Ad) e oil (': 4 o ------- VOL. IX, No. 50. ANN AIROR, HICI.., MNDAY, NOVEMBER '21, 1 898. FouR PAGEI,. T H E T A 0 R FINE FALL SUITINGS, 7s WE CARRY THE LARGEST. STOCK IN THE CITY, 108 E. WASHINGTON STAI T H E T L 0 tCHEST PROTECTORS + CHAMOIS VESTS Thisisthetimne oftbe yce tatwened protaction al oisvs otne of the best paeetatives of cold ad fX0 Bin trouble, and can ea *CE~NTS worneat all times.They are UPWARD rcmeddbphsca. WLESPHARMACY+ 336 SuthSaSte Duringt eaet of t1hc college year we will serve lunchesc at all hoaurs, day oe aight. Fall lonettf Pipes, Cigaea, and Tobacco. R. E. JOLLY & CO., 308 So: State Street. Hot Drinks. Thevecey finest DutcbhlChocolate wade, with ceam ...............Bc Beef Bouilloncwithatnaeomaathat foe- notlbe produced withbcommwooex- teactsa..................... c Mfalted Milkaia boltameat and deink.... S HaltCoffee Nag, a quicklunbch,.... o Wafers awitb all of themw. GalKios' rharma6U. To Law Students, We haco a few 500od second-hand copiescof Huffceett & Woodreaft's Americanc Cases 0on Conatracts, Cloth Biaadiang for $2.75. Price Near, Cloth Binedinag................$3 50 Fuell Law Slaeep............... 4.00 Fine Witing Papee foe l5e, 20e and 25ceper lb. Wahr' s Bookstore BELOIT SHUT OUT. cros-bulced for 18 yard, aided by Final Class Came a Te. _____excellent interference oni the part of Neither thae selior lilslnor the 'Vlarsitq Puts Up the Best Work of Steeklce. Caley buckeal the linefoc enIr ior as Could lscoere liit ia the the Season. 10 yard-s and in tiree m~ore plalys fhal ldss 'allueSatrayv mornig Widmand was pushed ver flr a tuh ndoeo.lh ,Sauadbetl MielligandIefeloledthetacstron~g Beloit dllown after eght mlinutes aof pa.eee as audyb t cr f2 no ikdga.tested gmles ever playedl ofl Regent tel 0 inlthle bet llayedl gamle aof the Beloit kicked off againa toltie5-Felt ede ill 00 0 Ic 0 score. lDr season. Tle 'Varsity's bshowaing Ihas yard line. Ftr tile next ten minu~ lts ingthll frt11011 the playing was insp~ired every Michtigaan 110an itlatlte gae (cowas a ting contest be-cifly il te middle tf tie field, cofdne-nhstamadi taeenl Caley anld Merrill landtICaley nethert sde comlingaihinac lailing ability to maea10splenidclshowain~g tatd tecidetly te bette of it. Each tdistc of te oter's gal le. against ChicagsoilThurlIsday. Cihi-ecag of put de nwe etc'h secnilfIthIowaeve, tie play calgo lherself sily setoreti21 lpoits front 10 to 25 yards t Micihiga's was etirely i inte las' teritory at antBliad1rsosnol 7 n ietebl en nter2 aglilotBettt t~tIWiclalil Il~y 7.gaills. A fear pretty ettd runts by l~~tlt lehl lii 1 ler2 The plaoy puttutp dlrin~g thte first \ilacgt ielel 1 ests yard line bai thefleehslst it for half wats tile best seen 011 Regecnts yard lice, and fromc here Widmcanei~ci~ ct tacl tlleloto Field for many years. Michiganl03,11Iai 0ttcltca 5100tagtec. Tie giae endet aitiethe load it all iher 0ow11way adilttpayeti 0 aginslStm~as rteckon.cSowltctibal i111te laws' 30-yartlice. perfect glamle. Thie moteoticaible fromlth ie sitelite aild withIIn til- 1011otiewadoicked (offiecfoil thitas' imnprovemlenltaras n thte teamlort e~k. favoabile awind. lie shouled lhlave ard'doheothel aws'lt The ilayers hepedl eacht otlher alontg tit3akik0u.-yar 'ie 00111aw bgianci -li repielatecly andthie interfereince wastri e i iext otiedlocicnsi gd y thefictsIlie ad"ie taiy quick in forminig aicd stead~y iift c cleatfter the billl11d01been ttkeiin ctt asaieetl i awtrk. 11n frequlenlt icstantces after dowean tile fielti bc a beautlifuli 50 ardld for dolwns. Tihey btterd te the rtiicier htad ibeen Idownfedi le wasnteclby Snowll aint lne (f 23 yardsblaws bs bile w abventce0ityars enod drcaggted a11dc.rieti alng fcr five or 1iltclt. Siiowc missed goalohlalwsgvn h asfr[od leyardls Imore by oticec plavers. Bleoit kickedi oif. Street -o te;11. Alein attemcplltedta111ult.bat Stleid 111that kindi of wocrk IItoli b clli irlttil aitI 2thefitk wts bloctkel anldltheal pterfectio, 01111hepeal Widllttclcpelu alo u ligst1lt013fiticerlled back several yards. Tlie hatif it211 r a to hscei.ed~edl sonlfafter. 20y c igccn ii ceit glnec. Tiie was5calle sotnl aftr T1he aws kickedl 1111in the secod 'Thie Michigan pltiyers awee inI withc thce ball ini Michigan's 11po ccfs- ci511i ctr eieb spliendid lphiaecoi ctctiont. Belits sessiomihlfadsonate ceeb- iieni waere hbeng conlcina lly 1101iltiut, I thte next haif ily onie tuicl- pretty rtn carriedth ie balli to tie while MichIiganc went throghc fie tdowtni aas scred. This wacs mlaelias' 2-ycrd lice, butithlis timce the eitire gamie- withoucit tosingle mnbd Scleud hl hvn be its owere guiity of holdinllg adithe hen aiti tat. Trainer I1itzpatrick aworkedlchldo te field1 ba lite buck bl ett h as h ettehl hs bas tite tmeninitexcelent shtape 0andb jug chiefly,all the piiatinig hbiei 111g ithe111plainlg was lillthe la-' they aetll feelig fine 1a1d11walli le dcie by Beloit. Siowr kicked goal territory, buat their gale1weas iitt iii on perfect etge for the Ciicago In lhis af Miciigan did iot put serialts lnger at aiy tme. - game. up the staccecgamcelas haidl beein done GCle, Chicgog's coach, aind Mcm- Cciey played a stoing gamneat icc ticefirst. T1he teamicwaork arlicicaedy of te saei tecciwere the cdi- fiiilbccicaiid the coaches made a goodlccid beecn of lte vey best duariig the cand thgae lie gretest ofsfacl- llce enhietiy pet hiie there. He first half wars lackingg to stiice extecc t idoy. Jn " speakitg of te gccce Ke- awas a towaer f steigthlinIIhacinnter- this half. Toward the enta of the iedy said: eIf yoar cass teamcs can inlg heloit's line for gaiins amd his half Browni, Avery. Ttlott aid pattil san 1 article of football the pauntimng could not have beenc better. Whitcomcbaere put ini to save the Varsity most h a wonoider." lie putntedh te bll seveii timies in tother players. Beloit tdithstime god A big croodtd sawvte gmd~e amd all durimig the garelic d his average hune gaining this half andmidiiade tms clcsssiritbawas ranpant. Sevemal length aof punit awas 40 yards. Be- several gains throuighi Michigamn's hueer e rtne maixpsbealem rival spotrt btpliited six tiates aiid her average tao of thiemocbeimg through Sek erswee ocarsly prevented. It has length was only 29 yards. Inti aftencl a~ tc~.ot eeai decided as tc ahem the tie Mcan a teear gsn gllrIn th imehaveregheoltwopemaltieomilibe alcedeti. The lineup: Mc~nwstesa rudgie ntegm eegvn ihgn lyfor the 'Varsity. He is especilly gave ap the ball once oii accounmt tof LTO LAW. good on1 carrying back pulosaind France using his haicds and at aiotier Carmdy----------------am ton kick-oils. He made ane rumi of 55 time Bieloit crwas givemn 10 yards for )ones ........... g,..Anderson yards anld another of 45, as aelia05 Miciigecu's oil sie aork. Betlit Tupper.....r. t - tl...(oodbread frequeint omes of shorter leingtl. triedtwotct place kicks this hctlf, ieititerCAyrea . ..i..........-.....1r.e.hur.....E Coape;........1. gEgan Snolt so imade a beautiful 55-yardl being sucessful. Timie oas clled Tryon...........1. t.'u..itenmyer raii arouind left cnd. White played witt tice ba1lli IBeloit's possessionic 01 Neal ............1 e-....Runnes a good gaice aiid has developed into her ownc 45-card hune. Beath..........q......b..arshall a sure graoind gainer for tie'Varsity. 'hue linle nooas as ftlows: Rich rdon -I.... h...Sherman Ii eeniewokcul oib cKee d(C'pt..l.r. h.Andersonftapt.) HiMeecieotr ol o e llaICIdAN. BEtoe. Forward ............f.........Alen better amd there is not a plyer oi Cunningham, Browne - ho......lny - the elevemi whoe is nore faitiifal inu Francs-----------...r.g.... .Lolenbelc Tuo rantoCig. stayimig right owith the ball. Baker .............'.hg......Afkino toTan oCiao Backer owililave no trouble in fllii Stecke----------....r. t.l..ushi Licel Te Michigani Cemtral hias mae ing Caley's jplace at guard i inte White, Avery... I." "1,t..){ 1ohhl3tbekspca eitsat1avhefrtt Chicago gamue. His awork yesterday Snow............... e....Bunge transpotrtationd of the Michign wras eitirely satisfactory and lie was Bennett...........1. e...... uckc rotes for the Cicagtt goa-.lBoth. a great aith in fle interference. Street, Tacot...q......Childa ctlsoiiieeqipdiiatne B the ~~McLean, Whitomb. .r h...... latr hiil trgttackle playediIi Widman ............. h..Meyers, smith td leave nothinig desired, either as to star gamie fr Beloit, and ma~de most haley ........f...........Merrill ctonveicece otr sled. 'Te first all taf their big gains. Score--Michigan 22, Beot 0. 'imue tilitwoil leave Anni Arborat 9 a. LBeloit kicked off to Michigan's 5. of halve--20 minutes. Touhdawns-- cci. tacti arrive lt Chicagt at 3:15 p. yard hune. McLeani got the aildll n Widran (2, Caley, Stecke. Goals fromc Id. The seoind leaves at 10 a. m. ctrrieth it hack 55 yards ini a uanifi. touchdown- Snow 21 IReferee~ RIayner-nt-ciceutChcuet1anote Y of Lake Forest. ltmpiie--ihhliams, of an rrvsatC beg 5miue passing almost the entire Beoit eev ______ ____ cii-nd o th le second iunch car will en. On the next play Caley Ipumntedh There will be a Mass Meeting be ataced.'Tickets nowlon tti sle 40 yards. Beot punted 25 yards. ftti $5.00 at Sieeac's, War's, -McLean made 5 yards. Another ex- of Students Monday night, in Milart's anud byiemcbet-s of the At- change of punts gained 10 yards for Room C, at 7:30, to complete let"t Bad. (Giteotl retrning ou l (Michigan. McLeani went through regular trains ups tot ath icluding ltackle for 13 yards and Widmani arrangements for Chicago game. Monday.