Uo( Slk VOL. IX, No. 53. ANN ARBOR, MIVCH., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1898. THREE CENTS. CJ-AM1\PIOiNIS ssdes played a fierce, fast game, ut in spite of this fact nota single plyer ws injured so that he had to ru~yy viric ~ behtkei out. It is seldom indeed OP I'I 1 I 1 ~ I'that 22 mnei ply out a games of T ~,,tW ES , ay kid without injury, ut espe- H FINE FALL SUITINGS. ____ cially reiarlole ii a hard chapion- shp game etween two large uni- a~vrsities. Thlegane furnished all MichganEars Ttlebq e"the excitemeit that cold he desired y either side. T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T (I A1eating Chcg 12 to 11 TihiGdeNensWONDEamFULfDEFENSE. A SOC Aw ___sas sietinig woiderful Chicago INTH CTY hit the hune aiid tried te ends, aganm INTE IY STAGG'S VETERANS BEATEN aid aginuuand old notgain. Even thei advntae inweigt ad their I L ujick agressive play coulil make no turiipressioiiiipoii our line. Their fast 0 0 In One of the Greatest Gridiron A halves miiglt as well have tried to go 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. p illsto the air a to get past our R R1 Battles Evier Seen in the West faultless ends. Chicago could not at any times.i the game makIe ay su- The gieatest gme of footbluul ever downs Wdmm n ws givenm the hll sat~a gie cpt uiice or twice p layedIoiii aiwestern ii d uiriiiiwas fosriiiias oiCtcke. Chicgi's eiids wlensthey succeied iimaingii ~ I playdol onMtarshall Field fhaniks wrediawnmini theClichgn astrick swuk. Oly towards the end giI vigdamy, and Michigan won it, and ack o idmanwas ein pused it the secon~d hiaf wheii the Michki +++4++++++ +++++ it i th udipued ti mt h ack wheiiWidlumaimtwisteil()ot sidegain iieii hadiilet down dill Chicago PROTETORS Westermm Chuammpinship. She wion it ese iud mde asemusmtioiiah slrintof45 hucedi ucking desperately 2 ~CHEST PROECOR cbcacuse -delau the best teamm aid yardfumera touchldown Three of Ci- yards fora touchdlown. And eMhi- ± ANDI phayed thmehbest giiie. Biy hari cun- cagu's fleetest tacklers were after hiiiiian'sr uhfee was'Micut itle seas ined tCHAMO IS VESTS sistent teammiwsoukshe swrunmg the limt couldl neither reach hint mor crowd homuce foroen sillhiaewrhynt heldo Tim i~hei~inns-tin lpr izeofvictory frosmmStaggs veterani, himusitersbufnduumis. Ie srmted on im- tnme fir dsil. neud al y temsed o- 'Ih6i h im fteya, victoury-flushedhgianmts. tlHamiciuh ii mswit,ia ivingthfishaan Clews oy ifote cld rwm ime toss sasswonm buypennueuyanduchtcle, limt he shoouk himsef oos el ot Aehiiuccon c iof h eutheeheuuurte'tslguug Mn li-ndu c rawsledl over- the goal lhe. A ftrtumenytheorfr cii ccni , coldand ianthehlick-oeft Immley iuuumush ever-al ecane f piunts (hicus - z~a'RN cccT or~ii6, u i icibeunsuin!pasmuuhuell onTri hi4ru idianpssily had aim uppor- UPWiA1nrommne yp scas a ual oa,, tinhme Ci ~l . l past yrdml ine. I rusumithisliit she mndtuity thm-t conimes to fesw foothal + WI LDER'S PHARMACY% Muslim nsumsstonmewalslh ~rshe andiiiivanedeshItit steadsiy forwardlfor payers, ut lie tookl adsvantage of it ff :36 iiuhs 5Cc ss. Hrshbinr sc ompuledtimpnt.a uchow y.epeaedvigasinineut (f tenm coul nt have f+-*+++-- ---++ --+-++++++ Slims mmii mmmiii mst Cliiiballi()ni in rushesinmmwuhichiSake rie-d tlhe oe. His ssork all through was a tfumblhins.id sluh 5icago immiueiaey all andshCvanuaugh ndaumi Knmuiy goitil;ihis rum. le awy maea Opl ad fe.C - hicagcosgainmedsosmme disance iuti rfs esh The gainme closedswihg hntl c'les1uponm. IHle;sid uot btrisk15plas Cll shie lst thuehbmll Minihigau advancumimg hic biaml ciiithetCrto st-r it,hloswevr e lwys folwdhsitreec h eto h olg erw.andilMlici iiiiiibegaumemincumirhi docise - -a i ilimiohuvo in uterference clsey, ad ih. -uclie ipeias ana te iioratouichdownsyu. By icoun- The folloinug Vis5 Cle lie iip:- uonly 1eft it whenmcnmpelld C io so, mih. -sritt smal.hgais hichll swms - andu soigedshnduis sited for a gain. TobcEo JOLLY & CO., ahvainmcsultus (li iigaimns's8url n CinMIIIuAN ciumuAucssIIItim lonhuug 65-yardhrumn lie was 308 So. SC-tC Street- where S ichigau lst it oi ,fmlwhite.. .Cp....1..te.,... ....Isur rtml trwithiin ssoupe o feet of te line ----t- - ---ehi ... but llirsisersp unitedh on5the first laker 1 IBurett lth imeuind te Chumcagci run- -wses, utSichuigain Comphelled urhns iuuouugha us avnaghiners madue every effort to cruisd himis 1I I t kck. sidewisemulth mmcigiain. ThinFranz..., ..ru..... Rgerout f bounsumi. But herefused to ba as hbrought in u the8-yard -uSs ll......r .......w he urssedhehout munkept staight su, Drinks 1(. limtesire MShigalni-muhail Sow st it- Street ........q HerKennesyuith Haimmiill almoisit swithihumreci all \Vishiati swus set maroudshe endsushform sidiui 5 ..,.,1hi IKeunedy Ienry thue timeis. Whien he was infally Thisvery fieestDutchuinocolateide, t hic first touch downu. Snow easihy Me sn .. .r hi..I ersher er tcnkled he miianigI to cruisl ahieash SiOciiieiniin cinitma- kickesd goal. hly ;skramd -ea r hie distance yet meeieffor ntIuseprindinud wihcomimoinnce- Ienselilu ~ Sre-hi Sustitteo Kienneulyfor Henry oiculwm i a nsiefu uret......B endykcesf Sret- -woilenry fuseKenedylioshdowno, Wid- iiaouihon. lue s ass aodersfnow Maimed Mint-nish ia nddink,.,, .e returniedh25 yars. Chicagoshihhedrman (2),81lke. Golsfromt touch-in adte - t a ad hw Hotcoffee sNoginsquict sinch.....in- oc Cle first tie unlhie gaiime and Calieyson, Sow (2), Hiercherger. Gol ihthat it wsn a lnce. Watersswishaliif tenni. swas cmipnheledh Ciiphnut. lherseli- frontui eld, Hrhssilberger. Referee, lie d THE - muor FTHEusNS. erger returned Cle all 4 osithl~e 35 Ianer, L.ake Forest Umnpire, Ikey" lHieschbegrsavnaeimut Karel Wisc-onslin, Hemid linesmnan, lin. - hre'-aluununeu ut 6 dIN1~ PhdPlldGU. yardusITwice teCluh(iesagusbainks hit Evrett, Purdue. Timmie of halves, 3mg sas nely alw ays overomie by - ur hlie withuouit hudugig it uad thenm iinintes. hie goodsh placing (f Caly, Cle long H___iersclherger mdeusthesssensamitiioinlA GREAT i mh. retuirno of SMcLeanu, -an hie fast - ~~~~kick of hie say. Front t hie 4s-yaird Thie iclig- u-Chicagos gme will sokocithCle ends. Oinemacacy vry T Lalineche sent Cuhe 11llsquarmueetwesenm gus downeuiniCle history (f footha11 as unt boti Snows and Bnnett serer tegoal postsC, so in hihmid far that it se of Cle most mnuuemorIle gaimes dosmwn realy tin tackleisthie rmer e St d ns oulln-eha e -uf!n emasy cial 5 or 10 ever payedh inihie West. Both ore he cunght hie 'ea1. They never S cc sna-ta faronther aomeum 7-ashcale tooams urinmgtheimeofoledtmoe. faTheto gcmClue defensive.nts withmtebl nA hgnsposs n lydfscean, aggesive and they mere always y the ir oppon- oieiof liersclherger started thin -econd hi-lf Chicago team inwaisn compoed amosst Cley's punts were placed swhere Hmfntt & Woodruffs A ercC)it a5 lrdkck-oft wicwsentirely of veteraninso had plae y couldl e follomwed to best advan- Cases~ on Contracnts, returned 15 y Street. Caluey punted i thin iggest westernm games of hie Cage bhin le -nds. Ahioghm he did Cloh inin for $7.te35. Chiciamgos sas uahhlin Ci gaiin last tesw years. The fe nes players not pumant so far as Herscherger he Clth:inig o $ 5._ amd punted. Caey pumnted in return Ihadhph-ayed eough hard gainmes thiis alwuays placd 1ms punts wehere they Price New, and Chicago me-s downed oin lier 42- seaonumCciomake them veterans . 'Thie would hielpinthie ninost. McLean's Cloth Binuding .................3.50 y-ard line. Froimm this point shie ad- :Michiganmuteam thoughinlarely comn- snok iu ringing ack punts was FPull Law Sheep.............. 4.00O vanced steadily thiroughn hie line tiiposed sit new players ph-ayed ike one emark-hIe. He sas sure to get Fine ritinngFape oi Dc Nc and Seiper itbhie center of the fieldlwemr shie ost manin hCle finest cit form. Amost ack fromu 10 to 20 yards on a punt, Cile h lion a ulhe. Michign-m ad-sevey maim played in tar individual sinmetimes right tirough a hunch of W a r'' o ks or aimced the bhallfoe firsC down twice, gamesithout scrificun g te.mm sinsk. mu-roou playis. The guard held WbnsD ok t r ut tailed tccai of the exC two Every manasw in eneryply. Both lesn nedsngssal