4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. S DE T SYORTLSWould you save money? Then buy your Books at thle The ass 8TUDENT8' D. A. dealers it DO K T O E~las. Men. MODERM PRICES ATE JOS. W. KOLLAUF, scomiplete line of so-to-date Mien's Fuenishing insthe cicty, is at .TINKER & SON, 3341 S. State St. in H1ats, Caps, Fine seekwear, E & W.Yand Cluetts Cellars and Coii s nd Whiote'Shirts, NighstRobes, PajamscathalkRobes, GymoiSuits and ,bocatory Soils and ApronstUnderwear, Hosiery, Jo e coknbel- o' tcl(thes to oder t low pr ices, fit, qoality acid style guaranteed. Fine Domuestic and Foreign WOOLENS, ( COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ~f[~1 iO.,OF SWEATERS AGENCY FOR THE hay removed to CELEBRATED 204 Eact Washington St., near ath Ave. LONC LEY $3 HAT Willibep'ieasiditoseecoldsnd cusomoei. State Street. For First Year Law Students WVe hate Cooleycs Blackstone, Anson on Contracts, Cooley Torts, Hucffeutt's Cases on Contrasts, liurdick Sales, Burdick Caons on Sales.t For First Year Medical Students Grays Anatomy, Sternberg's Bacteriology, Freer's Chemistry, Gould's Medicleolicitionary, Vouglan and Nosy's Ptomaiins. For First Year D)ental Students Gray's Anatomy, Freer's Chemistry, Goulid's IMedical icltionary, Essig Prosthetic Dentistry. For Literary iDepartjnent Stis- densts We have all the Greek and Latin Books, French, Germn, Mathemati- eatanud Engineering Books. SECON D-HAND BOOKS, DRAWING INSTRUMENTS, WaterismL&Parker's Fon- tain Penss. I SH[EEHiflM& GoI State Street.I (Students' Lecture Association.) Watch for the S. L. A. announcem~ents. You cR15 not afford to miss a single number. Tickets will be onk sale early next week. The first number will be October ?1. For fuller particulars watch tile DAILY and the Bulletin boards. A (: ~ZTCr] A L We have decided to satisfy a long felt scoot for an op-to dale turor ue, end so L tiave added to our stock itftfcce horses and carriages, a tALL Y-10,swlichi seats L foureen persons. Coaching parties will now he in order. Secure a date foer5the 1 y Tally-Hs. Caill up jY GH HOLMES LIVERY H 0l TRInh cA 1E; c ARnT' cc RF os CTc. L f WJn oa ,usVc t W. ARicOLD~, L -iice-piec 8If11f J. H So coo ix dI/sViwi Sfl-. Juu.C.WATZscAsst.ii. StIVINGS BRINK 'Transacts a general Banskiiig Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ofAnndI6 Cup 51)1til, slO00 Sirilusla n cd Profits, 140,000 LAM P STU DEINT S sge biiiglland -iild.Fiirnish lettirs of W~e call uttention to our complete line of Center Draft Nickel Plated Lanips, E. 0. isINNE, Pres. HARORISON SOU0L. ranging in price fronu 75c to $2.10 each. These Lans are of thie latest and vies-Fcc-. cmost improved patterns and makes, Including "The New (,iorlester,"'"The s . CLASRSON Cashier, Yale," Tho Royal,"11The Berlin Student Lamup,"i "The .Perfection Student .e Lanmp. Icf yocu want the host Lamp for the Least 11foney come and see us 1 E r tk1c luv~ftf I B ,ttt Old Number: 44 SO. MAIN S',f1 ANI .2 ( Ciii 1ainsa uondtroet s.c ANN ARBOR, MICH. LD E A NI Capi ~taill, 0,'llticciScrlus. ,0,00 loornsacts - -- -= ---It.isiiiEi'GREENS i vicis P i s , A Crack Company tu be Formed. ' 99 Strong in Football. I' iiin II.055 cc. Caiieri. There is somte talk this year of '99 is right oni deck sgain as usccal 1110 Ann Arbior' SavinUIs Bank formuing a crack mcilitary company stub a call for football cndidates to Caitiial 5io h. 50.000. Sicrplus,Si5,O00 whlichi shall be ciade a prominenct or-metiRoii9T rda evcigSeii 551lOl5 ganization to ho contitcued from year at7-30. Their '~ t O g anciiiid nleree GneralnBank~ing Lao to year. The late war has greatlyprospectsfor a s irn co hisstaie. Reicivsodeposiis, bicy.sicid sells iliceusd grat)team this -year are excellent. All of esskaeonctchle principal citiessOofheucniteid inceasd iterst n mlitry ffars tats. raf" ea ic~id upcnipsopseidentifiion. scieret cc mlctry ffarolast yoars teacs are hack. and it looks, safety deposit liiscs is conl. and there seems, to be a general do- as if their hine couldl avoragoesvay (SrrcoCES: Chieicin Micki. Precs.; W. ID. Ilori sire cocoe tie stcdeccs heo tofora sue.io-Ie : .hoc. E. Ilisos Casioie; M. sireamog te sudets ereto ormup. Arrangemiencts are being made JFriis, Assisiant Cushier sitme kind of mcilitary organizationc toswardl secu~rinig sice oiut-of-towvn simcilar to thcose existincg at other gms Western clleges. LAgames. S EN ER Tuhe U. of M. Rifle s whoa theylis- LA B&'P NC R TeDIY sbcitolitfrhandted last pring voted to come to- the frtday'ws smbsettin onlHfor gether the followcing fall and con' tbet frast teognzaid ydrliga rwhIiore tas doube THE oncce or tice a wveek a crack c oi-taper's banner year. Leave your pany cold be formuetdanid completi- am with solicitor inSmaln hlal, or Fan cyGroce rs tive drills hold wcithc other collees telephonce us. Reguacr delivery be. suchc as Wisconsin oir Illinoitsvwhich gins today. isoud artos noth ineret an beWe keep everything usually kept in a proudoe ners n b xhng orsodhndbosfirst-class Grocory and Ilakery. Cull prdcieof much gosod to those Exhneyusctdadbsk and see ue. plir icipuctitog. The question of hay- at Walr's Book Short'. 318 S. STATE ST, log military drill at the University BOARD.-Rate, $3.00 perwek- - has heels agitated for sotme time atcFrtcassrvc o isad oen-SUk.S'L UN R a committee seas appointed by the Frtcassriefc aisadgen T D N S A N R Regents to intvestigate the nmatter biut tiecoen. At 323 E. Wvash itgtou ASSOCIATION. nsothing wass donce. A contpansy if str'eet. 6 fortced wotuld be a strictly private WEVAI OUJGHT-AVM. R. FOX, sue sod mcetmbershiip wsould he en- At Noble's Star Clothing HouseAETFO tirely optional. It is probable ticat Nto. 209 South Main Stc they are 1HEGADLU RY ylp oadti n ilsotyh showing all the newe things in soft or OPN OGRND AUNDRY taken by the U. of M. Rifles, stilf hats. T~h bet high grade launciniytclhe Staie. 'ike At Nobe's Str ClotinGDose Glvefnish ulso given. All wook promplyi tNo ble SotariClthingouseap Notice to Band Men! neatly and carefully donc. -Golf Hose-Golf Breeches. Thraeafwvcnistob The ExcelsiorLanr Co, filled in the positions of 1st and 2nd OF KALAMAZOO. Wabres Book store is headquarters Clarinets, 1et and 2nd Csrnetsc 1st Collars .............1Cn for students, and 2nd Altos. These positions will Cuff's.... . . .1 ent Notice, he filled by those having most ability Shirts......................... Election blanks tnust be deposised to read at sight and execute. Apply Either finish. Sutisfactioin guaauniced. Givi in the Register's box on or before at once to E. P. dOPontc fcec0 S u ae biesdncd10Lwrne t Saturday, Oct. 1, 1898: 509 E. Jefferson St. Ns'w StatePhsne. 441. THOSE RD TIES aS\ B~U THEY ARE WARM IM.W.MIL'WARD' WAGNER & COO, Furnishers . 1 fAEc. 123 S. MAIN ST.