THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. a +++++i+f+++++f++++++.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ +*+++++++++ + ++++++++*+++*+ +++++*+++++++++ HJLDI2BRAND, THE NEW TAILOR?, E 1 . Washington St. ++++++++++++q++++}+++++++++++++++++#+++++ ++++++++~++++++++++++++++++++++ Students' Laundry Association C RET If ~IU IN. THE GRE AT ialANDOLIN ARTIST, GRN ANRo ERI u eeThe best high geaadc launedr'yinithe tote. The uce the only machine domesic finish in the West.Joe h t hlan Gnve finish also given. All work promaptly, neatly and carefully done. I We oprae he insttailoring tae n tbie city, ansl e n lothe offce 202 S. Stale sI Rsh 510 Laweencee prt s00.0ot1, i l" ndAdas h NwSanPoe44. eqyual any in the State. Washburn Instruments, We respectfully solicit your vlalued patronlage. They aee toe sale at the -HiJe S tudw All garments miade by us kept pressed antiuil repair for SHAEBERLE MUSIC STORE Piaeo, Pipe Osgap aed Comgpostoe one year. 114 Nest Liberty Street, Ann Arbar. rt. H. KiEM PF 3J=L0EiiE~v i..!1, 0.MMATN. Frasa Stuttgaet Conseevatory, Geemny toeM M RTL 612S. Divtnion St. Catasert Piaso Tunln 106 E. Hsanroj . New State Phone 43. FUNERAL MILLARD DIRECTOR THlE CALENDAR. Ernbaalmieg a speeialty. No. 2110 Fourth PRITERFriayNov 1.-FnalItler e-Ave. Amsllance night ansi siny. Ries. PtNE IFily o.18-,.iilJte e idenee 3112 Fifth Ave. larintsaaaoaseeoaaas~g kasseeas. Ann Aebor, Mict. Saturda, Nov.19- Gets. Jolmt B. MIG 106RN GENI AL Gordonss, ini S. L. A. rouirse. M E~il I 11 L Saiiirslts, Nov. 19-Miliigant vs. The Niagara Falls Raoe." Belii. Tlisirslaay, Nosv. 24-Michigans vs. tENTreA STAtND)ARD TIMIE. (Chitagss, at ClIieaayi. sain' Eiet Aug. t4, 1ana. T GONG Fs-r.A Touching Incident. I, i Mail andi Expres. ........3, N. Y. &oastoniSpecial .......45 Fast Eastern ...........04 Atlantic lx'aieess..I.......74iA.Y Dietesoit Night lsaltens's.......55)" Gratsd RaidsExisres 11 l10 Mail & Express.. ......9 15 s M Boston. N. Y.&Chsiecags...........1 last Westerintxtterss'........ St t o. tt. & Kali. mirsss.........54 C'hicaossNighst Express ........' Poeli e K'. tress ............12 30 5 0. W. RtUGGLES, H. W. HAYES. 0. P. &T. A'it,'Csicano. A't AnAro Aspathetic incidenttoeurredilat tse j hoasplitalldulrig the paistiveek . Wosasal whoas, unstil lie waesijulresd, gave' greet praomise' at taickle, wa0 ssldl the recall osf liii Noritliwestverni gaule, andalfiat om es onli 12h01 elt'suppoase(I'ltle small sosi's-wiasa lite lastheiseasknasas osa'll old poasitishn. He as saidl to bave taskentheliafaifair sarissasly lashartirt anda swelst.lie is eastsof the gastase recsialiailaiivrtsse isfor thas'seasosis Whsena Fitzpattiel' ernwndmnoinvrus leilleal if Wooda'sacaitioshle said;Mr. 'N. Eusganeia'tge wsilI guI ive.s aa~islitu a~ asail at~ sus 151'sonls 1111the mandoalaliin anal guitar aol "iSill metnissaoodeth sullrciisplit-itheUnilversity Schoaotl of Msic evety saver the Easot isa tse greast natioasislFrlay asstrisaislsirosaal gamle." a-- tas the secretasry. Wm ro, Jeweler GiET YOUR AT W, W. TU TTLE'S 338 Soe. Slate Street. OUR PHOTOS ...A RE ., PERFECT IN STYLE AND FINISH THE TIME TABLE Tphanksgicing Rates. The Michigan Book ler rma t ,. CTe lrieit eaii it) loath, 323 lvs ~ ~~101 y aiSu i Traisleave AtnnaArharbysenlytcrasl Staand- Thvill ie teisasCeraslasItailewa lotieh, 3lages pic.$.5, a b arda~r,.. il inke te uua rtestosti 1 ets isedby . 1.HuniiprleyDtoi, 112 West Huron St. NORITH SOUTH r going bloraae fao' the' Thasegiv(inig ottstile it boosk stortes assai by J. 11. 0 -...1.-let - viacasille . 't'is'ketls o11sil s'eNov. 2211ad lalerse 631 Sao. Ingaills Si. r.t lcne l, 12:40 5'. m. .11:27) A. nt. 111d123srl, grod util Novs. 28t1.- 4:56 P. as. 8:40se. irket--Pall 'i9.05 A. 116.5 ,.sl.tSe'-l'ickeistlsia flay thae Atlie lcto05la'A G S LDN &BR . OlrUlaliolsterintg sdn ye-A . LIGfr RS *Rutaasa ha' t A n a rbota rles adldol onasly. alx'eia iltes e Ii vcassi 11111 sil 1)e's' 1eAareheGaatte t' 5,es tr r s Sunayeaoasly sadin e-sa e )1ieiaresl svrleiis'ufind thae'forse lahe forthe benuefitcalf Ilse Athiletic s' Is 5aotosa-asetn twen 'raledoeaas and s'owel. All oteilentrsains'aa'lc mant's ee's. Mbarin Hile's iasia tilta' eil asll I'1)iel a F 0 '"' B i 1..I. as'p Saala. ~Oll.'s55IE, Agent. oansi ie sasta'irelesi'' ~ ~todlay..'the hprire still besi . ' U JPLI Ii t i.sIT.0 ~ .Mandolin Club. Olassal outflilerssaosail thae Tha' exiainatilsal sal'c'asdidates flay The lItest Waltiathat is firsticlass l'al eiai''aalusbneashael n tae' M~aaaalaliii andslBanijosCluab still isItic' Wali firsasathes'"Sersenaise." / Spalding's Official Inter- belaa aitin cisal ssi nixt 'l'lsc'aasy, ill Its liavoing as big ruini Iintired it i10 collegiate Foot Ball DETROIT, YPSILANTI & ANN AR- laais24. C(F. S'N;I1 l3A17'il, the swlishssw satthea'lssie Co.,11Wa_ sea. excs.alusisely byrYale, Pi'noo'atoan, Harvrd . . ' ' ennyl~ i,s.'n ll ai dal , l 'r leadinsc BOR RAILWAY. GCa1191rlitlExealig Callalalttee. iigltotISt. the otlier dayi). IPcollaeeo sis a 'ranivesie. s tassagerss'ahld ewriteiaar pret 's aal'.sar.l'as aefoeode'rinag el'.seiaa'rr,. O+paldiag's Oficial FoloneBall Guide, Cars leave for Detroit at a quarter J cs rrr' rrz rO' r r "rrr a s r r>00.0r0 ed~aied' ayOWalIs'r UCamaais. t'eat'ds'. phaoto after every hour, begnniinni, at 71' . '.ps fat 'Lsnn 'a'.. 181'. tsle'saw Oa in' tg sia. deandsepls'~oanatorynotels. 100 m. and up to 11:15 tp. m. For Ypailanti 1 'Rentecbier, thce li3hotograpber. A. G. SP'ALDINCI & BROS., New York, Chicago aa quarter befarn the hour stipta 12:435'sil omsainl'sm e a. tn. Cams leave corner Iluron aadad1 Main Sts.YTiYketsbon salelYtfllrUh1's DrugSito rleets AonNsaleSatnd60reEwnWilliamSt Oraig Store. InuterG011CQoitw Bureau o1fiAGadeIhG 0ostume. sNwa'rd60 . aismS Give ine, a traial.Fiarst class work anid GOTRELL & LEONARCD, romlpt servi'e. Asoso'.',N.Y.PAUL MEYER. ~omplete Report of Thanksgiving lesl.ile, Gowns. and tloosds made to oreder eand ilted. also t laas SDay Ball Game, Caanes, t'l..eo Hats and Caps,JIlass Coallege ils. Addlresa F. .S HL E E Reiv~ed by Wire Direct Fasm Field, 10tHaskel ttssean, OUniv. of C'Iic"agso.3410 Sta i0 te., -ATTID - --- - lisealo lesastos25c. anal salawods. ad sell,- A. A. KINDERGARTEN AL, E QA. M yEveryPae, b or5c 102 E. HURON ST. R N tt hn 119 West Washingtoan StreetPpe.4bsfr5c State Phne 144. Bosh Phones, XNi. 1lS. nArbar. P ct Stationryein las. city at lIaestprie. W E P ATRONIZE GOODYEAR'S DR UG" STOR PE.