lief Ag AdL VoL. IX, No. 3. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SEPTEMBER 28, 1898. Foun PAGES. Our Athletic Association. University turn out to this meeting PROSPECTS BRIGHTEN. 1K JL and in the meantime let him become What It Is and Advantages oil Mem. a member of the most representative Man Heay Men Turned Out to bership in It. college organization at Michigan by T buying a membership ticket to the Practice Yesterdag. TT Many of the students who are Athletic Association. The outlook for a good football H FINE FALL SUITINGS. entering the University this fall do eleven took a more encouraging tura not seem to understand exactly what The Registration to Date. yesterday afternoon when quite a E our Athletic Association is or what large numbernofobi heavy i me are the reasons why they should be- At a late hour yesterday afternoon turned out for practice. There were come members of it. For the bene- the registration was not large as com- about fifty candidates out,. at least fit of these students the DAILY will pared with the corresponding time in twenty more than were o(ut the day T WE CARRY THE LARGEST point out the nature of the Associa- previous years. This may be ac- before. Several of the heaviest. m ei STOCK tion, its purpose and aims, and the counted for in several ways. Many were unexperienced players havin- privileges of its members.- of the old students have not been never played the game before, bu IN THE CITY. The Association is the only organ- mustered out of service. The Law the way in which they got into the izatn in the University that is Department does not begin work game in one day's practice wa en- foun"ded mi" a" etireiy devoted to ""til iext Moiday aid many of the couraging to the coaches who rm true college spirit. And one of its laws already here have neglected cerang to e helim m o aioobjects is to foster and keep alive registering on this account. Many heavy material. 10 E. WASHINGTON ST. aimong the students a strong enthusi- more have not yet arrived. Again a H R cmfor pure athletics, as a means for general impression seems to have Four elevens were formed and pa.t creatingia healthy and loyal college prevailed that college would not through signal practice. It wl be spirit at Michigan. open until Oct. 1, as heretofore. The the policy of the coaches to keep usm All the athletics of the entire Uni- figures are as follows: four elevens right through the s-asoms W I erif are under tiecomtrol of this Ltrr ipemn------l in order to give all te new men ma sLiterary Department ................e81ichancerttoreach their beat dev-l> body and every student is enitled to Engineerimg Department-.............172 ds ~membership for one year upon the Medical Department-................ 295 m Gboth old payment of three dollars. This sum Law Department-...................... 389 the 'Varsity. After an hour of pre- GLADand new vould be small eugh eve School of Pharmacy4.................... lminary practice an eleven was hues' wudcertainly b mlleog tee oimeopthic mor TuO SEE inve"t when paid as a subscription to a fund College of Dental Surger180 up aganst the 'Varsity for a shor you invite for imeetiing the expenses of the ath- Tt-- ---- -19 e while. Many changes in the line uj Y OU . . . . stor. You letic teams. But when one stops to Total...................................... 1,929 Were made as the play progre-ed- will find us consider the incidental privileges lie The lietp was as follows: strictly "in it" for anythingyou obta ersi, the fee U. ofi M. Bogs in the Klondike. strictly in t it"o yusou tis upon uunerib hefeAiSIT. s may want i the lne of Drugs' will be seen to be merel nominal. The DALY has received an inter- Browr Druggists Sund ries. Photograpic7 Carr. . ... .. ... ... . .c.. .. ... . Supplies, or Chocolates. Besides having the satisfaction of esting letter, dated -Sheep Camp, Tap: knowing that he is doing his share Alaska, from .t. P. McMaster, '98, Allen............r. g...... 5 Oversntli WILDER'S PHARMACY towards the support of his 'Varsity who is in the Kiondike. Mr. Mc- Dye............... g... Fran 336 So. State St. - teams, tme memer ihs tie following Master writes thmat there are several S .kt ite ~'- - ~-_ ~ --~_~~ advantages. U. of M. mien in is party all of Stecke.. r. ...... DON'T FORGET In the first place he gets into all whom desire to keep in touch with .t. A Fsle the OLD RELIABLE the games of the football, baseball, their alma mater, which they propose Itassett House. Hot and cold lunches and track season at half price. This to do by subscribming for the DAInY. Law r. e- etts at all hours. Chocolates and Ice privilege .alone makes a difference They all want it even in faraway -------------- -- '' yMortone Cream Soda Water, Pipes, Cigars and in the students expenses of anywhere Klondike. Mr. McMaster says that Snow............ 1. e........ .eymer Tobacco, and full line of Smoking Sup- from three to five dollars, being more their trip thus far has been a regular C-es plies. R. E. JOLLY & CO, rmtretofv olrs en oeDrain- 308 So. State Street. thanenough to pay for amembership holiday excursion by stage, tramp- Whitcomb r. h-------B---Itain -____ticket. Thus, even considering the ing, and boat from Skaguay to Widman matter purely from the standpoint of Sheep Camp. On their way out Malone . . h. Baidwir HISTOLOGY, dollars and cents, it would pay the they met a Michigan girl in company eena. . f. I.. Dansor student to join, with three others and lunched with BACTERIOLOGY, The next privilege which a mem. the party. The coaches were helped in theic PATHOLOGY. her of the Athletic Association enjoys work by Evans Holbrook who took is the use of the 'Varsity tennis Can Register at Once. charge of one of the elevens. He Co fit courts. These are four in number Freshmen can register at once at played reserve quarterback in the sea, ompete outfits even to and were completed last year at a the gymnasium for their physical ex- son of '94. Teffts got right into the Knives and Scissors, great expense and are the finest aminations as Director Fitzpatrick game at end but was unfortunate i. courts in the West. They will be assisted by Dr. Rabethge will begin being laid out early in the practice Our Price is Bottom. put in condition for fall practice this the examinations tomorrow. Several and had to retire. Whitcomb, at. sweek and only members of the Asso- changes have been made in the hours half, made two pretty runs and ia, CALKINS' PHARMACY. ciation will be allowed to play on for classes and they will meet as fol- showing up strong. Widman and them. Another privelege is that lows: Morning class, 11-12; after- Avery were put in at half for the each member of the association is en- noon classes, 4-5, 5-6; evening class, latter part of the practice and put up titled to a vote in all its deliberations 8-9. These classes will be organized a fast game. The men are rather and for officers and members of the immediately, hence it is very desir- weak ontheir tackling but thecoaches Athletic Board, able that the students take their hope to strenghten this part of the A Q A N EThis year the association begins its physical examinations as soon as game by the use of the tackling m- work with a debt of $1,200. It is possible. chine which is being rigged up in the hoped that every student will come south western corner of the field. It Just at this time we want every stm. to its support at once by buying a Athletic Association Booming, will be ready for use this afternoon, mtowa sou Saowstos, we thr umembership ticket. One week from Athletic Association tickets are Among the new men who will he get acquainted with you and invite next Friday night, on October 7, a going faster this year than ever be- out tomorrow for tie first time are yu is make oar stores yourme ndez-tef1cWo. O~ e t l os. We are Booksellesu ihe mass meeting of students and the fore. Tickets have been given to the following: A. Cook, mweight 170 UNIVE 1SITYand can oferemecs faculty will be held in University sell to a great many beside the F. M. Gould, weight 190; Steincell law pice as seioned-and bookis iesito Yy getmay IF. itIweihtsla e n ,e aly Department. we can supply Hall for the purpose of arousing en. Athletic Boarn, so that about 25 J. G. Hilton, who has played in tme tte.eAll kind rScnand thusiasm in athletics and to wipe out or 30 men are selling them. Any Industrial School team; Payton, m books bought and sold, the debt of the association. This man without a button in his coat is big 200 pounder; McDonald, who. A R ' will start a series of "smokers" which persecuted until he is forced to buy has played tackle on Oberlin for the- W AJ will be continued throughout the in self defense. It looks now as if past two years; Begle, '01 L., weighit football season, and in no way will the enrollment would run up well 145, trying for quarter; J. W. Ing-. TWO STORES the students be brought more closely toward. the 1,000 mark. Every lis, weight 158, who has played om in touch with the University and its man is urged to buy as the associa- Oshkosh Normal, trying for end;: State St. Opp. Court House interests than by attending these tion is deeply mu debt and has an ex- Blencoe, last year's captainof Clain Street meetings. Let every student in the pensive season before of it. Stevens Point, Wis., team.