VOL. IX, No. 48. ANN AltBOR, 1I1101., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1898. Fooa PAoE-m
Final4 T TONIGHT. place each year respectively. His FINAL ARRANGEMENTS.
FnlInter Department Debating of repreenting tiligan thettti Special Train to the Chicago Came--
Contest. Norterrn Oratorical League Contest Other Details.
TThe tutal preiminitary contest to in which te also won first place.
T I ~~choos tre tacit to reresett tte. hits,lhoweve, is thle ftrt year tat Director o A tilet ic. (Chas. Baird
H FINE FALL SUITINGS H Uiest l ihgniedebetate heli taobeen stccessful it deatng etirtitilyetrday frts (licago,
iwt otwetr nD c(rbr il cotiets. is at juttiot' iaw andi wheete fVitsititg tottiis wee ptt
b hel toih inte la ct e cast' rmt Detr'it. orthetitarr'a'ngemen'ttt s ot le big
Etroom.ti. he jspevtilitg opitionti s SigistitiitilSti get, ch otinseondil ('tiolritslip i ante' st Itt ' it'ttls
tittthis sill b ha trdtfougttigit aon-tplace' inithe bitt'escintest, is a siorst'.givitg daytty ithI sttialtl Fildi. Every
T WE CARRY THlE LARGEST T vice ty. lt f iiittue iien reexltt't'i ect ea-' t ette itintig,Jelft'tsotiani tntu tll that itt u is tutuis list'the
rintetutan titone hae tertitiprspoects Scietv last year iiti ttthin l lwui se t de u tti ts titakte tils ia e tf the
o ittintg. lpartmtenttt cnttest. ue cos' r'tutu secilt tttittguittts dislbe atitthe
IN THE CITY. O igt h raiaino h oeo hogttmie rootting fl ict' i;il to
tetral IDb'ttstiig Iessigtiiithisyear, (Gitotge IKigley the t til othts 'I te seciltra its swillltavi An
L ets l i l ttestithe fie leaditig ute-law4to ttiiis ipo s r'duastse tis yar Arbortit' W cs yasNo uv')'3, at it f .
rAX 'cniies of totiwest, ittest n liia Itee'ci ticts lit to ieb ter (stndardt i ne) an urie in
0 ~ ~ ~ 0 d ll"it si eeli'ssistr'oniger tlitnttevet' Soiety sice c 'steit, o lu'e an' t i cailgio stt :30p.itt . i Te r'tae
of wihaiit titeasnso tinset atlce t Isisnever, otstvt 5 util t-firt t ar ( 'ay). "No st s will Itbet'tittde'excet
u lttiet ch til t h ttt iutestauuts sits'eetutu alyata m.tus elshs ani t i e.,t where it i Ii 5 w iii his it
ti iot I to de atd still le tt5tthe iame Katsa~s, Init ii ititi Illitis itsyv Inowssehatt
C E T PROTECTORS tt'tittt ttles it sutho l i5 dd Sa'n'~tiago, has been tsecur It sitssi_teso arsi i gt.t It itest'matdiitsays
± AND' tinstaitnta itisteligreastet' nsuy thai ng offilicir.t' he it udttes w ill bete tls itus etsill Its it I( t Itonetirl
CHIAMYO IS V ESTS sit' iasisatt pitset. ' ITeLfiter'ary'1 ilis' Gess. S flit t r Iof lDtrItoit art i'titilst yiari
'9+ Departmt'ti h'atss 5'the tittisttive ttind ItPsr'f \1 It.itatbu sit Ypsl ' 'itare sa'ready tuting tk'ttto
i r~ t sisim e s si '' fit'he. L tu'wLDepatmetts'(ttliesgtivet'f i onIChar.ItisA Bl iofJs on,ii andi t 't' moneytit y l s' ass tasi'i to isde-
tht w ine rtseciui i' qt ut. Iu' tt i' s-l1 ii is t n iii ititioittItry rtiut "srt uel 'ex ' f ithie
tofILDER'S F' 1I° rn bb.Euugesue lihuciut Ihe contest toig twill bl' irtuet band. ulAt tresetutwritng
itftucl offle utuhCeei Iaie ullac.1 itt'senrtedit 8211)' zrutt'is+tl'eei
D ie OfNcrd FOR GfankW. B 'tarison, itit isuuta li romer'slu t 'lt' ktt t e nf ealu-tysh 'e gtaw ee s etlt ter antitlll
Hou", Se.ntal c ol,id lnes+ etliu'. 'hceuttu e'st mn tts w ifylcmissionhs btensuitedtin' ,) e ntail ts aittnat sit'e rcoturk. uo rug t
ifu ll h o nrs. tuue,sesand c b( e eseng thed Uy Chiers i mointat e mrui siuofitheu Or'i r i ca utels iatftty t eam rtuan8 d .art it akoe
Crem Sdut Wtur , P ities, Cas oelclss oi '9. H'S ltug tur, i tatn tuleo rge thitug 1 ic gest1 uit irtte ssilhaq ter s it itls a uthet l fr
. .... 8..o.O f +.N ..t.et.1ahorutuskhhieh io se th f thuet tl- letiuly sFul u lb ay. thspfec tia tto B200 erl ayht't I isore
__________________- t fluhH t-sflos: Tt.l~ tsos'o hcaorofatte'Vasityi n herthehse l~aIstd heftflue
DONtTuFRhEcustutest1. I rruhuhown i s sc et a t buf t h atitug tat's Thof eut uI hut' willotcul t if shll.
the OLD n IIsA it fle ithefiraltetrsary osutt' is it sbenauth ite sa'5 tisfacttorgy tohs Fed,5t adIt t i s highefue tighet
Hos.H tau od uet s uts'or. uu e rme rov Im, lytutty cauthes0.y'Trheme iltrefsteasitu tl e i a t tuse surcl c u-uSetsanruc e 'icnt
Btt allttiouti-t.tuhtutu ts anduu I c e cit sui t athe Ui ssit th'I t he poi ng(' iny uth eti uytanaertfultit I sill Is irom el t hus',3 irtfewutoi e
nteam Sd tiuttti i p te""ut,ir an ls' uts utfut9itt c eih be e a memb'eruots'uvu't', it lute dueotutu uiss' tlt h cstilt :eahi ru-itnli'uiinIt lo t'en t hrleihr
p tiest tR.i 'E.tu auutLLYuh ut -CO. , u'fA eit ocietu yIs f rnt htisuufir st fsit( igtu om-u' isulv' meuuug nee, bi utue se icutat'' Nt ti btus iti hts uu
tutu. tteStee.a hsue ta re.ldti in s t vera l ut hss i tll tl e a ble t o vplt ayI in tlie-ti u t hh hiras fitoI-tks t .ithll i stutty
itiiOt futpirev i usilye hrs. Ietws on teltitf C uhhshi is ga ewhe ts h ayths II t-lls i~l iot thIesslit lued utthe
C, g susuthe l thty te'milauss;lya rflui u-stue m ro mtu- ( uhFoir- t h e lau-sttille hislsttisctilt it1sets andslus t erusilnh'ate
dlii findalcotest.i lssiita tt tu lutist c Ian ha~slbendigt il s et i os oi lhewstsieofthiied
1 Eu u genes Its h ytti' su til hats ecoitu-usid Is,-e orMle ar O e5f lt- tsctonshllbefose
sluk . ft' hs ltlarsytem ists u entuu it Il-i iic ity an mak s rpeted ut- s of0 f ' s efat eispnt anrs cite ighes
tutuehus, lilcsirs'wiuuhut1nhiausoulaith1aii uarusItt- it t tu lty' o L k o ett tillt
sitcts s tulsit', tlas ut itt titlis s it I s to 5 II II tu st ' u slTis1 movel I)"lutcstua s IIt N Stmire s- s t-i
MatteSisity Ei' hus hu uul us tuutlu botht 0i itttt -hiiandus es s . 1 lst5 5 1 uisgoti he
ro ail' ogaq ikrset-u-.... oc w rt n thuclacss o Is'9 . H lus t s is teqsit lt t i ofs t thus- 'u-ut t. beelist eii55 l ictId.Tsis-i uuae gss
S~em e o~ ttotit~s i- f Alphiu ai N s c iet hil Its i he its back pitionn luichst beeni t hu suit t hel (s.rtehsty t
lIing -w autoicl 'stok , rp( 1 ac s i odlmtra dwl )ee h ileo linioswl ea
C t' i -ut(__luns .\utu A tttu', n hssoieyIo a iss- i-u s ne po' fily it ht. ii u IBisake '4 s ausl --ut
Clth Butt a r8 7t i ut il dcpSitiuitiut's-bit g ots t t Iist it hu Is( lit il's At 11rd.. Il rs -i SIc iet . I
ttl' iefs-usata se ti'hlirleri t he t id iei sfylwsts 5-1I1)-itroll it is's-, T.eId. iii h a s is ,,
Tos-aheanls-filelitetitus teusat.tIsi-iis ati l,1li$ e etn tl okieen- I'. ' 1 inste](l s u ) it t-+c -ut 1, s igt:t
so1 a t he p......... 40 )ta ilentu~'ior tdit membss'I'eluurofA leesit i-II si ut tsit ies 's 5n rpl y IInkti nain 1 P , ,Oa
Stud e ns 'itu'tu iSs uts ,5' it S b-o- u c ri B a p ae nti-a'ii 'ts l- - iiss 'i - the srs5,too),Lonr 1 ifotr;iie 4lltcey onci u lu sb, 1
wehv rfw od-odhn irsury i c elo th ltertrytemist--lu 551 I5 , C r tiv ee l l b aneMca Mein
Wa sBokso e is sutronill-uargii u']lissaiusr Iu-u ti tet uul .- s-t"I set --isuu"i .'011Room Cat ol:ed. tohcomplee
I~1'ut V 1 rtt'aA lrcl o t es eitt l iery.it e oi-ctush, frtolstltse le wt 1 vM ,)it y aoro , tt iran entets t t ic aga e