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November 11, 1898 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-11-11

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NoviBoos ' ._ wo SWEATERS,

Mae a seity o
Fine Black Suits.
214 last Washinton St.,near 5th Av.

The Philippine Islan
Hope the Hermit,
The Castle Inn,
The Day's Work,
Rodens Corners,
Tattle Tales of Cupid

by Dera(C. Woretster

T1o close out odd sizes.
33 SAEAc for the Catebraied Loagiey $3 Hat.

by lEdnas yall m a J .' - - tat nesr iarlosveas, is tl city is tht
"Linedeita i tined.
by Stasxiriy J. tec ___byIan_______
by tiloang {[HLP'jJ.
ha Mteia I
da alLeerFard Telephone 106. 5 15 E. Liberty St.

W. J. BaaeTI,tPRSa.
WV. Astat , Itat V ice-prs
J5. V. SttEIINn,s2tatViaae-pry
JOHN.C. WALTZAsst. C'asieir


't'ranasacts a general
llatkicg business

Buccaneers and Pirates of our Coasts, IEtOCESAI)(OPE OR PRUI. ,tAs ta
by Stactonat _______ ___________ _______ FIRIST NATIONAL bAUNKrttgAntiArbors,
Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow, csapital,$ t0,0. Stirplusant a r ft s l, 140060
,r y Jromasa r ome tatanAacts a genraal baittgntttbitess. Ftorriga
The Californians, FaR ' lii t tta to LI' e , b tug t atd toltt. bittrittters oat
Cyrano De Bergerac, E.DtIi ,Pes AMSN olta
tty Eto td Ittta.td i 'e call tlteltio ti o Isscr coil'it isle of Cen~ter I rat Nickel Platedl Lamps I .a. iitOi 'tt trtit~c i
The Gospel of Freedom, canging in price frota 75c tt, x'2.511 achi. 'illtse I snips tarc of Ilie latest antI. s. c ttAtib a s he.
byItoberat Rti ci mtost imoiroved patterns gtid ntilhes. iocitdittg 'IIlie _Ncw I o tester," 'le
The Loves of the Lady Arahella, ; Yale," .''lito Royal," "Th'le lernin StudetLamo p,""'h pIerfection ta utdent .-
It .Eb caiLamip." if coat want the faest Lattip for the ,rtf ftitty e coote al see us ' ffriri c rh i I
Long Drawn, Old Numaber:
Poor Hutnan Nature, A NgRB RMCH- Ab ;W a Crtilt 51.10. Stlt s, 0,0 1'rnI t s
Ave Roma Imotalis, ---iI :"ss t'' , Itrs.(aI t ttt *;'i eoI s t
by '. tt ttitittroalitrd Is)ie iluiitnit wi ll atI t lie' liiilot;'tn Arbor Railroad.I Connecttonst.t i i.I t'itttoltr
The Battle of the Strong, of' itos tho go toii e i tlt ' wlititA il tLi' at ati, 't
bt~il t i lr'k o(itot tl, wii ithte I sliC'Ctiollot eii 'f }n fi] I Th1ir $a H!
I I '12 PAPERcatllti L Siti ii t1llr itilIpo"ttilot's titi 110" '0 t#
opi ta (lt ut t}1 it itVit VS ittAittt' iii it "Itt,<1 C l) t t . t7 ( tti Iii t a t ' w iiC{t }
ciilliftaidivlie stae..Izp
[AMENINPtittat'n1,.ittllir ) C Id t'ittarss tat' 51Q
by hepoud iC, O and 2c. istin- ard s e(,a~lst w th B htcc' as :ittr ti:'" 'at A ta'nStilit..(?r A t tizu l tit tb ttorliin iir aw
SIIEE ihi1 St&aieitRiceI vttstitlt.itiAt'rls'ttt1'tttsttl
en grave . News' tles t a'ICI15 t abt~ stit y"S itttrttlatc'r ilta ct itt i > a.t ..Avris" Clittit ......:0otecia'uo ~ riwla iis fteu i
p' 0 tity Is b etttteiytttal Ioit lte 'toyesi'totrtrentLA
Jitlttaudelt.tle, totpanyi cl ihtetitt '0 ti t...Atrives <t' it y.. itit ..7:15P C ER
i <>taaittt..Arrirt'N'' tr lt s. ;t8tt t
j grlln 1)(4's w th a Illu ical fillce tt 721t it.. Ar'r\v stttgl tt....7 t n.J a ti .ttn altr
diaH N 0 tipt sTrttcio ttd o7iatde a5a . S ia ...Ariv irc ~at iI 5.Oat; -
y grtec Of ttt o ssiitg ate e ty hat 7:tt a t .. .Arrire I151 ~ott 'at 1 r . nt
U IE ST sure, tltS hich teris Cttoittodc t e g gos I'7 aa ttt, Arivte Jtoystttt... ..I IIpl0C
1:5a t .Arari agtrtt ttei ht>nOtt [
atorn itist leftht of g h t coitty 2,itI1.. rrirre tttitas t lit ..fo5p.It 0C
Chan y aeitiigaftl. ite itty nd is h at 'g5tat tt a, ArriveR linr ..._:5i.1. 12 .m . re Pictttot a.. . 4 pt It.
Adak 111 1 g1 Sl it satrtnyCty t n tdse~~S.S A E Tl a tc yf nessiting e ttainan be t1 .254a.in. SAere, -ttd ntattts tO tt tt 'e kepevrytin tt.ayIepIi
sai tobe xtetsely ftttiy1:ah 1ot a b m .t.Arr tti ay . ton 6 itt, astl a1 Go1t0td,1n1u C'f
i~tidobs Lctuesnooaetio.) kn t a Cagater Tinte ig l ad(o- 84i n ... Arive ' tttO :,a.'
atoi'nltia look fetchng inhis tarr tt400 ipne.riest oa rats sar ."00a . ntn. t
Tikt{o h etr aare r dvrl, i pt8:4eiluthaeh 0.t ti ..Arrit ia~ tot iVtlls n6:U. of fl liii bet SGoce r
I ya hti g su t.. T he play is rig t 8: tecst in")uT Poet. Pathve tist. and 4a i
wt cacym sc th siu to sae 84 tat i . A etilv stte 1:5 naygas' .tt tt l ts
noeotslStle',onSta S.,s sitg; Rtchortsod Myi e tani ..arit e GO, rain pertluid i tl 12 55'S a ' okeepectle ttp.Ousll.kettte ab
an t G o ya',st M i io sad eid eetreynoel unact for utg a 'tt'p t .BAreSE AlA i ta. M80Epcit n ""A
they ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~fis-ls inaGera rt tiet sic ais hto lligprdissa 0,,iatlra A oryOnNGkry Cl
itoria.5 Then.ri..i.sAryr2.0.eIoldng sdeaitkco.erstioi; tat..___8__3_____ p. ISin SC ENC
(S t idn k o het re siatio.) Berntina athderouh ao bat w ichaitd l te56p 1'.Are roan od eialal Wt toaeanap.OtaIar.
th etnostvadvllac rers;noatWvry attdvFray ai laoi n Sae totdattaer WRRE NXTiBRBR
I3OUKE OOKRN ci, ahletc ttarvls.Tue tttst itestdd by F evStoiventOea.H"tise
ilitfora theptovltpic ur sEdardfatuousmNalas Doepo~ t.iCall atd b scribe.on THE fi M D L of Slate t$ho r ee
Fokt orteetre20ctse, figtEdwrs, iuatttlp esetatilurstted eah ___________aBaeB___inan_ wllhco entcnswr n oireu ra'mn
IN~i NE'BNDruuctsana erst'Wsnasaygamea ity ered arr at I 302lls.Sttet
nowon al atWilers, n Sat St, sng; cotice.My C. neIpaydn tfomatlSntpetaidtngto tltdesJ . bi~ osi ro.,22 tnates.
Fn tGoya',orn20aia S., or atdtcitelyte i gnovlats fieaatotLasof citheAS Unie AT Ibeso heEOHDEL~,~sa ts
thy ny e a fo sudn sl edesa, 'th at sdin ay rodiady5severl Mlates and erariof C ie CA tatRtsHONOytIN G t
itrs IA e N pMAc Aiso RE N''00. ftoringtaidas. kS corst ationE. m ia Sae, fF Drii eCtr ira n a.11' iat ttnt t'tltr ~
Fort20tits.daCces; owry, andut age finishedung apiato..aet tit

.The dates for (lie ahovo will soon TWO LEADERS FOR FROSTY WEATHER.
be mtade putblic. Wiatcha the Bulletita
Derby Ribbed
Fleece LinedUN E W.EA 50
3m Je AN Combination 4f ~ Cut Full.
Underwear $1.00 Well Made.

M 1MI bR 1

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