Fancy Grocers We keep eeryting usaly kept in a frtclassoGrocery and Bakey. Call and eeoue. 318 S. STATE ST. YOU'RE NEXT U. of MBaraber Siop a111(1Bthei Itooms J. I. TsoJANsOWS i, Pp. 321S.StatSt51 RAZOR HONING IS A SCIENCE . .. WC GuaatsneSOue West WARREN THE BARBER. THE MODEL of State Street BARBE SHOP is s N& ELY'S BAR ER HOPIt you desire first-clase work and curteous treatment try George and Htarry at 332 S. State SL Etmba rand ENOCH ITIUIEt Fneral eDi eselr. CaClsiatteded ay or Nigh. Ms. 161 E. Libety Sree. Residenee63111 Fr I AsP s A Y . STATeST. 00R t.b. 3 i "CL 4 mol I , I ' i A E , Whi M { You ii 1. 1: rou _ T' .UETT" COLLARS MARCH iMIRTS* Strong Combination och you cannot he without. iwill always find the latest ductions with us Wagnler & Co., 123 S. MAIN-ST..