2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. bu2±t ~ ht the time is still ripe fsr such a Aa #$.6 .c lRt#lsls ~a ~~a aa f f V+fr. c4~~ elehration, asiHarvard made severl t v xxs A .. . Pulse al sy1< zetc)dr nig lit, after their victory over Yale. XLSV ingS feretthe oaseion rag(emntrautXCLUIV ofrteocso foadmnta!11"THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, tioiianid it is safe to say the responseroi Ii Ci'e iiiiiiilioii.from the studenit hody will he quickHAA al BNITR Si,,; l dniz50. and sure. For we are all proud ofHA N'>; our team ansi their achievements and FN IAA N IO. are anxiuseroal for a ehanee to enu1grato- ;.<....;:, _.." 1 '01iso L . late thempesiay and hear froniS OE ]W-u i:s A N X47510. thems of the "greatest game eeer - t?. , 011 ci' played in the Wer YCst." BE US SHO E STORE - 109 N-.AI1STEE +:-- r + "iv++-as--+srsa-s.-w'srrTAhleic Elir dtire, 'r, It. Woointooo L. CHAM~PIONS OF THE WEST.____ P. W. lJo Es , 9, A, 11. MCDULLo , 1 i , i[iContinued frco Paige .] F. 1). P0,Ax015i.. 'C.n. Looc, '00 2M, their owni against Chicago's star Gi.iD. I111i re or'01 0 thei.wIaesalySteis Flosr S w e ll guarsds, ands the tackles outplayesd <-sem as alewaysodslfsor a gasinsoii oft'en- Sin college riie, ee Iis of 1irr oioe Sr y fori ive. ndfoagood hosle on leten- D e s r oheo r i e i -e i 1,r. rd 5 dciliv~ier eo r e g i CvAe. '~i5iiiv 51 nf)o ]i. eiSi lil r ('el ,in ten day ' Withi the ecetn if Cavanaughi, . ir Sisraon wiiirheSlier rixrcr ued So hoths teamss ptay ed Si straighit, cleans o, Slepii f iosSo il thnD.r~. ,gamse.Ile tacklesd rotighly ll theSi Secial Exclusive Everything (i rn ieSi~d re iiie With 1311 irn l1s Aorr.Oiii'rci ue i oro i timie asid trust to ke players seversil Showing Neck Ties Ta' iP rO!eriirr t irr wliie nyr op e of "tims.But lie comimitteid one offense of Are nSaitte'srurecec r nirr be'ireSo fre which lie miighit clearly haee Rich, a New tlii rhlil eiro0 irare prrir ioeriiir iiri lic beinriiledl ot of teegamse. Exclusive Go igi 1cea cagtoeo es- anFac'li"'l:' I e a ceae ,iserger's puisilt that scent out of Very Stylish withGl es host tiri('11 Ciciaigo orveir has," aiid hbonsnd 15 the hig, buirly center Designs inl the, Good Hosiery, has de2firistecl them fairly. (Great taskledl sillSweniahouit S yardl Fameous Dressers. Canes cedeit is disc the inidividuial playes out, alid hrutally tried tos throwe sims "Gold andiSliver" Vote andl the teamis 5a wchole. 'Ilie teaiisagainistotsne of the posts oni fle sisle ands Fined andI lats trinsed Iliroglh aned haird, andslies. cThierr e wss liiiexcusle for ''Monarch1" Thene Umbrellas. uras pirepaireislf olt laiy a winning, tacklinog at all as the halseas out Shirts. Here. ga£ioe. A greater gismse cliampiions ulof of hounids, hut the attempt to strike SEE OUR WINDOWS..ylo tidfuenvrpad.1ca'sedagntthfnews. .'o Ileiriiir I itsjilinisk lielonigs the ,S-ill set oflirsitality of whicnoionei~ chliesf icidit of pr eparing the teamsibut ('aviaaughlcoculedhavehbesn 3 fur its lost harsritrusggle. It wais his capabhle. It iwill li e ll for C'hicago C wsie, tliiighitfiil aiii consotanlt cire wselisheslurits a bsridle onl thle mnre- that einahled the iineii to plaiy the strainsit lrutality of her center rush.emil LI-II h w gamlie thiey (idiu. Cointenrtiwitisnsiaiuller Is strikiiig conitrasot toi (avanaughs's scores insOhis'eaurlicer gamses, hue kept acts seas this eworhk of Captain .- - -_____ bectore'in heSSpliii pose of g'rdualhy Ielleity us hiss ~'phayisug thie gasuse'- trau~iing thic znisoIbhcashuhctsrill ofruthis ifi.So isisl.Kesnnesly wsarahl ~ ; & S (0 2 the' last great strusgglce(if the year, river, sshihe plauyiing fiercely, Isis goase sisnd thi esult of this gasme is the wss ever of thi ceasnest kiind, is seas IMPI'uLTPOS ADci MAliUeArc'EusOFuco muiost elhoqhrunt testimuony rut the valise shast of the eothers'players. if Isis work. ('oachi Fseshert grit the CICAGO'S LsAvINGS. EIIMnICA L malnd PYSCIC Al5 fAPAATIS. hbacks isnfisne trissi, ',iu(]IBesinisger (hsicago phssyedh a fast, snsappy MCtSOI IIIG.HmhIat~ o eltooa hiehhped thec ine' 5 greait desai. ganse. 'Their curls assd tackles were M t('C I FIN)N . ecqlaer c> llLbr- hJiisihe" Bairdh casre jusst isitisue'ourtclsssesd, especirally the ens. Their tory Stippllies to sdevehsh lushanderfetsiuieh neiesed censter trio phsayedh a tine' gamse, C'sia- i12is. Main telt, Ann Amor, Mich. iinterfesr'eandu to coachel up this'lasighi doinug vc'ry effecstive thoughs qhourtesrbaucks. 'To tire uniinlg effourts very sirly wosrk iii tac'kliingis the TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, of these coaches, 'Mansagser Chas. spell, asndhisshreaking ri iterfer- Nresio i iiiewer. Blairdl z.1tsrsilelt Weisisteiss, asid last rIse' CapitaiisKesnsnedy playedl s 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, ' II7fAI'4,-2A hilt Sut lhurst, ths' patient wsork asnd star glulsue ii tacklisng asdinc ster- 316' SOUTH STATE STREET, traininlg of' tle 'Vasrsity' assd scrubhs, feresuse, thusgh Iis gesieraishuip wss bge r,,Irnfn ooiscuset Michuigasnows er e'vietoury. Asndall snot so gcodrsr sit liighit haveehein, cudeSurlyeup sterscservei in any style. thuee ha~ve thic satisfsactin of ksnows hlerscelierger, weitli the exephtioin sf___________________________________________ inig thast their efforuts swere'sucsssfu hIis flne goualkick, sdidh not plauy theOrBnigorulgraytngnorlnenomtr aisu applreciedc. We sll give thsree gamuue thsat was expecte'd of hin. Hf You Want O idno tSlg rayhn o ie omle tisses shires' fos' Chic' Chsampiionrs of 'C haer'.swork at full seas fausltless. hoc small or line large, the West." lie hit the liss' hisrd sand wils the a Job of WE CAN DO IT of wesersi srothahh ' osly Chicago player iwhuocould get jn o o.Cl n e cultd T{ or the thsirdl timue in Chic histsory thrsousgh our strosig defense, Heniry, Pri t o o.Cl n e cuinted owetr fotalthere has be bth t rerishafwa ot-T e laxed Press, an unispuretedul chaspioisshsiip, sndl of hcitss a ed. tr nIIssfHenni.Th ning IBlock. y.10 o P. , 11sr 1I., Q 11. r 'I + 't ;T _ l ascu.t '114iessisicinnalielite.sstiso '0si Wishcsuinimedofe sompive Aten sioith'baiofcmaaiescores, hsit that sameucyear .Michigan's A he s Theatre,_ onhy sdefeust was auhsnisstered hy ('or- nell ansi evenssohe was defeuated 0n Friday, Dec. 2, the reteurn gasme at Detroit. In '95 the elsassuxiossship sssiderisehhy he. Th loingeed to Michiigassssciile in '9ti the '.l Pisonekr playing of all Clue greaut teasss is thse West was so eratic that inone Isasd a o Zenda clean recorsd. Last year Wisconissare oftehnosadt issa all vie sithi one assother iin heaping Will he givens ass elahorate pro. them uspons Michsigan. Osir victori- dusction. osus team ihas grucecfulhy horie thse ___________________ paitoftewoe'etadi----now reminssfor Clue studesnt hody to UNIVERSITY extesd to thosn a receptiorn worthy School of Dancing of theisuen and thesir deedds. As thse teams slid not return in a hody no Granger's Acadmy ovation could he given at the train, B.11 iPhone 248. IntorGollogiato Bureau 01f1RGademiI1 ostunme. GOTRELL Si LEONARD, ALBANY, N. v. Caps, Gowns, and Hoods made to order and rented. Also Class Canes, Class Hats and Caps, Class College Pins. Address W. C. KERN, Western n igr., Haskell Museuma, Univ. or Chicago V tOAL. M SrAn.EBLER, R A N DAL , K 1Si West. Washington Street IState Phone 144. Both Phones, No. 1158. Ann Arhor. With the comng sodgon of she seasoos are ihe fsin us Shoes. 'The Styles of yesterday ace soo fscgnieo is ihe desire foe that of to-morrow. See or wisos fosr the hootopto-date ine of the stles for to-morrow. IWRIbL'S SflOE Tf, BWahgont,