THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. . + +++++tt+++++++++ +f++++++ +++#++++f+++t++++++++* ###*+++++f++f++++++ SPECIAL SALEj $6.00 P.ats., . $5.00 ... 5.00) .". 4.25 PAN H IZ "" " One Lot, 0.00 . .*3.25 PATET6LATHE5" . . 1 9 { WEEK ) Goodspeed'sf, 119 Main S. St. **"++.4~+++44 *+*++f++.+f+++++++++++++4+*++*+ +++ 44++++++44*+4+4+++++++++++4''+*4-+++ Students' Laundry Association Wio. VOUGHT-Wma. R. FOX, agenta foo THE GRAND LAUINDROY, of DETOIOT The best high grode landry in the Mtate. The oly machne domestic finioh in the Wet. ove fiOnish asa given. Alt aork promaptly, oeatlyand carefullydone. Office 2020S. State st. Riesidence610 Lawrencoost. Now State Phone. 441. Music Studio Piano, Pipe Oroap and Conapositian R. H. KK.MPF FromattatCoseatoryGemaany. 612 S. Diviston St. Concert Piano Tanita THE ARE FRESH E% OR IGINAL Students ! Students It disatisfiedwith youautandry srceo m to the 'a EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY I iegreli A, F. CVTiti], Pcop,2t9 E. Wash. St. TelephoeNo. 211,2 ings. hocolatos eltWead AL11 CLOCKS, $1.00. NOW ON SALE AT U. 0F M. PINS, 50Cnts, Fine Watch22eta iin aSpeciality, BROWN'S DRUG STORE J. L. CHAPMAN, VERY WEEK. 206 Souean ree t. I7 t M I IA D Figures on the (amen yards titd the averag~e id vaiteeta TEThae following igures are cmp la y kicking to 25 ytards. Tiae figuresaI PRINE R front a cloese peoa tfta e aielre cihiefly renaarkable in titat tihey A PR[.NTLI reportof last Thus11's tameied asshowtrflotwour btacks succecdedl itoctar-h Ann Arbhr Mict.gien in the Chicago Tiit e .iieralel. yang tiae bail back an average of more ______ -- ,, gveittart 14 yards every titae Cihicagot Michilgati kicked ial'twtsice anti punt- kicked. Cla RL e 4tmsfo oa f58yrsCicago's average in the IG~i Un N II l aL erl iagefrtta of 31.7ya ys. Trdsissatte line io bitt a trifle over five The Niagara Falls Route. tte actutal letigtlh wrhicha Chicagoyards. CENTR2AL STANDARD TIME. shortetietd in carrying thte ball bac~k tPresident Atigell spoke io the Coti-1 Taktng Effect Aug. 04, 2008 by a total of 84 yardss icavitig the gregationtal Chuach yesterday ttorna- GOIN EAS.cefetiventess of C'leicy kicking at ing ont the attitue of thte Sultan ai and t press... ..........3 47 Pa M. 26.5yatrds icr trial. Cliaigo ktcked towa rds Christian missionaries. THe 'nst Eastern .... i s off three times attdlpunited 11 fcir a dwvelt 01)0n the conditions at floe AthlatE pss....... .2 5 Ar,'total tat 628 yards, otaking the ' v-titoif thie'Armtettian massacres ad grad IR aidaExprens.. 22.... to..1 " erage 45.85 yards. Mtcliigana's backs the parescnt status as the result of ati & Express . . . canried the ball back distarnces 'oggre-taaecnltos Rtonbt. N. Y. & Chteago . 0:'.:iat3 gattag 1T3 yards, which redluced the_________ o.ait. & Foat.iF. aroas. .5 84 At effectiveness of Jleroclanerger's kicks LOST'-Ona'Tltitrsday a laties Swiss Chteo o Nig'ttExtoressa..5 at.... to4" a vertge of '31.78virds. act atltittccivrccs. iilr Paii Epres ..... . ........12 30A, ,t n g .8v hatc, oenfac. ivres.hne 0. W. iRUGGt,tt 11i. W. HAYEF5 igaOt madle three tottehbacks, twvo pleatse leave at Steards office. 55 a. P'. & r. Ag'tChicateno. Ag'2 Ann Arhor fromti ierscliloerger's failttres'at fieldl ......~ goals attonote fromr his kick till. While in Annr Arbior recently Getn. iThis last shorte'ned the effective ilis- Dtuffield w'as the guest ofif Maj. N'att ' aneof thte kick lby 25 yardis, wlhiclh cretie. if con.sideretd in the figures givettn__ above *woiuld reduce the average to There is artitifittite atmount of OA 30.7 yards. On the.othtler hand Clii. pleasure in a graphophote-ittex. cago ma'de onae tottclhback swhich re- lpensive, too-onily $12, 't thte Music TIME TABLE tiaced one of CalIy's purnto by 25 Co., 'Washtingtont St. Takng Effect, Oc. .2, 1r9sa TrairnseveAnn Arbor bytCeitraliSt ad- aTime. rrrrs -rc9 , crr NOlRTH SOUTH.l cnsc--" 4:56 P. M. 8ir0PaoM tt9:05 A.aM. St 6x5a.M e bi tetween Ann Arbor nd Toledot iniy . U Trhese toainnsten Sunday only andeaun he-L. ""AN'N/ ,,. Oaily excet Sundap. H iI E. S. 022LMOiE, Agent. (Ietc'rporated.) H. W. BENNETT. 0. P. A. _ ____ -- AKERS OF THE DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR-'u~. "1 HAVE YOU SEEN Tihe New Bruno Mandolin3 OF 12 STR INGS? " Ttey a re ror stale a th le SHAESERLE MUSIC STORE )wonLibethteet, tctnly theedor ANN AROR.O )M. MARTINS.. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1taalming a spcialty. N. 200 Fourth Iee Anihulance niht and day Moos denee 302 Fifth Ave Wmn. Arnold, eewelr GET YOUR LUNCHES AT W. We TUTTLE-IS 1138 Sot StateStreet. OUR PHOTOS . ... A RE. . PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE Berryman Studio I1 2 West Huron St. statetlane it9, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. lTe anc th0uaane AFOOT BALL I SUPPLIES z Oticia2l erutiters tallithe ledn tolda le tg ehotand athlectic clbhtra.. r, Spalding's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball Ued eaetaatveleby Yae, Prinetonoi, H4rvar Pennsyvania, arneti and alotharto ing callege nard uiveraities. Mars sahtt oul write toe priees oo and itiampleefoeceordering eraewhere. Spaltltga Offcial oot Ball ud, edited by 1Water tiop. iecod, photo toapica of 2eadintg teatat, 1,899 rul, wth tn. dxadeplanratoryrnocet'1., A. G.i SPALDlIG & BROS., Now Yrk, Chcaga Al Newt Stand, 607 E. William SI. Give ae a trial First casso work and promplt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 34 . State St., Oinds Boohsfor 2c.and pward, and ses A. A WatermanFounntan Pens fo $.00 and uo. All Linen Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c Fiaest Statonopy2ilbtlepcit towet price BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter after every hour, heginning at 7:15 a. m, and up to 11:11 p. on, For Ypsilanti at a quarter before the hour up to 12:45 a. on. Cars- leave corner Huron and Main Sts.'t'icketo on sale at Brown's Drug Store. C'onmplete Report of Thanksgiving ~.Day Ball (lame, Received by Wire Direct From Field, KINDERGARTEN 102 E. HURON ST. rurbdi' 8Iioo $3.50 "LEADERS.' For then. All Styles.i LATEST Ann Arbor Store, 110 East Huron St., Near Cook tHous~ Detroit Store, 18$ ratiot Ave. WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'5 DRUG STORE.