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November 16, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-16

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o 4
X V I 4Secret Practice. Northwestern Sore. Intercollegiate Strength Tets.
The pictice of the 'Vasity is The Northswestsern team is sore The physical directors of fifteen
sciet this seek so little can be given ver their defeat, alministered by colleges andI universities miet last
nut in rieard1 thereto. Jimmie Bairdl Minesota last Saturday, and if re- Decener in Nese lek an cae to an
~sc es t yesterday and caching as prle fromt the purple gridiron can agreement on intercollegiate strength
f T lie: i expectedl to be the rest of the lbe reliedlpo, they sil be still tests which sas to go its effect on
H FINE FALL SUITINGS. Hsasn. He succeeded in sorking a ore sii before Coach Bannard gets the first of October (f this year. By
(1little e into the men aind the play trogh wihi tie. But a couple of the first (fAay, aceording to the plan
E E sas fast. Street sas sut but did not weeks agnse heard of a general lately ratiicid, each memiber of the
line ill. Thie same may tbe saidl of shifting assund of the players and associatiunmnust pubIliss a record of
Deena, swhs devoted nearly all (f his now the process seems about to le its 51) stongest men in isc order of
WE CARRY THE LARGEST time to poting. Thse fielil is gradu- repeated. Thle coach and manager thir speriority. The inivda a-
lyT losinig the apearanlce f a lake are on a still lsunt for oli players iingli' tie highest ttal sill be the chain.
STOCK andi because uf the etter fiothoisld the professiinal shioosls aid it is ex- pions strong san of sll the colleges,
A NTE IY afrdeid a geater variety eters io petedl thst seoindros developiients amd the iistititiosis haviig the 50
the play. Features sersesorunis of sil take place. Sisuld mucihs nate- strongest mn, ss decie by the
95 yarids each by McLeanii and \Wid vial e fond in this late search the largest total sere, shllioli the
L7 L man. The sork of the furmer is bussy snes of Wisconsin sill have total strngth trophy for the iext
Sespecially goosi since ls Saturday, their hisiiis full liuiitinig up excuses year. Ii iiakiiigtip the record for
0UT U sheneiilemiade his initisalsappeiriince to protest tleiiilt the last iiinute be- the first fifty, oly such tests as have
R os E. WASHINGTON ST. iiIt game this year. The iieii are fore their gsime iin Thanksgiving actiially beeinau iriig the coi-
ldoiiiig sdouble seirk niiis as they mieet dsy. lege yeir, leginniig Oct. 1 aiid cd.
eveninigs for signasl practice Ili the Froii the result f the Minnesota- lng May 1 , are ti le llosedi to ciiuiit
Gyii. Northisesterni gaiie it sould apler ii the(. college ttal for that year.
that the gamie the seek before, that The conpetition seecill be oipei to sll
1900 Lanus to Carryt Canes. caiie so eir beiigsi tie, wass con- stuuents of each.college or iiiiversity,
___________The junlioir law class helia eit- sidereid beforehsanid by Nothisesterin aiiilach anii's reird iand the p-
~~~ h~~~ig yesterdsiy stsehichi a class caie ssa"bg gaie slieMisgasprhissidistiiinsitislib
4wsas aiopted.'The sdesigii is irigiiisl, loked upon it ini the light of one of it wssimiisde, imust le accessible to
iCHEST PROTECTORS * the college clmorseng set i enaiielI lesser iporance siid eschi teaiii all. Th'le apprtus must le uni-
AND iii the serlingii lied. Tte-oly prepareil sccordingly. These differ- formi in all the isitutiins siid iiust
:CHAMOIS VESTS 4oither busiiiess traisacted tha is cut ciinceptions, iiistakeii on the e tested esci year befiie Oct. 1 by a
w sorthy of iiite sess toinlstruct the part of Mihign, miiiysell siccosiit csiiiuittee of the associatioum. Thle
'this is lhe ime slIthe yeas president tii ciifer swithi representa- for the hard gaiie aid close score if iistruiient arc piacticailly the same
-hat we ned prteti ives of the seiior lmis class ini regmrd Nov. . as thiise nose used at Hsrvsrd.
A hs rtcoso hn- tosthe iiistter of siseaker fr the''sctts mioisilith tta
as eti n o h etTi tssuo c thlotlpeventatiies nf cnd amd Washiiigtoni birthday celebratioi. Don't Think Much of Is. steghietmadar:Senh
CENTS musensauialiities- Theynaee rtfr tinbnstecmtist h atiseo h aessy of ack, of the lgs, f the right and
UPW5ARD recommenndd by physicians. delay invitimig a speaker uitil about Chicago W-eely hhss the folhsswiig to left fore-anuas, of the lugs, or onie-
IDE SPHR AY amoitlihefore the celebration ains say about our playing: twenitieths of thi lumg cphacity, of the
36Suhtaetre. thus many chances have be missed A godly number of Chicasigu spper arms anihsad of the
...... 444444 .... to have men of iatiomal renoswm dents senmt up to Evanstoni Saturday upier amns amd ack.
---- - -present uponm this occassn. to see Michigani play Northwsestern. The members of the association fuse
DON'T FORGET They eawa exceedingy close coim- the preset year ire: Amiilerst,
the OLD RELIABLE Chemistry Teachers Conerence. test, but disgustigy por football PrimcetonlBowdoini, Climsbima, Dart.
House. Hot and cold lunches A conference of teachers of ciiem. (except fr a fese brilliamt intervals mouth, Dickinson. Harvard, Johns.
at all hours. Chocolates and Tee, istry sil be hel here Dcc. 27, 1898.011 tie part of Michigan. Her team Hopkiis, Nese Yrk Uiversity,
Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and This is tie sixth of these annualss coi- played ike a ot of tyruos. Thiir Trinity Washimgto amd Jfferson,
Tobacco, and fll line of Smoking Sup- flecso ecs so leue ngss essos, ueveniamd char- Yle siidtheUylvesi
plies. R. E. JOLLY & COO eecso echr fcensryi aewssesyanle, anthUivr-
308 So. State Street-. ihighi schools anid colleges. T[le mieet- acterized swiths a surpising ack of ties of Califoria, Miinesta, Nebra-
- - mgs sill conutiniue for twon days, tie teaml work. As fuseiterference, it ka, Peminsyhlisiaid Viginia. Dr.
subjects being confied to educastionalmh was tonly hum evidence spasmuodcaly J W. Seaver sit Yale, is president of
H tmethods and miatters. Several re- amd tlieniweas frequently shattereul by the associatiomn, amd Dr. D. A. Sar
pots of committees wil be presented thicNsrtisesfriers. Uness Michigan get of Harvard, chairmans iof the
D rinks(. for discussion. 'he csmimitte o miavaisces wvonerfuly Chiagos (pruo- comnmitte ts shihs ll te lists miust
arramgements is, A. B Prescott vided she reaches lie od-timie foremi)he scul.--Harvaurd Crimosn.
Th ey fine ch Cocolshuateismide, of the Univestyof iil- uiu'ht tu ewihadilyilon'Thaksiv-___________
wihesream ............se,3 -
Beet nousion with a uaum tiatcan- chisrmaiin; J. U. Nef offle Unive- 1ig. Gen. Dufield Will Preside.
trachtsn.nd..sed..uh.enmeu.u..e..-5 siy o bhcg, ii ~ f.Syuor Prof. eghard to Lecture. Geineral Heiiry M. D~uffied,onie of
Mlled Mik ihbosh miatnid dink.... sc mte of the Detrsoit high sciiool. Oseig lto te fact thamt the fRee, te esdinhg figuirsinhi the tBattle of
woalffe sos ium,.... w . K. . Conention. XW. \hite,sit Chilcago, is bei Saitiago, hIsisbeem seuedsir spresid-
'[lierisitisthalall ofsithmsmof thuesiledl to Cubas, his.sil be unable ts mg oicer fuse theGfinalsdeate unext
Th ntina onenio si the a eal- iii thus-Uitl('umbisLecture lridasy- 'Tie judsges uill his-Judge
OH lil~ P1 I' f ela Kisapa iEsilon ifraterinity Ciusre next Mnsday ight. I his Cci. S. ilussier, sit Detroit; Prosf. F.
I\ lI I pemns iiiDetriit today. AnnmsArborui-steadl Prof. isicub E . lReighsard silir. tisinhus, of Ypsilaniti; Hums.Chas.
chapter , 22 l.stronmg, sill ttend. '1'elu-heiver Iis eeltre upon i"The Bitl- A.Blirh, of Jascksn, adiIRsv Wi.
To Law prxgeaithed tihie Saeturd a. .been gy of tie(Grst Lakes.'' It sill Guurdmi, of Ysianmti. The Liteiiry
Heksnddatoincmube Sauf dathe .D.e iusteteditelsihs stereopticonviews. Deparetmuentsihile rereensitd by
Hakamme ftefraitenity, -- F. IE. Rheifrssuk, G. A. Ohiger,
St d nshas proimisesi o furnisih a privmte carn Whitnel on Western Football, amd XV.13.lHarrisons; sinds thin Law
S.V0 lS tfs h eeae vrteDtot Caspr Whitney wileat this Departmlent by C. Simos uS. Singe
Wuias-olu 5od uenai- i Ydpsianti & Aim Arboriroeuadh amisSCiicsigu--Pensmsyhvsiiuigageiuategtiuhid G.IKinbgleY.
IHufteistf &3WosdI11p's Amneran eee Sstiurdsay morinmg, lishisgan1(1 hecsf. 'this sartile- sill he reaidl liorace UtOren, 't lit., '3lase
Cones nm iitmu-ts dineeig alitheflu erntyhusie,swit- sitti greatit crest by sll ssuets isas the sces-ful cindidte for
ae nCnrat, msig tile foostbaslgamein iithus-the Wisteels umsivesities is it uswiAtoius eniueusal sitthus-Ste st the
Cloth Bindinhmg for I$275. afternoon anreturning iii thus evein- showuehowus the Esast huks at ours at- ste eetiosn. His oupponuuets oil the
Price New, ing. ________temptis 1s payfouutbasl heisn e usmisc ra ssuti isis)pohibitiomn ticets
(loth Itiiding------------......$3 50 Justini S. XWhiiting andsiNoahilsW.West.Isere-so oldsuuhh Mchiigs menmcu, It. A.
Full Law Sheep-----------.....4.00 Cheeer candidaustes for Governor st The Navasl Itepourt -fuse 19 liihasWaleri -,78-3a i. iss M.H
Fisseisistig Iacrfol5,20u uud 2e u. the last eections weres, tile first, aihues-msreceive-dla the Librirsiyanuhiso___________
memibeu- of tie Literairy Departmuent avasilsble fuse sll theuse desinisg tos ix- As tdiasi's min mg of the Bosadi of
Wah 'S Book store during the years 1863rtoibd0thi sauines-this-lastes statistics omcernusuugRegents, Presheden Anugslisill pe

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