how Books
Recently Received
To close 0t odd sizes.
The Philippine Islands,s_
by Dean C.Worceter . 334 S. STATE STREET.
Hope the Hermit, / sy for the (Ceterted Longiey 53 Oct.
Th ateby Edna Lyael der-0Oselne ollrGoe, in thectity in the
Afterwards, S n3c es______________________________________
by Ian Maclaenc ~ Y ~ V V F~~
The Day'n Work, II I !~ u g w
Rodenn Corners, q L -IV RY
Tattle Tales of Cupid, hi Sneetneen Telephone 1 06. 5 15 E. Liberty St.
bey Pent Liecester Feed
Boccaneers and Pirates of or Coasts, FINE COACHES AND COUPES FOR PARTIES.
hi Stocktn
Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, byJb& Jeome K. Jeomerr FO
The Californians, A P hyJeeeS et ej.T .Z U DL i L.
by Gertrude Atherton
Cyrano De Hergerac, We tall iattentione to our complete lint of ('enter D~raft Nickel Plated Lamps,
hy Edmnd Rtltne ranglig in price froem 75c to $2.50 each. These Lamps are of (he latest and
The Gospel of Freedom, mn-htost improved patterns and snakes. Including "1lee New Ilochester," "The
by Rocet-fe kVale"'"The Royal," 'The Berlin Student Lamp," 11 he Perfection Student
The Loves of the Lady Arabella, Lanmp." If you want the heat Lamtp for the Leaf MYooej cotme acid see us.
by MElliot Sewell 010 Numbe
Long Drawn, hielsePee 440 MAIN ST.,DE " '(
Poor Human Nature, ANrROR,.GH I,, ~ -
Maes aospecialty of
Fine Black Suits.
Al Workmonshep.
214 East Wasngton St., near 0thi Ave.
W. J. BeoTn, Pnn TflTh
W. AneeL, leepVice-proe
J. V. Suncu.WALT, 2d Vice-ieee.S
'transacts a general
Banking Buseness.
Capitnl, $1i0,(00. Seeplns end Peefts, t40,015
Treneactce ecnealheaninghbusiness. Foeign
exceeehaneeeoghetend seld. Furnish letter. of
0. W. CLARSON, Ceehie.
&,jnum&i-Iffhknir ank
tee. Meen anelueon Strees.
eCeep itlit,000 eSurlus, citeta. 'raunsacts
lyEg lizaehGodfrey ______________________________________________ - ,cne eelenkhgebueness.c
AveRom ImortlisRKE;Pes C. tE. GOENsEVie-Pren,
Ave Roma Mammortaawisrd Page Concert Greatltl Enjoyed, New Books Ifor the Ladies' Librartg. FPseeim . BFLER Cashiee.
The Hattle of the Strong, Mr. NIV. EuenePagme, mtaiea- The fetllowineg tnet cooks leave h n Mo Saie5B k
hy Gilbecrt paree nnoiecel, gaetamndlnreciltal at benreceived b h Lde'Library: I1! fD gro SVHS ai
thme Umniversity SeleoeI it fMode, Fri- Time Day's WIork by uidyaerd Kip- Capeitael tock. X50,000 ncl. ri, 5M.
L ENPPR day eveemieg. Maey hecople we CroIcegrech d tiecenne~d eeneete eGOenel Baneking Lows
by the poeend l5e, 20c nd c i. Veisiing teedbsmunmcloslamd. Her Memoery byMaar- eethicsstte. Receivesndepeosits, heys andell
esneeaved. New. Style. in steatieney. trim cmy ie eieg teecfete.(ci Meerteto. Oiecof the Pilrimsoeceegeceteiencpe lncbe h ie
?I Slotes. Draftycased upeonerpeiden etification
nate.enouhmomega iiadmiisson to the hy Ainia Poller. lPrisoncers nit Hope Safty ~deposietleoxes teerenet.
Mar~onsto. Th Invsibl man)P cc e lhes., as.E.leic ie.;W.ashiereei
leall, i mny cee deaw are lot the by M~aryJoieli.'fe InsbemnrcPn.:te.b.nmccCeir;i
LI kI fl t ef tio caeohiimic if liltPlaymamte camed W.VV., (erboeok, byJ.Feltz, Aesistacitoeahier
first timeofth apbiiie o hin~. Caintoni. The Old C(lsea
.. u menUmecet itt the lhaindsooflb virtuoeso.
tiNIVS I TY iiOOKSiEtLI os Mr.Paige cwasownecmifor three selec- Buni-Shop b iy Mrs. A. m iicgLA B S E "
(ctci eeabouding ice teehleca.l difticuel- Eotheeeme. Lordes aced Rome by B& E
TheWaash'Cntienal imte" lies mll ofetchitiseemeeelto mmelt Rimile Zola. Faii-y QuieeiiBooekby TL WbasIYontnNOERLine
Saves you time and mtoney. Going home away ibefore his oiarveloums okill. In Edmuond Spiencer. A New Volumie ,.T H TIE
for Tiankegiving? Leek here, theen. clearmeess and intonationee imme faultless 00 Essays oni Jane Auisten, Gold-
You leave Ann Arhor at 7:25 a. mt. aei ndein oechidiidalnoesimithi, etc. by Aosen Dob-on.recPru1:5noLgspt126Fa y o e s
an nr dKsaewr r aep. in., LaFayette 1:19 p. m., I~eiville ~pgeTocghteeerkaniMr.raHouse. 1
2:34p. ., ecaur p.in. Talo siemtads cloarly wcithomut a rivail. He Hoyt's ''A Straneger ini Newn York,"
4:40 p. am., St. Lenin 0:52 p. m., Cheicagee coimiesiwithm his tedinical skill a ii i at rtygrs We knep everything usually kept ina
2:40 p. in., Indianapolis 3 pe. en., Loois earmthme mi feclicn andl mecsicail ex- music and good -frtcanGoeyadBkr.Cl
yille 7 p, m. dmemg oua and seeue
Clone connections at these ttionn for 1eiessimemwicluenntolt but find a re- prices. ________
all peints in Indiana, Ilinois sod Mms- spomnsive cimord ill time auediteir. He- 318 S. STATE ST.
sours. The Cuntinental Limited in the wais5 ably assisted by Mr. Joiin Lane Reduced R. R. Rates.
fast, luxurious train of the Wahash Connocr of Detroit whio addedl muech Onc Nov. 22 ande 23 the Ann Ar. YOU 'RE NEXT
Line sod pnsses Milan going Went attotepesroftevnigbUofI1Ba erSu,
8:07 a m. Ceonult the ticket agent eo1f iepeauemttmeeeecgb y bor Ralroaidstill seli tickets to sto-u ..o 1. abrSi~
the Ann Arhor Reile-"ond for miten and remiderimng severail seletionmm frocin demits at a rate oef one aud one-third amid Bath Rooms.
ask him for a Wahash foider. Shakespearce. fare torthtie rounmdl trip. TicketSstwill J. 0. Txoaojse, Prep. 122 5.state 5t
52 TI. S. GoREE-OOn, M P. A. - be limited tee tetmirmi Nov. 28 or be- R Z R H NN
Alpha Nu Will Dram for Debates. tore.R Z RHO
Tahgcn Dat. Therie will lee a siecial ieticig ef IS A SCIENCE .
stee ill be mIlacelansgivimng lie Alleme Ne cety Moemnday even- h 'trOcal bdn Chicago We Guaeantee one work.
umatinieet Gmager's trom3to cuein amtme 7:10 lee dc-ace-tir places iiitime daily is handled b y F. StoffetWRE TH BA E.
'Tiere still mlsoe be a iigrgram eltrt teic - llae eecicvi1m (cv oOpera Hotuse Ne-s iDepoet. eTrial WRE H ABR
ftdciiS~e 1 ce luecec cihoosel eleo mmccifothe e-Pennmsyvanila s 1eeip e3'dul cuv eivrda THE MODEL of State Street
muissionim50 cnmes. All fit( cordially diebmat. A fech attedancimmee is cia..10011, $1.50 for 3 mose., pamyable ime is Dunce& ELY'S
invitedl. 12 sr advance. BARBER SHOP It you desire
sied first-clans work and courteous treatment
Thme Michigan Book limtudt'sGme.Te Goodycear Driug Co. wiseceto try George and Harry at 112 5. State St.Clt,33pgsprc$15,ubimesuonvrytdntheft
Cltm 2 aes eie io H,111. Iarvar-dl17, Yale 0.iliad lheycyuarmy htlargest lime met ENOCH DIETERLE9Fu Fu aimer and
leed biEnT. IH. Heumpe.y, lDetritl, :ne- ral Director.
oni smle mt boeok ctmres andel lt- J. IIT. Illium meetIn iansmum11. studentls Supeplies mmmci tlso thattthey Calotte cndedDay nor Nigiht.
Eilrs, fill So. Ingalls St. - Hearveard i Fesheim, Yale Freosh- are NEVER UNDERSOLD. Me. i1t15E. Liertey Street. Resideece.5tin
___________ ece 0. 20 cue-6l cc. Foueih Ave, Phoneta29.
Thanksgiving Rates. - ______________________________
Te l 'linhtigacmuCentramlIRaiulwmami
will make time misualmrmtesleeoctudenmis TWO LEADERS FOR FROSTY NEATH ER.
goimng hoed-femr ctle ''immumkgiviierg \ c
vancaionm. ''ickceelmn sl, Noev. 22ndi
ande 23rdh, gemmd unteil Nov. 280m. I Derby Ribbed U N D-I
Om arvie leClinieesemltisFleece Lined L U LTh'FR 500
shleid mmmiforget tlime m-idleemet tMof. - lL'3.. -
olegn touit bll tteem 5 meamdliee tlte. C u mltiuA CtFul
mb alu0the Iol~ Beac eHoel, l. ed n1aIeeCutmm 1 1 t1. ?desm
tes hi<kt tremin _IlnireBleil ie-li, it Lnder'wea el ad.tt It: r
offetrsta splendcidmlopportun-itymi feerI
gettimng comfortabily v leeneeGntml off. left,
M. C. tiihee c Ole-etl cem fltemli W A N E
Beacie. 123S.MANST., W G*R f% 0