EarZ Ilk> 0 VOL. IX, No. 44. ANN ARBOR, MIH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1898. FOUR PAGE. JN I Inter-elass Finals Saturday. Present Status o Western Foot- Secret Practice This Week. The last game of the iter-class ball. The 'Varsity's practice yesterday chamtpionship series will be played 'there will e no dispute for the afternostn was secret ad will remain next Saturday morning at 10:30 foothtall clamspionship of the West so dritg this week. Jitmtiie Baird r FINE To'clock, at Regents Field. The cu- this year. Tetrelitinarie were tas ot atti assisted ithie coaching. FALL STINGS testing elevens will e those of the settled Saturdty ott Marshall Field He gave special attetionto i the H FIEFL UTNS H Senior Lits attd the Settlr Lasws. It and at Detroit and te fitiat will e qua~rterhack posiion. All tf the s expected to e a very close contest enacted on Marshall Field Tatks plaess showed up for practice and E E and b)oth teams are practicittg hard givitg lay. Thustitar Chitago atd weretll hined up except Steckle and /nfor thte evemt. The gamie will be an Michigan are te tdiputed masters MeLean. Note othtiettett show interesting one for thte spectators as in te West: Michigan wiii-gis to tity binsi effects frott te gtme with it will proably e a kickisig game. Chicago with at cleans list of victo- Illinois. T WE CARRY THE LAREST T Both Forward and Alnt are star ries, arrng acidett ithie gtmse Tle practice sid not cnttine long, STOCK A puntestund the cottest etween the tnext Saturday wills Beloit. Chicago, btt was hard atd fat while it lassted. IN THE CITY w ulak protmises to be very by defeating Wicotsin, will mieet tic Most of tie ftie wa spett ott the interesting. with practically a spotless record. 5-yard lise, givigthle players tiuch Thtelite up swill probably be as Wiscotmoin's defeat by themarootsteeud practice itsptsshtttg the ball L IF follows: will in all probability have sniii- te last esw yard over the lite, ad a a Carmody .................. Hampton pirtatt bearitg ott football relstiominsalo its defensive work othie sate tones............. g.....Goodread inthie West. Tie islatinti st tie line. The 'Varsity hel tie Scrubs O 108 E. WASHINGTON ST . RCooer..... h-.Egan IIIQ)1Toipper...,r. t.. 'fitie Anderson Utiversity of Chiago i to emt otf for dwtris repeatedly right ott the Tryron .......t... Wittermier ill reatisi till tie bi ger is tit- goam inhe. Ayres ...........r.. .Richardson to. One reort othie Chicago Emnm~. itones camp s etsdy wsc to tie effect Should H-ae Scored More. Beath..... .......q.. ...... ..Marshall that tie faculty hiss pumt tie XWicn-. Ac rding ttttisic f thieCi- X V k 114 _ tt~4ctee, T'hompon.h..Andrsonltiapt.) si Umiverity utudter lie banifor cgoWisconmsint gamme, it seems its if ______________________R__Iichardon .1 ih.....Sherman tres years. Anocthertwas tat n io Chile-mostshouhaeadtlastw 4 N.............. Forrward-------------------Allen gasm rtt ud be paydwith tie bd a iretocdt.InStaigsthgisso iDoctors' * Triple Alliance in the East. ers asotg as Stagg hd anahig.imure btooacrrieo.1my Chricgotfain saSbottheiggtbalmicy at thtgt e b alldstin cariedmycnsigo2for T e mucn talked of triple sll, cayn isumttm uimh iyittme thyeitiswaitisi y W rttst20 anebewe Primceton, Yale and mmirititmiMdsmy Chiagc hadiu5.59frst iowsmstis W is- Prescription1S cui' 6 h oa ly fCi p - l aivard usowtloomsutsnithe tiear "Jimmie" Baird Arries. ftr stelgclatemt f Jui"Bidcomoimes'es 20. limeCoravelpsd (in- ff Sodnobetmee wih dfofutureh ne td i-, h ai u ga- itstie first all tie ballhtraveled it 4 by tttskiled cleks.We dfetofYaeTmeuexsetulvi-terback of Michigan's '94, '95 atd Chicagos territory 55 yarss atd in musy onivy rgisered phareta- tories of Harvard over Pennsylivantias '963 eevens,. arrivedi hi i tn last °ictctsc 75 tsmityt itlo cst>s, ndtrsante evey7pre and tie tigers over the Sois of Eli '-,1 oni'-15 a igtottlo -critioncentout rhmveis chSuntyged 1tto1asistof etzme g t,,-0i 4 o beco:uatr.have chaned te fae ofthe rid-, yads. n tie scondhall th 4+4-4++++++4+444+4++ thelistse eshieec. ruin B tte-iohereen e uli im tesentgorigamieifferThe asstioso ipriki riyhe be-l seorhstis fasousPftHAerMuiCbYc wof thsmhe u lutl Ctay. ''itig ''or-trvem le10rs inrger td(i m a s DON h' O sret. uha its nets laisseetigewit pretytatfINew YarkCt.Incetoillsteselitorhm vr 'h rtebt Yuh ale, am ng hestd sts b Shrsturtyi d sah thi at ie ss sul y amm slihtsmugeriss lre the ~t)RELIBLEtige comeit waed esthutshmste ovr eeven scre iteveusy utaemedbet-gestionhetueof musuikuioicks,- Ho -Htadcl uce ieie fsc ege i Talsiinge emds ash themmidv as tet veriging 41 yansidO'DacaIsse atalorustCooltshnIe t hYae aos fiter ulb avkor o vrteole a umgtiehsl'e1 iss ulm i mesg f4 Cream Soda 'T'Watert Pipeh ,aCigarsceand alliancele andfsvorofldherermeombe coc las O L o m olm ul ai omtom f the Soatuldas tod ti fuar thesti o oaimobeverliresberginr c ers sh u- the____ OLD____ RELIABLE_______ taihe.lsuwamoediu enthussueiiasticse oovleree.' ____________________- hresemss s e ut se bsalevyardwllrefulmseenygo tse ddbr aeteveubokdkcs Hs.H otndcod inncestimeassof hisarloeaguIe mid ls i xoceiI seMctgt bs i AGl oteLbag at all ours. hocolaesand Ice at tril e wsaioy iny favr'ioifesndnniheicasmshadthiekagvantge a veainm6yad.u'e pne Crem od W ter Ppe, igas ndsuh next lmiaceh any over dY elcotm eoisitover smtheisgotfe i ty te invigth Ti7timsith m ae geueragofi i 43im assToeve-ittanHauvmiline sfumokind Suot feel.iu e epressedtohiml fitdattery osts. I axrter and Ferysot etit, plie R E5 OLY&5O i stimol arslto ftedutfla otefraino 1hwvr oSaeSre. pee nenes egiatrdrn,,Ieefrserem drntriple eiiancubutwenuiale ri easedtsheimis t eotsofthe T brir t Suet Sesistinsandtitarsardt istsoe th-nopium - se u seisd wih ttse s h s he s t r e du oteoeob stalclese.ookisick ie i vey fll ctsr h Stte mt ibttutm sdiess. msin h amdf d e i pleeallcguesnitm xpe Si os We d.ichiggnuwillsAifth motthe ici- rasu' r ork Walees stiste on St tisete ~or elvenmg uptr fosmda ie adCt h eao ct14h(ieS po ivhe)ai Thevey iThe Ferrhoolaegad, a e b opat in ToxestniltAuusai siciinoot 15 ewortypaditonhs jstim) wihcra h.............. c upon Mthe eet w-fo derit sisis Ithe um e n e m ttingsuplatishmisc elim e ter o thee sibrary'-Itisror Beef______Bouillon _________-eesedyhimwanIisgaresiotmdshetfhheAtmuicanocet-tis1fos-s icriestent syus tiimes.be not___be__produced____with __cmmon ___e __- positimeo n ivatserhsit t ieps ss'teirz oorottimemist csumlest conssre5 eo h erysm u lseem tiuummio vash trcs.........o... ..... h aiersnd s res toisieofr$150 o e sr Sc tsimuorn soanermd. cs s ornaseofsmayt thiAns soliittswomsc Mate i lk O iditibte botgtiehebtrs'en-atae uedandesumgdNvi2nksbrt:o....t 1 eassatr No of ewsbaqucTlhir .Edition eof ivanwhade aecheodebru' roeeugsiehr isisT r e ood atssuseiised"Joicu di2v ng1the55 stimalimraescsi-cesee fisthiho s~h b scrdd 70- tme Boowi'ng lshtsrfo ushm thimCicgo ofmu1es49mmT ih ttr gedReveller) lvnd waeswOha.O em. n eevugscn iomr$0 n t ues utimfe iefotish18112;EmNet oetio, 117;nCum) CONSTITUTIONAL ~~Thme oFerry eiving T im ona$3.gAlumnie, soich tkisi stu ias:tur imlAiisy 51.'iecs a~ ~n t ! fl ,a mWhDxen r oachF e by Perof.t rue gwho i ly.AR PFEmS SOR-bIbe isg eeaso fthe teurof e se o w1a s iummims s i1LAW.hasodrasteatdayouthesubjectsitydiefthte lumnSocet'.a 'r $100 tinbyte.ufw e MW o 1 1 of r. P e ys idon i o u 1 t o ee nttatiououSSme y o ur, w icChks e i cago-Wsonsy i n ame l Fiai snEo - B yAN dC u ~ n m s e i mstbu e fu iymon g t e d tm erysit i - your I.sd a Gve in sg L uN o. 2 . R brcw in 5 y s l t r A. ~ ~ ~ ~ nn plaLc. PoesrefAe lstr, rq es asn1the inktmhsoi p ubslic lh e s.ietwuldnikssutof ha im A ogpteeis e e oes uNewsThidEd ition .f speakaudgbts. The dbaeUniv vgdeiersityprizisraveryn - Jhn ve 1835,51w0thdthescasceereco- Cloth Bidimg........ firsto houor l beouhtwtr bedn0the-B oists Hidthock'00i L,imhcaasenalcedOnat l uate es f Mrsi2a.i COOL awSE-----------i.00gaged." ndhonor________ ctumpestleil aegiv e up olmu1si6r-6ildNatu ayo'lmb s, timeles theon rceiin tirdhoor$ turnme wichskeso plae-o M ass., o u r ad ae cthiy, athleTic c ostto CONTITTIF.L hnpraeL.b'95,ohasTjubee vngountof this mwhil.leageeanlemo- th treidsoiethi 9uig s wa1100 W a Lr' WB ok st r bleotd ros eca utiy n Atornube tof ndlplat moesktn o yae ysyii$1a0 ivddOewet UiestofMcia. sekn itra ee niCoutityt is sat. euer ato.' - adOivers5 m0admigerons wrecl