f.a THE U-NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 in our $3 HAT is the best quality hatters fur thtiEruhloAeic-n swre nyb -T H E U R ®the moust skilled hat makers-Oar throe dllar hats are not built to boll twethier oniy one season-they are made to wear a smuch longer perisol, snsl there is a sistinguished cUssr ster and(1r'cls appsearance piossessed by our goos as logas they laest All ousr fashionable styles are exclusive isn simie anod trimmsings. Iu fact it is everything that snakes the best tisree dollar hat ennresrths. TRY IT TO-DAFT. G O S B "The Nigara Fais Route CENTRAL STAND)ARD 5tl ss TaingElrec Aug.1l t898 dlilandEprss ............ 4 N.Y. & BstonSa peci.........4 58 . 17t as~otrn ........ .....D543 Alantic Easlres ...........4 5.I. Tess.'it Night Exprss........55" (.s'andRpids Exprsso....... Ii0" 55a i,5xpS ........._.......... IS A 55 55no'tiN. Y. &Chicago .... 5... 3" ast'Wesern'isE'xpreas ........... 3 s-.n Gi. . L0:s5. 55.pese............54 Ct'icago Nighb Espress'.'. ........!4 Pacific xpss ... .. 51230 AsM (. tW. its LE'. 15.W.55 5 . G. P. & '.1. A', Chicago. .A g5 AsssAbos r .~NABO~ TIME TABLE Tking Effet, May 7, I55. Tsainsslesvee Asn Arbo byenseat Stand adTine. NORTH I SOUTHt 8:43A. . %7:3 A M. " U :401 . ts11:25 A. M. 4 6sP. 3a.5R405. s 'Rnltiw: h.s %n arss: nands 5Tledo oly. Tirese tr a':u<,. Snia.'only andi en he- IN5enTedo s5'5s:: 5andoe1. Ai ote isss daiyects'or55 ayo. E. S. 61i1sMO0RE, Agent. i. W. BENNETT. G. 5. A. DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- BOR RAILWAY. Cars leave for 'Detroit at a quarter after every hsur, beginsnisg at 7:i5 a. s. and up to 11:1.5lp. m. For Ypsilasti at a quarter before the hour ti to 12:5 a. m. Cars leave corner Williasm and Maiss Sts. 'Tickets on sale at Brown's Drssg Store. ..THE... KINDERGARTEN CIGAR STORE Crs vero7s5 brsads :'of :soaco 5 brans :f Cigr nd5 355bransaof at Los.. ca 5nc onaPt)fe:. it ever)enpurcase a. 102 E. HURON ST. I, of IM, Shaiaa Parlorsadai Bath Rooms 3z2 SOU.TH STATE STREET. Ldilio' alti e5Haie ssaig'ups ti. 0ld fred all again asea tiane ons. J.5R. TIOJAN(5WS5mI, VVAM N theBarber Now (Quarsteris: th ho:n:sa tBulidig. Only First-Class Barbers Employed. THE MODEL of Stats, Street soIea&es BARBER SHOP if y,.ss desire firs-clss work and courteous treassent try Gerge and itarry at 32 S. State St. flIH1CTCDIC Emblmer ad ENOCH UIL iLILL1 Iuneal Directr. Callsattende:dDly ao Nigh. No: its E LbertyStreet. esid5eine 58a . FourthiiiAye, 5'loa 2.1 ALA RII CLOC'KS, 44.00 Students ! Students ! U. Oir' 111. N, .0 (cultS. If disatisosfewish er l: I:sric oli IC-W::ets~epaii::n::I:::l: EC;ltXC ELSIOR LAUNDRY J.L. CHAPMYAN, A. F.cod 5551' 'ol., nsa ii. WtrllSt. LI. Tlephonae No:. 211,t2singa. 206 Saut:e M:i: Strect. Lxcellent Wos. aand suicka Soeice Guoaanteed. Your First Duty after securing your room is to REGtSTER your name asnd address at BROWN'S DRUG STORE IT'S FREE.... Lco. ain and :HuIoan Sts PIANOS TO R-ENT asnd all Musicsal Sapplies at LOWEST RATES SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE 114 West JLiberty Street, Asan Artbor. Only 3 doors from M-ain Street. 0, M. MARTINI. ----- FUNERAL Persnal.Grsner'sOpenng.DIRECTOR C rs e .rdo'9al., spo. Teoessgslo Granger's peig. mbalmingr a spsecialty. No. 200 Fourth ClarnceAir Bid, 97 ., s pac- Theopeingsocal f Gangr'sAve. Amsbulance night stnt day. Ben- ticinig latw its Detrosit. School for Dasscissg will take pslace idence 3012 tifths Ave. A. A. Crasefiord, '98, is weiths the snext Tuesdasy evesnisng, S to 12 - Thirty-first Michsiganis st Kssoxville, o'clock. Gesntlesmeu 50c. 'has classes Testi. sn idancsng wilh be organsizedth ie fiol- Au lcs1 A.. A.Frli,15 sposr~ lowesig husday, Fridaty tasndSatur- (l .hoshe b spatro ay.ITse ciasoses srill be tund~er the d4 Iiijr Tjn thse First Basptist Chusrclh at Dusranid snstsrsctsin of Mrs. Ross Grangeer, «PR Mliels. assssted by Mr. BenjasisnM. Assstisn. Htortosn Caspaar :Rits, cx smansaging r 1 Tylerhs sbeetsesigaged as W mr . Airnold, Leading editiir of Wriiskfle, is ini toswnsfisr a pianist. Office, grosssni flosr Gs'ansgers Jeweler few' (lays. A cademsy. Bell telephone No. 2461. Ralpht B. Wissner, '98 L., is witht All tusitions assi rentt positively its GET YOUR thse Detroit law' firin of lBowren, advassce, nto excelations to this ritle Dsuglas & Whiinsg. 'wsill be snade. 34 UNT E "Honey" Stusart of last years fsot. Notice Trsckmen. AT ball teams is csachiing thse Knsox cob. Altoeitrse i rc t- ' T lege teami this fall. l tos entearted tstracatlti W W. T T L Citucimamit D.P. Dblos, ltic alleit timay t tie ahletc38 So. State Street. Percy Cuc n .F iln field for early fail praatice._ '99 IL., trill caomplete their rctsrses at J. , F, MCLEAN, the Colummsbia Late schsool itsNoe Track Captaimn. O R P O O York. OURPHOTOS_ Ges. 1T. Chandler, '938 Esig. is in Notice. . .. A RE . totenL He bias acceptedl a position, Stsmdemts desiring to take Sanskrit PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINH traveling for Ioelissiasnd Sost, of De. miay comssult tme at 9, 10, hi or 12 a. troit. m. isTon m., hT., Wed, or Thutrs., isn T H E J. A. Leroy, '963, Sporting Editor Room K, Uniiv. Hail. PBerym n S u i of the Detrsit Flree Press teas its AmissW. H. WA Y. brysedyloigu l friendis.Stdent..hould tkoecare to reds-a. 1 12 West Huron Su. It. B. Skillmian, '98 L., a former tee at smnce at Browen's Drug Stsre mtemsber of the DAILY boaril bas (dotwntowmi) anmd Calkin's Drumg Store opemied a lawt office isi Soutlh Bend, (State St.) Post sifice esmpsyees Inidiasia. have strict orders not to give ad- E. F. Cary, '98, osie of the attend- drse, stat telegrasaknd in. amsin he ibrry astyea isat hepsrtanmstessages often ldomist reach Andovs iiiTeliarylSmyearyispauthestusdents because they have not regis- Amibovr lielsgcsl Smisar lie-tered. Have your mianme and ash. sisig a course there preparatory toI dress at both of time above places. Ns eniterisig tlhesmiistry, charge is attachled. Howeard lelves', 98 Rug., qiuar- ter-back of last year's football Try the Portland Cafe for board, teams, bias a position teachinsg matlte first-class, anmtdonly $53.00) per wreekn. matics at Mbariniette, Wis. lHeiso Meals a11(1 ltnclies at all hourss. OIpesa also to coach the footbaill teami. day studsniglit. Henry C. Giowasn,133 B., of Sasult- Ste. Marie, whlos joind Compasiy K, Havi' yost seemi the Ptisanmo the A. 33d Michigams, died lint treek imi A. Al. Co. haive for resit this year? Grace Hospital, Detr'oit, of typhouid They have thems front $1.50 per moo. fever. Ile teas just returning biosie uptward. Eleganut sheet mtusic stlcbk fromi Cuba. tono. '3 lRentscbtcv, the 'IMotographer. k Slate Phonme 119, A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Thso Vaane tie.Otaratee, FOOT BALL SUPPLIES Offii ai uitters to all the ledigcosge, sol :iand SpaldinE's Official Inter- collegiate Foot Ball Used eclusioovly ybae, Prinetonm, Hararnd tPennsylvaniia, Coenelilsmnd allther leadinig ooiiegi's ansd univeesitie's. tManagrsouasd wmritoeioim asamples 5before orderimng el'swhere. Spalding's Official Finot Ball Oude, eras of l5eanmg teams, 1894 roles, with in- dexaandm'xplanatory no:tes, 10c. A. G. SPALDINGO6& BROS., New Yart, Chicago At Newt Stand, 607 E. William St. Give me a teial. First elassa-ark andI prompt service. PAUL MEYER. F. J. SCH LEEDE, .ti A . staaat sca. ------ - - -- -ItindSs Book:is to >eOne. u pwardm, and sellis RANDA4LL, THE PHOIORAPHER. QUAL. Every Ikind3ZBI. Wae xxruiotainlPenslfor $1.25 ande;. ± LOK.119 West Wasin.nSreetI, All Lin en Paper, 4 lbs. for 50c. WASHINGTON BOC. ANN ARBOR. IBoth Phones, N5o. 18 treet. Cin:t Stationory i:th~e city atlowest sprice C-rc)(Z)=== CO- - ~ IT .L