THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN D AILY. u!, ~tu. Fall Track Work. ~IP~t~i4Today(1 a call is made by Captain 1-a~i~te tDa)ly (Sunday sxtd ing theMiLe iiiofxthe track teats for all colltgeyeaexattrac~kathlietes to apiiear at tbo ath- T HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, letic fielil. '['lis is the first time i The Inland trsse""itx'xxiBl ock. the history of or athletics that such siotonxe,, 147a call tas icon ma~de in tihe[fill. It~sIA~x7~x 3;D1Ifithwever it is iiot ts Dowe'in the least 5'Erz. tiixix, 01. is in the Avest. Illinois issbe- fore this heldl heri fall inter-class con- i. tt. HANSs, '005 .tets Tlhe work oulnesd Nviisobeif a A h~iliEdior, '1. I. 'sisonsie, '0) L light nature and sill continue as W ON E S'a'9, A. tt. Mi tisixioxi, 'St 1 liiig as the sooether permits. Should . iSiAMAs, '01 L1: ir. II. Lx r>. '15 I31, the interest taken he sufficiently C ). ITIssi 55151. great it is posible that a fall track snect wiii resuxlt. The opportunity lius offeredl tionewc mnxto receive - cuoachinig xxxii traixije11igmmiixediately Thle' ikseiiilioxx ipr iice tIxLYHxi iisi0fo 'ntlretnceille ollgeisa :h cell('- pearx, with a rie-iilaix deliv ey id xxisxeferorex iioin x'isii Sis' Noicile',siixii iation ,iii and xxiii x dxxu ne i and sxxii lxiniot he Ieglected. Landd inatlie DAIxLY iflicboes xs8x'n5p- m.xorIt xilcalsix enabxle thxexxxtobiexoixie aile ioSthe ledH x itixor i px x. Of ike xliiibhtter acixuxainti'ixxxninxxethxeixselvxes )riouiiito xthaxtxonlxwhich te r eed ot 5ppcli. and moo ii xx xtx Sm~ ilsxxi xire orgnaxizeuifor tixeir ainnuxl Su isfi nmyb eta h APolc,,i''< orStiiliolo s, xixiixi, sorxitii 5iiiss." ixndoor icontest oittithe sophoxxxxxres. Sioux s. uscrxibers xxwilconxifer ia favsox by lxi ixeni 's xxxii as xewll'xxiibe ixixch isportm promply axiofiix'xany'uxxf'ailureexof Oril iiiitoi'ilii xilxs'xiiper. use xi i b'lemnefittedul iy thii'traixnxing anxxxoxaclx- >>n Whiixi iichohey5are toiapila, hxas heeni x'ollexl axiii plaedlin goxod .._«r , , ,11f+shape Ixir the ' xcxxk. WE CARE. r HAKAN' afld BANISTER BELS SHOE STORE 10 .-ANSRE xLx~IETxHE SUJx' TOxHAVE O' SEE 'THEm-Al. I t I rS ANDt ix''titi'iAT. Rxsx. Al ioilce oif ''raiek Captaixi MeLeaxi. -lxi exrly workixis ianmattex' xxicxxx- oidelexlix imixortaxice to the traick team.i epo le sxure nix egulair woxxk is iii bxe loixe ixoxw for sprinlg xxeets. Btixiax grexit deal ial be accxoxntxislxed 'b giittixxg thxe xiox together early. lihe xmeni camn get acqxxaimted and iO,it' llns axid arranxgexnts lie oxiaxile for ilter woxrkc. Besides the ivxm. xwork regxxlarly donle by thxe 'anidxates eaxi be directed in sxxchx a imaixxxer as tio have' theni ix nxuch 'etter foxrxxifor their sixecial weorkc Ixeix thxey begin tixeir regxlar sprinxg xrainxixxg. '[le track maxxagemnt earn~estly rexquest all meinl to get siut xif lissile. Prof. Hench in Chair of Romance Languages. Prof'. cxx. A. IHeixchx is tempo. racily oexpxiiig the chalir of Rx- maxnce Laingualges, xwhie chxNvasxade vacaint by the iliathi of Priof. Waiter ini the Lai Boxurgogixe catastroxphe off Sxible islande, Jlxy 4. Thxeixew inx- structorsin Iltis ielpartmenlem r1'. Boucke, Dr. Fxlxegel andl Dr. Huxgo P. Tliierne. Mr. Exdgar E. Bdrandeonl, xwho wvas aninslltrucetor ill Frencil last year, has acceptedl the professorshipx of mxodlerni languxges at Miaini-x versity, Oii. Mr. Otto E. Lessiiig, instrxuctoxr xl German, goes to Mxiii ichx to stuidy. xx'xE iAiVE THEMIN11JUES5 AND iBLACK~S, SILxKFACEDI xxx PAsIN, DO'BLE ORcx SIiNGLEi BREASTrED. 5WE IAVE'11:1tNY OTHIExiSBOCT IN SACKS 5ANti)5FROCIS-Y'OU xcL IN~.DaliAl'OUR STORE WH iAT ~ E AiiVE'RTISE. .. COME IAND SEE.. xMOmRoTERND xixuiAcUl ACTUiimi55Or CHEMICAL anid PHYSICAL APPARATUS. M1IROSCOPIC FINI)INGS. Headquoarter's fse ail Lali)orri- tory Supplies 1125S. Main Stresetl nAxe Ai h Athletic Notes. '0\vig.(tox the repairs beinlg madic 'nAL'Unirersity Haliino entertain- At its meetimig last nigilt tile Atli- 'onexts canx le iheld there until quite letic Botard electexd C. A. lReigelmall late in the year. Becaumse of tis tenxnis manliager. The election of filet the Chtoral Unioxn is not yet pee- assistanxt fiotball imanager was left paredi toxmake aiiy annoncexent of over till thxe inest meetimng. 'ts ciltirue. Thxe Studndits Lecture Messrs.Chxas. Baird, H. I.'Win Assoctiationm will give its nmbers as stein, H. 11. LEnmlonsamid Harry 'advertised in ia hali to he announced Potter were electeid as the sttuiemlt ,ater. ixembers of the Botird of Comntrol. Semitics and Hellenistic Greek. Beloit has cancellexi her game for 1898-99 Finst Seom. Oct. 19 amnd an effort trill be madi~e to get a gaime Oithl Purdne for that "latseesin (a) Hebrew, (b) Itrabtc, date. A game witht M. A. C. wsillI (e) Assyrian, (d) New Testamxemt also probabily be marranged. Greek, (e) Apoxcryphxal Books of Old I ________ "Te tet iii Creek. A. E. Richaxrson, tJ9fE., iwhlo on Lectures-Historical and Critical, the cxii for thme best all ar'otmmd atlh- intr'oductionm to Literature of the Old lt tteSnt ots w er Testamilent ini the light of recent dis- ltatixebemasiat inestrutoreas coverles. h ynsumti er L~ectuires-Omn Amcient Oriemntal tegiiislm hsya ,Semxites ixcluinihmg study of thte Korami Notice. _imand life of Moliamxet. Students dlesirimig tox take Creek CONSULTATION HnOURS. Epigraphy lmay cossult oe at 9, 10, tite .--The abotve coumrses, excepit 11 or 12 a. ill. oii Mon., Tu, Wed. Assyriani are ixemi to all studenmts. or Thumirs, in RloomIi, Univ. Hall A kixnohledge of Semitic lamnguages is W. H. W tT not rex uimred. -_--_ ----__ ---- ('sourses (d) atndl(e) requirme pre. pamtitixn inlCreek. lj Note 2.-All the cotirses in BibK- ll ",.al Literatumre givexn uder tlxe direc- 'l ica f thle University are glven in ~ 'Tapitmai Ilall, Rion 2, by Professor IiA..PIE N$ Craig. IResidence 1328, Washxtenxaw f Ave. H____ __+ T AcrRE.I --toy Fine Confections Bon Bons and Chocolates. 200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOOTH STATE STREET. Of You Want Or Binding, or tRulinig, or anything in our line, no maiter hiws mall or tow' liege, a Job of Printing for you. WE CAN DO IT Call and get icquainted. The Iaiaaf 1x1Press, fia'naiag Blnck. 2 s 0 " f a f f °s f J" f f 4 2s2 i OUR xx. 5 rained wxih Scientiic i h.l Typewriter Machines Equalan iy of thei highi-pricedi macinsiinacapacity" and quaaitfyif wirk, and ecehmiiion iivnince. Pratiai, iiw-priad, pirtabie, ikeybiaud mainiei. 4ight.Pricex. 00.5 Y Tyentecage ablea. Diectainig aid printing.xi . akt. A' p iixiyed imi- aaii plaaxxiaax icaitybiefcnstrueaa . ' xx,, o Solin d in Twox ~n Y ,eia a o. mani iinM~clax. Wiiianmfyaia x Superirito anyione hunddxolla FALL SHOE SHOW..... Thxiitofinwsoes, seialslydesignxed for'Faillxvear, weichwe are swing tisiiekxwill aiitth ei attentsinoftemaiiinyxxthouisxd ofisesiblielshoexiiese wh aelearniex tokto S u ifoi bxettiritigsin Footweer 'ThiteFallx sow- inlxi-m x's ay e iae eexmade. No dosubt abituoxh-ltressShioes.-Hanmd- "xxiiee Shoie-eterShoe' thxan we hasxiver gathiedtbieore fr inglsasn' slitnix W. J. APRILL, 119 E. Wanhington St. W.J rh, 9 .sieg at Lamisinig, Mich. -'.) S. Trevidick, '97 E., is assist- ant draxughtsman in the Chicago Ship. Anbmieing Cs. jt..