Recently Received
W* rr io6 S. MAIN ST., and
, ,WE M RE,32S TTE St., Cor. William St.,
UNIVERSITY IEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New,
Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds,
Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books,
1q L r.'Telephone 1 06. 515 E. Liberty St.
Make a specialiy of
Fine Black Suits.
Al Workmaonship.
214 East Washingto~n St., near 5th Ave.
W. J. BOon, PRES.
W. AnacsL, lot Vice-prcc
The Philippine Islands,
Hope the Hermit,
The Castle Inn,
The Day's Work,
Rodens Corners.
>yleas C. Worester
by tides Lyall
StanleyJ. Weymaan
by tan Maclares
by Kipling
by MeioasTasat
TattleaTalistof CcpPaceb FINE COACHES AND COUP ES FOR PAR=TIES. T'ransacts a general
by Pul Leceter ordBanking Business.
Buccaneers and Pirates of our Coasts,
Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, ~' ' ~ I J j' Capital, 5400,(0a. Suirplus and Profile, 140,000
by Jereote K. Jeoe T'ransctsna geeralbankaing buiness. Fareign
The Californians, We cull llttentiotn to our complete line of ('enter D~raft Nickel Plated Lanips, oeiangc baought and cold. Fornishtlettera of
'ley iGertrude Aiterton rangitng in price from 75c to 82.50 each. These L~amps are of the latest and credit.
Cyrano Dr Bergerac, tnost improved patterns and makes. Including "Floe New kochtester," "The D I KNNE, Pae. ttAtRISNtiSOUL,
by Etiitt oedstcet ale, ""The Ryl" "The Berlin Studettamp""'The 4Perfectisn Studentvice-Pros.
The Gospel of Freedom, VLep" I o attR tLm oyale.tI.amp, 5cmead eeu. . W. t.LAtIK50NOjbasier,
by tRober cni til, atp fyuwn h (etLtpfrteAce M-e'cto tdseu
The Loves of the Lady Arabelta, Old Number: 'tiru krhnu?#tnk
by M. Eiliolt Seell i 44 SO. MAIN ST., D EA IN dc. 1)ua
Long Drawnt, ANN ARBOR. sICH. E N
lay tlEwit Pngh --ta- Cr. Mainandt tHuteoS5treets.
Poor Human Nature, , Capital,$50,000u. Surp.lus, $00.060.'rraiectsta
i E liziabetl. Godefrey Students in the Wur. i The Wabash "Continental Limited" generalebtalkinglustinIess.
AveRom Itnotaie,'le' luliti Aoie'ilio ioicy ieSaves you timnttid irioney.- Going homie Si, Koir, Ptees. C' . OE GEEN, Vice-Prec.
CoelemafornoTt'tskTPit;st.tt. fi leaties n ('sehito ,
by Ft. 1Marituitrawforcd fleo l li'Ii ioill'ciiri Th-nkogiving? Loaok here, then. un IBES Csir
The Battle of the Strong, lng thte liartimliptiol its la0-dteViou heatenuAnti5 AroLaspratborat7:23a. et. and
by rtibPeuGil1bfeeeseogtsi t12:26T111Ann, r bomaiibrtPre 2
by lb rltelu te'- ando t udeniilitpie lO' p:1111 1l rt, Iit p- . I 1al'ayette 1:T4) p. ot., lianville
ft'elate t''l i stt Spli. Tel t'ii- 2:34 ) it. tt. ceatttr 4 ti. to.,Tty lorsille Capital Sock. e550000. Sr s ,te $1o. 0,000o~.
[.I N EN IPAPER 4rtt'i iy lieci iilI i a--:40 p. Ito.,.*,t. Lois 6:52 p.tni., Chic'tgoI odteiblooolteligLte
by t-elboundl1ic, ;.0.:attul2.55. Vstine"i cee is l- 10.11 l~i u 101 :411 p.i.e, Indcianaotlis is3p. In1,1ou011f0 h s ae. 51ec.ie ltuuiis, buty'r and ell
erIae. . Nun'Sty leosit Stat it..:ecr. 11 itVilrle' p. it. Iexchane oil tielpriciptal Oites of lit.-unitedl
bile', e ciin 11111elitoti hei'most liiiite Closesconectiontsat these satiouns leir Stttes.at etcl-casIthed 1 cupo ropr iettntficatitn
scrapiili of ittforutott. Aidiress all tll poists in Iodianal, Illiniis ted ii-e ),(it EtsixClrtcliant tack,. 'ros.;W. DIi n
r nllt l~ain oss I s a. 11. l'rentiss, soiiri. The Cotfifnetl Limiited 15 the ritt-lit5tc-Poe.: Cba.E . ttisoeiaa.Cashier; i31.
Li (tast, luxuriouts train ef the Wabah Pertie Aee titCher -ao.
G~l(eeal Serosary. tine send11110000 MilutitgoingWus ct at
W ag Ihanhisgicing Dance. b:07 a itt. Consolt the ticket agenit of
uen ti -i Stfv tTX stttt. ssc aiS r tho Annt Arbor Railroatd for rates anod
- - - - - -t- - --- lbk Itit o rto a W eitib il foldet. --
+__ ~:101alaiogtll 2 1. S. tREucROtaOnl, A.
toottie c at Girantger-'s .rtI-to(i -6._________I____.T BH1.E
''lereill1 alsoo esa protgiramiplaaty -
ftroimi< to 11 InIthei'eveintg. Nl ttii t 'ie tuutl
, ision 5I3(1 centsb. All lie' cardi'tllv otod to 'ug' It'tcttcot_
cl i~t,3 ollefo Ittblalllltieawstuldtrooltr a if l
U . IA. 311-Ge-iougco'0,taoscetn'fw blocks Iriut o Sltiochllie IldttWVie ketepeeything iisutally lkept in a____________ti-Iio' ~ll tctci 11
Et Thaws oardetd the polz' 'or tih- bist sover itffirs tt splettidiloppo)lrtnilty 1110fiost=-claiss Grocry 11111 latery. Ctall
Th CX'.t Dps Ilesign uoff'ire'i by tiha Oricle. Th 'liieuttg cootfo-tahbly loc'tedl. Get oilfsa see se.
ta jttdges orit-tProsf, Ientnistntillr. A1. C. tratinti lt53rd street for thii 318 S. STATE ST.
M o 'The Michigun Book oAnNO~ e ttle10buythe late ste tta OURdN X
ea-chb cetloccitlg aBs atit101l t.ean it llihscore Z1511(1 1 .tfit ltttutus
is1e ) E I.H m re ,D ot~, ittretnso, thits1and:1 ectoc tile saellia sitn- gamse J.It r~. T J ie t I O112 ba 0
I'rdg c N v. 1 i al'tbobsoesmdbyJ Tottrceiput 'at tue.
Nole s6a" l1tseuu lusuuuu1'h ucI-lS ItngacllsSt. BASE BALL AT ttlC)., RAORHO IN
at 7:0 l11. ten.I e.tute bo'-ins-a t 8:00 B )iS+uhelttl ou Detit ttroit, Oict. IS ASCEN E
i to S ti'rtitti u'u utihm u a t Iuth ut-u graia firt' heia'next GenetalAgency lort o~itt, (it- cut.Gutaratee uro wucSort.
emeru t h i s i s ouuii .Lt . A_ uuuou tu n , ^ b I r
eigh-t otuhe ut. t attt:I oluu u Sasn it "lua l cenuu uuttiouul' Ihue 111100rthIisagou, Ne oi Vlttaud le uuhu'uit eWARR ENTHE BARBER,
Ih t .. 0Leaue.ait .121 N. ']lain t S., Oper-ai Huousea' - - - -
---ne-B-B ~ts News Depotu. THE IVIlOD)E L of State Steet
ReducedR._R._Rates._ _is DuNN &, I: L ~'s
T ()i Atu.Nuu.u 2 hurll2l theuu- Atttru- Buurc'aut uua0I Was'thiugtuon, DBARBER SHOP If yeoutdesire
uu irts'trclasGeork att cuteostreS.SatmenSt
ho ~ld ill Isell ticket tostnt- C. Itafottation pertaining to the tberiwo it~ outot rauin
I u ( a I I uillil tuu. to 0 il o stal euae 0 itul atttl3,32't i'. S'tabu te t .
N i ~~ t aeo,(tisl -thirtdtawsof h e is Un'~itedc g4l ('suuuft'uhe lL L, s u iett
fr.furit-asheu p o n iapluicationut, Cal attcuuenee] at. tueNigt.
~1 No. lt1K. Libuety Out. htoeuResi ee 053 S
--- bFuth :Av, - iluotne 1'29.
t I tic s. utos
'lThat is the ONIY B-= tton to wear5t k'i
We sell thters, 1)ut wear the - -' - tie ASS. i-.t
tion Button($.).MW MLA
. ' STA TEST -
T'htcrentneduo mandti vit uosoau-u, twill gute les-
coone uu ndi~oluin: andul cufat 01tue Uiter-
sity Schtool of iuuiuoev tccFiday or ictermsat
antoureesaptoe ereay