THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. An Eloquent Aderess. Every seat was crowded in the Publitched0aily (Sndays excepted) during the large M. E. Church Saturday night Colege year tlung before the hour announced for THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, the second lecture on the Students tFteE:Tthe Inland Prests,tHencnieBlce. Lecture Association course arrived. Ontl Pheee ~ The occasion was the lecture en ''The iMANAGcINGi iDITOct. Last Days of the Confederacy" 'cy F. ENatEcaARD, 01 L. Gee. Joltn B. Gordsn of Georgia. BSUSINEiSS ILANAGEItl. Uncomtfortahle as was the crowded O. H.HANS 00 tenose, no 000 was lereseunthbttseere Athletic Eiditnr, T. It. Weensete, '0 L. gldteha hoceCediom rs P. W. JOESe, '99, A. H. MeneoUGALL, 'o1 E, t r h try ofteflie last days of F. n. Encens, 'OtL: .Ott. Leee. '05 M, lice tar froemc the noted cocfeclerate G.nD. HiNTeceee. 011. genceral. Vivid tes was the dlescrip- titn, thrilling as were the inciieects related, eloquent as were thee trihutes Th etec~tiepelcii- nc, c- c t eptatitc te heroes of the past, the he college year, witic acregtciae delivercy heforeInill charm oef thte lecture was the noeesactc day. Notice, commucnicaton,, ad fe-lint cne heel Clat oue was hcearicng sete mttc ttertd ee opubitctioncmsct he 5 handed isncatdcthetILefceefoniees5 i. mc., cr those descripitiocis tanedincidecnts acid mailted co thce edice tor eoe 3pi. of citicsday previeus cc thteonttcwhichc they ae exepected to tibcutes frometeeo tt wo had heetnline- be ef a te nctv ifce slfa leader ice the streegg-le front Meye, o toltewtndcrc h uinecc ehicclethey were taken. Adasagec. Suscrciewiii ce aifvorch reporting eprocctlty ct ti fic el eay fiiteeof Gece. Gorelocc, as his sueject iceeli- eacciece to elivtripacertoilet,,spoke only conccerccicngthe Alt changes icc advertisiag mcatter ccutt 1be isn at the cfftes hyde .ci. ontthele day pevostctcaiceclosicngclayscitfte civil war,.lHe as whtch they ice toaearc ete wtctc cvsececfPccsl ts CAnGEcc TO'I en UEte.vacela hv Lee ancd closeel witic adec _._._JNES seripetiece cf the scecne ice the little Seata for the Chicago Game. brick hocuse cit Appocciateex whcere the Seats teer te Cli tcget gamei cilheeIhistoriccel surrendeer tooek place A on sale utcill)fto'clock tileeveenineg gracet mainey reascoschave beecn co- at Shceehecei-,. Afier thalt lhouerte cribedc, ice side,sehy Lee iccvaeied ediegrcaec isell1 leeetike-icawacy ancd tnoePenncsylvancia, hut lice realsonscreaeily feerticer opporitun-itiy givent to hcuy were first, hecceuse the conefederacy seccts ic A.nittAcher. Sete are enowv sthucngry aetdlsecocnd, bceccauese selliceg so1raidcly inCch'licagott a it titey wacted, like Soutihern genctlc- will probacbly lee imcpossible to getccliid, to lie)'back lhice neteresticeg aecy tihere titter tomcocrrow,cwhece all visits ci thleir Yanikee brthlecrs. Ucc- secats uccsoldct here will be eoffereed ctocfrteuccctely, Ice said, the ,Iccecccien tlii public cit Ciciccgoc. ''his is the netCacwarnciier receiptidunthcanc they last chanece to get scets ateehocse whlic hadticececnted ctoctsoretuercedihoe desire to cite so will hatve toc secuere sooneeer thccen the liadc expected. "Beet their tickets at onece. wenc they catete hacke Co the neortlh forlice secondeltieictlhevcaine hack At thce first puepils recital Cto he tee their father's icouese Cco stay,'' he giveciIteeightintle Frieze Memcorial said. A lbeauctifucl part of Qect. Goir- Hcti", te followtinig interesticeg pro- docc's lecture wsthie gloewiceg trib- griniclciibe giveic. All ace icnvited. utes lee paiel to Cleewoencccfc the cRORAMenrthc aeeel lie soutic. At the mnc. Alaiegic Fire (fromnte Waikuce). tione of lice atnes of Gencs. Lee, ................Wagner-Brasti ALICE wEtaeTEta. 0Hooker, "Stonewesalli"Jackoneeacid M1omento Perpetuo.............Weher Custer, te auedienece hrocke forthice ELIZABEOTHa TelHRE, contineuoues applauese. Judlgeedhy te Etucde C miner, Op. 25t.........Copinc iie tetingvnb h Fclonaise......t... IAS......Padcrewsk ainecviedfoateet rsthic ielec iyte TeteLtS.atdeeefrto tosthlcue Etude in E emajor, Op. 10, No. 3..Chopin clay he said to hatve heent as success. Geomenreigen......................Liszt tiel as ancy ever given ice recenct years NATHAN SACS. oeilte S. L A. cocurse. Presto (fromn Phantasie in F minor).._______ .................. lendeissolin FLRENE i a Nl. 'Tie Womnc's Lceaguce inevites its Mephisto Watlz (Episode trout atemibers and trienids tee eeclecformcal Lenau's Facectl................Liszt soccillactte Beerboeur Gymcncasiumccon LOUtS ELBEL. Frihday afternicooc, Nocv. 2.5, frontc Turn Out to the Mass Meeting. 11 to ft. Dacineg acnd gaices still he Evertsctuen t who wilcc ctlccie tosee inceder. WEARE.. t .EXCLUS VEE eHANAN' afld BANS'TER'~ SHOES 10 ,MI I TETBAL'S SHOE STORE O-P OR OS 114 For 5well Dressers spe(cial shiowing- of Richi, Exclusive aind Very Stylish Designis ini the l+ anotts "Gold ansSilver" acnd isMonarch"l shirts. Exclusive Neck Ties Are a G3rowing Faincy with Good Dressers. YTou Field Them Here. Everything That's New ina Gloves, H1osiery, Canes and ~Ubrellas. SEE OUR WINDOWS. ~ & SQ T IMePORTERS ANn MANUFACTURERSOOF CHIEMICAL and PHYSICAL APPARATUS. MICRIOSCOPIC FINDINGS. Headquna-ters for alli Iabora- tory supplies et2 S. MaitetctAns Arbnr, Mich. TRY HOT CHOCOLATE, Noelite c itewee 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. The largestcassertmtcetCndie nthecicty, mcadeihocrly. Odtersc-.servedlina t yle.i ' ' If You Want (hr Binting, or Ritling, or anything in ocr line, no matter how small er cow larte, Milchig-nicoioeuis hetT''huresday- swillte111,e0it cc ioincito 1 e l-ee sellit cat tile-ms lItlel-c-liig-ll IReeomtiG,Unii versity Halt i7:30 this evenineg. Siceeeen cll leo c- b eea-eicy thie coeel, 1..Icl ane1oteres, ClhcuIle the ga1cit i ei-cnch eciand '(10lslur tfor tht-'gciie wcillitbe sung. 'het.bantdt sw ill icc(114 cliii helt- it e c- nniei. Nec ol li dihianitl-1td--it ccci tihleet lee esycc elTid hl eeltig ciiilbee shoert andii lect Is1ct timieewiiilbee left leer si tisd. I-syeric-c it- ebe suteattle tldicceci.'iThcecstceeec eof tegnide Istyyclepcendichpc havlesiig acelltl 1- colic liltellG ceoa sedh-cci' lt the Special Number of Wrinkle. lndcele thIl epeaicr tomtorroeela110a speci .iltensgis'ieg feebl numci- ibc- cnd isnto e ee-(otefetthet- elever 11111 feelith.. Acicticg te-te ee- tures is tIce hele hiceeis ,cci ne roft e s-dbal1011.cA itle detaledhrcevicts-ciiilibe-;livecn tomciorrowv. _____ ____ ___ WE CAN Do IT PATHENS THEATRE., Printing forcyo. tail and get acquaecietedl. TUESDAY EVEN'G, NOV. 22. - Ncecctntgnc1Pie,c Reetuec-e of te Favortit eHnigBou Hoty's A Stranger ItIGI~laeIU~H0 1aei OtHO In l Tir York. GOTRiELL &' LEONARD. Prsne eeNih21 l e Ccei1" ty h 'ccei, IGoewnsandciHolostmdce to erdler act Ireeled, Alset'lcass peieyteseasivratieos Ililea Ccatees, Class liats and Caps, Chats College Ptts. Acddres tr.NwYran ueo oThatie.eeW. C. KERiN, etccct .ictgr., Lonon.Hasellce ctt, Ut. of (icago . cdac a e ll cati iT-l laies, - NTU~A "QAL verty kind. J N[JALL 'xt ei'unu E. n. Y el-'j11, te wl oi ul cN15 'Ve-st Wctelccnctocc street ctealaste -ite,nyo hs nna State Phone 144- Beth Phones, Xci. 115. -Ann cArbor. ( tou, ceat 0s t Lie tliccc uilS111 I day Ncec. 27: h urs 1 a. nc , t t . a_ i t i i UNIVERSITY '.chool of Dancingj Granger's Academy. 1 telltion 246cce1. In Lk Iolie tacc,.,44A W5ith tetccingand igcf clthe seasnsarae the fains iniotet-'n. iwlciesc(iyesterd resoocnforgoitencinclthecdesiefoe that icof eels cecte. See cocetcwindowsficctec stice-t-dalte linceci tiec st-ties forceoec-cecceedt( AWRlLL'S SHOE SITOR iI, j 112Wcnhict()11c t...