THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 MOIZE STYLES AND) QUALITY FORl THlE PIpI STIIA A YWPI II I TIE IT. 0117MAIN STREET. Students' Laundry Association Wt.TOOH-Wat. . I, O,tgenttWn.t tF'oreN$ TIHE GRlAiNT)LA (7N DI t'jti f DElTRlOIT Tite heat hig-h gerale latect ytnt the State. The .. only tmtchine dtttette inishiehe cWest. (lave fitish tltttgivent. All terklpromtt ly, neatly anti carefully clonte. We operate the tiniest tilrifig110ttal1 iiit1111 city, tl office 203 S. State t. Resieie io M Lateeence-t. (. Netw State Sitne. 41t. equal any sn tile State. We respectftully solicit you. Valed Ipatietig e. _jfusic. tiff! iiS All g;araseiltse iiade by iso kep t Dreissed ahndi iii repair for Piano, Pipe Orgos nod Cottpsnition one yeare TRIE GREtATS'ANDOLIN12.ARTIST, Mr. W. Eu gene Page, Useee the Joseph, IBohmann Analso ttthe Washburn Instruments, SI IEMUSIC STORE 114. WettLibterty Street, Ann Strbar. 612 S. DivtsionSt. Coot( THE MIGflI.Gfl " The NiagaraPalts st Ttc Eneet.Ag- MaV il dtt1 e stt .le....... N.aY&, st peial... . Atantic, llepec....... Detroet; l it ttEtt'ts.... Gletail aeids- Saliense... Mail & IExptres...... Rotttn. N. Y.& Cicagt.... bast WetemExprcets.. G. Rt & taai. Satteec... ('hiettyteNig'hrExireest..... PacificExpiesse. ........ ci. P. & T. Ao.'lticagot. try, Getmancy. 0, M.MARTIN. ett Piano Tanivg 106 la. Iluront. N em' sttlP hoi 41. ____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___FUNERAL CALENDAR. Special Wire From Chicago. DIRECTOR Stida1', NOV.. 19-'99 Ittv' 1 'ra]geu lt hv ~ee 'e fel)ceiti tfttlltleng a tiliecially. Na. 21111Fourth '99:Lait, 16-301a. a]., iRegets iel'i. by wh li icht il(rg'tcii, aI02 Ate. Ams~liaienight ant i ty. Ron- idence 302 Filth A ve. Atnn Atttat, eMich ii ts Niy v. 21-'m'tif. J. (C. 11. Hates ci 'ciit, aiiw i t111 ii'.1 tile- -- - -- --- leetgattl ini I itty ( tilt cot. ettiji~plile tel~otttllof the pl it) i t ile [ N IR S L tin .I Nov. 19 - OttiJolts 1 ielitgrtti- { I Esgetgsiiie at tiItlo Roe . .>1111105day St. L. o.A cs.-Micig iigtan s. cijil lbt plecetinittfront if bulleti at B'D hiNI Tlit lsda,(Nov.24-ileiigativs . Weetelti Untion tt ct'it'eieel 'rittec 14, 159's Cheittgoitit( Ii etteit fit' all iedwil e osedevry . Leading 3f4r i hanhsqiituq Rates.Jelr still 43 11e icil t'i-i Itit'itCen ltral ' d'''illiltiiiylt'qt- E YOUR tt.lit. ttlllto itt h}]etf[oi'the 'Ilittittgi vitig Thanthsgieing Rates. H s tt.N1 'actaitin. T cie ttoi1sle -Ntv. 22tdit l li lgiti et ract l titll Isell Iroitundt .............9t43ti 'Thankhsgiving. ...........12 list..A'IT. here still be a Tiiatinasgii 11. SW. HAYEI, ' AItttAnhArbor iatinecat (Juttgera frtitti3toin t ._ - (the altlot It. T ere tell 1ailsio beca TIME TABLE Totting 14tIrrO, Oct. 2, 1838. Traiuts leate.AtnntArbtor by Central Statnd- arti Titte. 12:40 i. 11. 1~1 5 A A prohgrain larty 1'rotut8S to Ill itnthe eveiity. Atlcli ill50 eents. All are eavilicuily iniitd. Theii 01bttlaw sss le c teid Mr. Cannutoni, fitnanciail secetarciy ,tMl.1R. G. Ferris,'thltlectic managtye, titt 1o po~linOts rietof lDctroit vti hut1311 itile 'It t'tlwill bteattddlNtiv. 24, goteo iiretutrvttNo.25. Yjtoilatcti IOpera Htu,iiAc, otilacu Novt. 21, Ho)t' to tA Stratier itt Nete York." Hlave )you i t(i ttalt t otfblttt- Jo 111e AlTusci Co. on 1Wtoliitltoti Sft. bottghct cit a bauttetip ttal'. Talk abtotit pritte. It titer tall anthiing like it. W.W U -338 So. Stute Street. OUR PHOTOS .ARE. . PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE ierryman Studio 12 Weal Huron St. Late Phttoe 111), lentschlev, the lIbotogapher. it 05 A. Nu. +oiz P t. i ~A. G. VSPANL JI N G & BROS. Itn etti enti ttcucArbort dT o it'ledot only. 'l - _ -- LTe titnIteGartaotee. tweetyxcepot cund Hoel. ony ohertrFOOT;0BALL I.V.IENTE. S.tltL'tlOtaS A rnt. (Intorporatedl.I U i UPPL E II 4.B iNE T .I'. A. Ttilt (li Ici tl ttec tt 11 the cciigci e i~coolicand MA ER OSTEatltin~g'ltOfiial.Inter- [ETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR= Collegiate Foot Ball nn iti ajon Coy-,i ll t i ll ot ellt' BOR RAILWAY.}t* r flo'ctll"e'saiiti civciit,c. JottMarizcec cwitould z c se\ ~f te. Saldig'sOtiiltFootBal Gide, a'rn loeave for IDotroit at a quarter }I U IIUU' IcIliic3 t i tert t;implterorvt t tic. o1111 after every tour,'becriniatigi0at 7:15 a. r 'nictli ~t 3dry tic.183 ulst to i lto. antIl up to ?1:14l. m. I-oUr Ypsilanti s- A . PLIG&BRSNwYok hcg at a quarter befte'thte httur tip to 12t45 a. in.t. 0s -avae cortter Huron ad g ' ." ;> ih 'ii'le-eta tonasalt atIliritwa'sAm lDnt5 'ore. .lit News tnd607 F. Wtlltaot Si. LGtte toe . trial.Flent eltis' icilekcad _______________________ til ~onpt servict. gonpeeReporL of Thanksgiving F.eeledby Wire Divect Fiem Fieln .! J.l S LE.2541 . tct t. LEADRS. 11,11 vien. 1111 l JIJ, ' ..'. Outtltt.ttt s~ttpw'etetitl ttc. A KI D R R N Ama A tl hioStove', 1.10 I'last IhiiuonlSI., Near Cook House. Ai1LinsernPaperg 4 lbs for 50c, 102 E. HURON ST. l)etrt toret IS (ranol)t AvL. huntta ~tioney intteit'euy cittlow0estie WE PATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S D RUGvST0ORE.