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November 14, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-11-14

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ am
VOL. IX, No. 43. ANN ARBOR, RVICH1., :MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1898. rFout PAGE.
ONE MORE VICTORY. pted 25 yards to Illinois' 25-yard Weeks Witm..f Johnson,(Capt.)
ln.JhsnthIliosflbcMichigan Defeats Illinois in a Hard tried a kik, but thepunt was blocked Sore-Michigan 12, Illinois, 5. Touch-
downs-Weeks, Widman, Adit. Goals
Fought Game. adSo felothbl. Wdnan -Snow (2) Umpire --Brown, of Cornell
JThirty-five hundred people sa maie a beautiful run of 15 yards Referee-Carter, of 1). A. C. Linesmen
Michigan's eleven win a hardfougt around right end. Weeks bucked -Williams, of Yale, Sheldon, of Yale,
_/[ the D A. . athletic grounds in D_ for a touchdown, after 1 minutes of OadThE lOsTEofAtE.frthl
"Ktrol. The score was 12 to 5. Illin- play. Snow kicked goal. t1e bleachers onlls the north sie f
ois scored her five points by at touch- Illinois licked of and got the ball the field gave way, throwing the 300
WE CARRY THE LARGEST; T down made on as fluke. Miigan oil Sno' return put. They then people 01n them to the gound. or.
foyrlsatm tunately bt on mraiwas injurel
ASTOCK A eralnmre tuhdwns had the field gains and made 10 yards by olI-siie and he not seriously. The bleacher
IN HE ITY ben i an kid o shpe'It mes work of Michigan. They punted the were an extmporied affair, hstily
INTECT. jankle deep with, mud aid parts of it al down to Michigan's 20-yardl line costrcted and it was extrenely
iee covered with sater, making where they lost the ball for oling lucky that moire were nt hiurt.
L % L end runs impossible and good fast Snow punted 35 yards and Caley got Satudaths game clearly demoi-
o oplaying otoftequestioni. tha alnIlioi'fumible.Atr tae ii agiificent defense work
ins E. WAHNTNw:mas Michigan's game from start an exchange of puts, giving Mici- which the teamnisi capable of doig.
to finish, and Ilinois, though pay- gute el nteridl f Ih llnis' gains through the line were
igdesertel ad ferely wre ied, mee s s giveni the ball t isgilalt she could d nothing
outplayed at every stage of the buck ceter. He fumbled it aiiilioi'let nivkd iti the emiis and her only refuge
gaule, both iii offensive mni defeisive Iiios eteilpice p the bll lay ini pnitig. Oily the iiuddy,
iork. Th'e 'Varitv idmlii iiii bet. aiilstrteid off for Michigan's goal. Sloppy coiiiitiiini of the fielil pe.
~~ 114 ~ter work iii the secoiii half thaian ~Hoe, as not ovetakeniaid scirei a veited Michigan friiii having i ucli
the first, but iii spite of superior tabou o liil. Jliou larger sore tiilie creiit. Timiu
++++++++++++++++++ wrk n inebukin ad pntng missed goal. Tinesas called s(oo)1 after tiiie the backs wiiild tike the ball
+ Doctors'*4 sas able to score only once ini the after. lir aiiiecd riiiioly to ttimibl over
+ second half. Michigan would get Caley kicked off ii the seconii half, soneif their owneiniterfereice wvhii
the ball toiwi the feld by giod hard advancing the ball sily 10 yaris. had slipped aind fallni.'Tikiig all
me recitin ork aliiost to Illiiiiis' huce, oily tii Siiiiwpiiited 30 yards iid Joiisii into coisieeratioii Micigaiislp.
be held for downis anii Cook wouli returuid the punt 15 yards. M. prters lhave 110 reasii to comuplaini
by uskiledcivis. e enm- wonderful resistance made iby Ii- ack that distance by "a clever rtii. After the game about 500 studeits
i d g25111 er pe- oSisii the last part of the secondl half McLeanu imade 0ytrds, Stekle4, M- liee up beiinii the bad aii sturtedl
"rptonset utfrm s bwas the feature of the game. Leaii 11 more, anti White 4, liiniig ii ii triunphal iiirtch down Wmd-
Considering the slpprycnitiioni the ball oiii Illinois' 15-yarillhe. svard avenu te. Eightor tell i a riiwv
4WILDER'S PH1ARMACY o f the ball, but little fumbling sas Widiiaii iiade 5 yards arounid left they would lock arms andimiove
,3ii suthistare siree. done. The Michilgain backs follomwed cud. Caley aiid Steckle each iiade oliiuely froiiioie side of the avenue.
+++++++++++++ their interference meliconl eld better 2 sore. T'ie nen mere workiig hard to the iter, keepiig timie to the
deesieworld than ever before. aind Illiiiois could nit stopi their ld- music of the biain(i. With yelling,
DON'T FORGET The team wrk of the 'Varsity viiice. Widnan made 4 yaris snging, and 1soutiig, so iiiich noise
shomed remarkable imiproveent over through tackle, Sniow 4 imre aimlsmlade tiit bisiies alog the line
Roue o OLD LunchEs that iii the gamle sitli Northiwesteri. Wiidimani carriedh the halh the iecs- of march mas temlporrily musediei
atalHusre.Hoacold uandce s tekewsesl tesa ftesary" 3 yards for tiiiuchidiiwei. Siowvaideveryone rushed iut if'stres
Creamlhouud .ChWater, s Pipes, teCigarss andlygaeme.arNotthekigaidgoof.Canym odanpiirt.Pihtickedrs gdimime.Noanmigainofmmnyimpoto asee}theestousvethe exoe iiex tiitio
Tobacco, and fll line of Smoking Sup-Lacwa maetruh im In Ilnikikdof3 yad tofclegfn. narvngtte
plies. R. E. JOLLY & 00. muc saTuadahoghl. lcott hhlo arkicedlitfbck30 yrds. tuofsciliegoei. ilasgra ignttdi
308 So. State Street. fact there has not been a 5 -yard gainiT mt ei ureclibi 0yrds usl touei atg'uea euc
-u- - nadie throughi Steckle this year iii Snomeiutel 25 yards. Ilinoisis illwsmadme minii the- boys dispersei
- any gumne. He is ualwauys sure of mt ciiuldh not gaini aiid ost the bll on fo suppher.
east ties ir three yards witii the all. chuns. Short gains by Seckle, Tliii 8 i'cock tanm returninmg friini
Hot McLeanu id the best sworhk at bmuck-. Weeks, Widman anud Mcteanu adi Detroit sas sell patoiuie, its timie
I. h1k ug the line foe gains, mind Widmn anii 11 yardilgadi by Snosv brought the f eavimghbeig mte eogitise-
at cud ruus. Snomepayecd mmflue(ibll to Iliusis' 25-yardhlhe. W it- abe everyone 1(oave amplhie timme to
Tte ere finestiDutchliooelteum, gaue ndiuheaiy haihthicbesmeocf Cook combsh, whoi ihdrelieveelWeeks, miidehcget oss-mifrommethe gue minid obtain
wit cremi.....mhemi it cume to puting the met bsih. 5, Stechkle 8,mnch Avery 3 snoe to ciuppe before truiitime. Manuy
Befullpoednmwilth rmum giaticanm Illinis mace her best gains mu the the 7-yard lne wseire thebaluhwsatstmyemd mver util Suday manumhas mu
urcs......... ........ cfist haudf by the Princetou misssmi lst fore holdig, anduehCommit 1uuteih euusequeuecthe ute tain mSaturdmay
MatWnks snmm hugnet ausedink. c taces, sehichi puzzedlMichigun's out of dager. Rusmhes by McLeanu ight mdimnost care)-y usasmny hus,
liue for a ivile andmigave Illinosmuasmind1mmtech brought the balhisuk ti seugers as usual.
Wafm eisiint lii temm fesw good gains throsughs left tucke. the 2 yardml ineswhere the baldwas Great Alumni Banquet.
r' luTe coacles feel smuchienucsurugemd again lst fsrihinmg-.A fuieematchi
hakn P y the slhmusing of the teamandsuch the 25-yar inehmetited Mihi- l u aluuusbnuem~t f tie Detroit
Cocli Ieerie siduthtit idury field gaili tatry forfefldmigmmalhbut Teet- Aun a edh h eidn
h-w uhhuave givenm Michuigmanst east el's Iiclewas slummed mumismuised.H ouse hast Fridy evening. (Peenicemi
.Towr on Sale! twomoetucdows.Ilinois pumnted 25 yards andum McLean aundm Mrs. Angel wee the guests mint
IN Michigan seems the toss anduc chose mamit eauamtifuli runu of 30 vards timehonmr.i he.lii 'Varsity Glee Cuiiwsi
New Third Edition of the westen gos. Illinoisb hickeemioef a tomuchdmownimseiich s e o5aled insem attendmace andm redered sveral
te ~tchiguuis 5 aru he midStchleowig o Teetel's inteferingmithi selectionms. 'Toass mere respondmuei hi
OOLE 'S crrid th bal bak 15yaris. uumw Iss iaumms. Tmus mes caiemi promien~iuit aumnumi,IDou. M. Dickini.
C OOLEY S arried tseball bmckimuyards.uSnwmhisuhan-.rTi'[lucrealseassuo
putd35yrs.Ihmsi es ielafterwards mithithe ball ini Michigani'ssoentatmtr.Trewsi
CONSTITUTIONAL 10 yards fee Caley's off-side play smith 'possessin o n the 17-yard line, bg mteu uc um uiml mtumisi
tried to advance theo ball by bucking The huee ipsas as follosws: yhear seer: residtemuot, .Wheieg
LA ,the hune, but could not make tie dis- muTenmoa. uun~umNOuS. vic-pesident, Alice P'. Lymmn; seeme-c
By ANosuiem C. MCLAUOPILIN, lance amd lst this ball to Michigan. Cunningan,rown.c -..... -- cian cteaeuerue, G. P. Coddm; uandm C.
A. M,. LL ., Professomr ot AnncuHistory Sueom punted 30 yards to Illinos' 15- Caley, Allen -- ...r. g...- igEDnyH. .PnltnIael
iviersity ml Sietigum. yard line. Illinois meao again cornu- Baker, Kramer-h...lg-....-ht comakt ut aig2 ars tcl .......r . cw lvaf.llBaesEzbyF. .e idetem, abehluma
Clothmmrnsche Ilul, h.....i.a.met..Du..i.aid Oclm0
(illi ItinShep .....-......$.230 pewlled c thoug hulntmakutgd25oardsbekienntrt1 Lo wenI.e..Asi atinalIviaABateslsiisecivins
Te puut sas.returnewd n25 yardsbyWhite, Sow Avery 1... 1-e..IClayton J~ecos
thrsghtelnsouuedtBaaeBnttap -Ie.-AsiMrn series of tcks monhpsyclehgy eoe-
00th 5-yrdlie.Stcke ad ~Talctt. .....----q.....Wiimrth
W ah '(o kyrs Weeks 4 umore, snd Snow Barae, McLean-...r, .....h -.ook AW'amis cuh.-U. f C. Weekly.

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