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November 12, 1898 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-11-12

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fl LlA W W.WETM R~io6 S. MAIN ST., and
eweDUULWETCA RE , h w B o 342 S. STATE St., Cor. Willijam St.,
UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New,
Recently Received Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds,
Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books,

Makes a specialty of
Fine Blac k Suits.
Al Warkmanaahip.
214 East Waahinagtan St., near 5th Ave.
W. J. B020, PRe. SIf1Th
W. Aeaara, 1st Vice-pese
JaavC. WT Z, Asst. Cassher

The Philippine Islands,
by Deaa C. Worcestee
Hope the Hermit, byEeLal
The Castle Inn,
by Staley J. Weynaaa
by Ian Malrec
The Day'a Work, iemle
Rodeos Corners,
by Mecel~fir
Tattle Tales of Capid,
by Pal LiecestereFeed
Buccaneers and Pirates nf our Coasts,
by Stockton
Second Thnughts of an Idle Fellow,
by Jerome K. Jeroe
The Californians,
by GertruderAthrton
Cyrano De Bergerac,
by Edmnd oa tclle
The Gospel of Freedom,
by tRoert Ilenick
'the Loves of the Lady Arahella,
by M. Elliot Saewel
Long Drawn,
by lEdwin Pugh
Poor Human Nature,

M ~L MESn~~) RR'L _ VEhRY

We call attenition to our complete lir
ranging in price from 75c to $i2.5i0 eai
root impraved patternb and mantea.
Yale," "'The Royal, " "The Berlin S1
Faop " If you want the beat]Jan11
Old Number:
4400®. HAIN ST.,

COUP S FOR PARTIES. Banking Business,
C,,Capitlal, 50,'0 SrlsadProfis, 140,0(0
Q. z . I 'rnatr a grail bankiag burinss. Foeeigs
xrharnr bought andil-rd.Farr ilteraso
10 of ('enter Drtalt Nickel Plated Lanmpa,creriti.'
oh. These Lamps are of the latent and E . .5000N, Presr.HARiRISOIN SOUL,
Including 1"The New loyhceater," "The av.c~teno '~ ie-Pes
>tuilent Lamp," "'ThreIYerfectineStudent S.____ .________________________
of or the Lrravt 1iiir~y come atid seo us. _
E.: G'ora Main andilaron rets

Ctial0,600oir. ilus, S3,000Ol. 'a'arartn a

ma T7 __ 1 TT__!R__ _____ _.

Ave Roma Immortalis, Jlohnt L. Sullivan's comerdy and 'PheBond Uniforms. It. KreF, pre. C.E. GREE-Nr, Tire-pees.
by Fi. Mariorawf'roird big vaurdevilre comiiany in hookceri 'he 1100wlunitforms1bill whichlithe F arr. . Sr'r ash ier.
-The Hattie of the Strong, l'ir thr Athirns, tonighit. 'Jhoewill 'Varnity hand Inioki'thiry atpearance
b iell'erave alrr'iiiy iiijovril liii.one1of tsjt today anc of a mltltn y style, floe ill11 ThIei, i RS~lP4$~al
r'ltrrtllillllll'lta drilaire 1 0 011 clr011 llrrOuIlli'rieit a1show0 ar. 0d .1100tl,0 . 101
LN EN 'lTAII cotigand (li'st rllrsei'11 rrvireable. Thery' nareiurise-d t-~~I,',ill
by treIpoullal y.0,:and t25cr. Visitirg lC llds -'tllivan woell 1iiiit'rtaiito that 'ai- iby ctheAthletir c sciation inreturn ort11 Mate Il, ibr ldpirrr't. rtip nd e lls
egravedt. 0mtlyceolu0gh11 cy.a ude1lllvlille lly beto a d f Silt tll le rirIO iiltor ~tnl'l en-111 l l-ts, tielupnl r oe r i 1ii ticatiled
'alesad a-IetnAld .'11c111lrlc 1h TiaO r s ;r. 0.).Hardi-
11a01.tile best o rfo llrllrs rand must g _ J.i Fr Ae~l~,i l'r.wie1'0.Iicoal'ic;M
w Iithal inlterrst 01111entelrtainiand to .0P'AI11ir-c.
w.56o9 that 01111 11has rlegaged bucih t lplhe Miciiiganii ntal1111 111n
LINOOEROH'VYBOOICSELLP Rs lners as Edwards & Edw'ands,clever )unce a chiange o tnein to pa10K
--_:%ilutatdsogac;Rohor_ alasrvicecbeginroing ~'- .a
girh in rcrfiui r ay I' here aeseveral iiportanit
quite unlique for ladiles-up-to-idate rhaeise on the branchesn but oi the ,.t H E
songs, parod'oies and funiny saings;il min nBiiie train, except ticArnaeri-=
JPetching Brois,, innical com~ied'ians' cai express westward fronti Boftiao,
Bertinia & Crouchi, ocroba'ts n nl (on-theeis r bW othinitllg af iiiifortilnce. ,
tortimn dasicers; Lowry & Fra~ncis,
rie itrliir l prtd011 Estiates clieertully irliliitted oil We ktleli vretranr i prtdsa-emerythingrlusually kept in a
s o j ig A rinig bout ini which Miss Fran~cis makinigew'WindowiicSeats, Coauches, fist-ctaasro ncery inch:Bakery. Call
tills a very praetty atnd agile femli Solfis,'aid Divans, Mactill Haller's and see ne.
(Stadents' Laecture Assiiciatirin.) atleite; Beglcy &~ Lee isa their Fursiitture andl Carpet Shire. 44 318 S. STATE ST.
original talking act, Miildoon theu'
f' iddler;" Ryetard Sibters, clevermstinerotn aee nenb yted. ai se idYOU' RE NEXT
'lers and exposients of national Bail at Hne." Itis plaed lby tw-o pre.ns.BlrerS
r each representaBase lirBallonineanod wilcre
Tcesfur tie estire couirse ir(}anliialces; asid the great clhampiosi club in rrun,htandrordsthle sme a a nyrgame me1(1idBeta t21 oenas.
no nSalcatWilidr's, o SJatai jurggler iar (le oworlil, marmorly. Thepaedo onereceipheo iot~l. Seultiepaiid to any addi .IL RJAtearPop 22S taeS
andc at Goodlyear',oniilMaiin St, o )laiis oine ladies ased children niay SASE BALL AT 15ME0Co.,
theymneiby ha1111friosiistiudeini silir iwitnessn without being offenlded at Ds 01 inerit, ic.RAZOR HON ING
htors. 'Jhe price is oinly $2.011. anaytleing oeen or heard. Thiis isse IS A SCIENCE...
T~lle i leniso f Mr. Sullivan's great points, to General Agency tar Detroit, Chi- We Guareatee one tonrk.
Thn1o harn hv his shiaw clean above reproach. cago, New York and Toledo papers WRE H ABR
____________ at 121 N. Main Sb., Opera House _________ THE_____________
B3O UR KE C OOCKR AN Making over and covering parlor News Depot. THE MODEL of Stats Street
For 20 cts., fursiture is our great specialty, we BARBER SHOP If you desireS
carry for this purpose the largest Bureau or s.,aw, Washlington, D. first-class work and courteouo treatment
a~ssorment of coverings sudh as C. Informationt pertainisig to the try George and Harry at 332 S. State St.
IN N ES' BA N D Tapestries, Silk Dasnasks, Veloms, Laws of thee United States, of the_________________
For 20 cts., or Corderoys and Pliushes. Furniture, several states asid territories of the ENOCH DIETERLEFualbalmer ando
Carpet and Drapery Store of Martin United Stakes, of Forcign CounltriesFueaDictr
Haller. 44 furnished upon application. Colts attenaded nay oe Night.
"I AN M A ('TL A R E N" No. 1610E. Likelty.Stet1.Reaidence =5

Fo 0 t.ESTABLISHED 18598.

The dates for thle above will son
he made pueblic. Watclh the Bulletine


when he went to school here.
So b. A.n

1 5A51 --,t r-

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