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November 15, 1898 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-11-15

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We have been requested to publish ~ B U E G
the followinig otie: __________________ IIU
Published Daily (Sndayaexceptedi darig the Last November, as an experimeat,
tallege yaar at istead of giving out Thaksgivig Single or double Breasted, French faced and nicely piped
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. dinnirstti the poor of the city as had with satin. tn the cut you will find the handiwork of
been the custom, the Charitable Un- an artist, and is the uild the work of competent tailor.
'rriCE: The Ilead Pess, Hiening Boc. inakdfr"o "dntoso
BthtaPhae' a s kedor poud lnttn fSee ours before uying.
MANGSN I~tTR. goceries, cannedl vegetables, etc.,
MAAIG1.4O. such articles as might be stored ad Cutting, B~eyer &~ Co.
F. ECC5E.5M, 'Si L. given out asoneeded drn the witer.J
UStNfi5S IMANAGERt. 'Te call was responded tt quite get- Aa ro.2123Su Mt tet
E.ITORasSt*rosly and the comomittec were able,____________________________________________
Attle i Scc~ee F.Cl Mcsen,~ all through the witter, to send i-
P. W. JEs, ', A. 1t, Mcc AL 1ae., plcaus t th strehusefor floor, The Most Delicious of all
F. . cMan, 'St t. C. H.. tea, 'so05, rice, cort tieal, rolld oats, sugar,H
G. . 11.iNTeec,'sit. tea. coffee, soap, salt, cae-aid tout- Molasses Candies. p
te, cort, etc., 10, 15 anfldl25 cet Packges.W
The' success tio hseprnei On Sale at Campus Dru tore.
a wastrrtnts the sciety ini ittking ai-ruS
'ih eheeetttiee ivac. t te ews tee forsitilar call for thetatig '1'erimetk-J.J Q A R .
.e.h olg er iha a elcnladelicery het~ee
noeac t'day. ieNof ca cm niatien, and givintg. Al .ii.ai.u..c.iti.-'"'"
-ter eatier inteadd forIpubicatioanamit be Lions of this kind~ are requestedl to
handed ine at heDbefur e DIYoie ieoree ispmo5 e OP N
macic ti e'eitoritor l tee p. cofatthe day leave themctithitiMrs. Parker, Ci llost hto hc hte r xetdt n n t t.Wdedy o.
noapcietettai a ie laft datthe D nyheBte, 23 ettil't'liuttil
Myee'cs, cc Stoftlet's ew'iaaal23e wth CThanks givitg ay. We cordially exetd tat you an Invitatiotn to examine our Fal
Manaegere. sahc'ehe will cecccaefvrhey Doatiits of lotiig soutsill e atd 7iter Soeess 1'a setl iined all of the swell and newest
tareoiee nti clepviy ep a"eat ttheey acleSofleft awthithe ceammitietees (f the difer- lst and with poplar pices tEVclTMltlITt[E NAME.
Al ~ si .Otie 1 ricm'tbeheisot Ivtcrcs. Mrs. Norris tar Miss MINS.WANtl &yMILLE .IlocSooMn.
owhicthey ae toapearc. Sager, It atd 8il t ars; Mrs. Bcih,
elronnPrga. 2ii ivacred;Mrs. WXetmioreteor 3Mrs.
Jeffersonia Program. aBoth, 3rd iardrl;Mrs.Pitcer ar ansk a r
'Tlee JelersoniicctSociety xiii give' Mis Meteiitg, 4th crd; Mis 11. S.
the folloig progriaTh'iuirsdaty Broewti, le we'd;Mr.c.lte or 1rs. 15510151 STEhSFoLAPofalktd
evenintg, Nutv. 17: F'iie, 7i th wrd. FrLe~lf~AMPINof'IllAMindIIsES
Addures's; ora'tiont, NW. 13. Rlus-ll; tDINNER SE''- atd FANCY CHINA.
decattinii,, J. N.Reynoalds'i- Evets NWtein, coniiiotthecltltils 115 South Maic St. Japanese toods and Novelities
promttlt ulieate, athu ative N . .iitthe Nirtlavesteri-Miliciest gaiie,
Wilsoini n etiiv . I A1' e; iiiaiae the stemiientstaftr te guiiieY LOA N VS tflAKE A STR 3KE
esseyL. B ..IFiictto' 'dlebate ie it if "airtiiwestertis teamitccihaNd adII iN .I
sofved, lTat itt civil 1itmy lcicecs ci jpitydl ti the ie it hllY ,edc i ns (n ccc sia. tittcai-.s W iecti ciifth e a er-_-A TEec
twio-thsirds yule be sufftcicit nt s Mihiganc, Minntcesot wiuld haire WATHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED I BOWLING ALLEY.
titi ta verirct i fet; a tiitvi L.e C. lutint difeatediby iilags cue. iitiiet Seataaee, 551 E. ietyc' t SiAcac At I31 . M~ain St.
Tuck, 1). L.Joiiitsiit; tnegtitve, J. Y i> ac, Mtic. Al iccsaes otase citic ci ttcict's TMHN -Poreo
. Etih rM. . 'IMliv' ;Critic's IJetiepitbe.IWattist. it l rtciaaSaJalhNigatt.
reporit; dehcisiontaofiijudges, iatitOp)1et'ci Hocueiltomorowcc nigt, 5eaisi ecnand iatchaes' actiDiamondstai.OpnDyadNg5
w___ cithc tll accessoris. l P r iX1l0, -
To Represent U. of M. Republicans. rye ill. steel25c.
At lic einug f lice' . of x'1. Students in the War. C L E E S U E T
ReputliicantCliyiesteiiay ticsfob- 'he lumnXctti Assocaititdtieus to I C L EG S U NT
lowin ere cho Iusent oaslegates tic coliec e tlthee ate posil cnttern- LI
the na tona~l contventitontiof ('olege lg ties tarictione of its grae- Tt j IHE
Republcni ClubtobItshis inate: atiedtchstuet, fastetandil preent il COUtN''T
TItteeapolis,Nti. 17 cud I. O. K thee leswar ithc Spati,'Thes, Uti- OEIl
Junetas, Intiaciena, . C. Watisn, .R. vc't'cty i-siryideiouts thatuthIle ri'- SM0I)
A. SmietheB.I IleonMichiigan; olsds isa' n early cci pet s tp ossd'
H L Cli pna ,Illiutoils S. Seanger, isi, Vole dciiito thistiute
Ohio situ AIE Boynitn, Califoriai . srp f itifuatlo itiuctt, tatiteute
A vote,.was air ssedi autoririnti tll 0 Sih-is iiut SG-~F
auitit hrescuttt offiiablly uepreseuit
Mislit tctW.SN aMcLaughlanttwasii5ATHENS THEATRE,
lertdical -pues ucidentetfccscced J. TUESDAY EVEN'G, NOV. 16.
A. Monitgomcery,' lwhoid teot retutr1rn rmndus Cmi If You wat Or Bning r Ruinor a nythicg in ue lne, cc matter
toccoelege. Ua SOpena Success, Ihow small enrlhcw large,
Freshman _ Spread Committee. 1 El Capitan aiJob of WE CAN DO IT
appouintledl tocloock after the T'reshman ue The hMhlan(] Press,
Spread: A FIRST-CLASS COMPANY *® * hlnuiig Ilc.
MIssvitionCharmnk MssSek I; ndaSueb hou o
Miso Rgit's, Miss Scott, Miss Yeager, 50-TRAINED VOICES-5C ' ______Aa-=r-____________r y~-T1----I=
MisSlF c.Ia, oad75cs ituuct- Chi iintaual iss chhcHead 4Adacsainpn at ua ats, I IIAlRII HAfl L 9 I 340 S. STATE. I
sel; Miss NN'lceiirMis Suuiustrsucc, OpposL~ii ~ ~ Uu luuie hw Bilitntg
Miss Godanhliet, Miss Leeoniadna.
Rec'ptin-ChairmntMiss Field; UNIVERSITY'yBLaw BOL Pu lLer 1dIm o tes
Mis huueiMsSelcu, is chool of Dancing O K rvliesaa I p ros
Forbes, 'Msiss Moorue, Mis Braclsiuauc. i" Have you reach Wilson's Speeches, as eieud Ity'Jutmes -
Refelnshttenut -Chaeirmtan, Miss-A- DeNit Andews, cc Curran's Speeches? 'These buioks
Fraost; Miss Nichoils, Mis Broccu, Granger's Academy. aeft tl tttnlreai tuece u hch o iet t eue3
Miss Hlarris, Miss Greente. Miss Prautt. R eu nhre 246. you cliand exaiue themi. Seiail IScle it E rkine t
2,hThepeadgvllbit givenDecembI Speeches. KENT'S COMMENTARIES.
]he lan ho els L Our Branch Here Closes Soon.
In the article headed, "Abolish J. Pant and Ppccncat ita Athletec L S- t-T -C rr-
Hop,'' itsSturday's DAILY, it 5155Feld is_____________
stateth(uhihat Mr. Kauuif proposed W. S. PARKERI In2 close Pacessss,
the ablcition o f itie lactp. We are it- 315 S. State tal in and see him. O
formedethtshIis speech sas to thec_____________________ With the cominad gig ci the seastns ae he fahonsc
effect thatthe indelpendietslshoultl 6O'YING lull IIESIS WORKia Sose. 'fh Style f yserdy aeca soon uuforg ittinthe eieetr
that of t-mcrow. See ccc windows fcc the est up-uc-date lie ci
not ask is reptu'esettiiltoniithe 50o11'Autlukind of 'Tyewiig a sepcilty. Prices the stye fcc t-ow.esw
nmittee becacse thuey did tat support Reaonabe. A Peralin Typewite Sac Rent.
th ac.1t9 N. Man; Opera house Block. PARILL'S SHIOE STORE,, uXj1 wrod-neu st..

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