2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. +a No prize is offered hut the inceutive U0 lT iJ imfL1 should he great enough without aiiy pecuniary consideration. All songs Puhished Daily (Sundays eceeptedt during the should he in hy next Saturday or tCollege yer, ai Monday at the latest. The suhject THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, matter should relate to the prowess ot the team, her victory over all ureter rote Inland Fereslisnning Block. 00 far and what Chicago will receive Outo Pmre147when the two teams meset. A song MANAGING EISTOR. is especially desired to the tune of 4 F. ENGELoHARD, '01 a.. 'A Hot Time.''a BUiSINESS15 IiANAG.04 v. II. HA s, '05 L. Sigma Chi Banquet. 4 AtltcEDrI.T. ORS u . The Sigma Chi frateriiity held itss P. w. JONtS, '9o, A. HI. MCDOUGALLo, '01 E, anutal hanquet at the Hotel Cadillac F. 0. EAMAN, '01 L. C. i1. LuNe, '00 M, iii Detroit, Satiirday eveniiig. Ahout (.1. I). Tt, e.'0itE. 50 wee prcseiit, 13 chapters heing represenitled. Several iieinhcrs of the Illiiiois teami, menihers 01'the chapter at Ilinotis were present andl The subhripon pri eece of the'DtSDts :2.50 for responlded toi toasts. The locaul chap- he collet{ge r, twith acegelee dlivW eoreti nouneachlldoe'. Notices, creommruicationse, adttOteweascwcii re presretedl, not ttily hy ether meatter'irtendee'eforeeebictiion ousrt he the titider'gr'oduittes, hut by JDeii'iit hadditn atthe' DA IL fie'befor58tp m., o muailedteethes editor tefore 3 p, in. of tier doylumni. A cery einjeytihie tiitnq was al rreleohlllrrllrlell lh'idlhy ill. Subscriptions 111C ber lf.at teAL ofie erce, or 5eetiltr'r terstoted, orewt111usnessu rict Managere. euhrcribers wtill ctonrf Cerafvrby Plecetn Defleats Yale. reorin pom tl t toliroetny teiluof carier t deive pper Sxte~enl tholeusandlspectatorl's saw All chetesr'in l 111 thIr" e mtoler emuelt ber in ~ ii Il 15 i' t thetoftirrcey 511. 1n. o00 1 (ye)Sc~vIe teo ethlate n ee~ .. l on0whch tey ar to iwtr rineton Ittlir' e1)' a soe o ef13 teo to CoARnEr 'otoYr'.c-11L,10,inthe most bttetly c'ontlested fram,100.erlltcever rwitnessed l111iifeootblil as fo~lleows: 111'little 1111111'110111t- relitdte the tall 11o ille' tigers' 15 Saturdayl' 111' aesholdrel not1111give' tight reld c'art'iredit 95 yards foll'd Miirlligalnl illt',l't a ilSil 1111tes'fllOthelll 11 oshll ipillut all' ia aigainst till'deis1(10ios 1111'helllllie'wh111111Il twayrsItae1111n'respecialill- twchrrl vI'l1.'111elll. 5plitigil.I Ill Sll ere'10 il5h'r"(,citel,jlexpressed horimslf11 C4esl el. Ve 1r' ieslioniel to t''"heItlls 1111ry1 g'ret'tSly pied1as t ell coil 01111rdPiel'llllelle 1111'sil lo oiret1''o s211polnteld ato thersul~l'tile ll'1'' Cloilc '1( 111111o 11100elel l ltll i 5 1 llllns11 e. I llo 11 1 itel111 throeghio11lietecritre 11 tll .'heeollm)'ient'of1111151 Ol ls1dlt 110thlecdirecos, call t111ally econ-c1 Studets in the W'ryIeartnt 13 0sidrdresol i ti e orthchar olgo eof til A 011111agaisi t <85ilforlthesorer 111 tm'fitir'lay t c, t ha5'tlet, one o t hevl' mis he'slendor 1t hel'i ,\lvtl (If t gillo- Cioivppers 01 teose teothkci asaais 4.' lelalngof n1 ~apainstefich~ia 1i'sewit 111of,the Lwdoeto telt is 10001osedllte theill iloitearilg to ellillle ha'ebeen__du__largely__tothe__war.__ kebenyrutingeteeell iet olI leecollc l h aahosbeeien weftern athllsetestout.,rhoeeratingtharicptinofitjIau chargesO toel e onsid ny volder 1 te 111. A i eydsru httere Sae ong s WanMghte offiiO ea erycmlt spsi waAEEXCLUS~ '~ ~.. HANAN' and BANISTER' BEAL,5..,, SHOE STORE OPP . CORT SO If yote oxotiot to-thoere'sito need to. SSweaters Here--- VAs WSarmn-ah Heavy-as wolely y ou51 11 it thtenm. All over -trihpes 01' phain, with IDeouble ecks thait cdon't k X.stretchll 1111 GYM Combination Underwear, YMSUITS New lllt sr'111 1 Oe elI Weeeei. K13(1 K (1(, t3.50 hia d 14.50. . 1 'VI&x 0O+T Q'II i 1'AI1 tt1.anl PilYWi AL APPAIIA''us. Ml1t u 0S(.'I(' [4FINDIINGS. HNeitedlaenwler.X111itill Eebr- *Ici ,040040. 200 Fine Confections Bon Bons and Chocolates. EAST WASHINGTON STREET, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. f You Want 0r Bindilng,o01Rlnor tanyttling in eur ine, no mtter hoo emall or how large, a Job of WE CAN DO IT P rinting for'you, toll and get acqjuainted. Thue milmd Press, 1.1 G111A 111 U117 V"24f l & C019 CALLAGHAN 340 S. STATE. apposite Law Building. n I T1hte DAoI.' intends lee issue a hbig 0115ni cti'yelleeew 101111blocecedition 'lhlanhsgir'itg owcehk i leemeeolethtec Ch'iicagol gamne, a1111 eIllnlll 111111 eot shecial fer'otes eesires tee 1p111- li: ho a iNumlbei' of soogs sot te opulll- lei r et'001llnwn ir as chiche meay be song at theepavne to choeerr oe thie team.olSluce aithingl waslISditte attthe Cortoelp0game111i etrotit foulr yeairs ao~ aeelherevedh I ig success. Thec DILYt'o, therefoie, errnestly requiests theat ally onetith111 liy taetiti0hoc smlig-w1ritingp eirectieionewould set their braoislit woerh o tcompose105 a sonlg to the air If"A Holt Timitnil the Olth 'l'eesn ,e''Give Us a IDrink, Bielr-, tender,'I11'The Soni oftaIGalllolie," I' tee anty tunie famliar teecellege oen.I T#I$A RE ~Law Book Publishers and importers. ~ !I ave -yoi re'adl Wilson's Speeches, as edited hoy Jai-ties Ii DeWiteht'c ievsor IcCurran's Speeches? 1Thiese boeosfI are for saeeat oulr bracIhIIilste ior e lro«e shl e glaod to hiave a Z T'"=i''tohiT101111oeXcall lan e e' thieiiiS, eez 111 on Ekin UNIVERSITY 1 Speeches. KENT'S COMMENTARIES. School of Dan1cing 1 jOur Branch Here Closes Soon. Granger's Academy. 111 ; sePace 44,,A Ji'i PitttWiththo coroinog ateelgoing ofthoe seaonsrrare.'the toshions --OPYING and T IS 8WORK in Shoe.tier Styles of yeterdaoy 110e1siooforgotin ithedescire o Allahiofeto-mofrowteceeiourg w1ndowceforly.e1besttupitodt line rt Reaonlee. A FranohlinToypewerite for Rout, 119 N. Main; Opera Houtse' Block. th ~ ~ Sfr to-oroFtbRIILL'8 JStOE SIOREf, Atn AsirYno St.,