THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 DOLLAR VALUE.ii Get One To-Day. SSHIRT OR TIE 8c GO ~ s,~e~siOODSPEED'S-r - - Students' Laundry Association Wee. VOUGHT-Wme. R. FOX, agents fer THE GRAND LAUNDRY, ef DETROIT The beet high grade laundryinteethe State. The only eacehiene doestielc finish in the West. Glave finish lse givees. All werk proemptly. neatlyeeandcarefullydoene. Office 202 S. State s1. Residene 6te Lawreence st. New State Phoene. 441. JJuiUSoCStudio Place, Pipe Orgas) and Cesteenitlan R. H. KKIMPF FromSeltttgart ConservatoryGeermany. THE ORIGINAL Allegreuti Chocolates ARE NOW ON SALE AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE. 'Students ! Students THE GREIAT MANDOLIN ARTIST, I sdisatisfied wills sosste lcssndrervce come IM iee W-EugenePae EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY .Cseslice A. F. COVERT, Pesos., 20:ILE.Wash.SI. Josep.h Bohmann TelephonseNo.21,2linegs. And also thse Eacllntsescsss Qis Seaec saasecll Washburn Instruments, ALARM CLOCKS, x;1..00. _ lseyare fos sale at thec Fie. OF M. PINS, 0O CentS. SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE lel Rlca e. pesaly,114 Wrest Liberty Street ,Ann Arber. ' J. L. CHAPMAN, Ot M, MARTIN. - ______________ FUNERAL 6121S Divissean St ~gCseelert PiaenoTanls)5 FRESH EVERY WEEK. ITA LA 1fl - ..... k' . CALENDAR. Mandolin Concert. n V <. TILEirillyNov is-Colel t byMr. Sir W. llgne IcllC sill ve Eabalmieg a spsecialty. No. 2(111 'nurlb FriayNo. 1-C nert y i~r Mr W.EueneP~ie illgiv aAve. Amsbuanse night saedi say. itee. PII [ E;tEugenle Page, at 8111001 of Hsic, at mdlincsllc cerrt at t11111 niversity idence 302 tills Acce. Aces Arbor, Mich,8s . Il. SlcIol of M1u1sic 11oi risdIly 5evenincg - ~ ~~~~~Sr~lay, Novi. 193-'99 iLawis, 8 5s'Co('k. jMrl. Pasge' hcs tierlu ETAL'9 i, 03 .Il,1eet ild.ttm fbigoeo h ld's rC)1k _________ N t itda, Mrfi )oks ni1n-PlNf'sJ. C.0 ; so.tccskilesliartisets-oni tis isr u cll (Ze~aar~a i Ite" Re? P01(1' t O t) ous . n"st llc o t l' le "]tha' Jil r il ENL II , ST N A D. IIE Mh iliv, Nov. 1 -iml I rci D e uelof e ftle tcrlet. TIces nte rsti- piTertment DPebats. 1 i iltg ( ciinte ls 11.11 cicisi n licil' 1sicar ececil' l ly Taineg 1'ffece Aneg 14, 159s. Satucda1, Nov.19 (11 111o1n 13.inivitecd tc attendi. 'I'prtg .1ciscNill W mi.iArnldiu, eweler vilailccscslc 1 ress ........c s 7Y.M ordc c c L.A corse. icc publischd lilr.'T. ilec crccicli ill - -i_-i I. SatV.iv & ls11 i Nov.I 9-lficcigi s, be.fice' iI. GET YOUR Atlacncic' Ii 0 Ic s s. .. .74,A.rv Belit D~ceroit Nirhl l'xcrecss -5.e5 ,10c1[,U ,)C'H aOsINGsEsSP. .iC lc csgt ( Iat sC cis L,-tci'lass lacsic ' asm deaIi l' Uili Mcail S, 5 ~r 5 .. .. .. l108 i al f ii'SciikIicc'i i sA RocsoncN.Y. &Citcaccgo c....... .....13 ftl o r )'L(teill 'rA Fass Wcesecnc Csices .... . . 0 1 s . Thanksgiving Rates. the.hlic e rmhil atIc thii 1 ci' ' ' t'l !)gc 4:ic1 iT'h.e liale" i e ii anC ecniral Racilwa'cy 'hlc ndg term cceibircii c tes' atI tie W . hiN . 1"N1, U F iL ErES ...S citl.' pt 's Y. . . .a iii:A. 5. sIll Icibit 1' I l a telis ti s cI Icecle l l ic1 ll ls' e VlId'1. r.. P ltt, ccisii a3385 S tate strecet. 5). iv1J.l5'it.ll, II. WX. lOAV~,: 0.. 1 &. 5 V . t, 'l. iicagsc. X-t Aces Aricire gilng horseii 1or1' ilts ' lillitgiiig Xiiilg