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November 18, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-18

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NoW Books, UX7Arn 1N 'fAILr AT

Recently Received
The Philippine Islands,
byiDeansC. Woore
Hope the Hermit,
ley iEdna Lby-ll
The Castle Inn,
by Stanle . euca
by In lahceni
The Day's Work,
l It p1 icy
Rodeos Corners,
by A. orio,~u
Tattle Tales of Cupid,
bai I lieccieFor
Hoccaneers and Pirates of or Coasts,


Males- a speialtuy of

A. INER SNFine Blackhts
C - . " - 331:4 S. S!'AIES's1fEIET. A ok] nhp
cy for eC lb rateli d oyie-b 3fHat. 2141Eas Whin;1,,, t, n ear 5thfIAre.
rlOne Docllar Gove, insthe ccit bo ____the_
a. -sd Ulinedc.
Teep on i6. JE.Liery t.clanrt 'es. 111
W . A n k u I mto Z i e .

Second Thoughts of an Idle I
byJ ro
The Californians,
Cyrano Dr Bergerac,
The Gospel of Freedom,u
The Loves of the Lady Arab(

bY itocktott j FIRST NATIOUAL N Ya+K Oo n ro
dFlow, CapiuilBc,tc6ccccclccclcc ofit.,, °40,00
LA Pi Iechli .it :n(!i ci cc. 1l-ooiit Idlier.of
We cati-ll ;tilctioll0tolur cenpileeline of f'nter lDrasftnickellatedl Lao icy, L. . thNNr-c. Pre.. l fifilifiN ifil I,
l i-n [ nprc e c h)Each. I hose lompsc are iof he lat4stfad s T',xWTC hoc--oo.
m iiimffproved lpattern iii m(akles. Inocluding) "ihe New inc eer" "The ~y.(fRtii.(cIe
lrt cl i ,i gale'" I he it1 cal ,'" Ihe IBerlin Stuuloc t L iaop,':I"hePCf etion Sudtf f- -it
ella, I Jiiirn" It' you w cccii thele ccciLamcp for the I I cr t.on/ come h al'ld f0 see us.fr~i
iElliot Sewell Old Numb-=.-:
Iicici 7cc-i i 44-0. M!lrf3hT.,,D E A N Main < C 0 i ittt>1(1 blci
ANN ARLOR~, MICH. oI("or, 6

Long bDrawn,
Poor Human Natore,
Ave Roma Immortalis,

by Eilizabeth Godfrlii

C - I - 0 11,11O' i 1n( c tsica

b Ii ouC'. (cc cciicisci
The Battle of the Strong,
' b)N EN yIlAP tI'a
icy th1 od15c ciciic . c-©~ ccaidi25c-. WVicic yard
c ci;rve. Nc-a ~y' i ll icc c (cciy.
His Lecture oil
j The Last Dapj
of the Conf ederacqj"
Saturdaq Evie., Novi. 19
Noi scai-; xcilbeii (cii cccl D or lccc li
ct 7:00 1)In Lc . Ii ;rec'- l tJi,> ct ccl00
Lii b--i IIi cs (c i-i S. I.. A (;o rs"cIii c d
ciif iohe no lice, Icollowc. Si--cson
tiiets '2.00


Iw 1)' aniti (vi tSolciI Ii l1X1cI1ci, Foir
- tclii.C -'ii cilici c ii(i f t nIl tn 2 i cc ill ci ccc ci 11a i ii ii iii -Cii i-acc- le flii 1 Io- Sa i j Ian
reciti l Icvc- r. W i I I Iii ea- rIi- i I ' f t a r~i i c e lhii in tpit ii t c i 111cctt0 . S ir Itk1000
t',y liii l i - t t 11(11Il -11' cc reIi t <1 e-ither oill IiA i-m : 111c( c Y pili - C'i 0 i - rt ic i liii (antra1110 ci
t'i-c-l I- ti 11(1(1 t I ll nld iil;i lc h (1 iiic ll Ice li-ill Si hindt: .i Xl on1 ii t ~ ic oftiic i ted l
l~lili ilc I lo Jiino Ccicci-cly Ilcicilicali ,icc(o;liliiiioprcililiIX- u-ill iidcc-io
Xl~ . I ii (olia is:ai tlt lcieo e aloc i ii'c l ici i cce1,1 tr l i e L c ccii- th a 't eotd cii
Aimirbo ia u ien wliiiocend i lciiiiiiiii it -s id- ,igedleto LA sri Cir ii' E NcP C EFT'1)HrI,
iiiier l(-li ii 1 lcltee<. O is lip- frIomii abroad ti i lbpesiii ccl it. cSch lJgrt, . :< . u Te liI.
'i ipc cui il iiiccl D tciciiiJura iiy: i 0rd lucy 1ht t heli utiy.l b
Ciyti-. liii cc-illthIcouni'cliliyillB lillili
w[ n e f l h l ad I t~ i i)na n ll' ( iiiii the cila o lill "Ii di p ri-i a tteii .u L t-ri slig pedit( at, t iciy e
tlclgnuscio i l xIi cited iiiiiilhe lgnets iit eucthe irall ev erZof*I n c y f
nes4ri h l!rl el. eldinetfiisiiounitc. iail licii eici vr un nal icti
AfrcPiii leil ssi se ) 11c Jo .A h en lai lce. Lucli u io do rcr n thr. Cl
Z7yI Lanic i N ce cii elo ut onhiadcra i oltrciig iniXCaica(,o tie n ts a d oc o
1 etcredd le ofl.ieut ic si ould C t r get thle orcne fu li of ' E N X
illleie -otbl taeach] otes
ici-cir ~ ~ ~ th Beai.hSciotel.. Locai-edlihilttIiiWe -keep__everything__ Usoually 1IeptcriSho
iia' tMiiiovI cilii) ,(ay4< l 1 wlfe l ocks f Pr of. n i M arshll ield itand se n.B ls toi -
bue- dred. by c "ci t.cc 11.c i-llS hial-iffers aI spliidiInayop ceportu iyfe or .i. on so oi e . 100 .Ofc- c
ciii cliil3ii1i8cilSli. SK C cfeeitucTE T. ~

Mris. Fri-ci H inkleyi-se t eic v uiiidiWAMI ciiDliicrc oine to-buy ice lts n
tiecicci i 1 lii ao-nc l-uuiili li ms-inll(ii-cccicicevi-er iiencdi. "icico
aBill cl tIloi " 11 iii- layediiby tiwo pee-oic
i (sicicooc in u dluliighiot peccdocul(,eaic-b c-lre-(i-u -alicBicll cnine andcillsc
- ioiin is ici deoteuii l-cieuianyciiccci
iiNih i ilufecill -d iIlcv liIic 1- lrst.iiepilanedoncthe ieil. Sentipicpi toanycc adidrie-e

ti a V ri [-1jVIV I IV U.
he fGouranee O11cr, n

an hAcc p 1 'u f nc-) THE MODEL. of SlaletSreot
ReledA .Kts ~iii8ii0,cnici f cotic cice. BARB ER S HOP us[ca Ni b
Be od . . ats.citMih. It YOU desire
I0ni Nocv.22 ccc ci218theiii u Ar- -irst-class worki-id co uroiteousi treatmeint
>iilciicc ii -l iiiiiei- li c~ I i ii cii h 01 tiy (George ai d 1lliiry ift1332S. State "it.
o ci c cii t o lcii lein, (le thiis tl iiii iii lii. -State cci 2 11(1 port i pa(iit' iflo DITE LE, Omhclmer and
fare f' rth 1i-ind icitrill. ''ir-hi-- i w -i cc l i cliii- I. soclic i Op l i o L IIU QCj I TlL 5 Iune ietr
twi litliihloI It;, c oci -Nov. s 28 lior -c- - RiuiDepoI C:al ccci(1 sil)il-eu ! cl- cttil liDaiy-cer c l
I,() e. £X 00 iilliiiiii - ?1tli e(cii iiiNi-. liii I" Liiihet-tcy l i i- hc- 5S
i-ccrchi Aby, Ichoi 1i-
Derhy FRibhed ' ~
Fleece Linedd N DI E Re d 50'
r t
12 . AN-S.W A G N .R 6.(00

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